
『The ability inheritance is complete, and we look forward to players continuing their unfinished journey on Blue Star OL. '

After the prompt sound disappears.

Lin Youzi on Blue Star also has a character panel in the Fantasy World OL!

Character panel.

Name: Lin Youzi

Race: Human

Gender: Unknown.

Realm: Yellow Realm Level 1.

Abilities: Space-Time Mirror (blocked)

Chengtian Mirror (gold, cannot be used due to unknown errors)

Unified negative status: Blue Star OL, using abilities will cause some unknown side effects, please use with caution.

Side effect progress bar: 0/10


There are six levels in total.

Immortal, Heaven, Earth, Mysterious, Yellow, and Human.

Being able to obtain the character panel one year earlier, as well as the Yellow Realm ability, is the first benefit.

This benefit requires Lin Youzi to wake up before he can feel it.


Night fell.

Lin Youzi, who was lying in front of the computer desk, woke up. He felt very tired, as if his body was hollowed out.

This familiar feeling was exactly the same as when the fan world OL came.

"What's going on? I traveled to a year later?"

He covered his head and reached for his phone to check the time.

"Phew, I'm fine, I just slept for a few hours, are you too tired?"

Lin Youzi didn't notice that there were some subtle changes in his body.

Your grandson is calling, your grandson is calling - the phone rings.

Lin Youzi looked closely and found that it was the Academic Affairs Office.

"It was really on time."As soon as the one-year leave of absence was over, he couldn't help but call to ask.

Yes, although he didn't change his 18-year network, he scored close to full marks during the college entrance examination!

It was the choice of this provincial champion. No one expected that he would go to the"ordinary" Wancheng Wu'an University.

This made many admissions teachers of double first-class universities sigh.

But Wancheng Wu'an University had its own difficulties. After Lin Youzi signed up, he took a year off.

The reason was...He wanted to earn tuition fees, but was tricked into going abroad and broke his kidney. He had to take a year off to recover.

The school approved this reason. He wanted to visit the student, but was rejected.

He said he wanted to save face and didn't want everyone to know about his broken kidney, so he refused the school's visit. If they hadn't been able to contact the student, they would have called the police.

Now the one-year period has expired.

The student is back!

The phone call was very punctual

"Classmate Lin, how is your injury recovering?"

"Much better"

"Can I go to school then?"

"Sure, sure. I'll report there tomorrow."

"Okay, then why don't you start over from your freshman year?"


"Well, I have reserved a dormitory for you. I will send the address to your mobile phone later."

There is nothing wrong with repeating the freshman year, Lin Youzi agreed.

He was familiar with the"Wancheng Wuan University Student Handbook", so of course he knew that after a year of absence, he would start over from the freshman year.

Anyway, after a year, the maze OL will be launched, and it doesn't matter whether he is a student or not.

After all, the Wancheng Wuan University in the game is a BOSS level.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Youzi was thinking about what to do in the future.

There are only grandparents in his hometown.

His irresponsible parents sent him to an orphanage. Fortunately, his grandparents found him and took him back.

Otherwise, he would be an orphan.

His grandparents are retired cadres from government agencies. They have a considerable pension, and they make two a month. Ten thousand yuan.

When he was a child, he had no worries about food and clothing. He used this money as starting capital to speculate in cryptocurrencies.

He sold it at the highest point and used the money he earned to trade internationally.

With the help of some things he learned in his previous life, he relied on the exchange rate difference to make a lot of money that many people have not been able to make since they started working in the caveman period.

A lot of"cool".

The next outlet will still be the currency exchange rate. The currency of Big Goose will plummet and then rise again.

This is an opportunity!

Lin Youzi has to buy a piece of land in the east of the city within a year.

But now he has no money.

All of it is spent on games.

The rent is due, and the landlord will return 3,000 yuan at that time.

How can he make so many small goals with 3,000 yuan?...

It was the end of August, and the new students had not yet arrived. Lin Youzi didn't want to go to school.

But the rent was due, so he had to leave.

He had to get up and clean up the house.

As soon as he got up, his clothes slipped off, revealing his white shoulders.

This, this, this, too tempting.

Lin Youzi was horrified.

He found that his pants were also falling off.

""Shit, what's going on? Why am I shrinking?"

He panicked. After receiving the call, he had been thinking about the real events.

Now that he thought about it, the feeling of"Magic World OL" coming didn't seem fake.

He immediately called up the character panel.

Sure enough.

It appeared

"Damn, my game character is a female, can't it be..."

Thinking of this terrible result, Lin Youzi ran to the toilet with his pants in his hands. He must protect his brother.

He had not let his brother have a taste of the new things for 18 years. If he died before he could finish his apprenticeship, he would be desperate.

In the toilet, he trembled and put his hand into his pants...

"Phew, fortunately, fortunately, I can feel my brother's presence."

This ups and downs of emotions made Lin Youzi collapse on the ground.

"Not dead, not dead."

It's good that my brother is still here. It doesn't matter if he has shrunk a little. He can still have three thousand beauties in his harem in the future.

"After the game comes, there should be medicine to replenish the body."

It's definitely not kidney tonic!

After his mood recovered, he came to the mirror and found that his face in the mirror had become much more delicate. The original sharp-edged handsome face disappeared.

Now there was a soft face full of gracefulness. When he smiled, his big eyes were slightly curved, so gentle and beautiful.


Lin Youzi was speechless. He was actually mesmerized by himself in the mirror.

"Damn it, I'm actually going to be gay myself."

Unable to look in the mirror, he fled the bathroom and collapsed on the bed.

His clothes were loose and scattered, with a weird and messy beauty, which greatly improved his appearance.

In short: ruined beauty

"How come my hair has become so long?..."

Lin Youzi has curly hair that reaches his neck, very thin and soft. He has been busy for a year and has not cut his hair. It seems that his hair is naturally that long?

He wants to cut it off, but he is reluctant to do so.

Who doesn't have a dream of being a swordsman with long flowing hair?...

"Forget it, the university is very tolerant anyway, and it's not strange for boys to have long hair."

After comforting himself, he took a deep breath, stood up and began to pack his personal belongings. He will go back to school tomorrow.

The landlord's 3,000 yuan has been returned.

A year of leisure in college life is about to begin, and he is still looking forward to it.

With the strength of the first level of the Yellow Realm, Lin Youzi does not feel tired at all when working. The character panel is not numerical in the game, and he doesn't know what his physical fitness is.

It should be 500 points, which is about 50 times the human limit of 10 points.

"Finished packing, taking a shower!"

Bathroom, here he comes.

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