After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 20: Departure from the Master

"Maybe they got it, but there was an accident on the way and they didn't send it back to Xianyu?" He Lingchuan wanted to argue, oh no, he raised a rational question, "The baby has not been used on the battlefield, but it doesn't mean it can't be restored. The land stays in the Panlong Desert."

"No, it's still there." Sun Guoshi was confident, "otherwise, how do you think Panlong Wasteland turned into a desert?"

He saw He Chunhua looking over and over at the broken comb, with no intention of handing it over. He was about to reach out and ask for it, but He Chunhua said first, "I'll keep it first."

Sun Fuping knew that he was worried about the two of them, so he gave up the idea of ​​begging.

He Lingchuan was a little surprised: "Hey, didn't you say that the resentful spirit of the Gale Army is immortal and has wiped away the life of the entire wasteland?"

"If that's the case, it's just an appearance. Without the big square pot, they would have long since dissipated between heaven and earth. Don't forget that since they can hatch thousands of mind-challenging insects, they should contain thousands of resentful souls. No pressure.”

The mind-challenging insect is intangible and has no quality, similar to the soul body, or it itself is part of the human soul. A large square pot can contain such things, and it is likely that it can also contain resentful souls.

Nian Songyu also said: "The Panlong ruins are actually not far away. Let's go back quickly. Maybe we can evacuate before September without having to face the wrath of the Panlong Desert."

It is already August 15th, and there are still fifteen days left in September. Having said that, Panlong Desert didn't get angry just because of the almanac. How could the timing of its face change be so precise? It may be delayed or brought forward.

He Chunhua nodded: "We are also recruiting people and horses when we search for Leopard Tooth. We can set off early in the morning the day after tomorrow!"

Nian Songyu frowned: "Can't you do it tomorrow? It's already mid-August..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Fuping waved his hand to interrupt him: "Let's make it August 16th. At this time, it's already difficult for Master He to gather manpower. It will take me a while to prepare for the wedding ceremony."

Before the king's master goes out for an expedition, the national master must perform a ritual ceremony, one for divination, and the other for blessings.

In normal times, how can the small soldiers of Qiansong County enjoy such standards?

Before leaving, He Lingchuan approached Nian Songyu again: "Captain Nian, where is your explanation?"

Nian Songyu's mind was filled with Panlong Desert, and she asked him casually: "What do you want to explain?"

"The person who gave me the information about my injury." He Lingchuan reminded him, "Give me a name and I won't bother you anymore."

Both parties had reached a cooperation, but Nian Songyu didn't expect that this dude would still want to get to the bottom of it. He was so ignorant. He looked coldly: "My guard said that the man can no longer be found."

Let's leave it at that, what can this rich second generation from the countryside do?

He Lingchuan looked pityful: "Can't you really find it?"

Nian Songyu twitched the corner of his mouth: "It's a trivial matter. Mr. He, it's better to focus on the present first."

Uncle Hao walked by from behind and happened to hear these words.

In the evening, Hongbaidao suddenly came to see He Lingchuan.

"Master He, something bad is going on!"

Hearing this, He Lingchuan was surprised at first, and then thoughtfully said: "Don't panic, what's the big deal? Where's Uncle Hao, find him for me!"


Two days flew by.

Thanks to the efforts of all parties, the situation was peaceful for more than 20 hours.

The horror of the Panlong Desert is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there are negative teaching materials about death every year, but He Chunhua still gathered 200 people within the designated time.

The team that He Chunhua pulled together were not all soldiers, but many were criminals who had been exiled to the border.

The period of exile in the Kite Kingdom is very long. In other countries, it only lasts for ten to fifteen years, but in this country it lasts from eighteen to twenty-five years. The criminals who were exiled to Blackwater City had long been mentally prepared that they would not be able to return.

The Yuan Kingdom has been experiencing civil war for many years, with either the vassal kings separatist or the grass-roots uprising. Such fighting of life and death has consumed the army one after another, and it has long been difficult to recruit soldiers.

There have been many foreign wars in Qiansong County in the past ten years, and the regular army has been severely attrited. Therefore, Blackwater City tries its best to absorb local soldiers. Whether they are exiles or murderers, as long as they are strong and healthy, they will join the army, and they will even be paid. Toil all day long.

This time, Sun Guoshi also brought a special amnesty order from Wang Ting.

Anyone who follows them to explore the Panlong Desert will be freed immediately after the deed is completed, and will be forgiven no matter how big their past sins were.

And there are heavy rewards.

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. There are many things in this world that are worse than death, such as poverty.

The bounty offered by the government is enough for these poor people to bid farewell to their five girls, marry a decent wife, have three or four concubines, give birth to five or six fat boys, and buy seven or eight acres of good paddy fields. The family has nothing. I can live the rest of my life comfortably even if I don't do it.

To put it simply, either you will die suddenly or you will become rich suddenly.

Besides, there were already many desperadoes in the border areas, and the number of applicants was dozens more than He Chunhua expected.

As for the deputy lieutenant Zeng Feixiong who leads this team, his father has been crazy for almost 20 years and suffers from exhaustion. The medicine he takes every month is more than his salary. Now he already owes a p share. debt. He Chunhua promised that if he was willing to lead a team on a trip to the Panlong Desert, all the debts would be reimbursed, and Father Zeng could live in peace, with medicine to take, people to take care of him, and finally someone to send him off wearing sackcloth and mourning.

In this age of war and chaos, it may be several times more difficult to have a good death than to get rich suddenly.

So, Zeng Feixiong came.

It's the fifth watch now, it's still dark, and the team has finished preparing at the north gate of Blackwater City, waiting for the Imperial Master to perform the funeral ceremony.

The altar has been set up here. Sun Fuping took a bath beforehand and put on a bright yellow robe to take the stage.

Only the Ninth Five Supreme Beings and National Masters can wear clothes of this color, and everyone else will be beheaded.

He Lingchuan was very interested because the method of worshiping gods in this world was not as simple as mahogany swords, talisman paper water, and laws and regulations.

Sun Fuping took out the long stick and knocked it lightly on the ground. The monster on the head of the stick looked up to the sky and roared loudly.

This monster has a wide nose, a big mouth, protruding eyes and jaws, and roars like a bull, shaking the surrounding areas.

Pedestrians on the road were curious and gathered to watch.

The monster roared three times, each one louder than the last, and the last one was like muffled thunder, making people's eardrums buzz.

As if in response to the beast's roar, the clouds in the sky quickly thickened and darkened, and finally several thunders exploded in the deepest part of the clouds, and the rumble was heard.

This is called the communion between heaven and man.

After more than ten breaths, it actually started to rain.

The clouds were only above the heads of the troops, so the rain only fell on the soldiers. The clothes and hair of the people watching were dry and not wet.

Such precise control is amazing.

"The monster with the head of the staff is Yaizhen. It has the power to call wind and rain, but it is missing two horns." Standing next to his brother, He Yue murmured, "Why doesn't Sun Guoshi use his luck to pray for rain? Isn't this a waste of energy?"

His voice was very low, but Nian Songyu still heard him: "It can't be used, otherwise there will be trouble during the ceremony."

"Isn't this a ritual ceremony?" He Lingchuan stood between him and his second brother, using himself as a barrier to separate them, "Then what is the national master doing?"

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