The Queen did not answer this question. In fact, she had been secretly learning the specific usage of cement on the 32nd. Now the Queen just wanted to see in advance the effect of repairing the sewer.

Thinking of this, the queen suddenly remembered something: "By the way! What about No. 32? Ah! I remembered, he was killed by the tunnel crawler just now."

Chapter 507 Do You Want To Be My Woman

"Number 32?" Robb thought about it carefully, oh, yes, it seems that this guy was really killed by the tunnel crawler just now, but this guy was so inexistent that Robb forgot him in a blink of an eye. Now, after being reminded by Miss Queen, he barely remembered that there was such a person.

He turned his head and wanted to ask Xue Lu to deal with it, but found that Xue Lu, who was standing beside him just now, has disappeared, so he had to shout to Lilian who was standing farther away: "Lilian, go and call two people, put the three Get the body of No. 12 so I can revive him."

Lillian called two soldiers over, and after a while, the limp body of No. 32 was brought in. He was kicked with a huge tail by a tunnel crawler, and his whole body was broken by an inch, and he died horribly. Eyeballs bulged out and tongue stuck out.

Robb couldn't help but spread his hands and said, "Why is it so miserable?"

The queen said angrily: "Isn't it because of you? When your townspeople are about to be injured, you protect them with buff magic, holding them like treasures. You don't even move when my people are killed, it's too much. ."

Robb spread his hands: "Is this strange? Why is it not mine, I have to protect it?"

The queen said: "What about your sense of justice and kindness? Whether it is yours or not, there is no reason to be so indifferent."

Robb smiled and said, "I won't be kidnapped so easily by morality. I've never considered myself a hero. If I want to be indifferent, I will be indifferent. If I want to be lazy, I will be lazy. It's all based on happiness."


At this moment, Robb suddenly laughed strangely: "However, I am no longer happy or unhappy with my own people, and I will take care of you no matter what. Miss Queen, if you become my woman, I will take care of you. Your subordinate, do you want to think about it?"

The queen froze on the spot: "..."

Is this a marriage proposal? Meow, you are obviously asking for marriage, right? The queen's heart was beating wildly! At the same time, there is one slot that really makes me feel sick: propose to me on a serious occasion, holding flowers and rings in hand, like a prince, no, proposing solemnly and carefully like a king. How can there be such a hippie smile like you, who inexplicably proposes marriage through a crystal ball? Guys like you go farther for me.

This kind of marriage proposal can only be treated as a joke, and a serious reply is impossible.

The queen managed to keep her majestic face unchanged, and said in a stiff tone: "Also give me a time, place and place to tell jokes, you don't even think about who I am, hum!"

After finishing speaking, she also imitated Robb's appearance, hey hey, with a strange smile: "However, if you help me recover Donggrand, complete the reunification of the Kingdom of Granite, and then help me improve the country's internal affairs and armaments, let me The Kingdom of Lan is thriving, prosperous and strong, and it's not that I can't think about it."

Robb said: "Who wants a woman with such high requirements?"

The queen said, "Who wants a man who can't even fulfill this requirement?"

The conclusion is that no one needs anyone (on the surface).

Robb didn't play the flower gun again. With a wave of his hand, the resurrection technique was thrown on No. 32. After a few seconds, No. 32 jumped up and shouted: "Where's the big bug? Big bug Where? Eat my bone spear!"

"Damn it, the battle is over, shut up." The Queen cursed in the crystal ball, "Shameful guy."

No. 32 turned his head and glanced at the crystal ball, saw Her Majesty's slightly angry face, and then turned to look in the town. The battle had already ended. There were soldiers and townspeople cleaning up the mess everywhere. Only then did I understand what happened, and embarrassedly said: "This... this..."

"Forget it, although the result is embarrassing, you are fighting heroically after all. I don't blame you." The Queen said: "Now watch the live broadcast panel carefully and grasp the movement of the monster army is the most important."

Her words brought everyone's attention back to the "TV".

At this time, countless people are already watching the live TV broadcast...

On the side of West Wind Town, Robb had a big screen hanging in his yard. He and a few girls in the family sat in front of the screen and watched. In addition, Elder Elf, Captain Elsie, No. 32 and others also gathered on the screen. Watch the battle before.

Moreover, many people in West Wind Town have LCD panels in their homes. For example, Baron Noren, Mordara, and several major mayors have purchased "TVs" from Robb. Now everyone is paying attention to the follow-up development of this matter.

The bright road side is even more lively. In Her Majesty's Royal Palace, a large crystal panel hangs high, and a large group of officials are gathered to watch. The eight screening halls in Elizabeth Film City are now overcrowded, and nobles who have "TV" at home The living room of our house is also full of friends, and everyone who has the ability to watch the TV is paying attention to this battle between the monster and the West Wind Town.

Because, everyone knows very well that once West Wind Town falls, the situation in Sigran will become very critical. At that time, the monsters will burn, loot, loot and eat people in the hinterland, and if Donggeland will take advantage of the fire and attack the road of light, it will be over.

The live broadcast was dark. Because of the lack of light in the sewers, everyone could only see the dark, shaking screen. To be honest, this kind of screen is not good-looking at all. If it were an ordinary TV show, the audience would have left the stage now. But this live broadcast is related to everyone's life, and this ugly picture also makes everyone feel nervous.

"Attention, ten yards ahead, there is a kobold." The voice of the dwarf leader sounded on the TV.

Then the screen was quickly pulled forward, and the camera shot forward ten yards with a swipe of the ground. It turned out that the dwarf leader used a "charge", and then, a kobold's hideous face appeared in the middle of the screen.

The dwarf is very short, and the angle of view of the camera installed on the helmet is not high, but the kobold is not tall, so the camera is just aimed at this ugly dog ​​face, the canine teeth are different, it swings the iron pick and faces the dwarf The leader's head slammed down so hard that it looked like he was smashing the audience in front of the TV.

The audience couldn't help but said in unison: "Wow! The live camera won't be smashed, will it?"

Several people were even worried that the pickaxe would fly off the screen.

However, all worries are unnecessary, the dwarf leader is not enough to be brought down by a kobold. With a swing of the sledgehammer in his hand, the kobold's head was smashed into pieces.

The audience in front of the TV: "Haha! Nice job."

The dwarf leader said loudly: "Be careful, there are kobolds everywhere in the sewers now, each team is scattered, a group of people enters a tunnel, cleans up the kobolds inside, and looks for the connection between the crypts of the monsters and the sewers, and found it. Send someone to report to me."

Chapter 508 Build a Benchmark Building

The picture continued to shake, advancing in the dark sewers. Before long, a kobold, or a group of kobolds, would appear on the picture.

The dwarf leader was cursing and talking nonsense as he rushed up to beat the kobold.

From the audience's point of view, it seems to be watching the live broadcast of "first-person role-playing", which is a bit like watching other people play "Resident Evil" live, and it is full of excitement.

However, ordinary audiences were motivated, but Robb and the Queen were yawning. Neither of them liked watching this kind of plotless monster. In fact, both of them wanted to see the construction of the sewer. Unfortunately, the light is too dark, and the live broadcast screen always only shows a short distance in front of the screen, and even the sewer wall cannot be seen clearly.

Just when Robb wanted to sleep, suddenly, a warm light illuminated the live broadcast screen, the entire screen became brighter, the scene captured by the camera became significantly farther, and the sewer wall was also illuminated.

Robb was refreshed: "Huh? Is there a light source?"

The queen said: "It seems to be fire magic."

As soon as the two of them said this, they heard the voice of the dwarf leader: "Ah? Are you here?"

He turned his head to face the person who came, and the camera also turned around. Robb saw Xuelu, Golda, and Kick appearing on the live broadcast screen. Xuelu's hand held a ball of jumping flames, illuminating the sewer.

All three were dressed neatly, Golda wearing a steel armor, all rubbed by Robb. Kick is also wearing a flying dragon leather armor, which Robb rubs. Xuelu was a silk robe, a crystal staff, and Robb rubbed it.

These three adventurers can now buy a small town on Fengmo Continent with these sets of equipment. However, the three people's desire for money is not as great as the adventure. They wear this top-level equipment. , but often ran out to do a shabby little task and received dozens of silver coins as a reward.

Robb pointed to the screen and said, "Huh? Why did Xuelu run there? He was just next to me."

Lillian whispered beside her: "Just when you and Her Majesty were discussing 'whether you want to be my person', Miss Xuelu went to the hillside to pull Golda and Kik, got into the sewers, and said It was going to take an adventure in the sewers, and he said that it seemed very exciting."

Robb: "..."

Golda stood in front of the camera: "Dwarf friends, you shouldn't be very good at tracking and exploration, please leave it to us here."

"Oh?" the dwarf leader said, "Are you good at it?"

Golda pointed to Kik, who didn't like to talk nonsense, just nodded, then squatted down and carefully studied the muddy footprints of the kobolds on the ground.

Robb and the Queen, however, took advantage of the fire in the hole to carefully look at the construction of the sewer.

I saw that this section of the sewer was built very beautifully, and the passage is very wide, even wider than the alleys in the slums of the Bright Road. One piece, if it is not known in advance that this is a sewer, it even feels more beautiful and tidy than the interior of an ordinary dwelling.

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