The next day.

Just after dawn.

The birds outside the window began to chirp.

The early bird catches the worm, and the early worm is eaten by the bird.

The hungry baby birds are in the bird's nest, waiting for the mother bird who goes out hunting early to bring back food.

These are all"imported foods", which are very reassuring.

After eating, the baby birds feel the temperature rising and start to sleep.

The rest of the time is the mother bird's free time.

Next, it will go to fill its own stomach.

But sometimes, if you are not careful, you will become food to fill other creatures.


In the wild, you need to be careful at all times.

But this is on campus, and the mother bird is safe.

Lin Youzi looked at the trees outside the window, and he felt like he had a dream. In the dream, he was very handsome, with one arm, holding a knife, burning his life to save a person.

"It's so strange, why do I still dream about Shi Yifang? In my dream, she seemed to be crying for me, and crying so sadly, am I dead?"

He was thinking about this all morning. His mind felt a little unclear.

As a result, he made Mr. Guan from the horse farm wait for a long time.

Fortunately, Lin Youzi got up, washed up, and rushed to the horse farm.

"Lin boy, you are very slow today."

"Something delayed me."

"All right."

Uncle Guan could understand, and changed the subject, asking:

"Have you decided to participate in the martial arts competition?"

"I want to try it"

"Oh, you want to go?"

Uncle Guan looked at him in surprise, then nodded to himself and continued:

"That’s true. You have good abilities and your registration is normal. Have you ever thought about what kind of results you can get?"

""The top four."

Lin Youzi spoke out his idea, striving for the top four and taking the horse home!

After getting a horse, you need to"register" the horse, and you need to go to the"Horse Centralized Management Center", referred to as the"Horse Management Office" to register.

After registration, you will be tested on your horsemanship, and only when you pass the test can you go on the road.

And the staff of the"Horse Management Office" will put the"license plate" on the horse's forehead. The license plate has a code and a QR code, which can identify the horse's registration information.

"Top Four...This is not an easy ranking to achieve."

Uncle Guan knew that this was difficult, and wanted Lin Youzi not to set his goal too high.

But Lin Youzi had to get into the top four, otherwise he would have no chance, so he said confidently:

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Since you have this intention, let me teach you something new"


Lin Youzi recognized the strength of Uncle Guan. He was willing to call him"the best under the realm" for his archery and horsemanship!

It is beneficial to learn the fighting ideas of the"best".

Uncle Guan also wanted to try this"martial arts competition".

He didn't want to participate before because he felt bored.

Now that Lin has participated, he wants to get another chance to compete with him!

He still feels bad about the draw that day, thinking that this time, he must decide the winner.

People who learn martial arts naturally have a kind of unwillingness to admit defeat.

Not to mention, all of Uncle Guan's martial arts heritage comes from the martial arts saint at the gate of Wu'an in Wancheng.

He looks at everyone as a"rat" , everyone looks like a"traitor", and he also likes to read"Spring and Autumn Annals" Guan Yu, Guan Wusheng.

In terms of close combat, Uncle Guan did not inherit the fighting style of"Green Dragon Crescent Blade". He is only proficient in riding and shooting. He is not strong in close combat.

Teaching is mostly done orally.

Fortunately, Lin Youzi has a good understanding and understands it quickly, and he knows many fighting techniques.

For example, don't hit people in the face. After hitting the face, they will get angry, and then furious, and their fighting power will become stronger. Hit people at their weaknesses, and when fighting one against many, you must strive to defeat the enemy with one move.

The attack needs to be quick, accurate and ruthless, and the lower body needs to be stable.

There must be rules in dodging, and the rules of movement must be fixed in mind.

The meridians of the human body must be familiar, and the attack must make people dazed....


Uncle Guan said a lot of formulas and experiences, and Lin Youzi was very impressed.

This is indeed a legacy, it is different.

After writing it down, Uncle Guan asked him to come again tomorrow, and he would make a wooden stake tomorrow for easy practice.

Then he would further make a moving wooden stake.

Finally, he would arrange to launch an attack in the small house during the evasion training.

Lin Youzi accepted the three-step training method.

Although the time was a bit tight.

It was necessary to complete three trainings in more than 20 days.

However, it was a rare opportunity to get the guidance of a"good teacher".

The sun rose at noon. Lin Youzi was not a"freeloader". He proposed to treat Uncle Guan to dinner, but he was rejected.

Uncle Guan's original words were that he regarded Lin Youzi as a friend of different ages, and also as an opponent and friend in horseback archery.

Therefore, teaching the formula of close combat is nothing, and there is no need to spend money to treat him. If you really want to, just come to train more.

Lin Youzi learned this spirit.

But Uncle Guan didn't accept it. His children always have needs, so he asked them.

I didn't say it was a reward, I just said it was a senior sister....A gift from a senior to the new students of Wu'an University in Wancheng.

A perfect plan, worthy of him, so smart.

Back to the dormitory.

He bought groceries.

Unfortunately, he failed to"sell misery" in front of his roommates before.

Today, he must succeed!

He deliberately brought his mobile phone downstairs, and after dinner, he sat on the sofa and kept checking the balance.

Even though his roommate had returned, he pretended not to notice.

He still frowned and looked like he had a lot of worries.

V had less than a thousand yuan left on his balance.

There was still more than half a month to go!

He wrote down his daily plan bill on paper, and the arrangements for spending money were all written out.

560 yuan, it would take 16 days.

The cafeteria on campus can have a 30% discount, even if it is 30%, it still costs 30 a day. 16 times 30, that is 480, barely enough, but he still has to save some money for commuting.

So, he decided to buy ingredients. There was no chance of discounts in the supermarket, but it only cost 20 yuan to buy ingredients, and 20 yuan was enough to eat for a day.

16 days, that's 320 yuan.

The result of this is that you can only eat the same dishes every day, and you can't change the taste.

The remaining 160 yuan will definitely be used to replenish the water and salt consumed during daily training.

If he wants to save money, he can buy a bottle and fill it with salt water in the dormitory.

Thinking of this, he wrote down the sentence"Put salt water in a mineral water bottle to save money on buying water."

Behind him, three roommates held their breath and watched secretly.

As rich second-generations, they have never worried about money in their lives.

So when they saw this"Plan", they felt novel.

At the same time, there was a very strange feeling in their hearts.

They couldn't tell what this strange feeling was for a while, so they had to keep quiet and didn't want to be discovered by Xiaolin, so as not to stimulate his self-esteem.

But after sweating, no matter how quiet they kept, it was useless. The smell in the air, as long as Lin Youzi's nose was not broken, he could smell it.

But he pretended not to know and continued to write the plan.

In the fruit column, he hesitated for a long time and still wrote the words"50 yuan to buy fruit."

Since you have decided to"sell misery", you must carry it through to the end

『You can use 100 to buy daily necessities.

He wrote"bus fare" on the remaining 10 yuan, closed the book, and started to eat.

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