After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 220 He Chunhua’s methods

The smoke was not disturbed by the wind, and there seemed to be something inside that was about to take shape.

If the He brothers were here, they would probably be shocked because they didn't expect their father to do such tricks.

But at this moment, the candle flame exploded with a chirp, and a lantern exploded.

The housekeeper Lao Mo immediately felt that the atmosphere was different. He watched helplessly as the green smoke slowly dispersed and disappeared, no matter how He Chunhua recited it repeatedly.

Obviously this time the spell casting was somewhat hindered and could not proceed smoothly.

Lao Mo watched eagerly from the side and couldn't help but said: "What happened?"

He Chunhua wiped the sweat from his forehead: "It refused to respond to the call, saying that there was a more powerful existence nearby."

Lao Mo was surprised: "A more powerful existence?" This is a small county town, what kind of extraordinary existence can there be? "What are you going to do, Master?"

"Let's find another place before midnight. The best is to the east."

After Lao Mo put away his things, He Chunhua put on his cloak and hurried out.

However, they had only gone down two stairs when Mrs. Ying woke up, walked out with eyes filled with confusion, and asked, "Hey, where are you going so late?"

"I'm going out to do some errands and I'll be back soon." He Chunhua said in a deep voice, "Go to sleep, don't worry."

When he spoke in a low tone, he meant that there was no room for criticism. Mrs. Ying was very familiar with her husband's style, so she didn't think too much, just said "be careful" and went back to the room.

He Lingchuan, who was soundly asleep, turned over.

He knew that he was dreaming again, but this time he did not go straight into Panlong City, but returned to the scene where he fell into the ruins pool a few months ago.

At that time, at the Panlong Ruins, the He family father and son and Sun Fuping led the Blackwater City Army to capture prey from the sand sea and drain their blood into the pond.

After the heroic spirit of the Gale Army appeared, He Lingchuan accidentally fell into the pond and there was water in all directions.

Dark red blood.

This is not a well, it is clearly an unfathomable deep pool.

He Lingchuan was suspended in the water with a confused face. A green light seemed to flash above him, and he was about to dive into the water.

At least He Lingchuan felt that the top layer of the pool water seemed to have turned light green.

This light green color fades down quickly.

But at this moment, He Lingchuan found that the water under his feet began to surge.

He looked down and saw a huge red figure swinging in the depths of the pool.

Every time it moved, a huge whirlpool formed in the water.

There are countless rapids and undercurrents in the calm deep pool, all interacting with each other.

The green light on the upper level was instantly shattered and disappeared.

He Lingchuan went downstream, wanting to seize the time to see the true face of the red figure. After being separated for several months, he almost forgot that there was such a huge creature in the outermost layer of the dream.

What exactly is it doing here?

The closer you get, the bigger you feel it is.

But the light got darker and darker, and soon he couldn't see anything.

When he opened his eyes again, he was standing in the bustling streets of Panlong City. There was a hawker selling jewelry with a load carrying a load. He stammered and smiled at him: "Guest, guest, this little brother, I want to buy a pearl flower." Would you like to give it away?"

There is no curfew in this small place like Ru County. The night is deep and the watchman has just left. There is not even a wild dog on the road.

It was already the first month of the year, and there were feet of snow on the ground at every turn.

It's snowing again tonight, and no one will get up to sweep the streets until tomorrow morning. The snow on the ground reflects the light, so the surroundings are not completely dark. He Chunhua and Lao Mo walked eastward in the snow, the soles of their boots creaking.

They took no attendants.

The further east you go, the sparser the houses.

Later, Lao Mo pointed to a dilapidated house and said, "This is the house with the thickest snow outside the door I have ever seen. There should be no one there."

The snow was almost up to the latch, and it was obvious that the door had not been opened for at least half a month.

"It's more than a hundred feet away from the inn. Let's try it." He Chunhua nodded and climbed over the courtyard wall with Lao Mo.

The yard was also filled with snow, the trees and crops had long since died, the door to the house was ajar, and there was no atmosphere at all.

When times are bad, a house may be vacant for a hundred reasons.

The two walked into the hut and closed the doors and windows.

The window cracks are very large, and the cold wind can still flow in, and at the same time it makes a low whining sound, like the howling of a rock wolf, which requires Lao Mo to get straw to block it. The wooden door was a little deformed, so the two of them closed it together and used a millstone to hold it back.

It took a lot of effort, He Chunhua rubbed his hands and said, "Hurry up, the time is almost over." If they missed the time, they would have to wait an extra day, and they had no extra time to waste in Ru County.

He Chunhua straightened the overturned table, lit the green candle again, and began to recite the incantation.

Lao Mo also took out the Shoushan stone paperweight and held it tightly in his hand.

This time, the shape of Qingyan went smoothly, and finally a vague pattern formed. I don't know if it was a ghost face or a dog face, but it had a nose and a mouth anyway.

The temperature in the room suddenly dropped again, and frost formed on the tabletop.

Although there were only two empty eye holes on this face, the two of them could tell that it was observing them, with vague ill intentions.

Sure enough, the next second this face pounced forward without warning.

Lao Mo had to give He Chunhua an explanation in advance, so he couldn't move.

Qing Yan was about to cross the table when He Chunhua flicked his left hand and showed the Sheji Order in his palm.

The luck of the country can suppress evil spirits!

Qing Yan was startled and quickly retreated, at least four feet away from him.

Since this person was untouchable, it turned around and went to find Lao Mo.

Lao Mo is a loyal servant of the He family, not an official of the royal court, so naturally he will not have vitality to protect his body. But the paperweight in his hand suddenly glowed green, and the carved kite turned around, with a pair of red eyes facing the green smoke.

After being caught by it, the green smoke suddenly settled in mid-air and almost collapsed.

After a while, the smoke gathered again, and the grimace became clearer. He stared straight at He Chunhua, tilting his head as if asking, but his expression was no longer scornful. He Chunhua said seriously: "I will give you a delicious dish, but he is protected by amulets and formations, so you may not be able to find him."

He raised the note with Li Zhao's birthday written on it, put it on the candle and lit it:

"This is his birth date."

The note caught fire and quickly burned to ashes. The green smoke rolled on the table, absorbing all the ashes without leaving a single one.

The fire was trembling, and it was obvious that it was interested.

He Chunhua asked: "Can you find him?"

Qing Yan didn't respond.

Sure enough, just his birth date was not enough. Li Zhao was under the protection of magic, preventing evil spirits from tracking him.

Only then did He Chunhua take out the finger-belly porcelain vase.

The bottle stopper was so tight that even He Chunhua took some effort to remove it. This also showed the deep disgust of the person who took the specimen at that time.

Manager Qian was right. After two or three days of brewing, the liquid poured out of the bottle was foul, smelly and yellow.

He Chunhua pinched his nose and dropped two drops onto the wick of the candle, fearing to extinguish the flame.

But to be honest, the smell is far from as good as the "fragrant dumplings" made by the bandits on Hongya Road. That thing is the real biological weapon.

With a "chi" sound, the candle flames flickered up and turned into dark green, making the faces of the two people at the table look miserable and green, which was really scary.

The green smoke became more solid, and the eyeballs also grew out - there were three firm pupils in each eye socket, and there seemed to be light wandering inside, so you couldn't look closely.

Being able to see something visually means that it has a goal and direction.

"He has done bad things before and after others, and he should be your favorite prey." He Chunhua reminded it, "When he was a boy, he encountered a flood and abandoned his close brother, causing him to drown. This may be for Heart Knot, you might as well start from here.”

The three vertical pupils of this grimace suddenly merged into one, and the face became very clear. He slowly opened his mouth to form a smiling face.

But the mouth was opened too wide, at 140 to 50 degrees. The cheeks, eyes and even the forehead were stretched out, and the muscles were twisted and wrinkled, making it look like a wax statue before it was about to melt.

What was more terrifying than meeting a ghost face was the ghost face laughing silently at him.

Housekeeper Lao Mo's back felt cold and goosebumps appeared.

He Chunhua's expression remained unchanged: "Found it? Go ahead before dawn."

Ghostface glanced at the two of them again, then suddenly turned his head and drifted away, his figure becoming lighter and lighter.

Before reaching the door, it disappeared.

The candles were also extinguished.

The housekeeper Lao Mo blinked and woke up as if from a dream. Looking at the interior again, it seems to be different from before, but I can't tell.

Well, it seems that the weird atmosphere is gone.

He Chunhua turned to him and said, "You just fell asleep."

sleep? How can it be? He had just been protecting the Lord, and he had been paying full attention.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, He Chunhua pointed at the corner of his mouth.

Lao Mo stretched out his hand and touched it. It was wet.

He was actually drooling and hung up for a long time, but he didn't even notice.

In other words, he was indeed confused just now.

"My lord, have you seen the green smoke too?"

"Of course, we are in the same dream." He Chunhua pointed to the kite-shaped paperweight in his hand, "Without the protection of this precious thing, you wouldn't be able to wake up."

Lao Mo shuddered: "It's so powerful, I don't know when I got hit."

If he was deliberately on guard, what about Li Zhao who was dozens of miles away?

"Li Zhao has a magic weapon to protect him, and ordinary evil spirits cannot get close to him. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to spend so much effort." When the green candle was only half burned, He Chunhua put it away, "This thing is its ration, otherwise How could it respond to my call? It's a pity that the candles were hard to come by, and there aren't enough to use them again."

Lao Mo asked him: "Sir, why do you only talk about one of Li Zhao's knots?"

"He won't take the matter of one corpse and two lives seriously." He Chunhua waved his hand, "A concubine is dead when she dies. Do you think he lacks a woman or children?"

At this point, he remembered something and frowned: "But, what's going on at the inn? Is there anything nearby that can suppress my actions?"


Mrs. Li dreamed about that unforgettable summer again.

He hadn't had this dream for a long time. His brother was even nicer to him than usual and gave him a particularly beautiful belt. The children took off their shirts on the stone beach and jumped into the river to play in the water. The cool water could beat the scorching heat away.

Everyone was having a good time when the sound of people came from a distance.

Li Zhao looked up and saw a girl carrying a medicine basket. She was standing on the hillside and waving wildly at the place while calling.

She was too far away and the sound of the water was so loud that no one could hear what she said.

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