After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1587 The Deepest Secret

He was originally wearing a green python belt, but when the belt was untied, people found that it would twist and move, and it was actually a live python!

Once it was activated, it slipped onto its owner's shoulder and coiled up to be alert.

Another shadow flashed in the forest, and something shot towards Cao Wendao with a whoosh, so fast that it didn't even leave a shadow.

The green python on his shoulder also jumped out, its body suddenly enlarged, and then collided with the object in the air.

There was a muffled sound of snapping, and the green python was pulled back a foot away, but the opponent's sneak attack was also blocked, and he had to reluctantly retract his weapon.

It was a rainy and snowy night, and the light in the woods was dim. With Cao Wendao's eyesight, he could only see that the opponent's demon puppet shot out a long, silk-like dark red weapon. But he only had a quick glance at what this demon puppet looked like, because the opponent also plunged into the ground.

That thing was also very big, like a small wooden house.

Is there a shell? He saw a little waxy reflection, which is usually a hard shell.

As for the long filamentous weapon, could it be a tongue or tentacles? What kind of creature has such a long and tough tongue and tentacles?

But the biggest trouble is that he was discovered by Wei Yishan as soon as he hid in the jungle, and Wei Yishan hid again!

At this time, he heard a small buzzing sound around him.

It was the sound of insects flapping their wings.

Cao Wendao used his eyesight and looked around, only to find that there were several small beetles on the branches around him, with different colors, black, green, green with gold, and two with unique round spots on their bodies.

Wait, isn't this the insect puppet of his apprentice Yang Chi?

This thing has average attack power, but it is a good hand at stalking and tracking.

Yang Chi was arrested for only half a night, and the other party turned against him and controlled his insect swarm?

This is not difficult for Cao Wendao, after all, he only needs to control the ancestral insect. But it took Yang Chi more than half a month to tame the ancestral insect, but it only took the surname Wei half a night?

Cao Wendao was a little curious, and he retreated back to the forest and approached his flipping blenny. Wei Yishan's hidden demon puppet can obviously burrow underground, and only big guys can deal with such a big guy.

The green python that landed also showed its true appearance.

After Cao Wendao's transformation, it was certainly not just a python. Its upper body actually showed a vague human outline, but its facial features were blurred, its neck was short and thick, and its body was thicker than the largest wine barrel. There were two rows of sharp knife feet on the sides of its body!

Dong Rui, who was hiding in the dark, knew at a glance that there must be a centipede among the monsters embedded in this thing. The centipede monster can gather its abdominal feet to both sides of the body to form a whole row of sharp blades. When it twists wildly, it is like a guillotine. Whoever sees it will run, and if you run slowly, you will be cut into several pieces.

In addition, the structure of the two pairs of forelimbs of this green python is like human hands, with upper arms and forearms, and flexible elbow joints. One pair of palms has sharp claws like tigers and leopards, and the other pair has no palms at all, but is replaced by a bone sickle.

Just now, the snail toad shot its long tongue at Cao Wendao, but it was blocked by this pair of long sickles. Dong Rui has captured so many enemies by manipulating the snail toad to shoot its tongue, but only this green python has hit back its attack intact.

In addition, the snail toad's tongue was injured, and its viscosity was greatly reduced. It will take some time to recover.

Just now, the skin-turning blenny attacked Dong Rui from underground, and even the ghost ape could not dodge it. It was the snail toad that shot out its long tongue and saved them at the critical moment, so the master and servant escaped.

The snail toad had been hiding underground and motionless before. He felt the abnormality of the skin-turning blenny when it was sneaking, and reported it directly to Dong Rui. Otherwise, it would have taken action half a breath later, and Dong Rui would have been captured by Cao Wendao.

As soon as the green python landed, the ghost ape rushed forward and wrestled with it.

The green python's ventral foot side knife was amazing. It entangled the tree that two people hugged and twisted it hard, and the tree trunk was cut into several sections. It was more useful than a saw. However, the ghost ape fought against the centipede corpse puppet of the Xuanlu Ghost King in the Dead Village. The latter's attack method was very similar to that of the green python, so the ghost ape was always careful not to let the opponent entangle itself.

The green python's sickle attack was like a violent storm. It struck at least 20 to 30 times in three breaths, and the sky was full of cold knife shadows. But the ghost ape's purple gold copper stick can be long or short. Of course, it has to play the advantage of an inch longer and an inch stronger to fight this green python. It knocked the green python away several times, making it unable to get close.

The two giants fought so hard that the earth shook and the trees were destroyed. Dong Rui and Cao Wendao's attention was not all on them.

Once entering the mud palace of the snail toad, Dong Rui will be separated from the human world. The spiritual bond between him and other demon puppets will be cut off by the barrier of space, and he will not be able to control other demon puppets except the snail toad to fight delicately.

So even if the ground is dangerous, he has to stay reluctantly.

Cao Wendao lured him to show up, just to take control of the initiative, and even used up a precious opportunity to hide his injury, but he still underestimated his opponent's cunning and...luck.

"Wei Yishan, we finally meet." He looked around the dark jungle, "Why don't you come out and chat?"

Dong Rui's voice was vague and uncertain, and it was unknown where it came from:

"Golden Cicada Escapes from the Shell?"

Cao Wendao still had three holes on his body, and even the holes in his clothes were stained with blood, which showed that he was indeed hit by the bat demon puppet just now, but his actions were very comfortable, and he didn't seem to be hurt by the person who was hit.

There are too many spells in this world that confuse people, and this guy is good at using insect puppets, so the first thing Dong Rui thought of was "Golden Cicada Escapes from the Shell".

There are several magical powers with this name, and the effects are similar. The user can leave a lifelike corpse in the place where it is, like the shell of a cicada, to confuse the enemy.

Of course, this fake shell has a time limit, and generally does not exist for more than thirty or fifty breaths.

The "Li Dai Tao Jiang" mastered by He Lingchuan also has a similar effect. The fake body will not disappear immediately after death, but it can fight independently during its lifetime, which is different from "Golden Cicada Shedding Shell".

"There is also the bone-changing butterfly." Cao Wendao looked down at the hole in his chest, "The larvae have stored enough energy. Once seriously injured, they can immediately cocoon and become a butterfly, and the injuries will be completely gone."

He used the two magical powers together. When he was injured by the bat demon puppet and fell to the ground, he left behind a fake shell. His real body was taken away from the ground by the skin-turning bream, and the bone-changing butterfly insect offset the damage.

Dong Rui blinked his eyes and suddenly realized: "You made the larvae into a self-defense magic weapon, what a good idea!"

Rather than saying that Cao Wendao made the larvae of the bone-changing butterfly into a demon puppet, it is better to say that it was made into an active defensive magic weapon. Once an external enemy hits him, the defensive magic weapon will automatically start and bear most of the damage. At the same time, the characteristics of the bone-changing butterfly are activated and it begins to cocoon.

Usually when it comes to magic tools, they are nothing more than dead objects made of gold, silver, wood and stone, and at most they can refine spirit tools; Cao Wendao, however, refined the live insect puppets again as magic tools, and this idea was very inspiring to Dong Rui.

He really needs to communicate more with his peers.

Cao Wendao looked at the fiercely fighting ghost ape and said: "Your method of making demon puppets is simple, but very spiritual. Are you self-taught?"

Without waiting for Dong Rui to answer, he continued to persuade: "Why not abandon the dark and join the light? The Heavenly Palace is so powerful. If you need resources, you have resources, if you need materials, you have materials, and there are many colleagues to discuss. In addition, the information we have accumulated is enough for you to study for a lifetime."

Several of his research projects were stuck at a critical juncture, and he was short of talents, so he wanted to recruit Dong Rui.

Although the disciples of Honglu worked hard, they were not flexible enough and did not study deeply enough. On the contrary, although Wei Yishan took a wild path, he had special ideas and lively methods, and he was a useful talent.

But Dong Rui didn't like his condescending attitude.

"Follow you?" He sneered, "You were exiled to the Shining Gold Plain because you were not favored by the Heavenly Palace. People want to move up, and if I want to join, I should join Qiandufang. What good can I get from following a loser like you?"

Cao Wendao's face flashed with green air, and he said angrily: "Xiao An has survived for more than seven and a half months, which has broken the record of Qiandufang. You handed Xiao An to me, and it was a great achievement from the beginning. Within a year, I will return to Lingxu City to perform my duties, and you can also be promoted."

Dong Rui couldn't help laughing.

This guy's ability to draw big cakes is much worse than what he drew for He Lingchuan.

"Why do you want to study humanoid puppets?" And it's not just Cao Wendao, there are many other groups of demon puppet masters in the Heavenly Palace who are also studying.

"You will know naturally if you surrender and join the sect." Cao Wendao frowned, "Your demon puppets are good, but they are not my opponents. I cherish talents and give you one last chance."

The forest was silent for a few breaths, and Dong Rui said gloomily: "Is it related to the descent of the gods?"

What he saw and heard when he first entered the Ghost King's underground palace made him and He Lingchuan feel uneasy. When the battle between immortals and gods was coming to an end, Minghui Zhenren had to destroy his life's work even if he had to sacrifice his cultivation, life and soul, because he was afraid that the research results would fall into the hands of the demons and that they would "quietly return to the world in the future"!

Is it related to the fact that the Heavenly Palace mobilized so many demon puppet masters to do research?

When he asked this question unexpectedly, Cao Wendao, who was shrewd, couldn't help but change his face: "You..."

The deepest secret of the Heavenly Palace, a secret that few people in the entire Lingxu City knew, how did this guy deduce it!

I was wrong, this guy is not only a wild demon puppet master!

Does Wei Yishan's question mean that He Xiao or the Nine Nether Emperor also made this inference?

But in any case, Cao Wendao's momentary loss of composure has given the answer, and Dong Rui knows it in his heart.

"You are still young and impatient." Cao Wendao did not hide it and sighed, "If it were me, I would never ask such a question."

"So you can't be brave and diligent." Dong Rui said lightly, "Where is your main demon puppet? It has been brewing for so long, take it out and let's see?"

From his surprise attack to now, Cao Wendao has not used many demon puppets, and he has also chatted with him for a few words.

This is certainly not Cao Wendao's grace. Dong Rui guessed that he was holding back a big move. But he couldn't kill Dong Rui at once, otherwise Xiao An's whereabouts would be unknown.

In this case, why should Dong Rui be polite?

The huge fins beside Cao Wendao suddenly moved, and the flipping blenny dived, and the huge tail almost hit the owner.

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