After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 100 Where are the family members?

The gangsters opened the big box in the car, poured out the groceries, and then put the corpses into it.

Just like this, there are still twenty or thirty corpses that cannot be loaded.

The remaining living people stood in the open space, shaking like chickens. The gangsters ordered them to clean up the aftermath, digging up the blood-stained sand and throwing it into the lake.

Less than half an hour later, the open space by the lake was clean again, except for the pile of corpses piled up on the edge.

A gangster suddenly pointed his finger at the lake: "Someone has escaped!"

Everyone looked away from the water, and sure enough they found a man escaping in a boat. He probably took advantage of the chaos and ran to the water's edge, hid in the long grass, and untied a small boat.

The wind helped the boat move, and the boat soon moved away from the shore.

Zhu on the shore bit her lip, and she recognized that the fleeing figure was her husband.

The man rowed hard and rowed towards the center of the lake.

It would be safer if it was further away. He wanted to report to the nearest town and ask the officers and soldiers to kill these dogs!

However, he soon heard laughter on the shore. When he looked back, he saw that the gangsters were pointing at him, not nervous at all, but instead chatting and laughing.

Are these bitches out of their mind and crazy?

Just a few breaths later, the calm lake water suddenly made a splash.

The boat capsized.

There was no one on board.

Mrs. Zhu covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming, and her mother-in-law fainted.

After the violent shaking, the boat turned over again, but it was alone and empty.

The waves quickly hit the shore and disappeared.

In just a dozen breaths, the lake became as smooth as a mirror again.

The villagers on the shore were stunned and didn't know what happened.

The gangsters also walked to the trestle by the waterside, untied a dozen boats, carried all the boxes aboard, then sailed the boats into the middle of the lake and sank the boxes.

They were also sailing, and they looked relaxed, chatting and laughing, but everything was fine.

There were dead people and big rocks in the box, so it sank firmly to the bottom.

As for the corpses piled on the shore, the gangsters threw them into the water.

Soon, the floating corpses disappeared one after another, as if they were dragged to the bottom of the lake by something, never to appear again.

A few ripples appeared on the surface of the water, a few strings of bubbles appeared, and calm returned.

By this time, the gangsters had snatched away the children from every family, and the scene was filled with crying and commotion.

The village chief also woke up leisurely, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he was so frightened that a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his throat. The leader of the caravan patted him on the shoulder and said, "If you cooperate well, you won't have to die. Do you understand?"

The village chief nodded quickly.

"Forgot to ask, do you have any children under the age of eleven at home?"

The village chief nodded again.

The caravan leader smiled and said, "Then I'll be relieved."

He coughed hard twice and said to the remaining living people with a smile: "From now on, we are your family! As long as you accompany us to play this scene well, you can survive and get your children back, living children. family!"

Two quarters of an hour later, two gangsters found Zhu hiding in the ancestral hall and dragged her out.


"It's getting dark soon. We don't want to spend the night in the barren mountains, right?" Mrs. Ying raised the bamboo curtain on the carriage to look at the sky, worried.

The mountain scenery is beautiful, but it gets boring if you look at it too much. After walking in the stuffy and humid mountains for a day, she just wanted to take a hot bath.

"Maybe." He Lingchuan leaned opposite her, with a soft pillow behind his waist. The carriage space was small and he had long arms and legs, so it was not easy for him to find a comfortable position. "I heard that there are many blind holes in the mountains. As long as you dig in the right place, you can eat roasted bear paws tonight."

Mrs. Ying was dissatisfied: "You own a horse, why are you still here?"

"The second brother also has a horse. Isn't he here?" Riding a horse was bumpy and the legs would be worn out after riding for a long time. Of course, He Lingchuan chose a comfortable carriage.

He Yue coughed lightly: "The mountain road is muddy, which delays the drive. The guide said that the front is Xianling Village, and we can reach it in a quarter or two at most."

He Lingchuan was a little disappointed: "It seems that we won't be able to eat roasted bear paws tonight."

He Yue smiled: "Brother can go into the mountains to hunt by himself."

He Lingchuan sighed, leaning his head on his head to look at the darkening sky outside.

In the past few days, he couldn't dream of returning to the Panlong Wasteland. During the day, he only had to rush on the road. It was really boring.

Broken Blade seemed to know his eagerness, but refused to let him get what he wanted.

In his ears, Mrs. Ying and He Yuezheng were chatting about trivial matters, including what to do after arriving in Xiazhou.

Mrs. Ying likes the warmth of the East, and hopes to buy a big house of her choice in Dunyi City, the capital of Xiazhou, decorate it well, and hire seventeen or eight servants... bala bala.

He Lingchuan suddenly shushed and interrupted their conversation: "Don't make any sound!"

"Why are you trying to scare people?" Mrs. Ying glared at him. There were more than 300 guards outside, and she was not a coward.

"Something's wrong." He Lingchuan looked serious, "Tired birds return to their nests at dusk, but why are the mountains and forests so quiet?"

In the evening, the birds that have gone out return to their nests, and the chirping of the trees and forests is as loud as the quarrels between human neighbors, and the sound is amplified several times.

Since when did the mountains and forests they passed by become silent?

Only the beating of hooves and the rumble of cars are the only regular sounds that make people nervous. Mrs. Ying swallowed her saliva. Just as He Yue was about to speak, Zeng Feixiong's big face suddenly appeared outside the car window:

"Madam and Master, the Fairy Village is ahead."

Mrs. Ying stretched her head and looked out. In front of her was a large lake like a mirror. There were shadowy figures on the edge of the lake, including the outlines of houses.

Isn’t this the right place? What’s wrong with talking about it?

She exhaled, almost frightened by her mischievous eldest son.

Passing through the half-harvested wheat fields, the team soon arrived outside the village, and all the knights dismounted.

The He family father and son and Zeng Feixiong stepped forward, and people from the village quickly came out to greet them.

He Chunhua took out the Sheji Ling to identify himself and explained his purpose of staying overnight. The housekeeper Lao Mo took out the accommodation money. The Sheji Order could prove his official status, and the village chief quickly nodded in agreement. The tall man next to him claimed to be the village chief's nephew, his surname was Lu, and his name was Lu Han.

Lu Han smiled broadly and said that there were not enough houses in the village and the soldiers could spend the night in the grain drying field and granary behind the village.

Officials and their wives naturally have to stay in the cottage.

It was already dark by now, and warm light shone through the window paper of every house. It was a warm and normal farm life.

The He family, Zeng Feixiong and others all lived in the houses with the best conditions. The villagers brought them meals, but they all looked a little intimidated, especially their eyes were wandering. Mrs. Ying asked the hostess for some kind words, and asked her three questions before answering one sentence. Her expression was also very reluctant.

The husband scolded her with a "duh" sound: "Why are you talking to a nobleman? You are an ignorant bitch!" Then he turned to Mrs. Ying and smiled, "She has never been out of the mountains, she is just that stingy, don't Sorry!"

Mrs. Ying waved her hand, gave them two ingots of broken silver, and said to He Chunhua: "The night is cold and dewy, so the guards must have hot water and food."

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