After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1442: Clouds and mists

"In other words, the account book that has been corrected is fine?" Yao Wang leaned back on the back of the chair, "It seems that someone is unwilling to accept this."

If there is no major problem with Shuangxi's account book, won't the series of actions behind the scenes be in vain?

He knows Xue Zongwu's temper too well. There is almost only one person who can make this senior official with military power uneasy and unable to sleep at night:

Qingyang Regent.

Yao Wang knew that Qingyang had originally planned to collect evidence of Xue Zongwu's corruption, otherwise he would not have racked his brains to send a special envoy.

Did she suddenly find that this road was not feasible, so she decided to do it once and for all...

After all, from now on, Xue Zongwu's death has indeed benefited her a lot.

When Yao Wang thought of this, his heart was a little choked:

"What a calculation, hehe, what a calculation!"

Maybe the leader of the Black Armor Army is really related to Qingyang. In this case, he still has to give in to Qingyang who killed Xue Zongwu and put him in a passive position!

Even if Qingyang and Xue Zongwu's death had nothing to do with each other, this old witch has such a big appetite that she wants to get all the benefits without missing a single one!

She won't give him any leeway!

The eyes of King Yao flashed: "Go out, and pass on a few oral instructions for me."


After Guard Liu left, King Yao sat in his original position and thought for a long time.

The atmosphere in the imperial study was a bit depressing. The old palace servant Qiu Long came in cautiously and reported an urgent document: "Your Majesty, there is news from Mangzhou again."

King Yao came back to his senses and took it over to read.

This was an urgent report sent back by the special envoy he sent to Mangzhou to handle the case. It mainly talked about two things.

First, the passing teams that stayed overnight in Mangzhou on the night when Qi Yunsheng's father-in-law and son-in-law were killed, whether they were dignitaries or merchants, had been almost checked, and four teams and more than 50 suspects had been detained.

There were two more teams that the special envoy did not dare to touch, so he reported them to King Yao for decision.

The special envoy also advised to expand the scope of the investigation to the counties and towns within 30 miles of Mangzhou. The murderer who could kill Xue Zongwu must have great magical powers. Although Mangzhou was sealed off afterwards, it was hard to guarantee that he would escape first. Therefore, it was necessary to expand the scope of the search.

Secondly, on the night of the incident, Luodian State's Zuo Zongchang Qu Ruhai was also in Mangzhou. He stayed in the wine shop and had a night of wine, and he had an alibi. After the special envoy and the government inquired, they found no flaws. Although he had a special identity, they had to let him go and did not list him as a suspect.

But the special envoy now found out that the alibi was false!

"The uninvited Luodian people, hey..." King Yao fell into deep thought.

Qu Ruhai was Xue Zongwu's old enemy on the battlefield, and he also suffered at the hands of Xue Zongwu. Is it possible that he put on black armor and a mask to come for revenge?

Luodian State was also a direct beneficiary of Xue Zongwu's death.

"Where is Qu Ruhai now?"

The old palace servant Qiu Long turned sideways and answered: "He is in Tianshui City. Qu Ruhai asked for a meeting four days ago, but you haven't replied yet."

"Arrange a meeting tomorrow." King Yao has been ignoring him for several days. If he drags it on, it will make Yao look petty. "Send someone to keep an eye on him and see where he has been and who he has contacted."


"And..." King Yao hesitated and instructed Qiu Long to put up a barrier first, and then said, "Has Qingyang Regent been in contact with the temple recently?"

"Three days ago, Qingyang Regent paid homage to Miaozhantian Temple."

Miaozhantian is one of the gods of Lingxu. As the former national teacher of Beijialai, it is natural for Qingyang to pay homage to Miaozhantian's temple. As an old man who has served the king for twenty years, Qiu Long understands King Yao's worries. "Are you worried...?"

"The dragon mark left by the leader of the Black Armor Army cannot be erased, it can only disappear naturally, which is not something that can be done by human power." King Yao also read the report carefully, "Every time he kills a so-called villain, the dragon head mark appears. To show such a stable power, many gods on the Shining Gold Plain may not be able to do it."

Yao Kingdom is a powerful country on the Shining Gold Plain, and it serves Miao Zhantian. King Yao certainly knows a lot of secrets.

The God Realm is also like this world, where a minority rules the majority. Ordinary gods have limited power and it is difficult to pass through the barrier between the two realms and continue to mark the leader of the Black Armor Army.

Is there one or several powerful gods involved?

King Yao knows his own business, and when he thinks of this, he can't help but sigh.

Qiu Long reminded him: "Your Majesty, maybe there is another power that can do it."

"Oh?" What did he miss?

"Immortals." Qiu Long said word by word, "Real immortals have not completely disappeared from the world."

"That's right!" Yao Wang slapped the table lightly, "How could I forget that there is still Lingshan in the world!"

As the lord of a great country, he certainly knew the existence of Lingshan.

Immortals do not need to penetrate the barrier between the two worlds to cast spells, which is much easier than gods.

With this additional direction, he immediately had many associations. Could it be that Lingshan reached out here?

"Is this so-called indelible dragon mark related to the one in the north?"

Yao Wang stroked his gray beard and pondered for a long time:

"Thousand Illusions Immortal."


No matter how turbulent the undercurrent is, the afternoon sunshine in Tianshui City is still bright, which makes people feel good.

Gulin, the big shopkeeper of Tonglinji, took advantage of such daylight to enter a teahouse.

The teahouse is separated from Sanmentou Posthouse by two streets. Today, there is no gold medal storyteller to keep the audience. The storyteller who came to earn these two saliva money is in his fifties, with a smokey voice, but with ups and downs.

When Gulin walked in, he was talking about Xue Zongwu's death.

The big event has been brewing for several days, and it is no longer news, but the storyteller added some details, especially mentioning that an oversized dragon head totem appeared in Xiaotao Villa.

Good death, both the father-in-law and son-in-law died well. Gulin thought to himself, he wanted to set up a longevity tablet for the murderer.

Where is the person who asked him to meet?

He was about to look around, and someone waved at him in the corner of the north side of the teahouse.

The man wore a veil hat, and he raised the curtain and smiled at him after attracting his attention.

It was He Lingchuan.

Gulin immediately walked over and entered the box he pointed to.

He Lingchuan closed the door with his backhand.

This kind of box in the teahouse is specially used for people to talk about business, and the beech wood door has good sound insulation.

Of course, He Lingchuan also put up a barrier, and then said to Gulin: "Three thousand kilograms of Xiangle powder, have they all been shipped out?"

"It has already been shipped."

The Xiangle powder that He Lingchuan ordered from Tonglinji was delivered in advance. Yangshan Chamber of Commerce has sent a special person to inspect and confirm that it is correct, and then Tonglinji will transport it to the border of Yao State and then transfer it to Changlong Wuxing under Yangshan.

Gulin said regretfully: "Xiangle powder is not out of stock these two days. Hedao mainly postponed the purchase for two days, and the price can be much more affordable."

"It's okay." He Lingchuan ordered Xiangle powder from him just to test Tonglinji.

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