He Lingchuan smiled. Wan Qifeng had just come to report that Dong Rui had returned to Yongquan Villa.

He casually took out a bag of Xiangle beans and threw them over. This is remade into a bean shape with champignon powder, and sweet plum wine is poured into the middle. It is like a wine-centered chocolate bean from another world. It has a bit of wine aroma in the unique mellowness of cocoa, and the slight acidity of plum can relieve greasiness.

After the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce found a workshop to create this flavor, it became very popular in Tianshui City and was loved by children and monkeys.

Gui Yuan has been away with his master for more than a month. He can't find anything to eat in Jucheng, so he misses him very much.

A figure flashed outside the house, and Dong Rui also walked in. He reached out to pick out a wine-heart bean from the monkey's paper bag and ate it, while saying a perfunctory hello to He Lingchuan: "Hey, I'm back. Water!"

He Lingchuan was not used to his problems and pointed to the corner: "Pour it yourself."

Dong Rui's face was unshaven, his clothes were wrinkled, and he smelled of horse sweat. When he sat down, he collapsed into a "big" shape. It looked like he had just landed after a long journey.

One month, he went back to Jucheng to do business, and the round trip only took a month! He was just worried that He Lingchuan wouldn't be able to handle things here alone, so he rushed back under the stars.

Still unable to bear it, Lingguang poured Dong Rui a cup of tea.

Dong Rui took it with a moved expression: "My Lingguang is still considerate!"

He glanced at Fat Monkey resentfully. The ghost monkey was peeling off the oil paper and licking the jelly beans without even looking at its owner.

Fragrant, so fragrant!

While Dong Rui was gulping down a few gulps of tea, He Lingchuan placed a soundproof barrier: "Did the trip back go smoothly?"

"It went so smoothly that it was unbelievable. As expected, everything was easy to handle as long as you were not around." Dong Rui slumped on his chair, "When I found Xiao An, she was still staying at the merchant's house, and the two little girls had a lot of fun. Happy. The merchant's wife rushed out to stop me and refused to let me take her away. It was County Lieutenant Li who came forward as my guarantee. "

"Xiao An is willing to go with you?" The difficulty in this errand is Xiao An himself, not anyone else at all. Those puppet masters once tried to force her, but the consequences were not very good. "You don't look like a good person either."

Dong Rui touched his face. This was not a sinister look: "I coaxed the child away with just one sentence."

Still Lingguang cheered: "What did you say?"

"I'll take you home."

"Did she believe it?" He Lingchuan was slightly surprised, "Is it that simple? Why didn't the group of people chasing her use this method?"

Xiao An's memory is confused, but she always remembers that she comes from Xingyun Village.

A small village that had been massacred by bandits twenty years ago.

"She has long since distrusted those people, and I really took her to Xingyun Village." Dong Rui said seriously, "She recognized the ginkgo tree at the entrance of the village as soon as she saw it."


"She searched all over the village for her family, but of course she couldn't find her. She cried heartbrokenly." Dong Rui said with a smile, "I thought she would turn into a child, so I asked Lieutenant Li to clear out the entire village in advance and temporarily disburse the villagers. Go, prepare the formation again, and let the black-armored army stand ready."

After the murders in Chenjiazhuang and Green Mountain Villa, he concluded that Xiao An was Tong Xuan, but the little girl seemed to only change back to her original form when she lost control of her emotions.

"She hasn't changed?" He Lingchuan was still very impressed by the white monster.

"No, she curled up under the apricot tree and fell asleep when she was tired of crying. She never changed her shape." Dong Rui took out an apricot branch and put it on the table. "The next morning, when she woke up, she told me that she had never changed her shape. The white monster chasing her is gone."

"White monster? Tong Xuan?"

"Most likely." Dong Rui snorted, "She feels that the white monster has been chasing her, maybe because her memory has been distorted. I also found this sign when I transformed other demon puppets."

Ling Guang asked curiously: "But many of her memories are true, such as Xingyun Village. How can she have the memory of a little girl and be a monster herself?"

"This is the masterpiece of the demon puppet master." Dong Rui grabbed a few more jelly beans to eat, and hurried back all the way to replenish some energy. "Not only did it transform the body, it even moved the soul. His hands and feet stuffed the little girl’s soul into Tong Xuan’s head.”

"Being able to do this is really—" He gave a thumbs up, "This!"

"Xiao Ankou's 'father' should be the one who transformed her. This kind of transformation is a bit twisted, leaving sequelae in her soul and body, so her spirit is very unstable. But this little girl's soul is very powerful, so she can suppress it. Live with this disorder.”

"The divine soul is powerful?" The divine soul is particularly difficult to cultivate. Even for immortal cultivators in ancient times, refining the soul is difficult.

"Born, God rewards you."

"Yeah." He Lingchuan knew that there were a very small number of people who were born with exceptionally powerful souls. The gods are looking for the skin to descend. This is one of the hard conditions.

He has long known this kind of person.

"Have you researched anything? For example, why did those people create 'Xiao An'?"

"Hey, it's useless to just ask that little girl. Her memory is still confused. I asked her to take me to find where my father lives, but she couldn't find it." Otherwise, Dong Rui would take the Black Armored Army to dig the rabbit hole. "But I discovered something. This child has only two forms: the original form, or Xiao An. It can't change into any other form."

Tong Xiu is a shape-shifting monster who is born with the ability to transform into other humans or animals.

Xiao An's talent was forcibly suppressed, which was abnormal.

He Lingchuan stroked his chin: "It seems that those demon puppet masters are trying hard to keep it looking like 'Xiao An'. Why?"

"The point is--" Dong Rui coughed lightly, "Most demon puppets are very unstable, and Xiao An is no exception. Originally, her body would collapse within three months. I judged that her 'father' tried many times but was powerless, because Xiao An had traces of multiple transformations on her body, and she also took some drugs to help her stabilize her body shape."

Ling Guang was shocked: "She can only live for three months? No, more than two months have passed. So she only has less than a month left to live?"

"No, no." Dong Rui raised his index finger and shook it, complacently, "It's not that easy with me here. I have helped her stabilize. Although it took a lot of effort and she still needs to be carefully maintained later, she will not die for at least a year."

Ling Guang asked curiously: "How did you do it?"

The instability of the work has always been a thorny problem for demon puppeteers.

"Do you remember the secret method Zhu Erniang contributed?" Otherwise, the ghost ape would have died long ago. "And the little treasure in my backpack is always on the verge of collapse. I have been refining it and naturally gained experience. Xiao An's situation is only a little more difficult than other demon puppets. How can it be difficult for me?"

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