After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1530: Can’t Spend Money

Gu Linnanran: "Yes. I bought five pieces of land, two of which are in Shanghu District."

Who doesn’t want free money?

He Lingchuan smiled: "As expected of President Gu, he never misses any opportunity."

Being able to buy it in Shanghu District means you started buying it very early.

Vision and courage are essential qualities for a successful businessman.

Gu Lin immediately said: "Master Hedao is the governor of the new city expansion. I was just about to ask for advice."

Gu Lin was half of his own family, so He Lingchuan spoke straightforwardly: "We must sell it within two months."

The new city expansion project has been underway for a month.

"Two months?" Gu Lin was moved, but didn't ask further, "Okay!"

He poured He Lingchuan a cup of tea with his own hands before he began to report:

"We purchased thirty-nine medicinal materials from Xiaochongshan, Longhe, and Moyan, including blood lotus and Duqinzi, totaling 490,000 kilograms; semi-prepared medicines and elixirs, totaling about 80,000 bags; and twenty-one spices, a total of One million and seven hundred thousand catties.”

"Collected 310,000 kilograms of various synthetic proportions of ore powder and catalysts from Tongshan, Yinhe, Zhuo'er and other places; purchased more than 500 standard instruments from founding sects such as Ling Donglai." Copper, iron and various precious metals cannot be purchased directly and are strictly controlled by the authorities.

"This year there was enough rain and Tongguan horses gave birth to a lot of calves. I also managed to get more than 780 of them, including big ones and small ones. They will be shipped out of Yao Kingdom in the next two days."

He Lingchuan was overjoyed, holding up his palms and exclaiming: "Very good, the sword of Tonglin Ji will never grow old."

Tongguan is a place name, next to Chigu. In the central and western part of the Shining Gold Plains, the Chigu Horse is famous. More than a hundred years ago, when the Ying people herded the Chigu Horse, the male horses often slipped into the mountains and forests. The herdsmen in Tongguan area secretly drove their own mares to borrow seeds from Chigu horses.

The hybrid descendants of Chigu horses were thus produced, and after more than a hundred years of breeding, they became a stable new breed:

Tong Guan Ma.

Although its performance on the battlefield is not as good as the Red Valley horse, its patience is even better, and its temper is more stable and gentle. It is not as difficult to take care of as the Red Valley horse. The survival rate of its cubs is high, so it has become a very popular horse breed.

The most important thing is that the ancestors of the Tongguan people were wanderers who moved in from Bixia, Pei and other places. They were not natives of the Yao Kingdom and did not abide by the laws of the Yao Kingdom. Yao State strictly controls the export of Chigu horses, but Tongguan people have been selling horses secretly and openly. Several times Yao Wangting intervened, which caused serious conflicts. The management cost was too high, so he could only turn a blind eye later.

Tongguan is located close to the border, so Tongguan horses have always appeared in the border horse market.

Such an important strategic resource is extremely needed by the Yangshan Islands.

"Try to collect as much as possible, but don't attract attention." He Lingchuan also knew that his request was too high.

Gu Lin smiled and said: "Don't worry, Tonglinji has empty charter merchants' associations all over the country, and you can also borrow other people's names to buy them. The order for the seven hundred Tongguan horses, on the surface, is from eight chambers of commerce, two The herdsmen and several foreign forces bought them separately. The horse market orders many batches of horses every day, so it won’t attract any attention. "

He helped He Lingchuan purchase various supplies, also using the method of empty contract chamber of commerce. According to He Lingchuan's understanding, they are empty shells, scattered, purchased in small quantities and multiple times, so as not to arouse official vigilance.

The method is complex and not easily traceable.

Gu Lin was also very emotional.

After Tu Yuanhong's death, he worked hard to maintain Tonglinji, not only these few shops and more than a hundred people, but also Tonglinji's empty business associations in various places. This kind of chamber of commerce usually has a person in charge in the local area, not only for some commercial activities, but also to get to know some officials and wealthy gentry, so that their actions will not arouse suspicion.

These are where the real effort and money are spent.

Gulin's hard work has finally paid off. All the empty package chambers of commerce were used, but He Lingchuan still felt that it was not enough.

If nothing unexpected happens, the benefits Tonglinji gains from Yangshan will not only restore its strength, but also make it bigger and stronger.

But Gu Lin knew very well that he and Tonglinji were now trapped in a dangerous whirlpool.

If you have money to make, you have to have life to spend it.

"How much money did you spend?"

"So far, one million eight hundred and seventy-seven thousand taels." Gu Lin reported the account, "The most expensive one is the magic weapon from Qandong."

"Too little." He Lingchuan stroked his chin, "Money will lose value soon, so we need to exchange it for supplies as soon as possible."

King Yao had been guarding against him taking away millions of taels of money, haha, in fact, he had no such intention at all.

The money from Yao Country is best left in Yao Country.

"What else do you want to buy?" Tonglinji has gone all out.

He Lingchuan looked at him with bloodshot eyes and lost weight. He knew that he was probably out of breath because of his busy schedule recently.

But there is no way, time is tight and the task is heavy.

"Do you recognize Lu Yuanzheng, the boss of the Lu family in Baihe?"

Gu Lin thought for a moment: "He seems to be in charge of Okura in the Seventh Land. Tonglin Ji has dealt with him several times before."

"The big granaries in Mangzhou North and Taoshui City are also under his control?" These two places have rich soil and water, and are rich in food. They are important grain-producing areas in Yao Kingdom.


"It's almost time to go to the granary to exchange for grain. The Lu family has been short of money recently and has even borrowed hundreds of thousands of taels from the Qi family. This is a good opportunity. Send someone to contact Lu Yuanzheng to buy grain at a favorable price. "

The public warehouse needs to change grain every summer and autumn, that is, part of the old grain is sold and new grain is bought for normal replacement. The crops in Yao State are late-maturing, and it will take several months for autumn grains to arrive in various places. Now is the time when the harvest is in short supply.

Gu Lin responded and asked, "How much do you want to buy?"

He Lingchuan raised a finger: "At least this amount."

Gulin was surprised: "So much?"

"You try your best." He Lingchuan also knew that the amount was too large, and Tonglinji might not be able to get it with his ability.

Gulin coughed lightly: "No, no, it's still possible. At this time of year in previous years, the public warehouse has been secretly selling grain."

He Lingchuan was a little surprised: "Oh?"

"If we really wait until the autumn harvest, the grain price will be cheap. It's better to sell it now. Anyway, we can buy new grain in more than a month, and then the account will be balanced, without anyone knowing. Lu Yuanzheng is in charge of these large warehouses, how could he not know the tricks?" Gulin smiled, "According to the rules, of course it is not allowed on the surface, and the number of grains exchanged each year must be limited. But they do this secretly, and have been doing this for more than ten years. Who cares about the rules? Later, they sell earlier and more."

He Lingchuan nodded. Lu Yuanzheng spent 370,000 to buy his brother back to the capital safely. The family was seriously injured and I'm afraid there is not much money left. The land price in Tianshui New City has skyrocketed. If he wants to seize this opportunity to get rich, he has to work hard to make money.

He Lingchuan sent a lot of banknotes to him. As long as he nodded, he could get them. Could he really resist?

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