"Well, well said."

The classmates around applauded. They agreed with what Lin Youzi said.

Moreover, appearance is justice!

In front of the pure, sweet, cute and beautiful Lin Youzi, the female classmate's appearance seemed ordinary.

And her aggressive look, in contrast, seemed even more sarcastic.

Seeing that no one stood on her side, the female classmate got angry.

"You guys are a group of people bullying me alone. Don’t I even have the right to question?"

"Before you question others, can you provide some evidence?"

"Who, who is talking?"

She glared at the crowd, pointed her finger at them, and shouted:

"Why do you control me? What right do you have to control me?"

"Then what right do you have to ask for a response?"

This is called"give and take."

Use the other party's unreasonable way to fight back. This made all the students laugh.

Seeing that this trick didn't work, the female student changed to a new trick.

"You see, she doesn't even dare to respond. She must be feeling guilty."

"It's not you, so you have to respond, right?"

"That's right, can you please stop making trouble here? He has a 30% discount meal card, and you don't need to care about it, right?"

The students didn't want to know the source of the 30% discount meal card.

Because the canteen manager said that students in those three situations can get preferential treatment from the school.

They were afraid that Lin Youzi was in the latter two.

It was too cruel for a"girl" to have her scars exposed in public.

【The unreasonable female classmate: ??? I am not a girl?】

【Classmates around: No, you are not. 】

For some unreasonable people who like to make trouble and do whatever they want, gender perspectives should be abandoned, so as not to ruin the impression of the entire group because of some people.

The female classmate was angry. She looked at Lin Youzi and found the calmness in her eyes, and felt ridiculed.

Anger surged in her heart, and she threw the plate at Lin Youzi.

The food scattered.

Large-scale damage occurred.

Lin Youzi didn't expect that such a stupid person would really appear. When he saw it before, he thought he would never encounter it.

"What bad luck."

He frowned and looked at his clothes, which were covered with soup and rice.

On the other hand, the female classmate was very proud after throwing the plate.

The canteen manager's fists were hardened!

Because he was standing between the two people to mediate.

As a result, when the plate flew over, he was completely unprepared, and it was all over his face, head, and clothes!

Some of the students around were also affected.

The atmosphere began to change.

The female classmate was also perceptive. After realizing that these people seemed to want to beat her, she ran away.

The classmate who was splashed was not willing to give up, and rushed up to stop her.

"Don't leave, this matter won't end until you give an explanation."

The female classmate didn't care, and after slapping the classmate who blocked her way, she wanted to run away.

But what kind of place is this?

Wancheng Wu'an University.

It's full of martial virtues.

After being slapped, the male classmate grabbed his wrist accurately, stepped forward and threw her over his shoulder.

Then he pressed his knee against her throat.

Every step was a killing move!

Seeing that the female classmate's face turned blue, the surrounding classmates immediately persuaded him, and he loosened his knee.

Otherwise, the female classmate would suffocate to death.

After walking in front of death, she collapsed and cried.

Her worldview is distorted and abnormal.

So from her perspective, she is questioning the"irrational" places.

She thinks that the school has privileges and even finds something for herself. She is complacent about her privileges.

She thinks that when her"privileged" classmates are discovered, they will definitely explain in a panic.

In the end, she will become a fighter who is not afraid of power.

She will shoot videos, post them, and attract traffic to herself.

Everything, from her perspective, is just.

This is a distorted world. It

's terrifying.

Even if they are caught, they will still think they are oppressed and are the wronged party.

Where did this phenomenon come from? Lin Youzi, who was standing far away, did not think deeply.

One year at most.

After a year, no one will tolerate this matter. With the arrival of the OL in the world, the world pattern will change.

He just wanted to go back to the dormitory to change clothes. He didn't want to eat dinner or anything like that.

"Can I go now?"

He spoke.

The crowd made way for him, and he walked out of the crowd in silence, disappearing from their sight soon.

In their opinion, Lin Youzi had suffered a sudden disaster. It was obviously nothing, but he happened to meet a mentally ill person.

The students watching the show around him were also uncomfortable. Their clothes were all stained.

It was difficult to wash.

The most angry was the cafeteria manager.

He had a gloomy face, called the police and waited for the police to arrive. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He couldn't leave. As a manager, he was the one in charge and couldn't leave.

This resulted in him wearing clothes full of vegetable soup and rice, and his face and head were full of smell.

The police responded very quickly.

There are police stations around the university.

The closest one might be across the street.

After the police arrived, they collected evidence and questioned some students. After getting the video , and left.

The school also needs to give an explanation.

Now the students are all paying attention to the 30% off meal card issue. After the director of the Academic Affairs Office got the news, he was very angry.

Lin Youzi is a"disabled person" and a former top scorer.

If people knew that Wancheng Wuan treated top scorers and vulnerable groups in this way, how would other colleges and universities look at them? I guess they would laugh in their dreams.

How will the next college entrance examination candidates view this school?

Do they think it is full of unfairness?

Moreover, the freshman speech will be the day after tomorrow. The director had originally gone to find Lin Youzi at noon to ask him to agree to give a speech.

Now that this incident has happened, the school can only postpone the freshman speech time.

In fact, what the director fears most is that things will develop too much, and a bad apple will spoil the whole barrel.

The announcement of the Academic Affairs Office was released soon.

The notice was very long.

Explaining the source of the meal card...

The incident happened at 6pm on October 5th, and the result was announced at 11pm.

『...Lin is a"disabled person" with a permanent disease. He complies with the relevant regulations of Wancheng Wu'an University and meets the preferential treatment policy for special students....』

The result of the treatment of that female student was that her parents took her home for education, criticized her in the school, and she had to review her mistakes in front of all the teachers and students in the school.

It can be said that this is the most serious punishment besides expulsion.

The police's handling results are also out.

She was required to apologize to Lin Youzi in person and compensate for all losses. She also faces 7 days of detention.

The students' focus has long been shifted.

In the long notice, they saw a"disabled person" with a permanent disease!

They are very good at grasping the key points

——It's so abominable. Lin is an angel with broken wings. So pitiful.

——Woohoo, I burst into tears. Why is she so miserable?

——Some people also say that Lin doesn’t deserve to have a 30% off meal card. Take a closer look at him. His conscience has been eaten by a dog, right? If he doesn’t deserve this, who does?

——Please don't insult the dog.

——This kind of heartless and shameless person bullies classmate Lin. Oh, I really want to beat her to death.

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