After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1264 The storm is the motherland

Wan Qiliang shouted, and Mr. Dong's experimental cabin returned to calm, as if there was no other noise.

Several Bailong people crept over and leaned on the door to eavesdrop.

There is no sound.

Suddenly the door opened, and everyone squeezed back onto the wooden stairs.

Wan Qiliang came out, his breathing was a little short and his face was a little weak.

He closed the door behind his back and walked up without saying a word.

Everyone asked anxiously: "What's inside, what's under the black cloth?"

To be able to scare Aliang, who kills people like chickens, into looking like this, it must not be easy under the black cloth!

"Is a--"

Everyone was attentive, but Wan Qiliang gave it away: "——Secret."

"Hey, tell me, what's going on?" Everyone's appetites were whetted.

"Mr. Dong said that anyone who still wants to explore the secret will be locked up in the experimental cabin in the next few days."

Wan Qiliang walked back to the aisle and threw the gambling money on the table into his companion's hands: "Take it."

Then he returned to his cabin.

Until now, the goosebumps on his arms were still visible.

During lunch, He Lingchuan asked Dong Rui:

"What was the result of the experiment?"

"That subordinate of yours, who thought he was so bold, was so frightened that he almost lost control." Dong Rui slurred while chewing rice. The ghost monkey sat on the edge and gnawed on the peach. Hearing this, his gums were exposed and he kept laughing.

It was there at the time and it saw it.

He will never get tired of watching this scene a hundred times.

"But then I warned him that what he saw was confidential and he had to keep his mouth shut." Dong Rui laughed, "He nodded and ran away."

"If even well-trained soldiers are almost scared out of their wits, it proves that my plan is feasible." He Lingchuan pondered, "But the atmosphere is also very important."

He knows very well what kind of environment Dong Rui's experimental cabin is like, with dim light, messy objects, and many pairs of eyes staring at you, some from ghost apes and some from jars. People who entered for the first time probably thought they were in the Underground Palace of the Ghost King, and they were already feeling frightened.

An individual will be affected by the environment, and he must take advantage of this.

He Lingchuan asked Dong Rui again: "Can your new experimental subjects be released?"

"We still need to change them again." Dong Rui said angrily, "Do you know how difficult it is to shrink them into normal human size?"

"Hurry up, you have to spend time training before putting it into use." The difficulty was not in He Lingchuan's consideration. He just urged. Who makes him the rich father of Party A? "Before arriving at Julu Port, you must at least make them wear armor."

Dong Rui stretched out his chopsticks and picked up a large piece of braised pork: "I know!"

Behind the pile of debris, there was a red light flashing.

The smell of blood floated in the air, and Wan Qiliang found himself standing in that confined space again——

Mr. Dong’s experimental cabin.

Something bumped towards him from behind, with heavy footsteps and a low roar like a beast.

He turned around suddenly and saw something almost touching his face.

The opponent's face was very human-like. Although the left side of the face was pitted, at least it was still covered with skin. The skin on the right side was torn off, revealing the pale golden bones and dark red tendons underneath.

Without the eyelids, there are naturally no eyelids. The big, beady eyeballs are red and white, but the left eye is shrunk in the socket, shining as red as a needle.

It also has a horn on its forehead, like a rhinoceros.

Wan Qiliang held back his scream this time and stabbed him with his backhand.

But this thing blocked the blow as soon as he raised his wrist. The arm block and the blade collided, and several sparks exploded.

Its hands are also like dried paws, thin and long, with veins floating on the surface.

Wan Qiliang discovered that it was actually wearing black armor!

It seemed to be the black armor he personally sent into the experimental cabin.

The monster blocked his knife and wasted no time. He opened his mouth and gnawed at his head, with black smoke lingering around his mouth and nose.

His field of vision was immediately filled with a bloody mouth.

The last shot shows the monster's long and pointed teeth.

He jumped up and woke up.

In one day, he was scared by this ghost twice?

Wan Qiliang rubbed his face vigorously and found that his back was slightly wet:



He Lingchuan himself was not idle either and went back to the cabin to work after dinner.

The sea journey was boring, so he reserved some letters and read them on the ship.

Lingguang found one letter from the pile and handed it over:

"This is a letter from Songyang Mansion."

The hull of the boat rocked gently with the waves, like a cradle. He Lingchuan yawned, rubbed his dry eyes, and Lingguang gave him two drops of eye drops.

He closed his eyes and rested for a while, letting Lingguang read the letter for him.

However, the content in the letter is really not a good thing, because something happened again in Yuan Kingdom:

The capital of Yuan Kingdom was captured by the great Sima Donghaoming!

After holding on for more than a month, his cheap father He Chunhua took King Yuan and fled south, retreating to his own territory of Yazhou.

After Dong Haoming drove away King Yuan, he was crowned king in the capital.

Hearing this, He Lingchuan hissed softly: "Good guy, you are too impatient."

As long as the King of Kite is here, the national line will still be there.

If he were Dong Haoming, he would definitely wait until he killed King Yuan before ascending the throne, otherwise he would still be unjust and unjust.

Dong Haoming has been fighting for so many years, and it seems he is really impatient to wait.

But in He Lingchuan's opinion, this decision was too hasty and too aggressive.

Sure enough, two generals of the Yuan Kingdom immediately refused to accept and took the opportunity to stand on their own. They were not far from the capital, so Dong Haoming had to lead troops to attack; several other armies, including Zhao Pan, seized the time to rush to King Qin of Yazhou.

King Yuan is still alive, and there is still a little centripetal force left in the surviving Yuan Kingdom.

"He brought King Yuan back to Yazhou, and the big thing was half done. But those two generals suddenly became independent, and the timing was too friendly to He Chunhua."

Considering that there is a God of Destiny standing behind Cheap Daddy, it seems natural to be blessed by good luck.

Sometimes the situation is stronger than the person, and success depends on luck.

Ling Guang asked curiously: "Does King Kite not know the danger?"

Even it can be seen. At this point, what is the difference between the fate of the so-called "king" and the common people on the street?

Neither can be autonomous.

"Why don't you know? He's not stupid." He Lingchuan shook his head, "I'm afraid this is because he can't help himself. Besides relying on He Chunhua, does he still have the ability to say no?"

He Chunhua held the military power and was on King Yuan's side. However, King Yuan could only rely on him to fight against Dong Haoming.

To use one word to describe King Kite's situation, he is surrounded by tigers and wolves, all of whom have bad intentions.

Ling Guang asked again: "Can't those generals of Zhao Pan be used by him?"

"It's not that simple. They are in Yazhou and are no longer the capital." The local emperor of Yazhou is He Chunhua, not King Yuan. "Besides, He Chunhua has many tricks to deal with people like Zhao Pan."

Later, after Dong Haoming destroyed two "rebellions", he finally concentrated his troops and sent troops to Yazhou, preparing to kill King Yuan and remove the thorn in He Chunhua's side.

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