The boss said to close the door, but Lin Youzi didn't really take down the door and take it away.

Don't"take the name as it implies" and fall into the trap of language.

After closing the door and hanging the sign, he left the cold weapon shop.

Coming under a tree, he looked at his bow certificate.

Bow Certificate: Issued by the Huayu National Martial Arts Association.

A red book, open it and read it.

On the left, it introduces the origin of the martial arts bow certificate

『In order to respond to the call of Huayu Country, enhance the physical fitness of the people, and unify the management standards for the use of bows and arrows...』

On the right, there is the name, race, gender, photo, and stamp.

However, everything on it is blank, only the stamp is there!

"The store manager is a real man."

I gave him a bow license and asked him to write down the information himself.

In the lower right corner of the right page, there is an identification code. Each person has only one unique number, which will be the same as the number on the arrow.

On the back of the right page is the left page, which records the usage time and number of times.

On the right, the registered bow type and the material type of the arrow are printed.

There are two non-detachable photos attached.

Very serious, very powerful.

Putting away the thick red book, he looked around.

Well, nothing happened today.

So, it's time to go back and register for the competition.


The scene changes.

He is sitting on a chair with a computer in front of him.

"On the registration page for the"Martial Arts Competition", there are"Anonymous Registration" and"Real Name Registration".

He clicked on"Anonymous Registration".

It showed"Enter Nickname"","Enter your age, and it’s gone!

But after clicking"Next", a letter of responsibility appeared.

A circle, clicked in and the first sentence was...

『I have read and am familiar with...』

Simply put, it means that the participants must be free of physical illness and meet the registration requirements.

Otherwise, all consequences will be borne by the applicants themselves.

"You are very serious, not just joking."

Lin Youzi's expression became a little serious, and he clicked on the"Real Name Registration" to check. There were many things to fill in.

Not only name, gender, and age, but also occupation, past medical history, and uploading the front and back of the ID card.

Finally, there was even a"Submit Medical Examination Form"","Purchasing insurance and other services

"Tsk, what a hassle."

Lin Youzi gave up"real name registration" and completed the registration with"anonymous registration"

『Congratulations on completing the registration. The competition area will be divided on October 1st. Please print the entry form before October 3rd.』

"Is this the end?"

I don't know what the entry form will look like.

It's the first time to deal with these things, it's a bit novel.

Anyway, the registration is successful.

Next, what should I do.

Shi Yifang has come to the school. Should I change my identity to meet her or continue to drag it out?

After thinking for a few seconds, he decided to drag it out.

Wait a year later, the fan world OL will come.


On the other side, tonight's military training for martial arts majors was a little different.

Students from three classes formed a group and sat in a circle on the playground.

The instructor talked about the past events of the"Martial Arts Competition".

"Instructor, have you participated in it too?"

"Of course, I participate every year!"

As soon as these words came out, the"Bitter Melon Trio" who had decided to sign up felt nervous.

At this moment, they clearly realized how fierce the competition would be in this competition!

The instructor said that all the instructors in the instructor dormitory had signed up.

They couldn't even get into the top 100 before, so this time they would strive to be in the top 100.

This is an instructor.

In Huayu Country, if you want to become an instructor, you must have a university education and military experience.

After that, you can take the instructor certificate, and only if you pass the exam can you become an instructor.

The certificate is not permanent, and it must be reviewed every year, which is very strict.

Even with such strict requirements, these instructors still can't get into the top 100.

"The"bitter melon trio" was already in despair.

After talking about the"martial arts competition", the instructor asked everyone to line up and talk about why they wanted to apply for the martial arts major.

It started at 7:30 and lasted until 9 o'clock.

During this period, many students had no dreams, and most of them were"arranged by their families.""、"Family Recommended"、"

These reasons are very ordinary and belong to the dreams of ordinary people.

Although many of them are second-generation rich, they are naive when discussing their dreams.

Finally, it is the turn of the female students.

"Shi Yifang, why do you want to apply for the martial arts major?"

Shi Yifang stood up from the seated people. She was very pretty and cool, a cool girl type, and she trained very seriously.

Many people could see that she had some basic skills.

She said:

"I didn't really want to major in martial arts, but I heard that this school's martial arts major didn't require too many cultural courses and that you could also ride horses and do archery, so I came here"

"Why?" the instructor asked.

Shi Yifang answered.

She said:

"I think I'll find someone some time."


The classmates started to make noises and wail.

She went to Wancheng Wu'an University just to find someone, and she applied for the martial arts major just to have more time to find someone. Whoever she could find must be someone she likes.

Many people felt jealous.

They all wanted to know who was worth her looking for.

The instructor learned of the public opinion and conveyed it on their behalf.

After a moment of silence, Shi Yifang told about her experience with him.

She started when she was a child.

She talked for a long time, a full half an hour.

No one was impatient, and they were still immersed in the past described by Shi Yifang.

In the end, Shi Yifang planned to use the spread of the classmates to find the unfaithful man who pretended to be stupid!

The information she gave was that he was a sophomore who was not a martial arts major, 181 cm tall, handsome, and his behavior seemed very deep.

If someone saw it, they would definitely be impressed!

"So what's his name?"

"Lin Youzi."

When these words came out, the three bitter melons were stunned.

Lin Youzi, which"Youzi"?

No, the sophomore that this female classmate was looking for was not the same grade as her.

""It should be a coincidence."

The three of them whispered to each other, thinking it was a coincidence.

The other students remembered the name and planned to use their connections to find someone to see how handsome the other person must be to have the beauty waiting for him.

When they went to bed tonight, they decided to raise their pillows a little higher to see what posture they could have to dream of having such a childhood sweetheart!

"What is your dream?"

The instructor asked the last question, asking everyone together.

After the previous individual questions, everyone's dreams were actually clear.

No need to answer, just tell yourself in your heart.

He looked at the students' determined eyes, nodded, and his expression instantly became serious.

""Stand up."

All of them stood up in an instant, straightened their backs, and exuded a sense of righteousness.

The instructor nodded in satisfaction, glanced at them, and said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, turn right, follow the exit, and slowly run out of the playground.

In short, it's disbanded....

Today, just like that, passed.

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