Why do we talk about this topic?

Spider-Man and Batman always do stupid things.

One fantasizes about being the last hero.

The other wants to be cool all day long and always avoids danger.

For this reason, the rebellious"Homelander" began his unity speech, which is to gather the power of superheroes!


After clearing his throat, he spoke

"Unity, the unity among ordinary people, is addition, but the unity among superheroes is not addition, but multiplication!"

"Just like 1+1, the sum can only equal 2, and 1*1..."

Suddenly,"Homelander" got stuck.

But soon, his mind turned back.

"Spider-Man and Bat-Man are just 1*1, which can only equal 1. They are not as united as ordinary people, and we cannot learn from them!"

There was applause from the audience.

Spider-Man and Bat-Man pouted, very unhappy.

But who made the former team leader become the deputy director?

Don't forget that"Homelander" is unruly. After he failed to give an example, he was very dissatisfied and started giving examples again.

"The unity of ordinary people is addition, such as 1+1, 2+2, but for us excellent superheroes, the unity is 2*2!"

He spoke loudly and confidently, and deliberately raised his eyebrows to look at Spider-Man and Batman, the two"1*1" superheroes.

But the audience fell silent.


It seems that they are all 4, no different from ordinary people.

Otherwise, Deputy Director, you should not give examples, you are too bad at math.

Of course, they only dared to complain in their hearts and dared not say it out loud.

In the quiet atmosphere of the audience,"Motherland" soon realized that he was wrong again.

"Fuck, in short, unity, unity, or Fuck's unity"


That's great, be direct, don't beat around the bush


The view changed and we came to Wancheng.

Qian Wujin was attacked by a laser beam and his belly was burned.

After he used the gold coins to heal the wound, his face became gloomy.

When did his luck start to get worse?...

"Oh, that's the woman who ruined my outfit with a bow and arrow!"

He understood. It was because of this woman who ruined his clothes that he had bad luck.

It was definitely not because he thought that woman was easy to bully.

Fighting"the same kind", so what if he could n't beat her? It's easy to deal with a weak little woman!

He didn't have any men, so he went out himself.

Wearing a retro suit, a cane, a red hat, and a mustache.


Another noble aristocrat.

It was only a little after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Qian Wujin needed to wait for the gold coins to refresh tomorrow so that he could get 10 coins and raise his realm by one level.

He didn't believe that he would lose to this woman!

If he lost again, he would hang himself in a minute.


Wancheng Wu'an University campus

"Lin Youzi was no longer in the"Ice Island". He went to the Life Supermarket and bought a lot of food. He had been busy for two consecutive days.

Although few people knew about it, he still planned to reward himself and cheer himself up.

The cashier knew Lin Youzi and asked curiously. He answered truthfully.

"I bought some ingredients and cooked in the dormitory"

"Oh, the young lady is really beautiful and kind, and she has good cooking skills."

"No, the cooking is barely edible."


The cashier looked at Lin Youzi, but his hands were working fast. He recited the price, but in his heart he was thinking

【Shy little sister, so cute, I want to stick with her! 】

After counting the money, the one-time expenditure was close to one thousand yuan.

The cashier wanted to use the employee card to help with the discount, but Lin Youzi declined.

He knew that the 30% discount employee card had a monthly limit of one thousand yuan, and after one thousand yuan, it would be sold at the original price.

He did not accept this benefit. Before, he had no money and pretended to be pitiful and pitiful. Now that he has money, he can't continue to deceive others like this.

"It's okay, my roommates will give me money, it's not all my money, I'm just the chef who comes out to buy food"

"Oh, okay then."

After saying goodbye to the cashier,

Lin Youzi returned to the dormitory.

He found three people lying crookedly on the sofa.

They looked like they were tired from playing and were resting on the spot.

He did not choose to wake them up, but cooked first.

Soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine.

First use cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, then oyster sauce to enhance the flavor, and finally soy sauce to color it. To be more precise, it should be dark soy sauce to color it.

This is a plate of duck meat.

Why is it duck meat again? Lin Youzi said that he really doesn't know many dishes.

There is also stir-fried bitter melon with meat.

There is also stewed soup, and the soup ingredients include ginseng, abalone, chicken, and other Chinese medicinal materials.

This is the biggest part of the consumption, it is very expensive, the competition is coming soon, and we should make up for it.

When everything was done, it was almost 6 o'clock.

The three people lying on the sofa woke up.


It smelled too good.

This time, the people in the dormitory next door couldn't stand it.

They ran over just to get a meal.

"You are too much. You actually hired a young cook to cook. Damn it. I will also pay her to cook."

They cursed that a man who is so good at cooking would never find a girlfriend.

Now they come and see that this is the young cook. What girlfriend do they need to find! Facing this, Lin Youzi did not explain. The three of them were holding back their bad intentions and did not explain. It was a misunderstanding. It was very interesting.

They had made a fool of themselves in front of Xiao Lin before, and they also wanted to make these people make a fool of themselves.

"Since you are all here, Xiaolin, please bring a few more pairs of chopsticks."


You still want to order him around?

Lin Youzi had no choice but to turn around and get the bowl and chopsticks.

The people in the next door dormitory looked at the slender figure of Lin Youzi and almost drooled.

She is so virtuous!

"Ahem, this Xiao Lin is our professional, I remember seeing him that night."

The second brother picked it up and replied calmly:


"I was wondering, how could there be such an outstanding person, it turns out to be Sister Xiaolin, the white moonlight"

"Alas...Are you disgusting?"

Lin Youzi used all his strength.

Don't think he can't hear it!

Miss Bai Yueguang, he really feels very, very...

I don't know how to describe this feeling.

Forget it, we are all classmates, we should smile.

"Do you have Xiaolin's contact information? I feel like I've fallen in love with her. I've decided that since I've been eliminated from the auditions, I'll start pursuing Xiaolin tomorrow!"

I laughed at you.***

Lin Youzi really couldn't stand it anymore.

Why did he have to meet these people who were greedy for his body?

He said he liked her, but it was just because of her beauty.

He put the bowl on the table with a cold face and sat down to eat in silence.

He ate very quickly.

Then he went out to relax.

In less than five minutes, everyone was shocked.

"So, the little cook has finished eating? She eats so little, no wonder she is so thin."

The evening breeze brought these words to Lin Youzi's ears. He came to the lakeside in annoyance, kicking stones.

""It's not a girl, huh!"

But his voice became smaller and smaller, and he himself began to not believe it.

It was no use deceiving himself. He could see the changes in his body every day....

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