After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1616 Work has stopped

Official rescue efforts were ineffective, and the warehouse was almost burned to the ground.

When the sun rose again, only broken tiles and ruins were left.

Needless to say, the grain inside was burned to ashes.

All, gone!

There were seven granaries supplying Tianshui City, three large and four small. This Yaocang was the largest one among them! It is said that the peak reserve can be used by civilians in the southern area of ​​Tianshui City for more than two months.

In addition to stabilization, it also undertakes the tasks of transportation and transit. Every autumn and winter, even part of the military rations have to be transferred from there.

Such an important warehouse was burned, and it was burned to ashes, which immediately triggered the thunderous anger of King Yao!

Yaocang has a complete defense formation, one to prevent invasion, two to prevent rats and ants, and three to prevent fire!

How could it suddenly catch fire?

Yaocang is actually a warehouse group, consisting of 24 warehouses, scattered and not all next to each other. Who has the ability to burn down all 24 warehouses in one night?

It is said that if you have food in your hands, you will not panic. The king of Yao was panicking. He ordered the officials in charge to be brought in for questioning overnight.

But the officials in charge of the kiln warehouse were all dead, one chief and two deputy, along with more than 20 staff members under them, and the warehouse was gone.

If it was burned and dead, there would be no evidence.

Who has such ability?

The fire in the kiln warehouse illuminated the entire sky in the south of the city and burned until the next morning. Countless people witnessed it with their own eyes.

The news spread throughout the city in just two days like wings.

There was no need for others to add fuel to the flames. The speed of the rumor spread was faster than the fire in the kiln warehouse.

The price of grain was like a sky rocket, soaring half a day high and could no longer be suppressed.

The grain was expensive to begin with, and everyone watched the kiln warehouse burn down, so -

Where is the grain?

Is there any grain in Tianshui City? Can I still buy grain?

The panic that spread throughout the city helped push up the price of grain. Countless people rushed into shops and businesses to grab grain, taking as much as they could!

No more queuing.

Rich and poor, they all rushed in with the crowd, fearing that they would be left empty-handed if they were a second late. At this time, it was not a matter of money.

The shop assistants and the expensive guards wanted to stop them, but they were trampled underfoot after two encounters!

More than 300 people were killed and injured in the grain grabbing storm in just one morning. In addition to fighting for food, more than half of the people were trampled to death.

Subsequently, many robberies broke out in the south of Tianshui City.

If you don’t have money, you can only rob others;

Some people saw their neighbors get grain from the grain store, and no matter whether they bought it or robbed it, they would just go up and rob the robbers.

For a while, robbery was rampant. The district offices in Tianshui City received more than 300 reports in the morning, and they were busy like a top.

Since the establishment of Tianshui City, apart from the occasional riots of refugees, there have been few such crazy and blatant crimes.

It was as if the night of Emperor Liujiang had arrived early.

Yao Ting urgently transported a batch of public grain to the market, and urgently ordered all blocks to post notices and have special people preach that the warehouses were sufficient and asked everyone not to loot.

It was useless.

Tianshui City has been short of food for a long time. Now the panic is spreading rapidly. It cannot be solved by just a few notices to reassure the people and the grain shops supplying an extra bucket of grain.

Everyone is asking:

Where is the grain? In such a big country, where is the grain that is produced every year thrown into a bottomless pit?

Coincidentally, at this time, the Tianshui East Expansion Project issued another announcement. In order to welcome the arrival of Emperor Liujiang, do a good job in construction management, and avoid accidents, the project will be semi-suspended, wages will be settled, and personnel will leave from now on.

A simple translation:

The work has stopped, no one is needed, get out, don't stay here and eat idle meals!

With a "buzz", the mentality of the laborers inside and outside the city exploded.

In the past few months, the Tianshui Eastward Expansion Project has employed tens of thousands of strong laborers and provided food for tens of thousands of people. After the harvest in autumn, the land in the counties and towns around Tianshui City was idle, so not only the refugees, but also the surrounding civilians and farm workers came here to earn more food in the winter.

Now this project is not going to work, where can these tens of thousands of people work hard to earn money and eat?

Today, there are not so many jobs in and around Tianshui City!

This notice is posted, and its power is no less than that of the kiln warehouse fire!

Although there is no long-term contractual relationship between the Tianshui Eastward Expansion Project and the vast number of laborers, hunger is a big deal and arguing is a small deal. The angry laborers rushed into the construction site where they usually worked and wanted to make trouble, but the army was already here, fighting back several waves of riots and arresting the leaders of the riots.

Just when they were angry and desperate, more than a dozen foremen and accountants moved tables out and sat down, waiting for them to come and collect their daily wages.

What surprised everyone even more was that the construction site actually distributed five meals of food to each person.

If you dare to make trouble, you will not get a penny or a grain of food, and you will be severely beaten.

Do you want money, food, or another beating?

"All the food on the construction site has been moved out, and there is not a grain of rice left in the warehouse! If you don't believe it, go and see for yourself later. In order to raise this batch of food, Lord You and Island Master He have done their best. You can take it and leave."

At this point, the laborers calmed down. Seeing that the army on the opposite side was still shining with spears and halberds, they knew that there would be no benefit if they continued to make trouble, so they took the money and food, signed their names, and turned around and left.

A great chaos disappeared without a trace.

When the matter was reported to King Yao, he was really relieved, and at the same time called You Rongzhi to scold him.

Why did they stop the work and drive people away at this critical moment!

You Rongzhi felt a little aggrieved, but he could only nod his head.

The suspension of the project was his own decision! You Rongzhi went to the palace in the morning to ask the king to make a decision. After thinking about it, King Yao decided to keep five teams to continue working, and the rest of the laborers were dismissed on the spot.

There was no way, the royal court could not afford to support so many big-bellied men.

The impact of the Emperor's slurry on people and creatures would last for a long time. The earliest time for the Tianshui East Expansion Project to resume work would be half a month after the Emperor's slurry erupted. Anyway, the work had to be suspended, so he might as well take this opportunity to disperse the people in advance to save some money and food.

You Rongzhi received this instruction and naturally had to execute it.

Who knew that the kiln warehouse would catch fire right after that!

At that time, how could King Yao remember this little thing about the project? If he couldn't remember it, could he expect his officials to be flexible?

When the whole city was worried about starvation and jobs, the Tianshui East expansion project suddenly stopped and people were driven out. Isn't that just looking for trouble?

In He Lingchuan's view, this is a manifestation of the poor coordination of a country's policies. Officials do their own work and lack communication with each other.

They only focus on their own work and do not consider the overall situation and consequences.

King Yao was still somewhat relieved. Fortunately, the trend of the laboring people's riot was stopped before it took shape.

When Qingyang heard the news in the court, he couldn't help laughing, and was regarded by King Yao as gloating.

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