
Lin Youzi really didn't have a manuscript.

But he could still make up a story.

Those two roommates who wrote the script were really something. They refused to let him write it. If they had let him write it, it would have been done in a moment, and there would not have been a waste of time.

The theme is to prevent fraud.

He has to talk about the naivety of greed to make money, the regret of being cheated, and the life after being rescued.

In short, no matter what, it has to be sublimated to prevent being cheated, and not be petty.

This is also a good thing. The director really took great pains to use"real examples" to warn the freshmen.

After the opening remarks, the male and female hosts said in unison:

"Let's welcome Lin with applause and let him introduce us to the dangers abroad." Pa pa pa

, there was a lot of applause.

The bitter melon trio was a little confused. Where is Xiao Lin? It's already started, why hasn't he come yet?

At this time,

Lin Youzi came on stage.

He wrapped himself thickly, which attracted a lot of discussion from the classmates.

In this weather, everyone was wearing short sleeves, at most a coat, and no one was as exaggerated as him.

The weird dress attracted everyone's curiosity. Lin Youzi knew it, and a good idea came into his mind!

"Hello everyone, I am Lin, and today I will share with you a real case."

As he spoke, he took a weak breath, and after several seconds, he continued:

"You see, I am wearing so many clothes, isn’t it strange? Because I was deceived, I lost a kidney, and now I am very afraid of the cold."

The freshmen in the audience exclaimed.

This can't be true, I lost a kidney, how can I feel like I am dying, so weak?

"Ahem, don't doubt it, this is true. I still have a disability certificate and a medical examination certificate from the hospital."

Lin Youzi showed the medical examination certificate, which was the one that the military green coat commander took to the hospital for examination. The list was very blurry, and the disability certificate was handed over to him by the director.

With the supporting materials, most of the freshmen believed it.

They looked at the person on the stage wearing a coat and wrapped tightly, and felt a dull pain in their waists.

This is too miserable.

"Ahem, don't think this is a small matter, it's not a small matter."

Lin Youzi said, and stretched out his hand, panting:

"Could you please find me a chair? I can't stand any more."

The host didn't know whether it was true or not, so he immediately carried a chair to the stage.

After sitting down, he half-lying down, holding the microphone, began his"story-making".

Since the establishment of the school, the first person to sit on the stage and give a speech, apart from the leaders, may be Lin Youzi.

He spoke intermittently and weakly.

It seemed as if he would die in the next second.

The freshmen didn't dare to speak, holding their breath, listening carefully to the dangerous journey abroad.

"When I contacted the money-making channel, they asked me to meet at the border. I went, and there were many people. They took us to the park in a dilapidated van."

"In fact, when I crossed the border, I was afraid and regretted it, but when I thought about the income of tens of thousands of yuan a month, I still had a fluke.

As a result, because of my fluke, the nightmare started from here."

As he said, he coughed, and the freshmen felt uncomfortable.

How could this happen?

But they still listened quietly.

Lin Youzi laughed inwardly, thought about the follow-up quickly, and slowly said:

"After entering the park, my ID card and mobile phone were taken away by the thugs. If someone refused to give them back, they would be electrocuted. At that time, I knew I was cheated.

On the first day of being cheated, they said that they would go to the Internet company for a security review. It turned out to be a scam. I refused and was beaten."

"The next day, I hadn’t eaten for two days, so they asked me to ask my family for help. I said I was an orphan, and I was beaten again."

"On the third day, I couldn't hold on any longer. I didn't get any money from the scam. They were very angry. They grabbed my hair, dragged me for more than ten meters, and then started to draw my blood!"

Here, his tone became excited again, and he kept coughing.

But even so, he still said,"Experience"

"I watched with my own eyes as the blood was being drained away. The fear of losing blood surged into my heart. I begged for mercy, but was met with fists. I was scared and regretted my greed."

At this point, Lin Youzi pretended to cry, making a sobbing sound. Anyone who was not heartless would have cried.

The male and female supporters in the backstage had red eyes. They understood why Lin didn't need a script anymore, because he himself was the real script!

When everyone was immersed in the sad mood created by Lin Youzi, his voice came again. This time, it was a dead and indifferent voice.

"Do you know that when I was in the park, I was sold everywhere. If someone paid to buy me, I could live. I was sold so many times that I forgot how many times I was sold.

Until the end, no one wanted to buy me, not even 50,000 yuan!"

The tone of resignation, everyone knows what will happen next.

Goods that no one wants will definitely play their final value.

"You should have guessed it. My kidney was broken, and I didn't get any anesthesia. It hurt so much. I felt so much pain at the time, but my expression was numb."

After saying that, he fell silent.

After a long silence, he stood up, bowed, and said apologetically:

"I am sorry to let you know about this past. I just want to say that everyone should not be deceived by the high-salary news outside. I am serious about this sentence."

After speaking, Lin Youzi walked off the stage.

No matter how false the previous story was, he was sincere in the last words and did not want to see anyone being deceived.

Long after"Classmate Lin" left, everyone was still sad.

And Lin Youzi had quietly come to the class.

He did not say a word and sat on the ground in silence.

The ground was covered with pasture grass, soft, usually a football field, but now it was occupied.

After a long time, the host wiped his tears and went on stage, speaking with a crying voice

"Lin's experience is heartbreaking. He tells us from his own experience that young people should not be too young, as they are easily deceived...."

No one expected that such a heavy topic would appear in the freshman speech.

Drawing blood and inserting kidneys without anesthesia.

Some female classmates couldn't help shivering just thinking about this scene.

It was too scary.

Mixed in the crowd, Lin Youzi looked for Shi Yifang, wondering if she could understand and stop looking for Lin Youzi.

【Can you understand?...You should be able to understand it, you have always been very smart. 】

At the front of the class, Shi Yifang's expression was extremely solemn.

【Disappeared for a year, no information can be found, it turns out that I was deceived, but this is not right, you also talked about campus life, that is not fake! 】

She is really smart, but what she thought of is different from what Lin Youzi wanted her to know.


This speech allowed Shi Yifang to find proof of his existence

【Classmate Lin, haha, you are still here, don't try to hide from me! 】

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