After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 18 You are both talented and beautiful

No matter how angry Nian Songyu is, do you dare to openly attack him here?

The two of them stared at each other like cockfighters for a long time. He Yue didn't care. Only Sun Fuping spoke up to smooth things over: "How could Captain Nian know about the affairs of the servants? You'll find out when he gets back and ask. How did Mr. He get hurt? It's a very important matter. Don't worry. Speak to him right and left."

He Lingchuan sighed: "Almost fifty days ago, I went hunting in Hulu Mountain. I was attacked by a sand leopard and fell off a cliff. After being carried back, I was unconscious for several days before I woke up."

Nian Songyu's eyes almost burst into flames: "Why didn't you say anything yesterday?" What was this kid pretending to do?

Sun Fuping only asked the key points: "Where is the sand leopard?"

"Dead, he was carried back with me." He Lingchuan shrugged, "After I woke up, I ordered people to dismember the sand leopard. This thing almost killed me, I had to cut it into eight pieces and remove it. The parts have been sold in the market." He pointed to the east, "There are many businessmen here, who are interested in the monster's fur, claws, tongues, eyes, inner alchemy and so on, and are willing to spend a lot of money."

"We know what you two are thinking." He Yue spoke up at the right time, "Yesterday I learned that the Sha Bao who ambushed my brother was injured by you. Although my father has not expressed his position, he has sent people to trace the whereabouts of Sha Bao's body."

The nails in these words were very hard, but it was a pity that they didn't hurt or itch when they were pierced into the bodies of the two people opposite. Sun Fuping rolled his eyelids: "Can Governor He really find out?"

He Yue smiled: "I will definitely go all out."

Just kidding, naturally this guaranteed ticket cannot be beaten.

Sun Fuping was silent for a while and then said: "By the way, before setting off on this trip, Da Sima wrote in a letter and mentioned that if the troubles in the capital can be solved, Lord He's talents will not be wasted in the poor mountains and rivers."

The He brothers were all moved: "You mean, no, Da Sima means...?"

"Transferred back to the capital, admonished to be promoted to govern and serve as censor!"

When have these old bureaucrats ever been so straightforward? He Lingchuan stood up immediately: "Da Sima has a sharp eye and a golden tongue!" As he said this, he leaned towards Sun Fuping and extended his hand.

Sun Fuping handed over a letter without opening the seal.

Obviously, this was a letter that Da Sima had prepared a long time ago and was specially delivered to He Chunhua.

Although the promotion of officials is not within the scope of Grand Sima's authority, he has a strong reputation in the government and the public, and it is not difficult to facilitate this matter.

Sun Fu said calmly: "I hope Governor He will not let down the great Sima's high expectations."

He Lingchuan smiled broadly: "Of course not."

He Yue also said: "We are going all out to track down the clues about Sha Bao, and I believe we will hear back soon."

The two stood up: "Then wait for the good news from Governor He."

Sun Fuping was about to walk out when Nian Songyu turned to look at He Yue: "Second Young Master He, how old are you this year?"


"I heard in Wangjin that the second son of Qiansong County Governor He is smart and steady. Unexpectedly, he is so handsome and graceful. It is better to see him than to hear it a hundred times."

What does this guy want to do when he suddenly comments on his dick? He Lingchuan pointed at himself and took over the conversation: "What about me, do outsiders have any opinions?"

Nian Songyu said with a smile: "Yes, it's gold and jade."

Everyone knows that the key point lies in the unspoken next sentence, but He Lingchuan was complacent: "Have vision, have vision."

He Yue coughed lightly: "Brother, see you off."

Before He Lingchuan turned around, Nian Songyu suddenly said: "The inn where the Imperial Master and I live is very low and cramped. I think Governor He's mansion has a metropolitan style and has many houses. I wonder if it can accommodate two guests?"

The He brothers and Sun Fuping were both stunned.

"Of course..." That's okay.

There were many vacant rooms in He's house, so He Yue quickly informed Mrs. Ying and arranged a room for each of the two distinguished guests.

The servants rushed to the inn and brought the two people's luggage, which was considered a formal check-in.

After a busy period, the two guests finally settled down.

After the servants had dispersed, Nian Songyu looked at the closed door of the courtyard: "Sure enough, the leopard fell into their hands. The man named He didn't tell the truth. The leopard corpse might still be in his house."

"Even if it's still there, it's been well hidden." Sun Fuping met his sinister gaze, "Could it be that you want to climb over the wall to kill people and seize the treasure? If it doesn't work, you have to consider the follow-up plan. Da Sima is right, He Chunhua will take advantage of the opportunity Make up your mind and haggle.”

If He Chunhua had bowed his head and obeyed his orders, he would not have taken out the envelope prepared by Da Sima.

Nian Songyu sneered: "How dare a mere border county guard and a bigger official dare to speak like a lion?"

"Maybe he is brave at this juncture. Da Sima has praised him several times. This person is different from ordinary mediocre officials."

Nian Songyu said bitterly: "What a pity, this is not Wangjin City!"

Wangjin is the capital of Xunzhou and his territory.

Sun Fuping shook his head: "Business matters. All these petty officials want is to get promoted and make a fortune. It's not difficult to deal with it."

"Although I am only a fifth-rank official, I can supervise officials. It is a job that everyone covets. In the past, I might have been jealous." Nian Songyu smiled sarcastically, "But now..."

Sun Fuping's face darkened: "Stop talking nonsense!"

In the blink of an eye, it gets dark.

He Chunhua hasn't come back yet, he is really busy.

The Ba Ling envoy has arrived in Heishui City, and the local officials are responsible for receiving them.

In the meantime, He Lingchuan went to the government office and personally handed Da Sima's letter into his father's hands.

He Chunhua, who had always been gentle and gentle, couldn't help but slapped the table and stood up, looking up to the sky and roaring.

For more than twenty years, he has endured many hardships in the frontier, and he is finally returning to the familiar metropolis!

The place where he was born and raised, where the He family used to be glorious.

He Chunhua even took out the wine from his stash, picked out two cups, and drank three cups with his eldest son. He felt indescribably refreshed.

Only then did He Lingchuan know that his father also secretly hid fine wine in the official residence, which was better than any wine he had ever tasted.

After three drinks, he was sent home.

It was already very dark now, it was already past dinner time, and He's house was as quiet as usual.

He Lingchuan knew that no one at home would wait for him to start dinner, so he planned to go to the kitchen to find some snacks to fill his stomach. The cook at home always hides a pot of good things in the low cabinet. Today it should be apple honey crisp. If he goes to steal it and eat it, no one will protest.

He walked past his second brother's residence.

At this time, He Yue was either reading at night by candlelight or reading papers by midnight, and usually didn't wander around He's house.

However, He Lingchuan happened to hear the voices of two people coming from the bamboo forest.

Two men.

One is He Yue: "...I don't think so, Captain Nian!"

Captain Nian? He Lingchuan tiptoed over.

Sure enough, the other person was Nian Songyu. He Lingchuan saw that his cheeks were red, and he obviously drank a lot: "Why not? Most of the wealthy families are like clouds, and noble people have higher eyesight. Even if your father is promoted back, he will only be a fifth-rank man. You How long do you have to wait to get ahead?"

He came closer and smiled: "You are both talented and beautiful. If my father recommends you again..."

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