Xiaofang is Shi Yifang, why is she here again?

Lin Youzhi was really scared, and immediately rushed to wash and change clothes.

She put on the white"novice outfit".

The fabric of the novice outfit is something that Lan Xing does not have, and it feels better than those clothes that cost thousands of dollars.

As for her hair, Grandma Lin combed her hair into a lady's hairstyle. She forgot what it was, it seemed to be Qiaoyun something.

Anyway, the name is nice and the hairstyle is beautiful.


Shi Yifang arrived.

This time she came alone, in a private capacity.

After she went back yesterday, she found that Yin Yanzhou was very abnormal, and the whole person was excited.

After asking, she learned that this person went to train horses.

It happened that she had nothing to do tomorrow and was going to leave in a few days, so she thought of taking advantage of these few days to get in touch with Lin Youzhi!

Love doesn't care whether it's a man or a woman, as long as you like it!


Shi Yifang came early in the morning. Knowing that Lin Youzhi had just started her period and hadn't woken up yet, she planned to come later.

By the way, she brought a lot of newly developed blood-replenishing medicines.

It is simply"turning one's arm outward" and giving the research institute's achievements to"outsiders"."

"Grandpa, grandma, isn't Xiaolin awake yet?"

In the front hall, Shi Yifang put down the gift box and looked around.

Why didn't the figure she had been thinking about show up?

Grandma Lin smiled slightly. She was actually very optimistic about Shi Yifang. She was usually very filial. With such a strong family background, she was still willing to be filial to two ordinary old guys.

Whether it was pretending or not, she had been pretending for more than ten years, which was enough.

In the future, if her granddaughter really wanted to find someone to rely on, Grandma Lin felt that Shi Yifang was a good choice.

"Xiaofang, drink your tea first. Don't be in a hurry. Xiaolin is in the backyard and will be here soon."


Shi Yifang drank tea obediently, trying to be more dignified.

She came here with the idea of "picking up girls", and she felt guilty after seeing Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin.

Especially Grandma Lin kept looking at her and kept smiling so kindly. She was a little scared.

Not long after, Lin Youzhi came late.

She behaved gracefully, and when she walked, her steps were not swaying, and her lotus steps moved lightly, and she walked slowly, with the temperament of a lady from a noble family.

Great, it's a"boudoir".

Seeing Lin Youzhi in this posture, Shi Yifang felt her heart agitated.

The flame of love was burning!

She stood up and showed her courtesy, and said with a smile:

"Xiaolin, you are here, please sit down"



Lin Youzhi was a little speechless. She glanced at Shi Yifang helplessly, then looked at her grandmother, asking her what to do.

"Xiaolin, Xiaofang asked you to sit next to her, so just sit there. We grew up together, there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Although she said so, Lin Youzhi still felt awkward.

Shi Yifang talked a lot with Grandpa Lin, and she didn't even hide her abilities. This made her feel even more complicated. Those who trust her grandparents are all good people!

In other words, Shi Yifang is a good person.

But good people don't always want to get close to her.

What is he trying to do?

He's greedy for her body.


"Grandpa, I will take Xiaolin out for a walk. The world outside has changed a lot now. I will leave in a few days, and I don’t know when we will meet again."

"Well, Xiaofang, please take care of Xiaolin. She is not feeling well."

"I know."

Xiao Lin remained silent. What was going on with this feeling of being at her mother's house?

She felt as if she was"married"!

No, no.

This was too weird. She couldn't make random associations.

What should she do? She just kept smiling.

She used a smile to cover up her embarrassment.

In the end,

Lin Youzhi still went out with Shi Yifang.

When they went out, Lin Youzhi rode the horse, and Shi Yifang led the horse from below.

The background music sounded!

You lead the horse, and I carry the load~~

"Shi Yifang, where should we go to learn from you?...Bah bah bah, where are we going to play?"

"Back to school"


"Yes, there is only a horse farm in Wu'an University in Wancheng. A man came here these days and wanted to tame the most fierce horse king. Let's go and see if he can tame it successfully."

"...You are so boring, okay, okay."

There is nowhere to go anyway, so let's go and take a look.

Lin Youzhi was not very interested.

But she kept a watchful eye in her heart.

Did Shi Yifang know about the"realm inheritance" incident at Wancheng Wu'an University?

If she was reborn, the magic horse should also know about it.

Could it be that this was also to scout the place and investigate the magic horse?

Lin Youzhi had reason to suspect that the magic horse was the most fierce horse king!

It seems that she has to observe carefully.

In fact, Shi Yifang just wanted Lin Youzhi to know that men are not good things. They can't even tame horses. They are too lame.


Wancheng Wu'an University.

Yin Yanzhou arrived on time. He came to the horse farm with great interest, but found that the most vigorous horse king had no energy and lay flat.

"What happened to this horse?"

"I don't know, maybe you were too aggressive last night and made the horse tired."

"This shouldn't be the case. I haven't even used my spiritual equipment yet. It's already useless. It's too weak."

He looked at the Horse King in disbelief. If it was like this, there was no sense of conquest at all.

I thought the Horse King would become his"Black Horse".

I didn't expect that I couldn't find the mount I wanted.

"Forget it, let me ride another horse and have fun"

"Whatever you want to do."

What can Uncle Guan do? He sat in the pavilion, drinking tea out of boredom. He turned around and saw a beautiful woman approaching.

First, he looked at her thighs, then her chest, and finally her face.

Then his face changed drastically, and he turned his head stiffly to look at the sky, humming a little song to cover up his embarrassment.

【Damn it, how come the"imperial envoy" is here? Who is the one on the horse? He can even be led by the"imperial envoy".

Shi Yifang certainly noticed the gaze of Master Guan, and she snorted coldly.

If Xiao Lin was not there, she would definitely go up and beat Master Guan up, letting him know why the flowers are so red!

"Xiaolin, look, that guy is the one who came to Wancheng to carry out the mission. His name is Yin Yanzhou. Isn't he handsome?"


Lin Youzhi remained silent. She looked at Yin Yanzhou and found that the man was riding a horse and galloping wildly. The horse under his crotch seemed unable to bear the man on it. It was a bit awkward to run.

It should be said that he is worthy of being an official. He can easily tame the Ferghana horse. What a fierce general!

When Grandpa Guan heard"Xiao Lin", he turned his head and looked.

When he found out that it was really Lin Youzhi, he felt a little relieved.

When the two imperial envoys came here, he was a little nervous.

【It seems that Xiao Lin's background is not simple. Could it be that these two imperial envoys are looking for her? 】


There has been information asymmetry.

Uncle Guan did not connect Lin Youzhi with"God Lin Youzhi".

If they were connected.

The dressing style of the raincoat man has already exploded!

No one would think that they would meet the strongest person casually on the street. Just like walking on the street, when you meet the fairy sister, you will mistakenly think that it is just someone who looks like her, not the real person.

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