All the detainees in this prison seem to be men, and Bailixin has not seen any women so far.

[Master Bailixin,] Just as Bailixin was silently looking at the prisoners around him, the voice of the escape system sounded in his head, 【Need me to introduce you to the structure of this prison? 】

Bai Lixin: 【Exactly what I need, dear Tongmei. 】

[Bee, okay. 】The escape system snorted twice shyly, and the following voices were all gentle, 【This prison is located in an uninhabited suburb, and the surrounding traffic is very inconvenient. Few people will set foot here. 】

[According to the timeline of this dungeon, the prison was not built for a long time. It was born ten years ago and put into use nine years ago. 】

[This prison has five floors from top to bottom. The higher you go, the higher the level of danger for the prisoners. 】

[You have been detained on the first floor. The first floor is where people who have not been officially sentenced or who have the lowest risk factor live. 】

[The perverted killer who is currently in the same cell as you is sentenced to death for multiple crimes and will be executed next spring. He used to live on the fifth floor, and was brought down by the doctor in the name of a vacant room, and he was locked in the same cell as you. 】

[Judging from the current situation, this doctor has great malice towards you. Whether it's the pills or this prisoner who shouldn't be in your cell, it speaks for itself. Please be careful. 】

[Actually, there is another place in this prison. 】

The surrounding guards flicked their whips, prohibiting the prisoners from whispering and urging them to eat quickly.

Bai Lixin squeezed some cold mashed potatoes with his fingers and stuffed them into his mouth: 【Where? 】

Escape system: [This prison also has an underground space, where a queen monster is raised. Do you know people on death row? But do you know what is the method of execution of death row prisoners? Not hanging, but becoming the bait of that monster. It is rumored that the queen likes her pet very much and will come to see it every once in a while. Regarding the warden of this prison, in addition to the title of the king of black hell, there is another title, but this title is not very nice. No one here dares to say it. Of course, I am not human, so I dare to say it. 】

Bai Lixin didn't know if the escape system was a bad joke, so he laughed cooperatively, 【What's the name? 】

[The queen's dog-legged minion, the queen's monster breeder. 】

Escape system: [Although your current situation is not very good, there is also good news. 】

Bai Lixin: 【What good news? 】

Escape system: [This prison is in the same city as the Imperial Capital Museum, only the difference between the suburbs and the city center. Once you're out of prison, you don't need to waste a lot of time traveling. If you take a car, it takes about two hours from here to the museum. 】

Bai Lixin's brows and eyes relaxed slightly, 【Thank you for your information, sister Tong. 】

Escape system: [It's okay, I should do everything, I hope I can help you. 】

Bai Lixin: [Helped me a lot. 】

The food without cooking skills is hard to swallow, but the surrounding prisoners are devouring it.

The crowd in all clothes bowed their heads and ate the food on the dinner plate, but they all saw the bottom in a moment.

Only there was not much missing from the Bailixin dinner plate.

The prisoner sitting next to him finished his food early. He tilted his head and saw that there was still a lot of Bailixin on his plate and asked quickly, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Bai Lixin shook his head: "Not very hungry."

The man glanced at Bai Lixin sideways, and said in a low voice, "Look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, did you just come in?"

Bai Lixin nodded.

"Eat some, although the taste is not good, but at least save your life, you will beg to eat more later." Seeing that Bai Lixin was still indifferent, the man's eyes were glued to the dinner plate in front of the young man, "If you really If you don't want to eat it, give it to me?"

Baili Xin is indeed not hungry, he ate a lot in Di Jia's room, and he still doesn't feel hungry yet. He nodded, exchanged the plate in his hand with the prisoner next to him, and put the empty plate of the other party in front of him.

The prisoner next to him was full of joy, and after casually saying "Then I'm not welcome", he started eating again.

Looking at the way he was devouring the food, if Baili Xin hadn't tasted the food just now, he would have thought he was eating some delicacies from mountains and seas.

The meal time was unexpectedly short, and the guard blew his whistle after only five minutes had passed.

When the whistle blew, all the prisoners immediately stopped what they were doing and stood up in unison.

Bai Lixin followed suit and stood up.

The prisoner next to him hadn't finished eating, but he also put down the mashed potatoes he was holding. He looked at the clean food with some regret, and complained in a voice that only he and Bailixin could hear: "I should eat it faster, but it's a pity for the calories."

Bai Lixin glanced at the dinner plate in front of him.

In fact, he didn't have much left, nothing more than two mouthfuls of mashed potatoes.

Food and heat, are they so cherished here?

The people next to him started to move in an orderly manner, and Bai Lixin silently followed behind, and followed them out of the restaurant.

Everyone did not return to their respective rooms, but moved in one direction with their front feet followed by their back feet. It seemed that there were other activities.

As the team moved forward, Bailixin noticed that the surrounding temperature was also starting to


After a few minutes' walk, they left the prison and went outdoors.

Prisoners were shivering in the cold wind, wearing thin prison uniforms.

Without the order of the guards, the prisoners began to run outdoors to increase heat production to fight the severe cold on their bodies.

They have to run, and if they don't move their body heat, they will freeze up after a few minutes of standing outside in such cold.

Is this what they call training?

Bai Lixin ran among the team.

There was a lot of snow on the outdoor ground, and his feet sank into the snow, the snow didn't reach his calves. After a while, Bai Lixin's shoes and trouser legs became wet.

The wet trouser legs froze as soon as the cold wind blew, sticking hard to the skin, icy cold.

After running for a few laps, my toes became numb from the cold, sore and cold. When I stepped on the ground, it was like stepping on a ball of chilly cotton. I didn't feel anything but felt very uncomfortable.


very cold.

This is Baili Xin's most intuitive evaluation of the surrounding environment at this time.

Bai Lixin narrowed his eyes and scanned the surrounding prisoners. They seemed to have been used to this pattern for a long time. Their faces were flushed from the cold, but they continued to run numbly.

When looking around, his eyes suddenly stopped at a certain place.

It was a large window, and a man with a stern face stood by the window, staring at it expressionlessly.

When Bai Lixin met his eyes, the other party didn't even blink his eyelids, as if he was no different from the prisoners around him.

Bai Lixin couldn't help frowning.

It's really evil.

After running for about an hour, they were called to stop.

However, the guards did not let them return to the building, but asked them to clean up the snow on the ground.

It's really hands-on.

Because there is no cleaning tool.

They need to clear the snow on the ground to the corner of the wall with bare hands until the clean ground is exposed.

Although there were murmurs of complaints and noises from the crowd, the prisoners obediently bent down and began to clear the fallen snow with their bare hands.

Bai Lixin lowered his head, and heard the two people around him whispering under the cover of the "squeak" of the snow.

"Fuck, damn it, if it wasn't for that person, I would have fought with these bastards a long time ago, who is afraid of whom?"

"Acknowledge your fate, isn't this place turned into a black hell because of him? I still remember the fate of the troublemaker last time."

"I can't hold on any longer, or let's escape from prison!"

"Brother, don't hurt me. Don't you know what will happen to you if you escape from prison? I don't want to feed monsters! I just want to stay here until the end of my sentence and get out of here safely. And I swear, I will kill Lao Tzu in the future , I don’t commit crimes anymore. I will never go back to this ghost place again!”

Bai Lixin looked at the man by the window with the tails of his eyes indistinctly.

For such a long time, the man has never left, and has been standing by the window, not knowing whether he is in a daze or watching them.

The "that person" in the conversation between these two people should be talking about Di Jia, right?

It seems that the fact that everyone in this place is afraid of him is not an exaggeration, these people are really afraid of him.

Something shook in his vision, and Bai Lixin looked over from the corner of his eye, and saw a guard standing respectfully beside Di Jia.

Di Jia turned sideways and didn't know what to say to the guard, but the guard just nodded and left Di Jia's room quickly.

After giving orders to the guards, Di Jia no longer stopped by the window, but closed the curtains to block all sight.

Bai Lixin focused on the snow in front of him.

It would have been easier to clear the snow if they hadn't run before. They had been running on the snow for a long time just now, and the snow was trampled to pieces by them, making it more difficult to clean up.

He had just picked up a ball of icy cold snow, when he suddenly felt danger coming from behind him, his body subconsciously turned to the side, and a ball of solid snow brushed his ears, passed behind him, and hit him straight. into the snow in front of him.

Bai Lixin looked down. The snowball was as big as an adult's fist. If it hit the back of the head of an ordinary person with such speed and weight, it would probably cause a concussion.

The crisp sound of metal colliding sounded behind him. Bai Lixin turned his head and found that the perverted murderer in the same room was smiling frivolously at him, with a snowball the size of a fist still clenched in one hand.

Bai Lixin: "What do you want to do?"

The perverted murderer sneered, "Of course it's you. If you seduce me like this, how can I be worthy of you if I don't give you some response?"

Bai Lixin's eyes dimmed. He noticed that the surrounding guards had already noticed the conflict between them, but the guards didn't come over to stop them. They just watched them from the sidelines, as if they were waiting for something.

What are you waiting for?

Waiting for yourself to become angry and clash with this psycho killer?

There were many prisoners outside, but only this perverted murderer in front of him dared to make trouble for him so blatantly.

No matter how arrogant he is, he would not dare to do so without orders behind him.

He can probably guess who is behind it.

Because Di Jia ordered that he will be interrogated by him himself, so whether it is the interrogator

Neither the doctor nor the doctor can take him away arbitrarily for the purpose of interrogation.

If you want to torment him, you must stimulate yourself to show your flaws and make mistakes. At that time, the doctor can justifiably torture himself in the name of punishment.

Too naive, who is this low-level aggressive method useful against?

Bai Lixin looked at the perverted killer with the eyes of an idiot, and continued to bend over to do his work.

The perverted killer became anxious, and stood behind Bai Lixin cursing: "I said you, kid, didn't you hear?"

"Aha, look at you now, are you bent over and sticking up to continue to seduce me? Xiao/sao/good, a big man is so beautiful, he was born to be given to others, right? In front of you is Haven't they ever been used?"

Bai Lixin clenched her fists: "..."

This mouth is too stinky.

Who said just now that the aggressive method is useless?



[Damn it, you dare to scold us Xinshen like that, are you going to die? 】

[Big brother, what are you doing? Your wife has been bullied like this, so you just pull the curtains like a coward? Are you still a man? Can't even protect your own wife? 】

[This boss is not sweet anymore, woo woo woo, my poor Xinshen. 】


"Bailixin." Just as Bailixin was thinking about how to kill this perverted killer silently, a call brought him back to reality.

He followed the voice, and saw the guard who came out of Tijia's office just now, panting, standing not far from him and shouting at him, "You, come with me."

Bai Lixin glanced at the black curtains in the distance, patted the snow on his body, stood up slowly and walked to the guard, "Let's go."



[Who said just now that the boss has no conscience? Isn't conscience here? 】

[I can't understand the boss, sometimes I care about Xinshen, and sometimes I throw Xinshen himself into the wolf's den. I thought I didn't care about Xinshen, and then went out to get Xinshen, what kind of operation is this. 】

[Maybe it's just a cold face and a warm heart, putting on airs? Isn't it "really fragrant" at the end? 】

[I'm looking forward to chasing my wife's crematorium. 】

[To be reasonable, Xinshen's live broadcast room is a bit off track. Everyone else is looking for clues to the stolen treasure, only this live broadcast room is in prison. 】

【Xin Shen, it's just so different. 】

[Laughing, God is so different. 】


It was not until he got away from the crowd that Bailixin asked, "Where are you going?"

Guard: "Master the warden wants to see you."

Although the answer was known, Bailixin still pretended to be surprised.

The guards brought him to the door of the office that Bai Lixin was no stranger to. The charcoal in the fireplace was burning brightly, and there was a crackling heat.

The moment the door was pushed open, a wave of heat rushed towards his face, alternating hot and cold, Bailixin shivered physiologically.

Di Jia sat on the sofa, stared coldly at Baili Xin at the door and said, "Come in."

Two short words, with a strong order in the cold.

Bai Lixin rubbed the goosebumps that came out and walked into the room, only to see Dijia stand up and walk towards the door.

He closed the door from the outside, and through the heavy wooden door, Bailixin could only faintly hear Di Jia and the guard talking outside, and faintly heard a few words.

"in advance."

"Take it down."

He couldn't get any information from just a few words, so Bailixin simply stopped listening, but went straight to the fireplace, sat on the sofa by the fireplace, and opened his hands to the fireplace to warm up the fire.

The scorching temperature quickly dispelled the chill on Baili Xin's body, allowing his numb feet to regain consciousness.

Bai Lixin sighed comfortably, and stretched out his body, leaning lazily on the sofa.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Di Jia walked in.

He was taken aback when he saw the empty hall, and then the man quickly found the young man who was sitting comfortably on the sofa and warming himself by the fire.

The man walked up to Bai Lixin, "You're not welcome, do you feel comfortable roasting?"

Bai Lixin took off his shoes and put his feet on the fire, "It's very comfortable, thank you for saving me at a critical moment."

The orange fire shone on the young man's feet, casting a layer of hazy and warm light on the young man's white feet.

The man's eyes darkened, "Do you know why I called you here?"

Bai Lixin rubbed the two of them back and forth to keep warm, "I don't know what's going on in this beautiful head of yours."



Use it on you, right?

"What do you think of my office?" The man stared at Bai Lixin's round and beautiful toes.

The young man's toes turned from white to purple at the beginning due to the cold, but now that the cold is fading, the purple is slowly fading away, replaced by

Floating that peach powder.

The pink is tender, round and full, and looks very cute.

I don't know what it feels like to touch.

Bai Lixin stretched his muscles slightly, and spread his five toes, "It's very good, warm and comfortable. There is a comfortable big bed, a warm fireplace, and hot and delicious meals."

The man's eyes followed the five dancing toes: "Do you like this place?"

Bai Lixin: "I like it."

Di Jia: "What does the cell feel like to you?"

Bai Lixin recalled a little, and replied seriously without thinking: "It's cold, and there are disgusting and perverted roommates, I don't like it."

The man's eyes followed the young man's feet, "This room and the cold cell, if you could choose, where would you like to live?"

Bai Lixin paused for a moment with his toes that had been dangling, he looked up at the man's expression, "Of course it's here."

Di Jia's gaze finally fell on Bai Lixin's eyes, and he met the young man's eyes: "Do you know why I put you in the cell and brought you here?"

Bai Lixin looked at Ti Jia thoughtfully, he adjusted his body and changed into a comfortable posture, resting his right hand on the armrest of the sofa, resting his chin on one hand, looking up at the man's dark eyes and smiling, " I didn’t know it just now, but now I probably know why.”

Di Jia's voice sank: "Why?"

Bai Lixin's voice drew a slender and slender tail, "Because you want to tell me that you are the master of this space. You can give me the most comfortable environment, or you can push me into hell in an instant."

His legs swayed, and his soft feet pressed against the man's waist: "Is that so, Lord Warden."

Di Jia glanced at the ambiguous postures of the two, and slowly took off the young man's feet and held them in his hands.

The touch in his hand was more delicate and smooth than he had imagined. While pinching the sole of his hand, he said in a deep voice, "That's true, but it's not just that."

"Bailixin." The man leaned forward rubbing his legs, and the man easily stuck to the front of the young man, driving his legs to his waist. He bent down, and his broad body instantly cast a huge black shadow, completely enveloping the young man in his figure.

The man squinted his eyes and called the young man's name, looking down at the young man who was trapped on the sofa, with a cold light in his eyes as if he was conquering a city: "I want you."

The rough fingertips squeezed the young man's chin, forcing the young man to look directly at himself, "As you said, I have the absolute right to speak in this space. As long as you stay by my side, you can get the safest and most comfortable environment. I can Give you everything you want, except freedom."

Move your fingertips up, and gently touch the soft lips with your fingertips.

Di Jia's eyes were as dark as water.

It was this lip that made me almost lose control yesterday, and also gave me a crazy predatory desire.

He exerted a little force, and his soft lips changed shape as he moved, "Leaving my shelter, you are surrounded by enemies on all sides. Some people want to covet you, some people want to hurt you, and I can protect you tightly Breezy."

"What about my proposal?"

The young man caught in the shadows looked up at the man, holding Di Jia's hand with two fair and slender hands, "But I didn't steal the kiss of the sun at all, I don't need to lose my freedom."

The man squinted his eyes, stared fixedly at the young man's mouth, and tried to suppress the madness in his heart: "Let me tell you, Bai Lixin, the point of this case is not whether you are innocent or not." , but to find a scapegoat for the lost treasure. And you are the scapegoat. I know you are innocent, so I did not torture you from the beginning to the end. But even so, you can’t leave here, you will be burdened with the burden of stealing the sun. Die for kissing the crown."

"Only I can save you now."

"I can make you change into a guard next to me, and find a death row prisoner to pretend to be you and die instead of you."

"And the reason why I took this risk for you is simply because I want you. This is the best choice for you. You are a smart person and should know how to make the right choice."

Even in the shadows, the young man's eyes shrouded in starlight were shining brightly. His eyes flickered slightly, and he hesitated, "Let me think about it."

"You don't have a chance to think about it, Bailixin," the man leaned over, and the strong pressure approached the young man more and more, "Although I used interrogative sentences, you don't have a second choice. Even if you don't agree, I will send you Locked beside me. You are mine, and only mine."

The young man's eyes flickered, and his voice trembled, "Then why did you ask me just now?"

The man pressed his lips against Baili Xin's, and said in a hoarse voice: "It just makes you feel that you made that choice."

Bai Lixin's heart was pounding: "..."

So crazy, he loves it so much.

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