Outside the horse farm, people were discussing one after another.

Inside the farm, Lin Youzi gradually got into the groove and mastered the rhythm of the horse's movements.

Next, it was his turn to take over!

First, clamp the horse's belly to make it feel pain, then hold the reins and control the direction of its running!

To tame a fierce horse, you have to fight it to see who is stronger.

With the voices of the onlookers, the horse's desire to win was also aroused. It couldn't lose, and it had to make the straight-running skinny monkey look good!

The Ferghana horse jumped up with all its might.

After a long time.

The sun was shining brightly.

Many people who were watching were tired.

The high temperature made many people sweat profusely, and some female classmates couldn't stand the sun at noon and ran away. Those who were still standing came to watch after dinner.

The horse taming had been deadlocked for several hours.

The longer it lasted, the more excited Lin Youzi was.

In this way, after taming the horse, the sense of accomplishment was even stronger. After several hours of deadlock, his strength at the first level of the Yellow Realm was a little tired.

However, the fierce battle of several hours was worth it.

It took several days and nights to train an eagle, but he only needed a few hours to train a horse. It was a good deal.

After he felt the struggling of the Ferghana horse under his crotch become less, he exerted force with his legs, pressed the horse's head and shouted:

"Be quiet!"

The horse could no longer bear the force, and its front legs softened and it knelt down.

When the horse stood up again, it lowered its head and became very docile.


Lin Youzi laughed, touched the horse's head, and dismounted.

""Do you accept it?"

The horse snorted in response.

"Good horse."

Leading the horse, Lin Youzi walked under the awning and looked at Grandpa Guan proudly.

"How about it? Awesome, right?"

"Good boy, you are really good."

Grandpa Guan gave a thumbs up, and then went forward with a group of horse breeders to check the"Dayuan horse".

After training the horse, it is necessary to ensure that the horse will not be injured.

But as soon as Grandpa Guan and his men approached, they were run away by the horse!

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other, and Grandpa Guan smiled helplessly:

"Oh, it's still so irritable even after being tamed. Well, it looks like this horse belongs to you."


The other horse breeders also laughed.

After laughing, Uncle Guan shared some methods to check if the horses were injured and asked Lin Youzi to check.

"OK, I'll take note of it."

After taking note, Lin Youzi walked around the horse and pinched its muscles.

After the inspection, he gave his conclusion.

"It's okay, just take a rest, eat and drink well."

"That's OK"

"Uncle, I'm leaving now. I'll come back to see my horse tomorrow."

"This horse is now yours. OK, OK, OK. Come tomorrow so I can see how you ride a horse."

"See you tomorrow then."

After saying that, Lin Youzi turned and left.

After spending so much time, he was hungry.

When you are hungry, you have to go eat!


The students watching from a distance had no idea whether the taming had been successful or not, nor could they hear what was being said.

"Is this the end?"

"It seems that the goddess won. When I saw her leading the horse, the horse was very docile."

"Being held by such a beautiful goddess must be very happy!"

As soon as these words came out, they attracted many strange looks.

Seeing this, he quickly explained:

"Ahem, I mean the horse must be very happy."

This explanation had no effect at all. The rest of the people looked at him the same way they looked at a"pervert".

"Oh no, it’s time for class!"

Many students who had classes in the afternoon were startled, and they checked their phones and found that it was almost 2:30!

""Oh no, oh no."

The students who were watching the scene dispersed.

After the teacher knew that the late students were there to watch the horse training, he did not mind their lateness. He even said with a smile that if he did not need to prepare lessons and rest, he would also like to watch it.

After all, it was a Ferghana horse, the school's most famous horse.

This sentence made everyone laugh, and they were very happy and harmonious.


In the dormitory.

Lin Youzi was cooking on the first floor.

His three roommates had gone to military training, and he was the only one left in the small western- style building. He bought the ingredients at the school supermarket, and bought some necessary things.

The 3,000 yuan had shrunk significantly.

Now he only had 1,000 yuan on hand.

There were still 20 days until next month!

He probably had to ask his considerate roommate to help him through the"crisis".

Lin Youzi did not hide the fact that he bought"futures", and it didn't matter if he was found out.

Because he found that no matter what he did, he would be found out in the end, so he simply stopped struggling, and it didn't matter if he was found out.

Anyway, the money was not stolen or robbed, it came in an open and aboveboard manner!

On the dining table, there were three meat dishes, one vegetable dish, and one soup. The vegetable dish was lettuce, and the meat dish was a chicken, a fish, and two pounds of beef.

The soup was a nourishing soup.

He ate a lot. He ate it all. I really don't know how his flat stomach could swallow so much food.

Anyway, he finished eating.

After eating, Lin Youzi found that it was already half past three.

After going upstairs to take a shower and change into cool clothes, he went out of the school gate to go shopping.

He bought some bows and arrows and practiced in the front yard of the small western-style building.

On the way, he declined some students' advances and went straight to the cold weapon shop.

This type of shop has the opportunity to open thanks to the strong support of"martial arts" by Huayu Country.

The equipment sold is all unsharpened.

Except for arrows!

But it is too obvious to carry arrows and bows on your back. If you want to buy one, you need to apply for a"bow license" and register the model of the arrow.

In other words, the arrows you buy need to be customized and engraved with an identification symbol that belongs to Lin Youzi.

This is also to prevent someone from buying a bow and secretly hunting or using it to commit crimes.

It is very strict.

It is the first time Lin Youzi has heard of it, but he can still accept it.

"Hey man, this hardwood bow needs 50 kilograms of force to draw, which is a hard bow of one stone. Can you pull it?"

"Boss, you underestimated me. Just use the Four Stone Strong Bow and I will make a full moon for you to see."

""Okay, if you can pull it, I'll let you buy it on credit!"

This conversation happened because Lin Youzi came to the store and asked if he could buy a bow on credit.

There was no other way, he really had no money.

The boss saw that he looked thin and frail, so he took out a stone bow, thinking of testing him. If he couldn't pull it open, he would send him away.

As a result, Lin Youzi asked for"4 stone bows."

The boss rarely saw this kind of"madman", so he took the bow from the wall and handed it to Lin Youzi.

"Boss, if you only have a bow but no arrow, you can’t release the force and it will damage the bow."

Hearing this, the boss was surprised:

"I didn't realize you know so much. Come with me to the backyard."

The boss carried the quiver on his back and led the way to the backyard.

"The target is 100 steps away, which is 160 meters. As long as you hit the bull's eye, I won't charge you if you customize the arrow."

"I don't need that. As long as the boss lets me buy on credit, it's fine. But I don't have a bow license..."

"No problem, as long as you hit the bull's eye, you can come and get your bow license tomorrow!"


Lin Youzi smiled. This boss is very honest. I'm sorry.

He took out an arrow from the quiver and stared at the target with sharp eyes.



(August 30, 23)

Newly added: Questions about compound bows.

It's not that compound bows can't be used, but the materials used on them can't be used after the advent of the maze.

The maze OL is a brand new world with brand new world rules, not a"game".

The game is what the protagonist thinks of the game. When the book is tested later, the name will most likely be changed.

Back to the question of compound bows.

After the advent of the maze, all non-living products, such as screws and pulleys, will become fragile.

They are easy to break, so compound bows are not used.

So there is no need to worry about changing the rules of force.

Just change the material and you can use it.

The original wooden bow, because it is obtained from plants, is life.

Life, including plants and animals, will be screened, and those who survive can become new maze materials. If the screening fails, life will die.

However, those that have been manufactured will not be affected.


The original wooden bow will be less affected.

After the maze, new materials appear, and you only need to replace the new materials and the compound bow can be used.

If you don't understand, just ask here.

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