
Is the point to bring your own girlfriend?

The three of them were silent again.

At this time, he saw Lin Youzi. He found that"she" actually brought back the ingredients.

Suddenly, one person felt unbalanced. He felt that it was not worth it for Lin Youzi. Why should he be so nice to that relative?

"Miss sister, I feel sorry for you!"


Lin Youzi looked at them in confusion.

He didn't intend to participate in what his roommates were discussing just now. Being misunderstood was normal, and explaining would become more and more troublesome.

Looking at the confused Lin Youzi, the other two also stood up and said

"Sister, you cook for Lin Youzi all the time and take his clothes to do the laundry. You are basically his nanny."

"Yes, where is he? Let him come out."

After listening to the three people's dissatisfied words, Lin Youzi was silent for a moment and then said:

"You guys go find Lin Youzi."

The neutral voice startled the three of them and they nodded mechanically. It was the first time they heard"her" speak.

How should I put it? Her voice was average, her figure was average, and her face was pretty.

"No need to bother, I am Lin Youzi, what can I do for you?"

"Are you Lin Youzi?"

The three of them frowned instantly and stared at Lin Youzi, especially at his upper and lower body.

"You are really Lin Youzi"

"Yes, it is genuine. If you don’t believe me, I can show you my student ID card."

This did not dispel the roommates’ doubts, and they asked:

"Are you a man or a woman?"

This question is too presumptuous. Lin Youzi is most annoyed by this question now. He frowned slightly and asked back:

"Are you a man or a woman?"

"Nonsense, of course I am a man, 24K real man"

"That's all, this is a men's dormitory, big brother."

After saying that, Lin Youzi turned around and went to cook. He was hungry.

He needed to eat.

He left the three people disheveled in the wind.

Yes, this is a men's dormitory.


The three of them lowered their heads and pondered, their small heads full of doubts.

In this world, are there really men who look like women?

They were puzzled, and when they looked at each other, they noticed the confusion in each other's eyes.

They all turned their heads to look at Lin Youzi who was busy in the kitchen.

This"good wife and good mother" look doesn't look like a man at all.

Is there something wrong with this world, or is there something wrong with them?

"Ah, I can't take it anymore, my brain is going to explode"

"I feel dizzy too"

"I never thought that I would doubt my own judgment one day."

The three of them were also second-generation rich people from wealthy families, and they had seen all kinds of people.

Don't tell me, don't tell me, they really had never seen someone like Lin Youzi.

Ten minutes later, Lin Youzi shouted to the three people who were in a daze:

"Have you eaten yet? If not, can you come and have some?"

He had to hide his appetite in front of his roommate.

Moreover, he would have to rely on his roommate to help him with food expenses in the next few days!

It is said that people who eat are soft-hearted, so he bribed them with delicious food first.

What a good idea, worthy of him.


This is a question.

Is there any need to consider it? Of course, eat.

"Come on, I haven't eaten yet."

"Of course I have to give Xiaolin face."

"I didn't expect you to cook. Let me have a taste."

The three people's attitudes changed so quickly that Lin Youzi didn't react.

This is fine.

If you eat my food, you are mine!

Then when I borrow money from you, I won't be embarrassed to refuse.


Lin Youzi had a little idea and watched the three people eat with a smile.

Feeling his gaze, the three people actually felt nervous!

After finally finishing the meal, the"boss" of Room 1 finally plucked up the courage to say:

"Um, Xiaolin, there is a class meeting tonight, are you going?"

"Can I not go?"

"... Yes, it's ok."

After hearing this, No. 2 and No. 3 got anxious and started to make faces.

『Didn’t we agree to bring our roommate over?』

『Then you go and tell me, I won't tell you』

『Why don't you dare to say it? You are a bunch of people who forget their principles for the sake of beauty.』

『You said, come on.'

The third brother was pushed to the front of the stage. He looked serious and solemn, and refused righteously:

"No, you have to go to the class meeting tonight. This is a class meeting that all martial arts majors have to attend."

"Is there no room for turning back?"


The third brother was still serious and stern.

Seeing him like this, Lin Youzi put away his playful smile.

"OK, I'll be there. Let me take a shower first, okay?"

"Cough, cough, cough."

The third brother broke down instantly and started to cough dryly.

"If you want to go, just go. Why tell me?

Seeing this, Lin Youzi raised his lips slightly.

I didn't expect that being good-looking would have such an advantage. I really didn't expect it.

"Please wash the dishes. I'll go up first."


The three of them didn't feel like refusing. Her beauty was so lethal!

Moreover, they didn't dare to look at Lin Youzi's back as he went upstairs. They lowered their heads and ate their food.

However, there was no rice in the bowl. What kind of rice was it? It was just air.

"Is Xiaolin really a man? How come he is so skilled in every move..."

"I don't know, I don't know either."

The third brother remained silent and didn't speak.

When he saw Lin Youzi's smile just now, his heart twitched violently.

He would never admit that he was a little moved.

Just a little bit!!!

After this meeting, Lin Youzi knew that the three roommates actually felt unbalanced towards him.

Because he didn't go to military training, the instructor didn't punish him, and he was airdropped into the room with a"girlfriend" at the beginning of the school.

They automatically imagined that he was a relative.

In fact, it was normal.

He really was a relative!

Walking into the bathroom, the water splashed down.

Looking at the petals on his shoulders

"What will happen if everything is dyed pink?"

It's my first time to be reborn. I have no experience. The"Time and Space Strategy" has disappeared. I can't get any hints. I have to figure it out on my own. It's a bit difficult.

"Hey, I feel like my skin has gotten better."

Before, I could still see some tiny acne marks on my skin.

Now it's very smooth, and it's not an exaggeration to say that it's"as smooth as a baby's".

"Could it be that the petals light up and have their own beauty function? Why doesn't it increase���What about strength?"

This is not just beauty.

Moreover, I don't know if it was Lin Youzi's illusion, he found that the corpus cavernosum seemed to have shrunk a little.

He forgot how long it was before, but it always felt shorter.

A bad guess came to his mind.

He was so scared that he shook his head repeatedly.

"No, no, how could I scare myself?"

After hurriedly washing with shampoo and shower gel, it was a bit cold at night, so he put on his coat and went downstairs in slippers.

His toes were round and when he walked down the stairs, the three people blushed a little.

【How does Xiaolin wear shorts? 】

Actually, they are 5-point pants, just covering the knees.

The calves are very nice and white, and they are even whiter under the lights!

The upper body is still loose clothes, with a jacket.

It's like...

In short, those who understand will understand.

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