After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 121 Calculation

"Me?" This topic successfully aroused Lu Yao's interest. He put down his wine bowl and frowned and thought for a while.

"Dong Haoming's military exploits were impressive in his early years, but he became a little confused as he got older. He didn't even find out whether the emperor was in the palace or not before he assassinated him. If he doesn't suffer, who will suffer?"

He took a sip of wine and ate two more peanuts handed over by the gangster: "Besides, his sons are not very capable. I fought with his second son Dong Haoye by Xiangrong Lake. I don't know where this kid is. He has read two military books and dared to lead the troops. I probably wanted him to gain some military glory on the battlefield so that he could achieve success when he returned home. Who would have thought that he would meet me in that battle!"

At this time, the fish soup cooked by the cook was also served on the table. It was simmered until the milky white thick soup floated with a few lettuce, two young mushrooms, and a handful of thin and elastic hand-rolled noodles. He Chunhua poured a few drops of wine into the fish soup while it was still hot. The aroma was so fragrant that all the carnivorous creatures within a 200-meter radius gulped down their saliva.

He saw Lu Yao snoring and finished most of the bowl of soup, and then asked: "How will the battle be fought? General Lu, can you tell me?"

Lu Yao was happy when someone wanted to hear his proud past. He wiped his mouth and said, "At that time, Dong Haoye was sure that our camp by the lake was empty, so he brought more than a thousand people to steal the camp, and he almost succeeded. ! Fortunately, I took 300 people on an outing, and rushed back when I saw the flames calling for help in mid-air."

He Chunhua gave a thumbs up: "Three hundred versus more than a thousand, that's impressive."

"Haha, this guy is stupid enough to ride a white horse! On a dark and windy night, the horse was so white that it shone brightly. I knocked him down with one arrow. When the flag was knocked down, the morale of the army was scattered, and the thousand People are like a mob, let us disperse within two rounds..."


Wu Shaoyi was distracted for a while, but before the troops from the foot of the mountain came up, Sable came back first.

"There was an army hidden under the Whistle Rock, numbering at least five hundred. They were all sitting at night, but they didn't light a fire. I saw two guys whispering to each other, laughing miserably, and got whipped. By the way, I was inside. I also saw a few familiar faces, these are indeed Lu Yao’s men.”

It actually spoke, but no one here was surprised, they were already used to it.

Wu Shaoyi asked it: "How far is Shaozi Rock from Xianling Village?"

"It only takes a few dozen breaths for me to jump over, but it takes about a cup of tea for you humans." Sable added, "The space under the Whistle Rock is spacious and can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time."

Wu Shaoyi's face suddenly became ugly.

The distance is so close, but these people don't go to Xianling Village to grill themselves and eat fish. They would rather brave the cold dew and hide under Shaozi Rock, without even lighting the campfire, for fear of being discovered... Could it be that they are squatting in a collective pit?

After receiving an invitation to join forces from Lu Yao, the three parties agreed to each bring 200 people to Shuangyuetan, both for balance and for precaution.

Now Lu Yao has secretly sent more people to Shaoziyan. This is a unilateral breach of contract!

He knew that Lu Yao was absolutely untrustworthy!

Wu Shaoyi took a deep breath, told herself to calm down, and then asked Sable: "What about Fairy Village? What did you see?"

"Lu Yao and a man were sitting by the big lake at the entrance of the village, with a big fish in front of them. The two of them were grilling fish, eating wine, and chatting and laughing. I heard Lu Yao bragging about his various achievements in the past, and calling the man " 'Master He'! By the way, he also gave the opponent advice on how to capture Wuzhou and defeat Da Sima!"

Wu Shaoyi's expression changed.

Lu Yao was sitting together eating fish and drinking wine with a royal official? This scene is very inconsistent when I think about it.

As for dealing with Da Sima, that was a headache for Wang Ting, and others would not ask Lu Yao for his opinion.

The man named He must be an official.

"The two of them also gossiped about several generals, including General Pei. Lord He praised him for his resourcefulness and stability, but Lu Yao said that stability has good and bad qualities. General Pei's concubines have all slept with others, and General Pei has not followed. The adulterer fell out." Sable scratched her belly, "The two laughed for a long time. Master He asked about the adulterer, and Lu Yao said he was General Xiaoyao."

"By the way, behind that 'Master He' are all officers and soldiers wearing light armor. I walked around the village and there were at least two hundred officers and soldiers, looking nervous."

Wu Shaoyi pressed the handle of the knife with one hand and her face turned pale: "Okay, okay, the man named Lu really wants to surrender at the cost of our lives!"

Old and new hatreds all came flooding back.

The guide on the side widened his eyes in shock: "General Wu, please don't fall into the enemy's trap. Those officers and soldiers are the ones we want to kill! General Lu is just holding him steady, waiting for you and General Pei to sacrifice the flag together!"

"You drank and ate fish with the target of your execution?" Wu Shaoyi smiled instead of getting angry, "Didn't you say before that there was nothing abnormal in the village?"


"There are not many officers and soldiers. Lu Yao can eat it by himself. Why does he have to wait for us to go with him?"

The guide couldn't answer, so it couldn't be said that Mr. Lu didn't want to be harmed, right? He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "If you think about that flying arrow letter, someone must be secretly stirring up trouble!"

The guide continued to argue, but Wu Shaoyi was too lazy to listen and chopped off his head with his backhand.

The blade of the knife was still dripping blood, and he had already sent an order to Pei Xinyong. Lu Yao not only broke the contract and brought all his men with him, but also conspired with the officers and soldiers to plot against him. How could he, Wu Shaoyi, be so easy to kill?

This meeting was facilitated by Pei Xinyong, who had a relatively peaceful temperament. In order to gain his fighting power, Wu Shaoyi asked the scouts who delivered the order to emphasize Lu Yao's arrogance. Pei Xinyong's favorite concubine is as beautiful as a flower. The key is that she is thirty years younger. No matter how strong old Pei is, he is still in his fifties. He is also busy with military affairs, so how can he respond to every request? That time he led his troops out and fought for more than four months. Not only did his concubine fall in love with other people, she also became pregnant.

No matter how steady Pei Xinyong was, he couldn't bear it. In a rage, he beat the concubine to death without even asking who the adulterer was. He drank alcohol for half a month afterwards.

This kind of thing is a thorn in the heart for any man.

What's even better is that the traitor General Xiaoyao has been killed in the battle. Even if Pei Xinyong learns the news now, he can't wake him up and kill him a second time.

Wu Shaoyi was very angry, but instead of rushing for success, he asked the entire army to stand by and wait for Pei Xinyong's reply.

During this period, Lu Yao sent another scout.

Wu Shaoyi's men spoke politely, saying that it was not easy for the general to sober up and that he had been delayed in entering the mountain. He would take a short rest and move on immediately.

After more than half an hour, Pei Xinyong's reply finally came. It was very simple:

We have replenished our manpower and are willing to go to Shaozi Rock to capture 700 elite soldiers.

As soon as he agreed, Wu Shaoyi felt confident, waved her hand and said: "Let's go, target Xianling Village!"

Pei Xinyong also mobilized the remaining troops from the foot of the mountain, with a total of 1,600 troops.

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