After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 148 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers

There are countless tiny footprints on the side, some of which look like the shoe prints of mountain people.

Pei Xinyong and Lu Yao each had their own agendas and walked away without speaking for a long time.

In the end, it was Pei Xinyong who broke the silence: "According to you, General Wu was killed by you because of a divorce plan by the surname He?"

It’s not just Wu Shaoyi who fell into the trap, but you too! Of course, Lu Yao would only keep these words in his stomach. After all, Pei Xinyong now had more than twice as many people as him, and his first priority was to hunt down the officers and soldiers.

"I didn't kill him, it was the Crocodile God who did it himself!"

"Speaking of this, how could the Crocodile God follow you to Xianling Lake?" This is what Pei Xinyong is deeply afraid of. Wu Shaoyi's fighting prowess was so strong that he fell into Lu Yao's ambush. Pei Xinyong was inevitably in danger.

What does Lu Yao want to do by bringing the Crocodile God to Xianling Lake?

"I beg it to come and be a witness for us!" Lu Yao sighed, "After the death of the Holy Master, it also wanted to find another nest. When I heard that Xianling Lake is rich in fish and has a developed water system, it was tempted to come here."

Pei Xinyong nodded, not believing a word. There are so many lakes and rivers in the Kite Kingdom, why did the Crocodile God choose this place? It’s not like he didn’t know that the Crocodile God came from the Northern Kingdom and didn’t know much about the waters of the Kite Kingdom. If Lu Yao hadn’t fooled him, how could he come with him?

So, Lu Yao originally planned to take advantage of the meeting of the three armies to use the Crocodile God to coerce the other two forces to respect him?

Now that Wu Shaoyi is dead and his men have either dispersed or joined Lu Yao, how should Pei Xinyong deal with himself?

Kill Lu Yao and seize all the soldiers and horses?

Pei Xinyong sneered in his heart, I'm afraid Lu Yao also had these calculations!

Lu Yao turned his head to look at him and suddenly said: "Wu Shaoyi has no ambitions. I know that he just wants to go back to the south to find a mountain to stay, and surround himself as a grass-headed king. Now that he is dead, we don't need to spend a lot of time to do it." When it comes to meeting divisions and alliances, I, Lu Yao, will take General Pei as my master. From now on, if we work together as one, we will have a way out!"

Pei Xinyong was stunned: "You, you want to regard me as your commander-in-chief?"

"Exactly!" Lu Yao smiled boldly, "From now on, Lu's two hundred kilograms of meat will be handed over to Marshal Pei, and you can do whatever you want!"

Pei Xinyong was moved: "Brother Lu, you're welcome!"

But he didn’t answer the question “How did this happen?”

The two looked at each other, smiled, hugged each other's arms, and cursed each other in their hearts.

Going further, there are several broken metasequoia trees on the ground blocking the way.

With such thick trees stacked on top of each other, the horse would definitely not be able to jump over them. The bandits had no choice but to dismount and carry it.

At that time, He Chunhua specially selected huge trees to cut down, and the trees that fell to the ground were all dead and heavy, and they were piled up in a pile of twists and turns. Although the Pei and Lu coalition forces had a large number of people, it took them more than two quarters of an hour to move all these behemoths aside, and they were still panting from exhaustion.

Pei and Lu didn't have the stinky habit of being aloof like official generals, they both jumped down and did it themselves. Pei Xinyong picked the wooden thorn out of his palm, turned around and asked Lu Yao: "Is it okay?"

Lu Yao had had a fight with Wu Shaoyi before. He was injured in many places and bled. The wounds had long since opened and he was now lame when he walked. He led his troops to attack the Xishan chariot formation, and then rode horses all the way to this point where he still had to work as a laborer, even an iron man. I was tired. Not only was I breathing heavily, my temples were also pounding, and my mind was slightly dizzy.

But facing Pei Xinyong, who had twice his own strength, he knew that he must not show weakness at this time, so he smiled nonchalantly and said: "Very good." After saying that, he pointed to the front and said, "It's foggy. Chase after you quickly. If you are late, you won't be able to catch up." On."

While Pei Xinyong turned his head, he secretly stuffed himself with two qi-boosting and blood-boosting pills.

The fog in the mountains comes at any time without any warning.

As soon as the bandits mounted their horses, white mist hit their faces. Everyone felt that their heads and faces were slightly wet, like the spring rain in March hitting their faces, hazy and subtle.

Don't look at the wilderness like a fairyland, but soon your clothes will be wet. It was completely white all around, and I couldn't see clearly anything more than a foot away.

The two generals were in heavy moods. Too much fog caused unclear vision and affected the speed of the horses.

"This fog has really helped the officers and soldiers a lot."

The bandits hurriedly chased down the slope, passing by a crooked locust tree.

Just like that, a quarter of an hour passed.

In the fog, you have to get closer to realize that the surrounding landscape looks familiar.

So, another quarter of an hour passed.

The horse kicked up and came to a halt beside the locust tree. Lu Yao looked at the knife marks on the trunk of the old tree: "We are walking back again, for the third time!"

The men escorted over a villager who they had captured from Fairy Village to serve as a guide.

"How is this going?"

The villagers turned pale with fear: "I don't know either, Your Majesty, oh no, General, I have been walking this road for decades, so it stands to reason that there is nothing wrong with closing my eyes."

"Ghosts attack the wall." Pei Xinyong's face turned ugly, "This is the enchantment array set up by the officers and soldiers."

To put it simply, it is a maze.

The way to get rid of the pursuer is actually very simple. If you can't walk fast, then find a way to slow down the pursuer.

"This kind of maze has an eye. Once you find it, you can crack it. But it takes time."

Lu Yao pondered: "I remember that the Holy Master once fought with others in Xiaonantian. The opponent set up a thousand-lamp array. It is said that it is extremely complicated to break, but the Holy Master found another way. Do you remember it?"

Pei Xinyong nodded: "Know the way by its smell."

He had a capable man under him, so he came out and said: "I need the old objects of the person being tracked." Otherwise, he would not be able to specify the target.

Old thing?

Hearing this, a gangster offered a piece of clothing to Lu Yao: "General, this was torn off the clothes of He Gouguan's youngest son. You were in the water at the time and he wanted to come over for a sneak attack, but I punched him back. "Afterwards, he put it in his sleeve, thinking that the material was good, and that it would come in handy when squatting in the wild. Well, I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

Fortunately, he hasn't had a stomachache since last night.

Lu Yao was delighted: "Well done, I will reward you with ten taels of silver!"

After getting He Yue's clothes, you can continue to cast spells. Pei Xinyong's men poured some yellow powder on this small piece of clothing, rubbed it carefully, and murmured something.

After he finished reciting, he lifted up the corners of his clothes and shook them a few times, and the yellow powder dispersed in the air, forming a misty yellow mass.

The wind here is light, and the yellow powder is scattered but not escaping, only drifting forward.

It worked.

If everything goes well, this small group of guiding fans can guide them to pursue He Yue.

Pei Xinyong ordered, follow him!

Two thousand people marched forward.

Just like that, more than a quarter of an hour passed.

There was still thick fog all around.

Lu Yao frowned: "Isn't this right? If we step out of the formation, the fog should dissipate!" The officers and soldiers rushing ahead must not be disturbed by the fog.

The gangster under his command suddenly pointed to a locust tree and said: "General, we are passing by here again!"

the fourth time!

They still haven't gotten out of the ecstasy, and even the Holy Master's method has failed? Everyone looked at each other, shocked, and didn't know what to do for a while.

Pei Xinyong murmured: "Does the dog officer named He actually have such a capable person under his command? Can he even twist scent tracking?"

Just when everyone was at a loss, there was a clear chirp in the sky, and then the white mist stirred, and something landed and fluttered on the ground.

Lu Yao smiled brightly: "The preserved egg is back!"

As he spoke, he pursed his lips and whistled twice.

The thing seemed to be identifying his location. After a few breaths, a brown shadow jumped out of the thick fog and landed on his arm.

It was the red-tailed peregrine falcon that was back.

Lu Yao said proudly: "Maybe this is the key to our victory!"

He asked Kestrel: "Have you caught up with the officers and soldiers?"

Kestrel nodded.

"Can you point them in the direction?"

Kestrel spoke: "You can't do it here. You can see it by flying up to the sky."

The bandits were overjoyed.

Yes, no matter how powerful the enchantment formation on the ground is, it is still on the ground. The kestrel is flying in the sky, looking down from a high altitude. How can the formation blind its eyes?

Kestrel continued: "The position I was optimistic about when I was high in the sky is different when I fall down."

"As soon as you get close to the ground, you will be affected by the formation." Lu Yao pondered, "It's not difficult. I'll tie a red thread to you, and you can fly higher to guide us in the direction!"

In fact, the mountain road from here to Qianteng Town is not complicated, but the light and smell in the formation are distorted, causing them to unknowingly take detours, detours, or even turn back.

As long as there is a kestrel flying high in the sky, guiding them in the direction, then the obstacles of the formation will be insignificant.

"Get the line!"

Embarrassingly, there is no thread.

In the end, the bandits could only find a few unlucky ones to donate their clothes, cut them into strips of cloth, connected them one by one, and tied the ends to the paws of the kestrel.

The kestrel immediately flapped its wings and took off.

After flying for a while, it felt something was wrong, and it failed to break through the dense fog even when it flew upwards.

Can this formation be adjusted at any time?

Who's watching here?

But this didn't bother it. As soon as the kestrel folded its wings, its body naturally fell down, and then it flapped its wings in the opposite direction, naturally going up.

And in its own field of vision, it is moving forward in parallel.

This is the power of the formation.

The kestrel simply closed its eyes and relied on gravity to fly. After a while, it broke through the thick fog and saw the mountains and rivers again.

Looking down from fifty feet in the air, it is clear and clear below, and the field of vision is clear. Not to mention the mountains and forests, even the caterpillars on the leaves are clearly visible. How can there be any thick fog?

It flew forward a little. Well, the officers and soldiers are in... that direction!

However, the kestrel noticed that there was a curved cliff directly in front of its owner. Directly leading the way would definitely cause a cliff fall accident, so it had to take the entire team around first.

Seeing the cloth strip in his hand moving, Lu Yao breathed a sigh of relief and laughed heartily: "Do you think that the dog officer can stop us with just a enchantment array? Boys, let's go!"

The direction guided by the cloth changed in real time, and everyone followed and chased outside the formation.


Liandeng is from Qianteng Town and knows the geography of this area very well. He led He Lingchuan along the path for three to five miles and finally returned to the main road.

Of course, there was no one on the road now.

"Go west from here to Zhumapo." He pointed eastward, "In the other direction, Xianling Village."

He Lingchuan turned his horse and headed east: "Pei Xinyong should be waiting for us at Qiansui Cliff if he receives the message from General Wu."

The two drove side by side and arrived at Langmyeongdong soon.

There were ruts on the ground.

Today is September 1st, and there will be an additional update at noon.

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