
A day passed.

Lin Youzi woke up from the bed.

Today, he was going to find a teacher to see if he could learn to ride a horse first.

As for military training, he didn't want to go because it was a waste of time. With his current physical fitness, no training would be difficult for him. What's important now is to learn skills.

Equestrian lessons, archery lessons.

Also, if he really went to military training, he would be back too late. He has been busy for 18 years and doesn't want to be so busy again this year.

It was because when he was sleeping last night, Lin Youzi heard that his roommate went out after 7 o'clock and came back after 10 o'clock.

This is late training, and it's uncomfortable to think about it.

And this morning, he went out again after 7 o'clock.

Going out early and coming back late, the intensity of military training for martial arts majors is awesome.

After staying in bed for a few minutes

"Get up, get up."

Lin Youzi said loudly, and got up from the bed in one go. He checked his phone and it was already nine o'clock.

Young people usually don't eat breakfast.

Maybe after the advent of Blue Star OL, people will evolve a stomach that doesn't need to eat breakfast?

After some random thoughts, he walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth and washed his face.

After everything was done, he walked to the mirror to show off his beauty.

The lovely girl in the mirror was wearing a sky blue large-size short-sleeved shirt and a pair of loose trousers, full of energy!

Before leaving, he also found a hat and put it on to block the sun.

I don't know if it's the influence of the game, the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

The weather in September has a maximum temperature of 37 degrees.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the temperature is 28 degrees.

After becoming beautiful and white, Lin Youzi doesn't like to be exposed to the sun, for fear of getting tanned!

It's not easy to get white, so I don't want to get dark, hum.

Put on a sunscreen jacket.

He set off and went straight to the Academic Affairs Office


Along the way, the weather was too hot, and my mood was so bitter that I was sunburned.

Even if someone dropped money on the street, I was too lazy to pick it up.

It was really too hot.

Inside the Academic Affairs Office.

The air conditioner was on at 24 degrees, but it didn't feel very cool.

The director said that when it was the hottest in the afternoon, the air conditioner was on at 16 degrees, and people didn't want to go out.

A basin of water was poured under the sun and dried up in less than three minutes.

All outdoor activities at noon were cancelled.

The only difference was that the first physical education class in the afternoon was postponed to the last class.

This made the physical education teacher suffer. Physical education teacher: I'm too busy, I can't be busy at all

"Mr. Lin, you want to learn horse riding and archery in advance, that is no problem"

"So when do I go to class?"

"This is it."

For last year's top student, who was also a student who was beaten, the director carefully considered his words and tried not to irritate the"sensitive" Lin Youzi.

He was afraid that the other party would think that he was discriminating against him.

"Well, as you know, this month is military training month, so it is a bit difficult to learn horse riding and archery alone. But if you want to go, I can let you go to the horse farm, where there are masters who can teach you."

After solving the problem of horse riding, the director said:

"As for archery, there are targets over at the horse farm. I can allow you to practice there, but the premise is that you can't shoot randomly. It would be bad if you hit others. If you can promise me, I will let you go."

Of course I can promise this. Lin Youzi nodded and patted his chest to promise that he would never shoot randomly.

"This is the certificate I issued. Go to the security department and they will take you there."

"OK, thank you, Director."

"No, no."

In fact, the director had a little trick.

The principal said that when giving a speech to freshmen, we can't just keep saying the same old things, we need to be innovative!

Then, he thought of Lin Youzi who was cheated. He thought that when giving a speech to freshmen, he would let him talk about his experience of being cheated, so as to warn the freshmen.

For this small purpose, he would definitely give him more benefits.

In this way, when the freshmen's speech is held in a month, Lin should not be embarrassed to refuse.

"It's me, so smart."


The Security Department is located behind Guan Erye.

The blue and white pavilion is the security booth.

Today, a mysterious student arrived.

The reason for the mystery is that the security captain Guan Daye does not know whether Lin Youzi is a man or a woman.

"Are you really a boy?"

"Yes, uncle, you have asked me many times, please take me to the horse farm."

Uncle Guan was silent. He looked at the statue of Guan Erye and complained in his heart.

【God of War, this girl has been lying to me, and I can't expose her. 】

There is no other way. With the documents from the Academic Affairs Office, Uncle Guan has to take Lin Youzi to the horse farm.

The horse farm.

It is the treasure of Wancheng Wu'an University.

Everyone who comes here must pass by the security guard!

And the security guard also has multiple duties. He must understand horses, ride horses, and be able to manage horses.

He is already an employee of the horse farm.

"Classmate, this is the horse farm. Let me help you choose a horse for you to learn. This one is a short-legged horse with a gentle temperament. You can get used to it first."


Lin Youzi was not in a hurry and learned step by step.

Riding on a pony was completely different from riding in a car. It was like riding a horse.

The view on horseback was something that a fangirl could not provide.

For some reason, he had an urge to gallop!


The command to train the horse appeared, and the horse's ears moved slightly, and it walked slowly.

Uncle Guan sat under the shed and chatted with several old horse breeders.

"This girl is really persistent. How long do you think she can last?"

"Ten minutes, this is a docile horse, it can't run."

The horse breeder has been raising horses for many years, and you can tell from Lin Youzi's skeleton that this girl is very thin, with not a pound of flesh on her body.

I guess she won't be able to bear a few bumps, and then get off the horse and run away.

I just don't know if she will shout"Help".

This is also the fun of the horse breeder.

What a pity.

Everything is different. Lin Youzi's surname is Lin, but he is not Lin Daiyu, he is not weak!

He is very strong.

The cooperation with the dwarf horse is getting better and better, and he gradually masters the rhythm and begins to take the lead.

Pulling the reins, he shouted"Whoa".

The horse stopped steadily.

"Uncle, is there any better horse? I want to try other ones."


Inside the shed, the horse breeders were all stunned. They all looked at Uncle Guan.

"Is this the person you brought? He is here to laugh at us."

""Old man Guan, you are such a thief, you are really evil."

The horse breeder felt ashamed and walked away in shame.

Uncle Guan was also wronged. These people bet that Lin Youzi would admit defeat in 10 minutes, but in less than five minutes, he had already mastered the dwarf horse.

"This girl, this isn't her first time riding a horse."

He muttered to himself and led out an ordinary brown horse.

"Here, this is the horse you wanted. You ride it well. You are not a novice, are you?"

"Hey, I'm a newbie, I just might be more talented"

"Okay, you continue to practice. Be careful this time. It hurts to fall off this horse. Put on your protective gear."

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Youzi agreed.

Everything was ready, and he started to gallop.

Riding a horse is really cool!


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