——Who did it?

Someone asked this question.

At the same time, everyone wanted to know who did it.

How dare they blow up the pipeline? It took more than ten years to complete. It was put into use less than a year ago, and it was destroyed like this?

In the League of Nations, many countries rely on this pipeline to transport low-cost resources.

Now that it is destroyed, the cost of resources will increase in the future, and the cost of living will increase. In serious cases, it will cause people in the country to become restless.

As for polluting the environment, in the face of survival, they are all put aside for later.

At this moment, on the polluted water surface, although the valves have been closed in time, the leaked resources still pollute a large area of the sea.

With the activity of the submarine currents, some pollution has spread to the black sea polluted by the OL of the world.

These resources are a great supplement for the creatures of the world who have no food to eat!

The strange fish began to swallow, and their faces became hideous and terrifying.

Among them.

The radioactive substances around the neon sea area are the favorites of these strange fish.

It can be said that the more toxic the substance, the more the creatures of the world like it.

Without the knowledge of the Neon Island, their sea area was already surrounded by strange fish.

The strange fish is a potential crisis.

The current crisis is that the central region discovered that its resources were cut off, and began to launch a crazy attack to further plunder resources from other places.

The essence of war is to plunder resources.

Especially now that resources are more scarce, many countries that were not originally affected by the war have been forced to exit.

The melee has begun.

The realm masters are taking advantage of the situation and taking the opportunity to build their power.

The werewolves continue to infect seriously injured soldiers and form a team of 10,000 werewolves!

They do not need any resources, as long as they have blood food to survive.

It is best to sacrifice delicious souls to the Lord of the Maze.

The judgment of a delicious soul is based on quality. The nobler, the more delicious the soul.

Also, it depends on how much suffering one has suffered. The suffering encountered will leave a mark on the soul. The more suffering one has suffered, the worse the taste.


November 12.

Lin Youzi woke up and found that the world had changed.

He had only slept for one day, not a month.

How come the pipeline issue happened so much earlier? His previous preparations were not enough!

"It's bad. I guess I can't make 10 billion this time."

While the price is rising, it's not outrageous yet. He bought a lot of cargo ships loaded with crude oil.

And rented a lot of warehouses nearby.

Relying on the international trading market, his account is still a hundred times leveraged this time!

When many people saw him operating crude oil, they followed suit.

"Damn, what's wrong with these people?"

Lin Youzi couldn't help but swear.

He knew that his operation would be imitated. He wanted to wait for a low-price opportunity and buy intermittently.

But plans can't keep up with changes.

The time to blow up the pipeline was several months in advance.

There was no time to wait for him to lay out a little bit.

The investment of many capitals caused the price of crude oil to skyrocket!

In just one day, it doubled five times.

The consequence was that the central region fought more fiercely.

Many world buyers who bought crude oil shipped the resources back to their countries.

They dared not stay in the central region for fear of being robbed.

After all, if crude oil is exposed to the air, it will attract... the lighthouse army.

However, Lin Youzi was too lazy to transport it. He bought it personally, and he relied on the international trading market to reach out to the major countries to grab food.

To If he transports it back, the crude oil will not belong to him halfway.

There is also an advantage of putting it in the middle, that is, when the price is high, he can sell it directly!

Seize the opportunity.

Of course, the risk is very high.

As the saying goes:"Fortune is sought in danger, but it is also lost in danger."

He can only hire people to guard it, which costs a full 100 million.

He can't save money on this matter.

Moreover, the last money is his gamble.

If he loses the bet... He can only start over, but he has no chance of rebirth.

Therefore, he can't lose.

Ten billion crude oil, guarded by 100 million people, I hope everything will be peaceful in the next few months.

After controlling everything, he realized that it was already noon.

He hadn't brushed his teeth or washed his face yet.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face in a hurry, he ran downstairs.

But he seemed to have forgotten something...



The three of them sat on the sofa and watched the live broadcast of the martial arts competition. They ordered takeout, ate French fries, and drank Coke. It was very comfortable.

Until there was a noise on the stairs, Jiang Yongzhi turned around and looked.


The cola sprayed out immediately. What kind of shape is this?

The second brother Xu Yongchu turned his head to look, and his nose also felt hot. He immediately raised his head.

【Shit, I actually had a nosebleed. 】

That pair of long legs, really, really tempting, pajama style? Bathrobe style.

How can Xiaolin dress like this!

Really, really...

Please give me more in the future, hehe.

The third brother is not much better, he feels dry mouth

【Xiaolin feels that it is really big... It seems that it is not small. 】

He kept looking at the upper body from the corner of his eyes, where is the thing that he is curious about?

"What are you doing?"

The behavior of these three people was very strange. Lin Youzi didn't dare to move. He just stood on the stairs and watched them.


Jiang Yongzhi stuttered:

"Xiao, Xiao Lin, I know you don't treat us as outsiders, but this dress, still, still be careful."

As soon as these words came out, the wind blew, and the lower body suddenly felt chilly.

Lin Youzi woke up suddenly, looked down, and the gap was looming. Fortunately, it was blocked, so there was no exposure.

But the split pajamas revealed a long leg!


""Don't look!!!"

The three of them lowered their heads immediately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Youzi ran back to the room.

Die, die, die.

How he appeared was a problem.

He hadn't used his"tracing" ability yet, so he couldn't turn back time!

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just that my legs were seen, it's okay, it's okay."

He kept hypnotizing himself and changed into other clothes. He kept using cold water to cool his red face and tried to smile.

But. It was still very irritating to be a **. Lin Youzi smashed the glass with one punch! With a click, he looked at himself in the broken glass.

"Ahhh, I'm so angry."

He hadn't seen enough before they saw his legs. He didn't know how much they saw, whether they saw the thighs!

How could this happen?

It was all because of the sudden explosion of the pipeline by the Lighthouse Country, which attracted everyone's attention.

The Lighthouse Country pretended to be innocent in the international community, pretending to be an international policeman, and condemned the saboteurs. It was righteous and righteous, and it really played the trick of"the thief crying thief". It thought no one knew, but Lin Youzi, as a reborn person, knew who did it!

"Damn Lighthouse Nation, you are the ones who distracted me."

It was the Lighthouse Nation's fault that he hurried downstairs and forgot to change his clothes.

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