Of course.

Lin Youzi was not angry to death, he came to the cafeteria. He ordered grilled fish.

He didn't know if he would have the chance to eat it again in a year.

He should cherish the present.

Knowing the scene of losing peace in a year, he was serious about everything.

He ate seriously and said thank you to the waiter.

Although the waiter was scared by Lin Youzi's"female appearance and male voice", he still smiled back.

The waiter thought, how could such a beautiful and kind-hearted girl have such a voice.

God is really fair. He gave the girl a beautiful appearance, but took away her voice and...Fat.

When facing Lin Youzi who has a pair of A, many people"can't afford it".

Without being disturbed, he can eat fish with peace of mind.

The grilled fish meat is that kind of delicious.

Slightly spicy and fragrant.

After eating it, you will feel a little spicy, but not that spicy.

Take a bottle of soy milk in a glass bottle, put it in the straw, and take a sip.

It neutralizes the spiciness in the mouth.

The sun outside the cafeteria is about to set.

The training of the martial arts major is almost over.

Lin Youzi walked out of the cafeteria and happened to meet a crowd of freshmen who were talking and laughing.

"Hello, Senior"

""Hello, senior."

The freshman greeted politely.

Lin Youzi responded with a stiff smile.

He was mistaken again.

Oh my God!

He decided to go back to the dormitory. What about digestion after a meal? To hell with it!

Back to the dormitory.

The other three hadn't come back yet.

Lin Youzi didn't care. Anyway, they were all under the same roof, and there would always be a chance to meet in the future.

At least they would meet during cultural classes.

So he went back to the room, turned on the computer, and found the international trading market.

There is a trading method called"futures" here.

For example, buying"one-month futures" means buying the current price according to the price in one month. Commodities.

Some commodities may rise or fall.

But if the commodity falls in a month, the buyer will make money after buying the current goods and selling them. It is equivalent to using time to make a profit.

In his previous life, Lin Youzi observed the international market.

After all, conflicts broke out in many places this year, and some resource prices skyrocketed, while others plummeted.

For example, the currency of a certain country was originally at a ratio of 13:1, and a month later, it plummeted to 170:1.

This is to rely on futures to earn exchange rate differences.

It is considered a high-end way of playing. What

Lin Youzi has to do now is this kind of trading method. In

September, it was in March in the next year.

There is a chance that the first small goal is to start with rare earth transactions.

At this time , it is a good time for the rare earth.

Poted in.

400,000 is the margin, and the leverage ratio is 100 times.

He was able to move so much because his reputation level for selling coins was still there.

Although the direction of the money cannot be found, there are traces of the network.

If you check carefully, you can still find some clues.

Just like VIP, the level will increase after consumption, but the consumption record cannot be seen in the background.

100 times leverage, a full 400 million.

Lin Youzi used all the 400 million margin to buy rare earths, paying at a monthly price.

Then he put the rare earths purchased with 400 million funds up for sale.

Next, just wait for the result.

After the transaction is completed, the funds will be delivered when the period arrives.

After making money, first pay back the 400 million leverage money, and only after the settlement will the money be transferred to the account.

In other words, this month, Lin Youzi is completely"bankrupt", and his pocket is cleaner than his face.


He has no money in his card, and there is still 3,000 yuan in V.

3,000 yuan is enough for this month!

After completing everything, Lin Youzi stretched his waist.

He plans to take a shower.

What should I wear today? There are no new clothes.

"Just make do with it and wear your old clothes."

It's a little big, so just use it as pajamas.

He used to like wearing shirts, especially white ones, which gave him a feeling of first love in the sun.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have named his online name"Peerless Beauty". In terms of appearance, Lin Youzi is still very confident and has good taste in clothes. There was a sound of water in the bathroom. There was no washing machine in the room, only on the first floor. He took out his underwear and planned to wash only the outer clothes. When using a shared washing machine, you still need to pay attention to hygiene. Especially for underwear. Although



Lin Youzi looked at the motionless little bird, his face ashen.

He didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that the little bird had become smaller.

Moreover, when he thought of the diagnosis of"the corpus cavernosum cannot supply blood normally", his heart sank.

The little bird was already like this, so he should try to keep it clean and reduce unnecessary stimulation.

Only in this way, a year later, on Blue Star OL, he was looking for a treasure to restore his masculinity.

Suddenly, while taking a shower, Lin Youzi���He saw his naked self in the mirror, and was stunned by the flower petal pattern on his shoulders.

"This pattern..."

He had seen it before after the character panel was inherited, but he didn't care about it at first.

But how come one petal has a color now, and it's pink.

This is too weird. It must not be seen by others!

According to Lin Youzi's guess, the other petals will also turn pink later.

Too scary.

There are pink petals on the shoulders of a grown man....

If someone saw it, he would definitely be called a"pervert".

But why did it change color?

Lin Youzi suspected that the color change was related to the arrival of the Fantasy World OL.

It might be that it gradually changed color as time went by.

Then after the game officially arrived, the ten petals lit up and the abilities returned.

After all, the character panel at this time only displayed the name, gender, realm, and ability, and the ability was locked....

If there is no ability to develop, there is no ability to use.

While thinking, the water of the shower stopped.

Lin Youzi put on a white shirt, even with the buttons, it was still a little loose.

Without the fat mass, the shirt could not be supported, but even so, it was still somewhat attractive.

After opening the door, he went downstairs with the"clothes basket".

At this time...

There was a discussion outside the main door.

The next second, the door opened.

It was my roommate who came back.

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