Yao Wang looked at her unhappily and said:

"Qiu Long——"

He and Qingyang almost fell out. He could ignore Qingyang's request; but he couldn't neglect the special envoy sent by Beijia who expressed dissatisfaction.

Neglecting the envoy was neglecting Beijia.

Qiu Long stepped out sideways.

"Order to summon the main persons in charge of the Tianshui East Expansion Project to the palace." Yao Wang emphasized, "Now!"

Bejia's special envoy was chasing for justice, so he could only give justice on the spot.

Even if he couldn't find out tonight, he had to do enough on the surface.

Yao Wang subconsciously looked at Qingyang and saw that her face was indifferent, but her eyes were shining.

This old woman gave her a good angle to attack, tsk!

Who would seek revenge on Qingyang at this time? That explosion, couldn't it be a self-torture trick she set up?

However, she also sent it to the door herself!

Yao Wang sneered in his heart.

He Lingchuan and Zhao Song drank for an unknown period of time. As the sun was setting, a few riders came hurriedly. The leading palace envoy loudly called:

"My king orders He Xiao to come to the palace to meet him immediately!"

The palace envoy's surname was Yu. Zhao Song recognized him. He Lingchuan frequently went in and out of the palace and had long been familiar with him. He immediately responded and asked: "Sir Yu, who else was in the regent's carriage at that time?"

"The envoy from Beijia was injured by the explosion."

It turned out that there was also a Beijia envoy in the carriage. This was a diplomatic incident. King Yao had to deal with it.

He Lingchuan thought for a while: "Besides me, who else was summoned?"

This was to inquire. Sir Yu coughed lightly: "You live the farthest, and you are the last one."

The implication was that there were indeed many officials summoned to the palace.

It was understandable that the regent and the special envoy sent by Beijia were almost killed. This was a big deal. How could the person in charge of the Tianshui Eastward Expansion Project stay out of it?

He Lingchuan smiled bitterly: "I smell too much alcohol. It's really rude to meet you like this. I'll go back to wash and change clothes, and then I'll go to the palace!"

Yu and Zhao both had no objection.

The palace is an important place. Who has to change clothes before entering to show respect?

He Lingchuan hurried back to his yard. As soon as he entered the main house, the wooden door slammed shut.

This is normal. The owner of the manor must maintain his privacy.

Zhao Song waved to the palace guards and made a few gestures. Several people dispersed around the courtyard to prevent He Xiao from jumping over the wall and escaping.

In fact, he had strengthened his vigilance since last night, and also placed people on the outer wall of Yongquan Villa for secret surveillance.

The windows of the main house had been closed long ago. As soon as He Lingchuan entered, the remaining Yangshan guards gathered around.

The others had left in batches before, and they were the last few.

The soul-catching mirror laughed, "Is the explosion in Youhu the signal you were waiting for?"

"That's right." He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows, "Qingyang is really decisive, and he advanced the time so much!"

"Wait a minute, you said Qingyang blew himself up?" The mirror coughed. This dishonest owner had just told Zhao Song that he didn't know who did it.

"I have no evidence, so I'll just guess." He Lingchuan spread his hands, "It wasn't me who blew it up, and it shouldn't have been the work of King Yao - he was so hesitant - and he had to choose the main entrance of the Tianshui East Expansion Project. The biggest possibility is that she did it herself."

"Why did she do that?" The mirror was confused, "Do you want to learn the trick of the thief crying thief in Lingxu City?"

When He Lingchuan first came to Lingxu City with Bai Ziqi, he was a witness in the immortal medicine case. But Fu Shanyue, the backer, was not strong enough, so he was worried that Qingyang would attack him, so he took the initiative and blew up the inn where he stayed, attracting the attention of half the city.

In this way, Qingyang would not be able to plot against him again.

Is this trick effective? Judging from the subsequent events, it is effective, and his concerns are also reasonable. Qingyang's national teacher has killed many people to silence them.

If his inference is correct, why did Qingyang blow herself up? How does this help her plan to rebel?

He Lingchuan could only shake his head.

"It seems that as soon as she received the news that Shi Songwei was arrested, she decided to launch the rebellion in advance?"

"Shi Songwei's public arrest means that the Xinhe Shi family is completely exposed! It is only a matter of time before they implicate Bai Tan." He Lingchuan smiled softly, "Bai Tan did not enjoy the wealth and glory of his family, but insisted on rebelling. That means he has a heavy responsibility and plays a major role in this action. Now that the arrow has been shot, there is no turning back, and Qingyang has no choice but to do it."

Why did Shi Songwei come to Tianshui City, and why did he rush out of Shuangshan Inn and yell and scream, so that everyone knew about it?

Of course, it was He Lingchuan who did it.

He Lingchuan was very interested in the fact that Gulin, who was in Tonglinji, recognized that the empty-bag merchant association that robbed grain in the southwest was related to the Shi family in Xinhe. He sent people to dig deep into the inside story. It took two months to sort out the information, and he used a big business to lure Shi Songwei to Tianshui City.

He always felt that this move might come in handy, and it was better to be prepared.

Sure enough, it was used this time.

When the palace guards went to Shuangshan Inn to arrest Shi Songwei, he was actually controlled by Wang Fubao's "heart shadow transmission" technique.

This magical power can temporarily turn a living person into a puppet, and the controller can control his words and deeds for a short time, but he can't do too complicated work, such as fighting with people.

This is a spell that He Lingchuan learned from Xi Yunhe, and then taught it to Wang Fubao and others.

Why let Shi Songwei shout in the street?

Shuangshan Inn is full of guests, and the neighbors around are either rich or noble; Qingyang and others are about to take action, so they are of course very alert to any disturbance in the city.

There is a high chance that Shi Yiwei's shout will be recorded by someone who is interested. After several twists and turns, it will reach Qingyang's ears.

If she didn't receive news in a short period of time, he would have to find a way to let her know.

It can be said that the prosecution and arrest of Shi Yiwei this time was basically a "show" for Qingyang. He Lingchuan must let her find out that the Xinhe Shi family has been exposed!

As long as this is achieved, his push will be effective.

Tianshui City is destined to spend a chaotic, crazy, and bloody night.

As the key figure in accelerating all this, He Lingchuan also has to carry out his second step plan.

"Bring that guy here."

At his command, Wan Qifeng brought someone out from the attic.

This is the palace guard Han Zheng who sneaked into Dong Rui's cellar last night. After he reported to Zhao Song, He Lingchuan sent someone to arrest him, imprisoned him in the magic weapon "Xili Dongtian", and brought him into He Lingchuan's main room.

"Xili Dongtian" can carry a living creature and move it with you, making it highly concealable.

It was originally one of the backup plans for He Lingchuan's departure. He Lingchuan prepared several evacuation plans, but now he had a better idea.

He Lingchuan's room had been put up with a soundproof barrier, so he didn't expect this man to roar. He asked Han Zheng: "Are you familiar with all the formulas?"

While Han Zheng was tied up in the attic, Guard Yang Shan placed a piece of paper in front of him and asked him to memorize the formula on it.

If you don't know how to memorize it, it's a good beating.

So Han Zheng nodded repeatedly: "I know it by heart."

The melon is overripe.

After all, the formula is not long, and he only does this one thing all day long.

"Die here immediately, or lose three years of your life span. What do you choose?"

Han Zheng understood the content of the formula and said quickly: "For the latter one, I choose to shorten my life by three years."

He Lingchuan then took out a fine copper talisman plate, embedded a light red Xuan crystal in the middle hole, and then stuffed it into his hand:

"Let's get started."

Han Zheng straightened his mind and began to mutter the incantation.

The formation on the bronze talisman gradually lit up, but his expression became a little sluggish.

But he didn't dare to neglect, and insisted on gritting his teeth.

Then, the luminous formation suddenly broke away from the copper talisman and hovered around it.

"Very good, started successfully."

Other Yangshan guards have moved the tables and chairs here to clear an open space.

He Lingchuan took the talisman board and slapped it on the ground.

With the landing point as the center, the formation suddenly enlarged, and the ground within a radius of two feet was quickly covered with complicated lines.

Get through the small moving mountain array!

This set of two fine copper formation talismans is a trophy that He Lingchuan seized from He Jing, the envoy of Tiangong Duyun. It is an advanced and advanced version of the ordinary small moving mountain formation. The effective transmission range reaches an astonishing three miles!

The other bronze formation talisman was hidden in a forest three miles north of Yongquan Villa.

Moreover, this formation has been engraved on the copper talisman in advance, so there is no need to draw it hurriedly when using it. You only need to add the mysterious crystals and recite the formula to activate it.

Of course, it deducts only a small amount of Yang life, only three years; the small moving mountain formation used by Fu Shanyue back then had an effective distance of only more than a hundred feet, but it took away five years of Yang life!

"Go quickly."

Ling Guang jumped onto He Lingchuan's shoulder and everyone walked into the formation.

Wan Qiliang grabbed the prisoners and the last couple left.

There was another flash of light in the room, and even the people and the talisman array disappeared.

Zhao Song was sitting in the pavilion in the yard, waiting. The door of the house was still closed, with no sign of opening.

He Xiao's "changing clothes" has two meanings. It may be a euphemism for squatting, or it may actually be a change of clothes.

Of course, it is also possible to squat in a pit, change clothes and come out again.

For those famous families in Tianshui City, there should be some orchids and musk deer in the thatched house, and a few servants and maids standing outside. The host and guest would go in once and change their clothes when they came out.

So Zhao Song waited patiently for a while before stepping forward and knocking the door knocker: "Congratulations to the island master?"

It was quiet inside.

Um? Zhao Song raised his breath, banged on the door and shouted twice.

Still no answer.

He knew something was wrong, so he kicked his left leg hard——

There was a bang and the door was kicked open.

The palace guards followed him into the house, but there was no one there.

Zhao Song's face suddenly turned pale:

"Disperse, search!"

Don’t miss any corner!

Everyone walked around in a circle and returned to the same place, all shaking their heads:

No one could be found in the main room.

Where did He Xiao go?

Where have those Yongshan guards gone?

They also searched the yard and found no trace of any formations.

How did He Xiao and others leave this heavily guarded villa?

Zhao Song clenched his fists, his heart sinking to the bottom: "It's broken, he escaped!"

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