After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 208 A beauty appears in a barren mountain

Are the murderous gangsters still hiding nearby?

Of course He Chunhua also saw it. He raised his hand in a defensive posture, and the supporting troops drew their weapons and dispersed in all directions.

Mrs. Ying and other family members quietly retreated.

The atmosphere became increasingly tense.

At this moment, the door of the tallest, largest room with the brightest lights suddenly opened with a creak.

Someone stood out of the door and said, "Who is here?"

She is actually a woman, wearing a snow-white cloak, with a hibiscus face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and a fiery red coral hairpin on a dark cloud bun.

All the officers were surprised that she was actually a beauty with a soft and magnetic voice.

Barren mountains, dead villages, beautiful beautiful scenery.

Lu Xin didn't react at all, while his companion, the big black wolf, stood in front of He Yue and growled at the beauty.

Clearly feeling threatened.

He Chunhua stood still and frowned: "This is what I should ask. Come out of the ambush. The smell of blood cannot be hidden from anyone."

The beauty stretched out a finger and shook it: "When I came here, the villagers were already dead, but I didn't kill them."

"Where's the body?"

"We dug a big hole behind us and prepared to bury it." The woman sighed, "I'm not hard-hearted."

He Chunhua winked at Zhao Qinghe, and the latter immediately walked around to the back of the village. The former asked again: "Who are you? Please report the door to avoid accidental injury."

"My surname is Li. I come from the capital and am the head of the Songyang Mansion."

As soon as the words "Songyang Mansion" came out, both the He family and his son were startled. He Chunhua turned to look at He Lingchuan, with questioning eyes.

He Lingchuan could only shrug his shoulders and spread his hands, and asked Mao Tao to quickly go to the back of the team to invite someone.

Not long after, Zhao Qinghe ran back and whispered to He Chunhua: "Sir, there are indeed dozens of corpses piled up in the back mountain, and there is a half-dug pit on the ground. Also, I checked the nearby mountains and forests. There is no ambush. Her men should all be in these rooms."

If they are robbers, they will probably be killed but not buried. He Chunhua's complexion improved, and the eyes he looked at the woman softened: "I am He Chunhua, the general manager of Xiazhou. I saw the lights on the road and wanted to stay overnight. Just now, the scouts went ahead and saw that this place is terrible."

At this time, someone came from the rear of the supporting army. When he saw the beauty, he immediately stepped forward to salute and said with great respect: "Li Fubo pays homage to Sir!" Then he turned to He Chunhua and introduced, "Master He, this is my Lord, the Lord of Songyang Mansion. !”

It was Li Fubo, the exclusive forger of Broken Sword and the master craftsman of Songyang Mansion, who had arrived.

He Lingchuan silently lifted his chin.


Is this Marquis Songyang? The master of Qizong Songyang Mansion?

Why didn't anyone tell him from beginning to end that Marquis Songyang was a woman?

Now that Li Fubo had identified him, He Chunhua put aside his worries and said sincerely: "It turns out it is really Marquis Songyang! Please don't take offense if He is offended."

After both parties were polite, Songyang Hou sauntered out, followed by two maids: "I will take you to inspect the body, please follow me." He knocked on the door frame and said, "Come out."

Other rooms opened their doors one after another, and more than thirty people came out and saluted her. He Lingchuan noticed that half of the people here had clear eyes and clearly had some cultivation or martial arts skills.

"These are all my men. I just told them to stay in the house and not come out to cause trouble." Marquis Songyang said, "When you went up the mountain, we had already seen the lights of the motorcade."

He Chunhua nodded, knowing that this was a polite way of saying "to avoid conflict."

Everyone walked to the back of the village.

There were more than forty corpses lying on the ground. As the scout said, they were all men, women, old and young. Mrs. Ying only took one look and turned her head, not daring to look again.

He Lingchuan, Wu Shaoyi and others came forward to check and found that most of the fatal injuries were in the chest and throat.

"The hearts and livers are gone, and some even had their kidneys removed." Wu Shaoyi turned around and said, "The wounds were not caused by swords, but more like crane-bill pens."

The murderer cut a hole in the deceased's chest and removed the internal organs.

Songyang Hou added: "The money, goods and food in the house were not lost."

"That's probably not what the bandits did." The bandits came to the village to rob, and they only wanted the above two things.

He Lingchuan opened the shirt of a deceased man and pointed out the wounds on his heart to everyone: "There are four gouges here, all near the heart, except for the last one in the center. It can be seen that the murderer is very unskilled."

He worked as a patrol in the Panlong Dreamland and caught monsters seven or eight times, so he already had some experience.

New murderer?

Although robbers also go through a process from being unfamiliar with killing to being proficient in killing people, it is impossible for the entire group of robbers to use pick-bill pens, right?

Compared with swords, this is a very partial weapon.

He Chunhua pondered, "Monster?"

Songyang Hou thought thoughtfully: "A few days ago, the emperor was bleeding, and the mountains and fields were not peaceful."

The appearance of the emperor's liquid liquid is a blessing for all living beings, but blessings and misfortunes always accompany them. After the imperial ooze, the new demons became restless and could easily cause trouble to the local area, and the human governance order faced great challenges.

If the Panlong Wasteland was like this back then, how could it be avoided in Dayuan?

Wu Shaoyi also said: "The villagers were killed five or six hours ago, and the murderer is probably far away."

"We are staying in their house tonight, so we should bury them well." Songyang Hou waved his hand, and his men came over with picks and shovels.

He Chunhua nodded: "It should be so."

The frozen soil was too hard, so Zeng Feixiong also ordered more than a dozen soldiers to dig for burials, and sent two groups of soldiers to patrol nearby in turns.

Songyang Houze, He Chunhua and others returned to the village.

The open space outside the village is flat, and the supporting troops are setting up tents here to start a fire. Now there are more than 600 people in the army and their families, and there is no room for them in the cottages.

This team followed He Chunhua from west to north, and were accustomed to sleeping in the open air. They used windproof sheepskin tents, which were more windproof than cloth tents. He Chunhua also asked someone to buy a heating bag from Shihuancheng Military Supplies. Its style is similar to the sleeping bag known to He Lingchuan. It has a good thermal insulation effect when sleeping in the wild in autumn and winter.

Of course, a bonfire is indispensable. Everyone went to the forest to pick up grass and soon a pile was lit.

The housekeeper Lao Mo has to worry about the accommodation arrangements for the rest of the staff. He Chunhua said to him: "We only need to occupy the three huts on the west side."

Songyang Hou waved his hand: "How can that be done? All the cottages belong to the army, and we have other accommodation."

Where is the other accommodation? Is it possible that Songyang Mansion also needs to set up tents?

I saw Songyang Hou walking to the east of the village, finding an open space and walking around: "This is just right."

Then, she took out a palm-sized courtyard model from somewhere and placed it on the ground. She first uncovered the talisman paper on it, then stepped back a hundred steps, and then clapped her hands and shouted: "Grow!"

Under the gaze of everyone, the toy-like courtyard quickly expanded, like an inflated balloon.

In just a few breaths, it turned into a normal courtyard, with a double-story building with high walls and black doors, and a pine tip protruding from the wall.

The toys come true.

Marquis Songyang stepped forward and pushed open the courtyard door. He looked back at He Chunhua and said with a smile, "Let's go inside and talk. It's too cold outside."

This scene was so strange that the crowd started to commotion.

He Chunhua was also moved and said: "Hiding Sumeru in mustard seeds, I saw this magical skill again today!"

He Lingchuan explained to him: "Dad, Sun Fuping's walnut boat came from Songyang Marquis. He borrowed it and refused to return it, so you ended up getting it."

He Chunhua suddenly realized: "It turns out to be Songyang Mansion's special skill. No wonder!" Why didn't this kid mention it before?

Marquis Songyang glanced at He Lingchuan with a smile.

The He family father and son entered the courtyard, accompanied by guards led by Zhao Qinghe, Wu Shaoyi and others.

"Madam, the carbon in the house is ready." The housekeeper Lao Mo wanted to lure Madam into the cottage to rest, after all, she was tired from traveling. But Mrs. Ying looked at the small courtyard and heard laughter coming from the courtyard. She immediately shook her head: "I'll go in and have a look too. Mother Qian!"

Everyone walked through the black gate and saw that inside was a small courtyard of eighty square meters. There was a rockery in the corner, which was thin and porous. Beside the rockery was a strange and powerful pine, and the crown of the tree began to pick up the wind and snow.

The two palace lanterns cast a warm yellow halo, and the wind seemed to be half a beat slower when it came in here.

In front of the eaves of the small building, the trees are full of wax plum blossoms in full bloom.

The snow fell silently, and the small courtyard was elegant, as if isolated from the world. If you didn't lean over the wall and take a look, who would have known that there was a deserted mountain village outside?

Walking into the small building, warmth hits your face, and the braziers in the four corners keep the cold out.

Walking in here from the ice and snow, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Ying smiled and said, "Marquis Songyang will really enjoy carrying such a treasure with you."

“I’m used to running around on weekdays, so using it can save me a lot of trouble.”

The two maids behind Marquis Songyang came over, took the cloaks and cloaks from everyone, and served hot tea.

He Chunhua then introduced everyone around him to Songyang Hou one by one.

When he introduced him to He Lingchuan, Marquis Songyang nodded: "Thanks to the eldest son, I have obtained a spiritual weapon."

"It's not a loss to trade a spiritual weapon for a great craftsman to accompany you."

Songyang Hou smiled and said: "When the eldest son is free, I want to see the broken sword."

Of course He Lingchuan agreed. This is the head of Songyang Mansion, and his skill in sword making should not be lower than that of Li Fubo.

When He Chunhua introduced He Yue, Marquis Songyang said with a smile: "Two or three years ago, I heard the story of the little prodigy from Qiansong County. It's rare that I have the honor to see him in person today."

He Yue's face turned red and he said nothing. He was no longer as calm and calm as he usually did when dealing with people. He Lingchuan looked at it amused.

After everyone sat down, He Chunhua asked about the destination of Marquis Songyang. After all, this place is more than 400 miles away from Shihuan City, so the probability of meeting an old friend on the road is very small.

"I want to go to Taobin City to do some business, and then go north to Yufen City to pick up some treasures and negotiate a business."

"Yufen City?" He Chunhua calculated the distance in his mind, "It's already in Xiazhou." It seemed to be in the middle of Xiazhou.

"Yes, this trip will take us as far as Xiazhou." Songyang Hou took a sip of hot tea, "I want to build a branch of Songyang Mansion in Yufen City, so I have to talk to the local chief."

She continued: "The situation in the north is tense, and the Songyang Mansion is also responsible for the casting of weapons from the Wang Ting. I will open the sub-rudder first, so that the military supplies can be transported more flexibly and less of the Wang Ting's transportation capacity will be occupied."

"Good, great good!" He Chunhua raised his hand, "Your Majesty is thoughtful and might as well set up the tiller in Dunyu, the capital of Xiazhou, for easier dispatch."

Mrs. Ying's face changed slightly when she heard this, and she felt very unhappy.

It’s the last day of September, please vote~! !

Welcome to the debut of Xinmeng staple food.

Thanks to Mei Qingmeixiu, Chiyo Qixiu, and Qingshan Kanmei Yingxiu for their support.

The holiday starts tonight, happy National Day, kids!

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