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Chapter 436: A Courageous Game 47

The middle-aged woman sat up from the bed, breaking out in a cold sweat.

She looked around and found that the little girl on the next bed was looking at her worriedly: "Auntie, are you okay, are you having a nightmare?"

The middle-aged woman touched her face in a panic, only to realize that her back and face were covered with sweat. She remembered the scene she had just experienced, and looked at the little girl with a cute and worried expression beside her. He asked uncertainly, "Did I have a nightmare?"

The little girl nodded: "Yes."

The middle-aged woman has complicated eyes: "..."

Was everything just a dream?

That's right, it must be a dream. How could such a weird thing be real?

Just when she was wondering, the door of the carriage was gently opened from the outside, and the kind old man next door held a disposable paper cup and handed it to the woman: "Girl, drink some hot water to calm down the shock."

The woman smiled politely and thanked the old man for taking the paper cup. The fingertips inadvertently touched the old man's rough palm, and the woman was suddenly in a trance, staring at the old man's palm full of age.

It feels so warm to the touch, it looks very thin, but it has an indescribable sense of security. It seemed that she was pulled back from the gate of hell by this force not long ago, and these hands supported herself so firmly, sending herself to the safest place.

The woman rubbed her head, and after drinking a few mouthfuls of hot water, her sensitive nerves relaxed a lot.

When the tense mood is relaxed, it is followed by a full sense of fatigue. She yawned, said good night to her grandfather and grandson, and fell asleep.

One hand quietly stuffed the ticket next to the woman's pillow. Zhou Guang and Li Cangshan exchanged glances, then quietly exited the room one after the other. Li Cangshan walked behind and gently closed the carriage door.

In the smoking area at the end of the aisle, a young man was leaning on the iron sheet of the train and waiting for them.

"Xin Shen, Li Cangshan, thanks to you this time." Because it was late at night, there was no one in the smoking area, and there were only the three of them in the dark corner.

Bai Lixin: "I didn't do much, the main thing was Li Cangshan who saved people."

"I underestimated this train, thinking that the train will not check tickets when it stops, but I ignored that this is not a normal train at all. I will not make this mistake again next time," Zhou Guang blamed himself, "It shouldn't be Involve innocent people in it."

Bai Lixin was not concentrating. He looked at the long sidewalk through the window. When he saw "people" standing up one after another, he rubbed his brows and said, "There is still one day before the end of the mission." Half the time, no time to rest."

When he saw the "ghost" who boarded the carriage stand up, Zhou Guang and Li Cangshan also noticed it.

I don't know if it's because the three of them are gamers, but the "ghost" that is very weird in their eyes seems to be no problem at all in the eyes of other passengers.

In other words, in the eyes of others, they do not exist.

The tasks of the three people were different, and in the end they chose to split up.

After saying goodbye to the two, Prissine walked among the ghosts who had begun to roam the crosswalk.

Some of the ghosts found a place to sit after wandering around the car for a while. Bai Lixin noticed that they didn't just sit down blindly, but seemed to know the people beside them.

The wet female ghost who got into the car first sat in front of a couple who were embracing and falling asleep, her all-black pupils stared at the man opposite without blinking.

Her mouth opened and closed, speaking silently. Bai Lixin stared at her mouth, and a line of words slowly appeared in his mind.

——I am so unwilling.

— Only I stayed where I was.

——I really want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Xu Shi sensed Baili Xin's gaze, and the female ghost suddenly raised her head, her pair of icy black pupils instantly pierced through the crowd of ghosts coming and going. Baili Xin agrees

Zhi tilted his head, skillfully avoiding the gaze of the female ghost.

Another little ghost simply sat in the arms of a woman. At this time, there was a baby who was only a few months old in the arms of the woman. Women can't see ghosts, but babies should.

I saw him staring at the little ghost with wide eyes, and the little ghost made a face when he saw this, and the little baby immediately burst into tears in fright.

The crying sound was extremely loud in this quiet carriage. The woman was afraid of disturbing the rest of other passengers, so she quickly opened her tired eyes and patted the baby's back to comfort her.

The kid arrogantly looked down at the baby in his arms, pointed at his nose and cursed silently.

— don't cry!

——Cry again and take you away!

——You bad boy, you know how to make your mother angry, and it's all your fault, because my mother forgot about me!

- I don't like you at all!

The wandering ghosts found the person they wanted to find one after another, some with hatred, some with nostalgia, silently telling the other end of their inseparable love in this narrow train.

These ghosts who got on the train later are actually inextricably linked with the passengers on this train.

Is this train prepared for human beings, or for these ghosts with long-cherished wishes?

Bai Lixin walked through one car after another, and when he was about to reach the first-class car, the lights above his head suddenly flickered twice, and Bai Lixin felt his hand

Someone touched it, and then there was something in his hand.

After a few seconds, the overhead lights returned to normal.

Bai Lixin lowered his head, staring at the extra piece of paper in his hand.

He went to the corner and opened the note, and there were only a few flamboyant words on it.

[The princess is in the second carriage]

He felt a little familiar with this handwriting. He should have seen it somewhere, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure out where he saw this word.

But the content on the paper caught his attention.

The princess is in the second car...

The person who stuffed himself with a note knew his identity and his mission.

This note is very likely to be a clue, or it may be a trap.

But if it’s not a trap, how do you know if you don’t step into it?

When he folded the note and stuffed it into his pocket, Bai Lixin also came to the first-class car.

There are a few ghosts floating in the corridor of the first-class carriage.

Among them, he only saw half of the shadow just submerged in the a-7 car, and in front of the a-3 car was a pair of elderly old man and his wife. They stood hand in hand in front of the door of the a-3 car where Li Qiuzhi was, and did not go in, just standing there like two pillars.

Bai Lixin secretly looked at the pair of old ghosts.

They were plainly dressed, with many folds, and their sleeves and shoes and pant-legs were dirty and stained with something black.

These two people, could it be...

Bai Lixin thought of something, and asked in his mind: [s419 help me find out the looks of Zhao Ming's grandparents. The unfinished building and the nail house incident made a lot of noise back then, and there should be reports left. 】

s419 [Okay, Lord Host, please wait a moment... I found it, and it will be released now, please check it, Lord Host. 】

An old photo slowly appeared in my mind. This is obviously a snapshot. In the photo, there are two old people, a man and a woman. They have excited and hideous expressions. One is holding a broom in his hand, and the other is reaching out angrily Pointing at the camera, it seems that he will rush to beat someone in the next second, which looks very brutal and violent.

s419 [This photo was included in an article, and it was still a small hit on the Internet at the time. The title is "Insatiable greed will eventually harm others and yourself". The elderly couple also suffered a wave of Internet violence. They probably couldn't stand the pressure of public opinion, so they accepted the demolition clause and moved away. 】

[Such a photo is paired with inductive text, and the public opinion can be imagined

And know. 】

Bailixin: […]

Although the faces of the man and woman in the photo were distorted, he still recognized that the man and woman in the photo were the pair of ghosts standing in front of him now.

How did this pair of ghosts find Li Qiuzhi?

Ah, he got it.

What they were looking for was not Li Qiuzhi, but Zhao Ming.

Li Qiuzhi's anxiety over the past three years should not be a hallucination. It is estimated that Zhao Ming has been haunting Li Qiuzhi since his death. For three years, Zhao Ming never let Li Qiuzhi go.

He was a little curious about Li Qiuzhi's progress, but his own task had not been completed.

Keeping s419 in mind, Bai Lixin still decided to go to the second carriage first.

He just came to the second car just over an hour ago, and the place was empty at that time.

Using a stealth card in the camera's blind spot, Prissin walked into the second car again tonight.

Not surprisingly, it was still empty inside.

With the moonlight coming in, only the shape of the window frame was reflected on the ground of the carriage.

I didn't know what this carriage was used for before, and the windows were different from the horizontal and vertical windows of other carriages. Some of the windows here are boxy, while others are octagonal, which is more artistic.

s419 [Will there be a secret room or something, Master Host? 】

Bai Lixin: [I'll look for it. 】

For a train like this whose shape can be seen clearly at a glance from the outside, he basically knows how much space there is inside.

At a glance, he saw that this space didn't look like there was a crack or a secret room.

But just to be on the safe side, he searched carefully from beginning to end.

Sure enough, searching without hope will not lead to too much disappointment in the end.

Bai Lixin, who found nothing after searching around, lazily leaned against the wall. His body had lost the buff of invisibility a long time ago, but there is not only no secret room here, nor any monitoring equipment. There is no difference.

Everyone sighed silently in their hearts.

s419【Hey, Master Host, why is there nothing? Could it be a prank by the person passing the note? 】

Bai Lixin: [Who is so boring, knowing the content of this kind of mission and playing pranks? 】

s419【Ah, Lord God? 】

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes: 【Is he so boring? 】

The s419 speech is very sincere: [He is much more boring than this. 】

Bailixin: […]

You'd better be as tough as you come back to our world.

Bai Lixin leaned lazily against the cold wall, his eyes casually swept across the opposite window frame and the bright full moon hanging in the sky.

Today's moon is extraordinarily round, and faint clouds drift by below it, like bright eyes stained with white mist.

If there is another outline, the moon tonight is really like a beautiful bird


Moonlight streamed in from outside, and the angular window frames were reflected on the metal floor.

Bai Lixin's eyes swept over those reflections, and he seemed to remember something just after his eyes passed by, and quickly pulled them back.

His originally loose eyes became focused, and he even stood up straight unconsciously.

s419 Ma Lai Lai's voice became excited: [Master host, did you find anything? ! 】

Bai Lixin ignored s419 for the time being, but started to circle around while staring at the reflection on the ground. Walking to the front for a while, retreating to the corner for a while, s419 has no idea what the host is up to.

Bai Lixin walked around in the carriage for a while, and finally stopped at the corner of the diagonal line.

Just when s419 was about to reveal the secret to Bailixin, Bailixin did another thing to make it unbelievable.

thinking about things.

He actually took out the "Rose Boy" from his backpack, walked to the middle of the carriage and placed it on the ground.

The position of the oil painting seems to be placed inadvertently, but it seems to be placed deliberately.

In the end, Bai Lixin even tilted his head to look at the portrait, then looked at the moon outside the window, and then slowly retreated to the corner.

Strange to say, this "Rose Boy" is so coincidental, it seems to happen to be in the place where the moonlight is the most intense. The bright moonlight fell on the oil painting, making the surface of the oil painting glow with a holy and hazy brilliance.

The rose boy's face was shimmering, and there were still tears on his cheeks, curled up on the ground quietly, lifelike and beautiful.

s419 asked in a daze: [Master Host? 】

At this moment, Bai Lixin sat cross-legged on the ground, raised his chin slightly, stretched out his hand and pointed at a certain place: 【Look. 】

s419 stared at Bai Lixin and froze on the spot.

From the perspective of Baili Xin sitting down, the originally ordinary octagonal window frame has become a rhombus shaped like an eye socket due to the blind spot, and the round moon is firmly embedded in the middle of the rhombus. Isn’t it just a eyes?

The place where this eye is looking at... is the "Rose Boy" shrouded in moonlight!

At that moment, countless vines emerged from "Rose Boy". They were like elves who had drunk the moonlight, and quickly grew, took root, and entrenched in this space.

s419 stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

It stared at the vines in front of it for a while, and found one thing.

These vines seem to be entrenched randomly, but in fact they seem to be looking for something.

The rattan groped around every corner of the carriage regularly, and after searching for a while, it would leave and retreat, and then continue searching in another direction.

And these vines seem to be human, they have turned over all the places, except Bailixin.

At this time, Bailixin had already taken out the sickle and put it beside him, and the vines carefully avoided Bailixin's side, and did not touch him at all.


s419 suddenly laughed.

The human nature of bullshit is obviously terrified of being beaten!

Is this because he is afraid of being bald again by the host?

The vines searched almost all the space in the second car, and it piled up higher and higher, and finally swept towards the top of the head.

When the vines slowly swept across a certain part of the ceiling, Bailixin and s419 heard a sigh, "Finally found it."

There was a weird rattling sound of chains, and Bai Lixin raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw a figure above his head slowly emerging from the ceiling.

The vines stretched into the invisible darkness, wrapped around the figure, and dragged the person from the inside to the outside.

As the figure slowly appeared, Bailixin finally saw its whole picture clearly.

It was a monster with a strange face, its whole body was dressed in black clothes, and its head was originally wrapped in the black cloth, but because the cloth was torn out of shape, its face was exposed outside.

This monster has long arms and long legs, its whole body is bound by thick black chains, and thick black mist is lingering around it.

s419【This chain is a bit familiar, it seems to be the chain that bound the god of misfortune back then. 】

Bai Lixin raised his head and stared at the fainting god: 【Be confident, remove the word "as if". 】

When this god saw it for the first time, it was full of pride, and it came in a menacing manner in the dark, and could harvest the lives of the whole house with just a raise of its hand.

How fierce was the god of doom at that time.

But looking at the God of Misfortune now, the surrounding black mist will not disperse, his body is covered with large and small wounds, his body is skinny, and he looks very weak.

It turns out that "princess" refers to the god of misfortune.

vine beware

Wing Yi brought down the God of Doom above his head, except for the vines that were pulling the God of Doom, the other vines had already begun to shrink into the painting. But after a while, the vines that filled the entire carriage just now were almost completely retracted into the painting.

The spiky vines carefully prevented the vines from hurting the god of misfortune, and slowly sent the fainting god to Bai Lixin.

The God of Doom lay weakly on the ground, the vines pulled away from it, and slowly formed a few vague words in mid-air.

【Save it! ! ! 】

Bai Lixin looked at the god of doom who was about to burp, and walked up to the oil painting.

Among the beautiful rose bushes, the boy as dazzling as a diamond has already cried

I can't help crying.

Tears of pearls ran across her cheeks one by one free of charge, fell into the rose bushes below her, and disappeared.

Bai Lixin looked at the rose boy in the oil painting, then at the god of doom who passed out, and shrugged helplessly.

Of the two, none of them could communicate normally.

"Okay, how to save?" Bai Lixin asked the rose boy in the oil painting.

The vines above the head moved again, forming a brand new word.

【Kill me, the contract will be invalidated, and it can regain its freedom. 】

Bai Lixin was silent: "..."

Another fucking "sacrifice multiple choice question".

"The mission seems to end tomorrow." Bai Lixin said to himself.

The vines swayed, and began to respond to Baili Xin's words: [So? 】

Bai Lixin sighed helplessly, "So let's talk about it tomorrow."

Before he could wait for the vines to display new characters, Bai Lixin directly picked up the painting and stuffed it into his backpack. Then he pulled the chain on the God of Doom to lift him up, carried him easily on his back, used an invisibility card, and walked out of the second carriage.

On the way back, s419: [Master host, how do you know where to put the painting? 】

Bai Lixin: [Because the outline and size of the light are just enough for the size of the painting. I felt that frame was prepared for that painting, so I put it on. Besides, the painting we worked so hard to get in the fourth level must be of some use in the fifth level, right? 】

s419【Hard work? 】

Hey, you man, do you have some misunderstanding about "hard work"!

At three o'clock in the morning, when Bai Lixin returned to the first-class carriage, the old couple was still standing at the door of the room.

The position and posture remained the same as when he left, unchanged.

At this time, Bailixin was still in the invisible state. He opened the door of a-1 quietly, and walked in with a guilty conscience before removing the invisibility buff.

I had so much fun tonight, I forgot that there is still a family at home.

Now, he really experienced the fear of being blocked by his husband at the door after staying up late at night and dancing disco.

As soon as the person walked into the room, before he could stand on his feet, the light in the originally dark room suddenly turned on, and a cold voice suppressed his anger and said coldly: "You still know how to come back?"

Bai Lixin's heart skipped a beat, and the god of doom on his back rolled to the ground with a shake of his hands.

On the sofa not far away, the man's back was slightly arched, his elbows rested on his legs, his palms were gathered into hills and rested on his chin, and he stared at Baili Xin with a tense body.

Behind the man, black mist that couldn't be hidden continuously leaked from his body. The fog bared its teeth and claws behind him, ferocious and terrifying.

Bai Lixin silently took two steps back: "..."

The man frowned when he saw this: "You still dare to step back? Close the door and come here for me."

Bai Lixin was almost like a man who obediently turned back and closed the door as soon as he finished speaking, and walked up to Di Jia honestly, his expression could be as cute as possible, his eyes as innocent as possible: "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"Heh." The man sneered, "What do you think?"

Bailixin: "


I dare not say.

"I said on the first day that I was afraid of disturbing my work, and I believed it."

"What about today? I don't have a job tonight. You left the car after eleven o'clock and came back with a man on your back at three o'clock in the morning. Did I treat you so well that you forgot that I am also a young man? man?"

"A photographer for a while, a college student for a while, an old man for a while, and now someone who is neither human nor ghost."

The man suddenly leaned out and squeezed Baili Xin's chin, "Should I also learn from this monster and tie you by my side with a chain so that you can't go anywhere so you can calm down?"

Bai Lixin's eyes lit up: "Py in the little black house?"


He seems to be very happy?

"Ahem, no." Bai Lixin hurriedly coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, blinked his innocent eyes and said, "Calm down, I'm a little scared when you're like this."

As soon as these words came out, the black mist that was baring its teeth and claws behind the man suddenly froze, and all of them were retracted into the man's body in an instant.

The man's lips were tightly pursed, but his expression had softened. He slowly sat back on the sofa, adjusted his voice, and said softly, "Speak."

That shouldn't scare him, right?

If this child is not scared, it's too late to pet him, so don't be really scared.

Bai Lixin pointed to the God of Doom on the ground, "You have seen this person before. We are in room 1719 of Moon Bay. The God of Doom who killed a whole room of people at that time is him."

Dijia frowned and glanced at it: "How did you end up in this situation? It's shameful." Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which has made us more motivated and updated faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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