After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 165 Laying a Solid Foundation

The turtle bead was a giant turtle he took from the bottom of the Fairy Lake cave. The essence of hundreds of years of cultivation, except for the demon pill, the giant turtle turned them into spirit beads. Since it was for himself, of course he couldn't be stingy and just used a turtle bead as medicine.

As for the origin of the toad, it was obtained by Sun Fuping, the great master of the country, from the purple golden toad that jumped on the walnut boat while it was traveling in the Panlong Desert. To put it bluntly, they are also toads, but they have been mutated under the influence of the Dafang Pot. However, they still secrete serous fluid on their bodies and behind their ears, and when dried, they become toad venom.

Sun Fuping recognized the goods and took away the useful parts before throwing the two dead purple toads off the boat. Unexpectedly, he was robbed by He Chunhua before he died, and the treasure was taken advantage of by his enemy.

When two kilograms of local honey and imperial slurry are put into the jar, the sugar water suddenly becomes thick and can't be stirred with a spoon; when five kinds of medicinal herbs are added, the sugar water becomes light black and very turbid.

He Lingchuan didn't pour in the last turtle beads and toad powder until it started to bubble.

Strange to say, the liquid in the tank was originally black and shiny, like mud puddle water in a swamp, but as soon as these two things were added, the color actually began to fade, from light black to dark brown, light brown...

Eventually, it turned into a less uniform dark yellow.

"No way, why is it this color?" He Lingchuan held up a candlelight to shine on the bottom of the jar. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like——

He didn't give up and cooked half a cup of tea, but it didn't change color.

This round of refining is finally over. Besides, the liquid in the jar is now as viscous as maltose. You can stir it up with chopsticks, but it will become mushy if you boil it again.

A Luo explained that the better the quality of the refined Emperor's Dispersion, the more beautiful the color. The most successful ones are gold, red, and red gold, and the worst ones are dark green. He Lingchuan finally achieved this color. To be honest, he barely even passed the test.

If Arlo were here, he might be able to kick over his jar.

There is no way, who made him the first brother? Of course, the most likely factor is that the medicinal materials bought from the town are of poor quality.

He Lingchuan took the chopsticks and carefully scraped the ointment out of the bottom of the jar.

The dark yellow ointment was wrapped around the bamboo chopsticks several times, and the longer it was wrapped, the thicker and rounder it became.

This color, this shape, ugh.

He still had to eat it.

Even if he knew what it was, he would be embarrassed to speak about it. Who gave him the germaphobia?

He Lingchuan closed his eyes and eat!

Um? It tastes pretty good, quite sweet, and has no weird smell.

He sipped twice more.

Unexpectedly, the cook suddenly rushed over from the back hall barefoot, holding an iron pot in his hand and shouting: "Who is here! Who!"

He got up in the middle of the night and suddenly heard something moving here.

"You dare to steal something from an official's house, you little thief - ah!" The cook's footsteps suddenly stopped, but He Lingchuan turned around subconsciously.

The cook's tone also suddenly twisted and raised:

"——It's the eldest young master! It's okay then."

He murmured, gave He Lingchuan a smile as bright as the full moon, and walked back on his heels.

As soon as he turned his head, the smile on his face disappeared.

What is Young Master He holding in his hand, and what is on his lips?

Did he read that correctly?

No, no, no, the young man has never tasted any delicacies, why do you want to——?

But in a flash he thought of the dog he had raised at home.

"I'm not..." He Lingchuan wanted to explain, but the soles of his feet seemed to have been greased and he couldn't even call back, "I didn't..."

Even if you tell lies, can people believe it?

He could only finish sipping the ointment on his chopsticks silently, then got up and went back to his room.

Unexpectedly, he was only halfway through the walk when his stomach growled and a sudden cramping pain made him almost unable to straighten his back.

Does it take effect so quickly?

How can this be effective?

He Lingchuan didn't have time to think too much and rushed to the latrine.

As soon as he squatted down, his energy flowed through his Dantian. The meal was so earth-shattering that the birds roosting at night outside the hut were almost frightened away.

Fortunately, he came in a hurry and left in a hurry. When He Lingchuan stood up, he felt comfortable and light all over, as if he had lost four or five pounds all of a sudden.

When other people took Emperor's Liquid, including himself this morning, they felt a rush of heat in their stomachs and wanted to adjust their breath quickly. Why is it that after taking this Diliu San, his first reaction is to squat in a trap?

One word difference, so much difference?

He Lingchuan couldn't muster the courage to look down at all, so he quickly scooped up water to wash his hands and face, and walked back.

As soon as I took such a step, I felt like there was a spring in my heel, which made me float when I walked.

This feeling of being as light as a swallow is more comfortable than when I finished adjusting my breath this morning, no, it was just when I woke up.

Back in the house, He Yue was already fast asleep. I don't know if it's the effect of the Emperor's Liquid, but the second child, who has always been very reserved even when sleeping, actually made a slight cry today.

He Lingchuan sat on the bed but felt sleepy. After all, he had only been up for a few hours.

That’s all, let’s practice for a while.

He got up, took a round futon, and found a quiet place to sit down.

The moonlight is like water, and it shines especially gently on the body.

The insects buzzing around him were much louder than last night, but they didn't affect him.

As soon as He Lingchuan adjusted his breath, he fell into trance, much faster than usual.

This meditation lasted another four hours.

When He Lingchuan opened his eyes again, it was already dawn, and the eastern sun shone directly on his face.

There were two guards standing outside the courtyard, presumably sent to him by He Chunhuajia, so as not to be disturbed by idlers.

When the guard saw him getting up, he quickly turned around and said, "Congratulations, young master!"

He Lingchuan was about to ask where the joy came from, when a gust of wind blew by, and he suddenly smelled a foul smell, like rotten fish and shrimps that had been left on the dock for days and nights.

Although it is not as good as the fragrant dumplings, it is enough to make people shy away.

For example, these two guards took three big steps back.

He Lingchuan lowered his head and sniffed, and then determined that the smell was coming from his body.

When he opened his clothes, he saw that the surface of his skin was actually covered with a layer of light black mucus, which smelled fishy and foul-smelling.

On arms, arms, legs, everywhere.

Mrs. Ying happened to be passing by, and she pinched her nose and called him from three feet away: "It stinks like hell. Chuan'er, go take a bath, the hot water is ready!"


In the room behind the kitchen, several wooden barrels were lined up, steaming.

As soon as he jumped in, the mucus on He Lingchuan's body entered the water and turned into ink, dyeing most of the bucket of water black in one go.

He had no choice but to change to another bucket of water.

I washed five buckets of water in this way, applied soap four times, and used a large-bristle brush to completely remove the black oil from my body. He Lingchuan soaked in the hot water and felt that the pores all over his body were opened, and the hot air circulated back and forth through the five internal organs. It was indescribably comfortable.

After he finished bathing, washed and changed his clothes, he felt that every cell was full of power, as if he could punch a hole in the sky with just one hand.

He Lingchuan knew that the appearance of this state meant that the Imperial Liquid Serum he had taken had real effects.

When a person is born, he is pure and flawless. Later, as he wallows in the turbulent world of mortals, his innate spiritual energy dissipates, and he slowly accumulates acquired filth.

The human heart accumulates filth and raises three corpses.

The accumulation of filth in the human body drags down the source.

If things go on like this, it will be difficult to escape the suffering of illness and old age.

Not to mention changes in the state of mind, the first step for a practitioner to enter the temple is to remove the acquired dirt and return to a pure place. This can lay the foundation for future advancement.

How many people are stuck at this stage is because impurity and its origin are interdependent and cannot be eliminated under ordinary conditions.

In addition to opening up the spiritual intelligence of stubborn fools, the most valuable thing about Emperor Liujian is here.

The discharge of this layer of black mucus signified that He Lingchuan had succeeded in one fell swoop with the help of the power of the Emperor's Liquid Liquid!

Only by laying a good foundation can you achieve twice the result with half the effort.

He Lingchuan stretched out, his bones crackling like a string of small firecrackers exploding.

He felt a little regretful in his heart.

In fact, I hurried to Shuanghe Town last night and the medicinal materials I bought were of average quality and not old enough. The effectiveness of the final medicine was limited. In the end, I actually relied on toad venom and turtle beads to boost my energy.

A Luo also told him that the prescription developed by Panlong City for the Emperor's Liquid was not only used for the first time to change tendons and cut marrow, but the most important thing was to use it to stimulate and amplify the effectiveness of other elixirs.

What is Imperial Liquid? Its essence is the purified aura of heaven and earth, the essence of all life in the world. After entering the biological body circulation, it will provide the most comfortable environment for the body's operation and practice.

Originally, whether it was toad puffs or turtle beads, the power contained in them was so abundant for He Lingchuan that it was almost overwhelming, especially the former was highly poisonous. If swallowed directly, it would probably cause his veins to burst and his body to explode to death. But now that he has the support of Emperor Liujian, the power of the two has been gathered together to be submissive. At least in the next three months, he will slowly obey him and truly complete the transformation from external force to his own true power.

With the amplification and stabilizing effects of Imperial Liquid Slurry, it is actually full of imagination as to how many pharmaceutical formulas can be made with it.

He Lingchuan sighed, the crudest Emperor Liquid Powder he had made had such miraculous effects, so how powerful were the various strange medicines prepared by the professional pharmacists in Panlong City using Emperor Liquid Powder?

It's a pity that it has nothing to do with him. It would be great if I could get the prescription.

Well, actually the hardest thing to get is the Imperial Ooze, right?

An opportunity that only comes once in decades has just passed. I don’t know when I’ll see Di Liujian next time.

Speaking of which, why did the Panlongcheng period encounter the Emperor's Liquid Slurry four times in three years?

Just a matter of luck?

He Chunhua and others sat in a circle outside the hut to discuss matters. They were all startled when they saw He Lingchuan walking towards them.

Although he maintained his usual carefree attitude, his eyes were shining brightly and he was walking like a tiger and looking like a wolf, and no one else dared to approach him.

So much so that He Chunhua had a thought:

Is this really my worthless son?

It's a pity that He Lingchuan failed as soon as he opened his mouth: "You're late, it seems you didn't even make it to lunch?"

After adjusting the breath, my stomach and intestines have also recovered, and now I am hungry.

He Chunhua had no choice but to tell his men: "Go and get him some food."

He Lingchuan found a bamboo chair and sat down on his own. Wu Shaoyi beside him immediately cupped his hands: "Congratulations, young master, the foundation laying is completed!"

Regardless of practicing magic or martial arts, He Lingchuan has already passed the high barriers that stand in the way. Wu Shaoyi has rich experience and can see through it at a glance.

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