After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1498 A storm starts with a small drop of water

"Qingyang will think that it was King Yao who set a trap to kill him, and King Yao was the mastermind." He Lingchuan stretched lazily, "But you are right, Qingyang will not let me go. If I can leave safely, her prestige as regent will be ruined, and she will not have to be the regent anymore."

Mirror was about to ask again, but He Lingchuan was already breathing evenly.

"..." How could the lord sleep when being remembered by the two big bosses, King Yao and Qingyang?

He is really bold.


Early the next morning, Wanqi Feng came to deliver two pieces of information.

He Lingchuan yawned and opened the note, and he woke up the moment he saw the content.

The first piece of information came from Yangshan Islands, or more precisely, from Fang Canran. This is the latest news from Lingshan:

The God Realm has just experienced an unprecedented conflict, and a large number of gods have fallen!

"A large number?" He Lingchuan was also shocked when he saw the specific number, "Even the righteous gods have fallen!"

"Oh my, the scale is unprecedented!" Soul-catching mirror was surprised, "How many years has it been since such a fierce battle between gods happened?"

"Fang Canran said that it has only been seen in 150 years, and it will last at least four or five nights." He Lingchuan pondered, "Recently, the Emperor's Flowing Slurry has been frequent, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become thicker. It is fortunate for the world to have such a big outbreak. As long as the spiritual energy is not withdrawn by the gods, there is hope for our revival."

This "as long as" is the key.

"However, I estimate that the gods are also very anxious." He continued, "Once the gods are anxious, the world will be in chaos. I am afraid that the Flashing Gold Plain will not be able to escape."

The mirror was very single: "No matter how chaotic it will be later, let's catch this wave of wealth first! Hey, you should buy a big manor. The larger the land area, the more Emperor's Flowing Slurry you can catch!"

"Yes." Emperor's Flowing Slurry will reach its peak in more than three months. Currently, not many people and forces know this information.

He Lingchuan was planning to draw up a plan for the Yangshan Islands, so that Ding Zuodong, Qiu Hu and others could deal with this wave of Emperor Liujiang in a more organized way.

In addition, the external environment of Yangshan is relatively stable for the time being.

For the time being.

He Lingchuan had just arrived at the Golden Plains not long ago, and Beijia still had the upper hand. As a result, now it is the Mou Kingdom that has entered the counterattack period and is proud of its two victories. He Lingchuan saw this and murmured, "Oh, not good."

Mirror was puzzled: "What's wrong with Mou Kingdom winning?"

"Bejia can't afford to lose, or can't lose, especially this time it lost so badly, it will most likely find a way to get back on track." Then the intensity of the war may escalate.

The war between these two great powers has affected countless small countries and forces around them, including the Yangshan Islands.

Coupled with the chaos in the God Realm and the outbreak of Emperor Liujiang, the external environment may no longer be as relaxed as before.

"There is not much time left for us."

He Lingchuan opened the second piece of information again, which was from Jucheng.

Fu Liushan told him in the letter that since the Nine Nether Emperor killed the Yao country general Xue Zongwu, the legend of the Black Armor Army and the Black Dragon God has spread in the Shining Gold Plain, just like it has wings, more than three or five times faster than before?

Now, the central and western parts of the plain are talking about the power of the Nine Nether Emperor, and even the northern and eastern parts of the plain have begun to have voices, and the idle onlookers are discussing the truth of the Dragon God's reincarnation.

This kind of thing is not afraid of debate, but it is afraid of lack of heat.

He Lingchuan and Dong Rui were drinking in Tianshui City, and the legends of the Nine Nether Emperor and the "Dragon God's Reincarnation" they heard were far less popular than other places in the Shining Gold Plain.

This is because the Yao people have always paid little attention to affairs outside their own country, and the heat of Xue Zongwu's death has been overshadowed by Youhu Villa.

But even so, He Lingchuan still saw a replica of the "Nine Nether Emperor" super small armor in a remote small shop in Tianshui City. Although it was poorly made, full of imaginary elements and a full set of cloth, it did not prevent children from buying it and wearing it. While running rampant in the streets, they shouted "Judge you" and "Don't run, you are guilty"!

Fu Liushan also specifically mentioned that now the Shining Gold Plain is full of black armor soldiers "doing justice for the heavens". In the past month, there have been more than 200 times!

This is what he found out. In fact, how many times, only God knows.

The soul-capturing mirror also laughed in surprise: "Imitation crime?"

Every action of the real black armor army was screened and approved by He Lingchuan. It was good to have two in half a month. After killing Xue Zongwu, many forces on the Shining Gold Plain began to investigate the truth about the Nine Nether Emperor. He Lingchuan then asked his men to act cautiously. In addition to only fighting the battles that must be won, they also had to deal with the beginning and the end.

However, as soon as Xue Zongwu died, the "Black Armor Army" on the plains began to surge. There was no doubt that many grassroots teams spontaneously took up the banner of the "Black Armor Army".

The real Nine Nether Emperor had limited subordinates after all. There were so many evil things and injustices on the Shining Gold Plain that someone couldn't wait and decided to take action.

Moreover, now when each team recruits newcomers, they must take advantage of the popularity of the "Nine Nether Emperor", otherwise they won't be able to recruit anyone. Fu Liushan was originally a gangster, and took the opportunity to observe the recruitment sites of several teams. It was really enthusiastic. Everyone boasted that they fought side by side with the Black Armor Army, or that they would soon be recruited into the team by the Nine Nether Emperor.

The more shameless ones even said that they were ordered by the emperor to recruit new blood from the people and expand the team.

The recruiting teams were of all kinds, and the reasons for recruiting were varied, which made He Lingchuan laugh.

No matter what intentions these initiators had, whether they really wanted to eliminate evil or settle personal grudges, at least they built up the team.

Fu Liushan was very careful and even made a statistics. Among the more than 200 actions he inquired about, 40% of the targets of the attacks were Yao people.

Yao country is the hegemon of Shanjin Plain, and its citizens certainly enjoy great power on the plain. As far as He Lingchuan knows, the Yao people's travel, life and activities in various places in Shanjin will be given special attention and protection by local officials.

Citizens of a powerful country naturally enjoy more privileges.

With privileges and few constraints, some Yao people also take advantage of this to do evil, using their power to frantically suppress opponents, bully the villagers, collect money and hire murderers, and do whatever they want in various places in the plain. Not only do local governments dare not deal with them, but some officials even collude with them - Xue Zongwu is just one of the typical examples.

The "Black Armor Army" that has sprung up like mushrooms after rain and spontaneously targets Yao people is a concentrated manifestation of this contradiction.

Influenced by this, many Yao people evacuated their families and returned to Yao country for refuge.

Regardless of whether these ruffian groups have ever hurt good people, their actions themselves did have an objective effect. First of all, the evil people and gentry on the Golden Plains became panic-stricken and restrained themselves, and no longer dared to oppress civilians as they did before.

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