After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1536 Source of information

Several sticks of incense were almost finished burning, so the old woman who was guarding under the wall quickly added a few more sticks, inserted them upright into the incense burner on the ground, and then used a cloth to wipe off the ashes that fell on the altar table.

Guide Liu stepped forward and asked, only to find out that this was the place where the city residents stoned Liu Chengshou to death. After Emperor Jiuyou left, Yang Shoubei led everyone and erected a statue of a black dragon for him. Many people visited him every day. Come here to worship.

Bai Ziqi ordered his men to disperse to collect information about the two battles, while he asked the old woman at the base of the wall for the location of the Puyin Temple.

The old woman was bowing to the wooden sculpture. Without opening her eyes, she said indifferently: "Go back, go behind the city, and go to Yayuan Township."

Bai Ziqi walked towards the back of the city in the direction of her finger, passing through a market. In addition to common agricultural products, there were several stalls selling necklaces, small statues and evil-proof cloth bags. Although the workmanship is poor and it looks a bit abstract, everyone can still tell at a glance that it resembles the image of a man in black armor or a black dragon.

Emperor Jiuyou is very popular here.

Passing a pass, there was a small temple standing on the hill.

The temple is a bit dilapidated, with a corner missing from the eaves.

Bai Ziqi ordered everyone to stay and wait while he entered the temple alone.

There was no one in the temple, and the statues were covered with a thick layer of dust. There was only a plate of cold steamed buns and a bunch of watery grapes on the offering table, which was in sharp contrast to the strong incense and the mountain of offerings from the black dragon totem behind the stone gate.

A stick of incense burned into incense sticks and was about to be extinguished.

Bai Ziqi put in six sticks of incense, then waved her hand, and the doors and windows automatically closed tightly.

When the smoke died down, he murmured a few words.

After more than ten breaths, the smoke suddenly stagnated and condensed in the air, as if it was about to gather into a mass.

However, Bai Ziqi waited for a long time, but it still didn't take shape.

Seeing that the smoke was about to disperse again, he simply took out the light gold candle from his arms and carefully placed it on the altar table.

Just a "pop" sound was heard, and the candle ignited spontaneously without fire, but the flame core was a strange light green color, and the smoke in the air naturally dispersed.

Bai Ziqi asked: "Pu Yin Shen?"

The flame of the pale gold candle shot up to a height of more than a foot, and after a few changes like plasticine, a vague rectangular face was squeezed out, but without facial features.

"This is the eternal lantern spirit of the Lingxu gods..." A muddy voice sounded, "Whose priest are you?"

"Zhaixinglou, Du Yunshi."

"Oh?" God Puyin seemed to wake up from a long sleep, and even yawned, "What are the slaves of Lord Lingxu doing here in my temple?"

"The incense in your temple is about to run out." All the temple blessings of God Puyin ran away and posed no threat to Bai Ziqi, so he was not very polite in his words. "It seems that all the believers have been taken away by Emperor Jiuyou."

"..." Pu Yinshen said angrily, "What's the matter with you?"

Is it the only god on the Golden Plains whose incense has been robbed? It is not very popular here in Shizhoutou. It originally had hundreds of believers, but after the appearance of Emperor Jiuyou, there are now less than ten left.

Without believers, the temple would naturally collapse.

"My Lord couldn't find you in the God Realm, so he asked me to come to Yayuan Township." Bai Ziqi raised his head, "Are you hiding?"

Puyin Shen laughed: "Where do I go, what does it have to do with them?"

"Why are you so evasive? Are you trying to imitate Mi Tian?"

The name "Mitian" is taboo in the divine world. When he said it, God Puyin felt harsh. The lantern's transformed human face came closer and almost touched Bai Ziqi's face, but the latter did not move at all.

"You are the envoy of Lingxu, but you are also a humble human being! Didn't your master teach you how to fear the gods?"

Bai Ziqi raised his hand and poked it, and the lamp spirit jumped back to its original position. He stood with his head held high: "Station is determined by strength. I only serve my Lord."

The lantern trembled for a while, and the face of Puyin God reappeared: "Your masters can't bear to see that others have treasures in their hands. If I don't hide, I will be a part of the imperial fluid that will erupt in more than two months. "

Bai Ziqi understood. What can be called a "treasure" by the gods is most likely the Dragon Punishment Pillar.

This wild god got the Dragon Punishment Pillar from nowhere, and was discovered by the Lingxu Gods, so Puyin God began to hide in Tibet.

In the current God Realm, the struggle around the Dragon Punishment Pillar is becoming more and more intense. Even the righteous god has lost a god. A small god like Pu Yin is very clear about the reason why holding a jade is a crime.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for your punishment of Dragon Pillar. I'm just here to investigate Emperor Jiuyou on the orders of the Holy Lord." Bai Ziqi said sternly, "It is said that Emperor Jiuyou first appeared in Shizhoutou. I would like to ask, Pu Yin Does God have any clues?”

"Emperor Jiuyou?" So that's the case, has Emperor Jiuyou also threatened the faith of the Lingxu gods? Pu Yin Shen was silent for a while and then said, "Have you been walking on the sea for a long time?"


"Recently, Emperor Jiuyou has gained another title: the reincarnated true dragon. There are rumors everywhere in the Golden Flash Plains that he is also the reincarnation of the Black Dragon God."

Black Dragon God? "Where do all these messages come from?"

"I don't know, it's spreading everywhere." God Puyin chuckled, "I don't even look at where you are standing? Gold Flash Plains, a place of chaos, do you want to find a hole for the wind to come out here?"

"Emperor Jiuyou has been to Shizhoutou, it is very close to Yayuan Township, you know that, right?"

Puyin said, "What good will it do to me if I give you a clue?"

"This lantern spirit is given to you." The Changming lantern spirit is one of the treasures given by the Heavenly Palace. It has many magical uses. Ordinary lantern holders may not be able to raise one in their lifetime. When Puyin God gets the lantern spirit, it can be used for many purposes.

Otherwise, if Miao Zhu wasn't here, he wouldn't even be able to talk to humans.

Bai Ziqi didn't even blink, "Besides, if I can dig out the true body of the Nine Nether Emperor, wouldn't that be a good thing for you?"

The sharp decline in faith in the Shining Gold Plain has caused a lot of complaints from the wild gods. So God Pu Yin stopped making trouble: "Emperor Jiuyou has been here."

"Here?" Bai Ziqi was slightly surprised, "In this temple?"

"He once stood where you are now." God Pu Yin whispered, "At that time, he was wearing that outfit, wearing a mask on his head, but there was no fire around him, and he was followed by a subordinate wearing a wolf mask."

"Fire?" Bai Ziqi grasped the key words, "The black flames around him, isn't it a magical power?"

"Listen to me first." The servant of Lingxu Saint was almost as rude as his master. God Pu Yin said unhappily, "At that time, Yang Meng, the garrison commander of Shizhoutou, was still praying in my temple, because the invading Zhao Guangzhi had withdrawn his troops, but the city lord Liu Shuheng led his troops to attack his own city instead. After Emperor Jiuyou came, he repeatedly asked me what happened in the God Realm and why the gods kept falling. He also asked about the recent situation of Narakutian and the date of Emperor Liujiang's arrival."

"Ask about the God Realm?" Is Emperor Jiuyou so interested in the gods? "Why ask about Narakutian alone?"

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