Fortunately, Lin Youzi had already walked some distance.

Otherwise, his eyes would have been directly touched by the lime powder.

But he didn't walk far, and his eyes still felt a little burning. Tears kept flowing from his eyes, and he couldn't open his eyes completely.

When he encountered something, his first reaction was...

【God, you are making trouble again. You really won't stop for a moment, right?

Lin Youzi was really helpless. He had no way to go against God. God was high above him. How could he fight back? He couldn't even hit him. At most, he could use international gestures to express his dissatisfaction.

The gamblers were pinned down and taken back for interrogation.

The martial artists whose eyes were splashed with lime powder rushed to the hospital for further treatment.

There was one exception. He did not go to the hospital. He was waiting for the passive effect of"Holy Water Shelter".

The passive skill will be refreshed in a few hours, so there is no need to waste time going to the hospital.

The feeling now is that I can't open my eyes. I can only squint my eyes with difficulty. There is a burning sensation around my eyes.


There is no competition tomorrow. I will go back to the dormitory and lie down for a day.


Wancheng Wu'an University planned to hold a freshman speech on the last day of National Day, which is October 7.

As a result, something happened,"The canteen splashed vegetables"、"The two incidents of"perverted men and women by the lake" caused the speech to be postponed again and again.

The martial arts competition started again.

I had to wait 20 more days and give the speech at the end of the month.

Why do I want to talk about this ?

It's because the director of the Academic Affairs Office looked for Lin Youzi on October 8, the day he participated in the competition, but he couldn't find him. The doctor clearly said that this student was sick, so how could he disappear? He was worried that Lin would run around, so he waited at the door. Lin Youzi had already changed his clothes, squinted his eyes and got out of the taxi, and walked towards the school gate.

""Student Lin."

The director had sharp eyes. When he saw him, he approached him and was about to ask him to attend the freshman speech in a month. Suddenly, he noticed that he was squinting his eyes and looked a little painful.

The words he spoke turned into concern.

"Are you okay? Why are you going out when you are sick?"

"It's okay, the martial arts competition has started, I'm just curious"

"I know you are curious, but you should also consider your health. This competition is held every year. Keeping your body healthy is better than anything else."

"I understand."

Lin Youzi could feel the director's concern.

That is, what is the director doing here?

"Director, are you waiting for someone?"

"Yeah, waiting for you"

"Wait for me?"

This time, it was Lin Youzi who didn't understand. What was he waiting for ?

"Is such that..."

The director began to explain the reason.

After listening, Lin Youzi understood. Freshman speech

, this is no problem.


This is not good.

"Director, I have no problem giving a speech, but I have a few requests."

"you say"

"I want to ask for leave!"

Lin Youzi took out the competition form.

Seeing this form, the director felt dizzy and his voice could not help but get louder.

"Student Lin, you are crazy! Why are you participating in the competition when you are sick?"

"But I have already signed up, and I won today."

"That's luck"

"Luck also won. If I don't participate in the competition, I will be very unwilling."

Finally, the director looked at Lin Youzi's face and knew that he was serious, so he compromised.

"I can grant you leave."

"Thank you, Director. I will go to the freshman speech, but I will do it in a disguise. Is that okay?"

"Yes, as long as you are on stage"


From then on, the matter was settled.

The freshman speech, that didn't matter, Lin Youzi already had a plan to deal with it. After all

, he wasn't really"punched in the back".

However, thinking of Shi Yifang looking for him everywhere, he decided to reveal his identity.

On the day of the freshman speech, he would hide himself and tell what he had experienced.

In this way, Shi Yifang should stop looking for him.

He is really smart, worthy of him.

"Director, if everything is ok, I will go back first."

"Go back and rest quickly. You are still competing when you are sick. Aren't you afraid of something happening?"

The director urged him a few times, really worried that Lin would collapse in front of him.

Lin Youzi didn't collapse.

It was just that his eyes were so hot that he could hardly open them. When he walked, he walked crookedly.

The director's face twitched.

What on earth could make someone walk like a drunk after catching a cold and having a fever?...

If he hadn't known that Lin Youzi was clear-headed and knew how to negotiate terms during the conversation, he would definitely have carried him back to the dormitory.

But even if he didn't carry him back, the director would have followed him all the way.

He didn't leave until he saw him back in the dormitory.


In the dormitory,

Lin Youzi found that he could not see.

The lime powder was so lethal that his eyes were burning and painful.

""Holy Water Shelter" will take more than an hour.

In the black world, he groped his way back to the room. He had experienced the world of the blind.

He had to be careful with every step.

The passive skill seemed to be restraining him.

As long as the body had a negative state, the realm would be blocked!

Was it because of the queen, or something else?...

Lin Youzi couldn't figure it out.

After a long time.

A blue wave swept past, and the negative state was cleared. The burning sensation around his eyes disappeared, and he felt very cool. A blue shield also appeared. The

24-hour countdown began.

At 11 o'clock in the evening...

"This is really true. Oh, let's take a shower."

Lin Youzi wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing because he didn't know what to say.

In the shield, the water from the shower head fell, and the warm water slid down the seductive body.


In the sky of the Western Regions, the queen suddenly opened her eyes.

Her holy water beads had just turned pink.

Are the beads shy? What happened? The holy water beads are intelligent.

After many years, the holy water beads changed into a girl.

She said that she was attracted by Lin Youzi's skin and wanted to change into a woman. The object of her change was Lin Youzi's image back then - a flat queen!


In the dormitory, Lin Youzi took a shower and blew his hair.

He had nothing to do tomorrow, so what should he do?

As for making money, there seemed to be no opportunities recently.

The land in the east of the city was worth 13 billion yuan, but the money was not enough. How could he save it all?

If he waited until next year to lay out the currency, he would always feel that time was very tight and the pressure would be great.

Money, money.

He put down the hair dryer and looked out the window.

There was a moon in the night sky, but the moon could not represent his heart.

"I must have forgotten some opportunity...."

He racked his brains to recall this opportunity....

Will the liquor sector fall?

No, if it falls, then it will be a loss.

There is also the price of crude oil, which will happen next month.

Otherwise, buy a lottery ticket tomorrow?

Decision made.

He will go buy a lottery ticket tomorrow.

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