Therefore, if Cao Wendao wants to experiment with monsters, it is best not to conduct it in Bejia.

Dong Rui was impatient: "What kind of experiment are you doing?"

Yang Chi hesitated again.

Wan Qiliang took a knife and shaved off two of his eyebrows. Yang Chi felt a cold light flashing before his eyes, and could only say: "The beast! My master is studying the beast!"

"How far has your research gone?" Dong Rui's eyes shone when he finally met someone of the same kind, "What is the main direction of attack?"

Yang Chi opened his mouth a few times, like a fish in the water: "I, I don't know either! Only Master himself knows the core secret! He has a locked experimental room in the Red House, and no one else is allowed in. And we The created beasts and demon puppets are sometimes sold to surrounding forces and armies. If they don't know how to control them, Master will send us to do it for them."

"Your service attitude is good." The buyer doesn't know how to use the big killer weapon sold, so the owner of the red house still needs to send someone over to guide the operation?

"Uh, okay, okay."

He Lingchuan also understood: "You still take orders to kill people, right?"

"Yes. Master always complains about lack of funds and has to do it himself."

The demon puppet masters never have enough money.

"Who hired you to kill Situ Yu? How much did it cost?"

Yang Chi answered truthfully: "Pixia. It seems to be four to five hundred thousand taels?"

"It's really not expensive." It's a good deal to buy the Allied leader's life.

He Lingchuan asked again: "Your master is conducting research here, who provided the funds?"

Whether it’s studying monsters or monsters, these are expensive projects. Whenever Dong Rui studies something, he always asks for money starting from 50,000 taels.

If Cao Wendao had no one to support him, he would not have enough money to kill ten allied leaders.

The wheels hit the rocks, and the car body shook. The dead body on the ground swayed, and its head hit Yang Chi's feet, making him tremble again: "Ling, Lingxu City. But I don't know where it came from. ”

They had already left the city and were walking on the official road. There were not many vehicles and pedestrians coming and going. Wan Qiliang put the body away and then opened the car curtain to let the air circulate.

He Lingchuan then asked: "Besides insect puppets, what else do you study?"

"Insect puppets are the most common, then apes, and sometimes humans."

Dong Rui's eyes flashed: "Have you ever raised a child?"

"Ah, yes." Yang Chi nodded repeatedly, "Master raised a litter of five children, and only one was successfully transformed."

"Xiao An?"

"Yes, it's called 'Xiao An'."

"But Xiao An is indeed a person." He Lingchuan was also curious, "We have checked her life experience."

"That's using the soul of a child, embedded in the body of a child." Yang Chi said repeatedly, "Master came to the Shining Gold Plains, and it took several years to catch this nest of children. He collected the soul of the little girl. At that time, I happened to be right there!”

"Oh?" Dong Rui asked him, "Did he kill Xiao An?"

"That's not the case." Yang Chi waved his hand, "We have tried hundreds of times before to infuse ordinary souls into Tong Xuan's body, but all failed without exception. In the end, Master believed that this requires a strong but innocent person. Soul. Because Tong Xiu himself is not an ordinary monster."

Powerful, but innocent. He Lingchuan also scratched his head after hearing this. Strong souls are often not innocent.

What a contradiction.

"One day, we passed by a small village that had just been attacked by bandits and all the people in the village were dead. We also saw a mother and daughter in the back mountain. They couldn't be saved, but the little girl's spirit was very strong. Resilience. It is estimated that the bandit has been gone for about ten hours, but when we found her, she just died. The master thought that this soul was quite powerful and even delayed the death of the body. "

Yang Chi licked his lips: "Master collected this soul and brought it back to the Red House, and it fit right away. We have tried more than a hundred souls before, but none of them fit that well."

"She doesn't know she is Tong Xiu?"

"There was something wrong during the soul infusion process." Yang Chi said softly, "Tong Yao's soul has not been completely peeled off, but it has been suppressed by her. Only when Xiao An's mood swings are too big, Tong Yao will appear, but then It loses its mind and goes on a killing spree!”

"Master had to lie to this little girl, saying that she was his daughter. But Xiao An's memory is incomplete and sometimes it is inevitably confusing." Yang Chi sighed, "No matter what, we can't summon Tong Xuan's memory when she is calm. strength."

He Lingchuan pondered: "A few months ago, the princess of Yao Kingdom and a large number of civilians were killed. Yao Kingdom believed that the three-tailed fox demon was responsible, and sent General Chongwu to intercept and kill the three tails."

"That was what Xiao An did." Yang Chi clarified, "My senior brother accidentally talked about what happened twenty years ago. Xiao An was so stimulated that he transformed into a child and rushed out of the red house, killing people outside! He was not dead that time. Few people.”

"A mass killing? Wait a minute, is the location of the Red House near Yao Kingdom?"

"West of Yaojing."

This location... He Lingchuan immediately understood: "Princess Ya's murder case?"

"Uh, yes, yes."

"It was indeed you who did it."

A few months ago, Princess Ya, whom King Yao loved, was killed for no reason at Bieyuan near the border. More than a thousand civilians were also killed. The case caused a sensation, and the king was furious, so he ordered General Chongwu to hunt down the three-tailed fox demon.

In the end, Sanwei took the blame for the culprit.

Yang Chi smiled bitterly: "Since then, Master has not allowed us to provoke her. But Xiao An has been clamoring to go home. She neither listened to Master nor returned to Honglu. She became more and more manic and refused to recognize anyone. We went out several times but failed to catch her back."

Xiao An's village has long been gone. Even if she could go back, she couldn't find her family.

"Chenjiazhuang, Lvyi Villa?"

"Yes, only when Xiaoan is emotionally excited can Master track Tong Xuan. That's why there are two incidents in Chenjiazhuang and Lvyi Villa." Yang Chi scratched his head, "Once the half-insect puppets are released and blood is seen, they are not so easy to control."

He Lingchuan asked him again: "Why did Cao Wendao come to Tianshui City?"

"Master said that there is a mission in Tianshui City this time, and we have to kill a very difficult person - the owner of Yangshan Islands."

Dong Rui rushed to ask: "Who paid? How much?"

"I, I don't know."

Wanqi Liang's eyes widened, and the bloody knife was against his ribs: "Speak!"

"I really don't know, really don't know!" Yang Chi shouted, "For such secrets, we just follow orders, how can Master tell us in advance! Moreover, Master went out alone several times, and we don't know where he went or who he met."

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "What's so difficult to guess? They are Beijia people."

Qingyang is also a Beijia person.

Dong Rui glanced at him and said, "I think their goal may not only be to offend the Bejia people."

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