After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 230 Come to the door

He Lingchuan ate almost three taels of silver in one meal, and even gave the change to the waiter, so he didn't have to change it.

It’s so expensive, and it can’t be charged! He really needs to find a way to open source.

Xiangyun Garden is the largest music garden in Dunyu City. Famous actors from Xiazhou take turns to sit here. Guests can also listen to books, play chess, paint, throw pots, and hold discussions... Even when they are upset and want to find a place to quiet down for a while, that can be Come here and ask for a private room - a VIP private room at the back, with few people and quiet.

As soon as He Lingchuan entered Xiangyun Garden, he asked for the elegant room upstairs, but Dr. Tea looked troubled:

"Master, the upstairs is full. How about I arrange a seat downstairs for you?"

"No." He Lingchuan had encountered this kind of thing many times, and raised his chin, "Those people are worthy of sitting here?"

Mao Tao said: "This is the eldest son of Mr. He, the general manager of this state. Mr. He can come, it will make your family shine!"

Dr. Tea was surprised. Is this the big shot who came to the city yesterday?


Before he finished speaking, someone came up and said, "Young Master He, my young master is willing to give up the private room upstairs. Please come over here!"

He Lingchuan said "ha" and ignored Dr. Tea: "Lead the way."

The attendant led He Lingchuan up to the second floor, which was diagonally above the stage and was the best viewing room.

Of course there was no one in the single room at this time. He Lingchuan sat down and dismissed the attendant without asking who his master was.

Dr. Tea followed and quickly set out tea, snacks, and fruit plates.

Yao Yuan Lingguang jumped on the table, picked up the orange and slowly peeled it.

It has been with He Lingchuan for more than ten days, and it has gained weight visibly to the naked eye.

Yanlang was the most eye-catching person next to He Lingchuan. He had just eaten and had nothing to do anyway, so he lay down under the table and began to sleep.

He Lingchuan stayed here for two hours, first listening to a few plays and watching a few scenes. When the sun set, two layers of black cloth were hung on the windows on all sides, and the charcoal basin was moved to the corner behind the curtain, and the hall Suddenly plunged into darkness.

Although it's not that you can't see your fingers, you can't see anything one foot away.

There was a little sound coming from the stage in front of me. It was strange at first, but later it became one and it turned out to be the chirping of insects on a summer night.

Rock Wolf, who was sleeping with his head covered, also moved his ears.

When the insects chirp most happily, the frogs also join in.

When people sitting in the hall close their eyes, it feels like they are by the pond on a summer night to hear such a vibrant chorus.

Then there was the sound of fluttering wings, a few hoarse calls, and the sound of rushing water. This was the arrival of the heron.

As soon as they arrived, the insect frog closed its mouth.

Then, there were voices beside the pond. Men and women whispered for a while, vulgarly and teasingly, and giggled together.

Any further actions are not suitable for children, so if you write them down, you will get a 404.

For a long while, there was no sound on the stage.

He Lingchuan's ears had improved greatly, and then he heard the sound of footsteps quietly coming off the stage from ahead.

Soon the surrounding black cloth was lifted, and the slanting sunlight once again illuminated the room with its afterglow.

Of course there was no one on the stage.

Just now, the performance here is ventriloquism. And He Lingchuan knew from the sound of footsteps that there was only one person who staged such a symphonic drama.

That guy's skill with his mouth is really good.

Of course Young Master He took the lead in applauding and proudly threw out a silver coin: "Okay, reward!"

Just as there was thunderous applause, the attendant came over again and whispered:

"Master He, my young master invites you!"

He Lingchuan seemed not to have heard anything, Mao Tao crossed his arms and snorted: "Which one?"

The servant cursed in his heart. The master gave up his private room and paid the money, but this guy didn't even ask. He was so shameless. But he still wanted to be respectful on the surface: "My son's surname is Li, his honorific name is Shuang, and he ranks tenth in the family."

He Lingchuan snorted. The real master had only shown up at this time, so he was able to keep his composure.

"lead the way."

The servant led He Lingchuan through the two doors and headed to the elegant room in the back hall.

After turning a few more corridors, the opera and noise in the front hall were completely inaudible at this point.

The boy opened a door and said, "Please!"

The noble young master inside also stood up and saluted He Lingchuan first: "I wish you well, young master, I'm Li Shuang!"

"Oh - okay." He Lingchuan looked surprised, "It turns out to be Young Master Li."

He deserved to be vague, but he knew in his heart that this was Li Rong's sixth son, ranked tenth among his peers. Something happened to the Zhan family yesterday. This Li Shuang didn't show up from beginning to end. He probably wasn't in Dunyu.

He was probably in his early twenties, with a white face and long eyes, regular features, and a bright smile. He Lingchuan remembered that this was the younger generation that old man Li Zhaoli was most interested in during his lifetime, and he wanted him to inherit his mantle.

He sat down under Li Shuang's attentive greeting. The maid next to him immediately came up to pour tea. There were four-color fruits on the table.

"What do you want Mr. Li to do with me?"

"To be honest, I came here specifically for the Li family's accident." Li Shuang said with a straight face and straight to the point, "This is a big mistake made by the Li family. My father and uncle were too impulsive. At that time, I was in Sanxiang again Yuan, failed to dissuade them, rushed back to Dunyu today, and immediately asked Young Master He for help."

"Help?" He Lingchuan looked surprised, "The Li family has already decided who will be mourned and who will be imprisoned?"

Li Shuang looked at the guards behind He Lingchuan and hesitated to speak.

As soon as He Lingchuan tilted his head, Mao Tao led his brothers out and closed the door.

But Yao Yuan and Rock Wolf stayed.

Yanlang was lying on the edge of the tea table, long and long, with his huge head pointed at Li Shuang.

Li Shuang quietly moved back and then said: "Yes, the clan has held several meetings and asked the uncle to take care of his grandfather's funeral."

That is, Li Shuang's father, Li Rong, is going to be surrendered into custody.

Of course he couldn't have done it voluntarily.

In the past two days, brothers Li Zhi and Li Rong must have tried their best to unite their clansmen and push each other into a pit of fire. This game is like a bear chasing a person. You don't have to outrun the bear, you just need to outrun your brother.

Now it seems that Li Zhi is temporarily a step faster.

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "Who personally mentioned the need to use private soldiers in the first place?"

Li Shuang fell silent and just smiled bitterly.

Seeing his attitude, He Lingchuan also guessed that the person who called out private soldiers and attacked the Zhan family was 90% Li Rong. So this time the Li family really made a mistake in pushing him to surrender. I think Li Zhi also took advantage of this point to win over the clan members and push Li Rong into the water.

He Lingchuan took a sip of tea, peeled a walnut with his own hands and fed it to the monkey.

"The human and material evidence is conclusive. Even if we intend to exculpate, it cannot be justified legally." He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Master Li, are you trying to put my father and son in a dilemma?"

"But it was my uncle's men who beat the pregnant woman to death. My father actually restrained everyone to be gentler." Li Shuang shook his head, "My father alone bears the blame, which is obviously unfair. Since Mr. He wants to enforce the law impartially, then Let’s discuss the right and wrong.”

"Yes, right and wrong, twists and turns should be broken down and calculated carefully." He Lingchuan leaned back, "Tell me, what do you think?"

"My father also suffered from the pain of losing his father. I hope Lord He can extend the time and let him mourn for my grandfather for a few days." Li Shuang said softly, "My uncle was not found innocent, but he was released on bail pending trial. It won’t be two months before I go to trial with my father, right?”

He Lingchuan rubbed his chin: "It should be like this."

He didn't know much about the trial procedures, but guessing what his father meant, this was probably the case.

Li Shuang took out a piece of paper from his arms and spread it on the table.

He Lingchuan glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that it didn't look like a banknote.

"These are the shares of the six Xiangpuji companies under the Li family's name. Dividends will be distributed every six months. Now it is up to Mr. He to do whatever he wants. It is both public and private."

He Lingchuan glanced sideways and asked, "What does this mean?" He went shopping in the morning and indeed saw the Xiangpu Ji signboard on the main street.

It turns out that Dunyu doesn’t give money for bribes, but gives shares? Fashion.

"It's just a little respect. If my father can stay at home for ten days, I would like to give him three Renren grass as a gift." Li Shuang whispered, "Young Master He, does he know what Xianren grass is?"

He Lingchuan said lukewarmly: "Tell me about it and let me gain insights."

"Don't dare, don't dare." Li Shuang said with a smile, "Tianrencao is one of the main medicines for refining the longevity pill. It is hard to find in the market."

"Life extension pill?" He Lingchuan was startled, "Can you extend your life after taking it?"


"You don't happen to have the formula, right?"

"Young Master is joking, how can my family have such a treasure?" Li Shuang shook his head, "They all say that the formula is given by the gods, and the royal families of various countries may know something about it. However, the formula often changes, and only this main ingredient remains unchanged, so The price of Xianrencao has remained high all year round, and there is no market for it."

"How did the Li family obtain such a treasure?"

Li Shuang smiled bitterly: "Only my grandfather knows that."

Li Zhao is dead, which means that he has brought the origin of the medicinal herbs into the coffin, and the He family and his son cannot get it.

There was a waiter passing by outside, and Yan Lang raised his head warily. He Lingchuan stretched out his hand and stroked the wolf's head: "Master Li Liu, if you want to save your father, you might as well start with Dunyu's current urgent needs. Ancheng's merits in aiding the border can only be offset by merits and demerits."

What does it mean? Li Shuang's face changed slightly.

"Master He thought you would come to me for other things." He Lingchuan looked disappointed, "After all, after Li Zhi and Rong both go in, the Li family seems to be leaderless."

These words hit Li Shuang's heart directly, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

My grandfather passed away suddenly, and the two brothers Li Zhi and Li Rong were at the helm. If these two brothers also joined, who would be in charge of the huge Li family?

He has been thinking about this matter for the past two days.

He Lingchuan said again: "I heard that Mr. Li admired you the most when he was alive and intended to train you to take over?"

Li Shuang breathed out gently: "I understand what Mr. He means."

He Lingchuan stood up, and Yao Yuan jumped onto his shoulders.

Li Shuang saw him turn around and leave, ignoring the paper deed on the table, and couldn't help but said: "Young Master He, this deed..."

"You keep the dividends for yourself." He Lingchuan looked solemn, "Master He does not accept private bribes!"

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