After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1330 All the people who were good to her died

"Go out feet first, feet first! This is the rule." A porter said hurriedly, "The head goes out first. If the soul of the deceased is not stable, it will not leave. It will linger here and seek death from strangers! This It’s all very important, don’t make blind turns!”

Another person lifted it up and groaned: "Looking thin and small, I didn't expect it to be so heavy!"

"Otherwise, how can it be called 'dead and heavy'? Dead people are very heavy. No matter they are ten years old or a hundred years old, no matter how thin or young they are, they are still dead and heavy."

Xiao An looked at Bai Bu with wide eyes.

Other children aged five or six probably don't understand what "death" is, but she does.

A few days ago, her mother was carried onto the hay truck in this way, but without a cloth.

Not to mention that she had seen this scene before her again and again.

Whose turn is it to die today?

The two porters were still mumbling: "Such a beautiful girl, how pitiful she is."

"Hey, you just came here. You have very little experience. You will get used to it after a while. Does the Villa pay us so much money to do good things for everyone?"

"Ah, but, but?" This porter was an apprentice brought in by his master just a few days ago. His legs felt a little weak when he saw the dead people today, especially this one. At first glance, he felt a little unbearable.

He swallowed: "Is it really okay for the Villa to be like this...?"

"What's the matter? Even if you and I go to the county and town and tell the truth, no one can care about it. There is no suffering owner, understand? These are all bought by Ren Yazi from other places." The companion said, "Besides, the Wuma family is here You are not allowed to walk sideways here, who dares to mess with it? Hey, be careful!”

It was too late to shout out. The first person didn't pay attention to the boulder under his feet. He tripped and chewed on the mud. It took him a long time to get up.

With this fall, the body he was carrying fell to the ground.

The white cloth was not tightly wrapped, but half of it fell apart, revealing the face of the female corpse.

Xiao An's eyes widened.

Han Tingting!

The face was bloodless and his eyes were closed, looking particularly strange.

But Xiao An recognized at a glance that the person wrapped in white cloth was Han Tingting.

Her body couldn't help but tremble slightly, but it wasn't fear.

The person on the ground got up, covered her face with a cloth, and lifted it up again.

"How far is the mule train?"

"Come on, move another fifty steps, the car is parked outside."

"Where will it be transported?"

The companion glared: "Why do you care so much? If you want to be wrapped in cloth, you can figure out where to go!"

"Don't dare, forget it." He only took up the job of moving dead people because of the high wages.

It wasn't until the two of them walked away that Xiao An stood up from behind the tree and looked back at the bluestone courtyard wall.

She understood what the two servants said.

Han Tingting died here. For some unknown reason, the second young master killed her.

The girl who could talk and laugh before last night, who sewed her socks and promised to bring her chicken legs, has now turned into a cold corpse, wrapped in a thin piece of white cloth.

An indescribable emotion emerged in Xiao An's heart.

Her mother was good to her, but her mother died.

Han Tingting was good to her, and Han Tingting died.

All the people who were good to her died.

Then why does the second young master want to live?

After the two porters left, the small door was only ajar, and she got in through the door.

The flowers and willows in the yard are blooming brightly and unrestrainedly, as if they don't even care that a young girl is dying here.

Whether it is one or many, no one cares at all.

Hiding behind the low wall of the garden, Xiao An heard the footsteps again and the second young master's... yawn.

"What's the matter?" The second young master stayed up all night and caught up on his sleep at dawn. He was still not very energetic at this time. "Don't tell me that you can't even look down on a little girl."

"Second, second young master." This was the voice of the servant, "She, I didn't pay close attention. She disappeared when she went to the thatched building."

"Trash!" The second young master raised his voice, "Where can a five- or six-year-old girl go? Look for it, use more manpower to look for it!"

Xiao An hid in the dark and stared at the second young master's Adam's apple, breathing rapidly and feeling an impulse in his heart.

She had this kind of impulse more than ten days ago.

With a "pop" sound, she accidentally stepped on the branch at her feet, and the two people who were talking suddenly looked over: "Who is there!"

Xiao An stood up from behind the tree, his face expressionless.

When the second young master saw her, he couldn't help but be startled: "Didn't she run away? Why is she here?"

"She might..." Jian Pu was overjoyed, "I will take her away immediately!"

He ran towards Xiao An, but the latter turned his head and looked at the second young master.

At this time, the sunset was shining, and the second young master's face was half in the sun and half in the darkness.

She suddenly spoke with a crisp voice: "You are as fat as a pig, you are not scary at all."

These words made Jian Pu stun his feet, and the second young master was furious: "Take her down!"

He hates being called fat!

"Second Young Master, it would be nice if you died too." Xiao An said quietly, "Father said that people who treat me badly should not be alive!"

From the trees behind her, her familiar clicking sound came again.

A bit of cold wind blew out from behind, and goosebumps appeared on the back of Xiao An's neck——

The monster is coming, right behind her, only one step away from her!

Normally she would run with all her might, but now she didn't want to run.

The monster chasing her is so terrifying, it shouldn't hurt just her, right?

The servant picked her up and presented her to the second young master like a treasure: "Second young master, how do you want to teach this girl a lesson?"

"Interesting." The second young master touched her face, which felt particularly smooth and tender. "I planned to play with you again in a few days, but now..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

First surprised, then horrified.

Stay in the county.

Li Xianwei got busy as soon as he returned to his territory and disappeared throughout the day.

Fortunately, before nightfall, he came to see He Lingchuan:

"There is progress, there is progress! We sent more than a hundred people to search all the way, and finally found a body under a pine stream five miles west of Chenjiazhuang. Although it was rotten beyond recognition and was eaten to pieces by wild beasts, it has never been The remaining clothes can be vaguely identified, it must be a woman! "


"Yes, there is only one corpse, and it's that of an adult." Lieutenant Li added, "Children don't have such long arm bones."

He Lingchuan pondered, if this female corpse is Ah Hui, where is Xiao An?

It is unlikely that the five Chen Fuang people would dump the little girl's body separately.

He Lingchuan then asked: "Where are Maodun and Xingyun Village?"

Lieutenant Li quickly said: "Oh, it will take some time to investigate these two places."

It's not like he has three heads and six arms. He was busy looking for corpses today, so how could he have time to check these things again?

Someone flashed outside the house, but He Lingchuan remained calm.

After Lieutenant Li finished his report and turned around to leave, He Lingchuan said to the outside: "Come in."

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