After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 237 Songyang Mansion Branch

His original weapon was a huge ax as thick as a door panel. This big wooden stick was not of much weight to him.

He held the mace in one hand and patted the other hand twice: "Come here."

He Lingchuan held the long knife and took a deep breath.

Is it the best way to deal with this mountain-sized enemy, using skill to overcome strength and lightness to deal with mass?

He used the Swallow Turning Technique, like a swallow skimming water. He ducked in front of Meng Shan and stabbed his instep with a long knife.

No one's instep can be well protected. If this knife penetrated, Mengshan's mobility would be damaged.

The light above suddenly dimmed.



He Lingchuan yelled and turned over to sit up.

Yao Yuan Lingguang, who was eating the melon, shook his claws in fright and dropped the melon to the ground.

As it picked it up, it looked at He Lingchuan with a resentful look. It was freezing and it was not easy to get such a sweet melon.

He Lingchuan was sweating profusely and reached out to touch the back of his head. He felt that the place where Meng Shan had hit him was still aching.

It was a crushing blow. He couldn't avoid it and was knocked out of the ring amidst everyone's exclamations. The pain was as if the back of the head had been cracked.

Before he was knocked out of dreamland, he heard a crisp snapping sound coming from his head.

It's not loud but it's scary.

He Lingchuan knew that apart from being forcibly shaken awake, he would only exit the dream unnaturally under one circumstance:


Damn, his head was really blown open?

That guy Mengshan is really vicious!

Really open a professional account.

Lingguang saw him touching his head, breathing heavily, and his eyes were straight, so he couldn't help but ask, "Are you okay?"

This was purely out of concern for his employer. After all, He Lingchuan's deathly look and cold sweat all over his body could only be a nightmare.

"Nightmare." He Lingchuan felt sick for a long time before losing his temper, "I dreamed that I was being killed."

He is indeed a monster who is also tied with Captain Xiao. Even Xiao Maoliang was suppressed by Meng Shan for a time. He Lingchuan tried his best but was still beaten away. In fact, he did not lose unfairly.

The pride and arrogance of defeating Hook were instantly wiped out by Mengshan.

His preconceived idea of ​​using lightness to defeat the bulkiness - Dog P, was completely unworkable.

Before him, probably no one knew how many people had tried this idea, but without exception, they all failed.

That guy Mengshan is really vicious, but he is also a really good opponent.

He Lingchuan clasped his hands together, bang, let's take him as the target for now.

He has been killed four times in his sleep so far.

Haha, he was so afraid that he would become addicted.

"Oh, then it's okay." Nightmares are not a disease and do not need to be treated. Ling Guang returned to the topic, "By the way, your practice foundation building has been completed. I will follow the prescription you gave me to find the next stage in the next few days. I bought Yin Yang Powder medicinal materials from almost nine drug stores, um... they are very expensive and very few."

The secret to He Lingchuan's rapid growth in cultivation is to take Yin Yang Powder.

To put it simply, it is money making ability.

Now that the first stage of Ziwu Jue has passed, the prescription of Yin Yang Powder must also be adjusted accordingly. Stronger medicinal properties usually mean more expensive prices.

He Lingchuan was mentally prepared for this: "How much is it more expensive?"

"It's almost four times the original price." Ling Guang took out a small piece of grass, "The main price is Lianguang grass, which is the main medicine for making Yin powder. Dunyu's pharmacy can't find a few of them, and it only lasts for half a month. I’ll have to figure out how to use it later.”

If supply exceeds demand, it will naturally be expensive.

This grass is light gray and almost transparent, but it has two blueberry-like fruits. The overall look is very fragile.

"Four times..." He was wrong. He was not mentally prepared. "Buy it."

During the war, the transportation of materials will definitely be affected. The goods going to Xiazhou now must be mainly military supplies. In addition, the only things that can make business travelers take the risk of traveling back and forth are Xiazhou's specialties, which have been rising in price in the mainland.

As for rare items like Liguangcao, it is probably difficult to get them in today's Dunyu.

The banknote with a face value of one hundred thousand taels was still lying in the storage ring, and He Lingchuan had to cash it. A few days ago, his trouble was just spending more and making less. Alas, I really miss the old days.

He Lingchuan yawned: "Where are my father and second child?"

"They went to attend the opening of Songyang Mansion." Ling Guang tilted his head, "Only my boss, you have slept until now." It's almost three o'clock in the day.

He Lingchuan suddenly woke up: "Huh? The new branch of Songyang Mansion is opening today?" Isn't it tomorrow? No, isn’t it the day after tomorrow? "They just arrived at Dunyu not long ago!" Doesn't it take time to decorate the new store?

Also, why didn’t dad ask him to come with him?

Remembering that he had promised Li Fubo to go to Songyang Mansion to support him, He Lingchuan quickly washed and changed clothes, checked the progress of the broken knife as usual, and hurried out.

He had only been in Dunyu for a few days, and he actually noticed that the number of people in the streets and alleys had decreased significantly. Either every house or shop along the street was closed. In the early spring, he felt a sense of depression.

Everyone was frightened by the news that the Xunzhou army had invaded Xiazhou?

The main street of Dunyu is very long and wide, with a lot of pedestrians. He Lingchuan urged the carriage to move forward without paying much attention to the shop signs on both sides of the street.

No need to look.

Soon, he smelled the strong smell of gunpowder smoke.

"It's right in front."

After walking four or five feet, the ground was covered with red leather from firecrackers, which rolled everywhere when the wind blew.

Two boys were holding brooms and sweeping the street.

He Lingchuan got off the car here and looked up. Sure enough, there were three gilded characters on the signboard: "Songyang Mansion".

The front of the shop is also very impressive. Even the door panels are made of mahogany. When the four doors are put together, a whole picture of pine trees and cranes in the forest is engraved on it.

Many people even gathered around here to look at the door panel, especially the children who looked at it without blinking——

This picture will move.

Strictly speaking, the pine trees in the carved pictures sway back and forth with the north wind, which really corresponds to the scene of "pine waves". As soon as it swayed, the crane standing on the tree flapped its wings from time to time, and in the pond next to the forest, there were also fish jumping out of the water, making several circles of ripples.

This is no worse than a shadow play.

He Lingchuan knew that this was probably the work of the phantom formation, but the carvings on the door panel were more subtle and showed the strength of Songyang Mansion at all times - the phantom formation consumes energy every second it exists.

So the Dunyu Branch of Songyang Prefecture, which just opened today, is the most beautiful store in the whole street, no, the most beautiful store. Customers come in and out, talking and laughing, and the foot traffic is at least ten times that of the store next door.

But when He Lingchuan saw this scene, he understood that he was late.

There were no servants or carriages at the door, indicating that the dignitaries who came to support the event had left, leaving only the common people who followed suit and lingered around.

How could he sleep until midnight even if he had a nightmare?

He Lingchuan walked into the store and said to the waiter who was greeting him: "I am from the General Manager's Office. Is Master Li Fubo and Master Li here?"

Just as the guy was about to speak, a call came from behind: "Master He?"

He Lingchuan looked back and said, "Isn't this Manager Zhao?"

It was Guanshi Zhao who received him at Songyang Mansion in Shihuan City and facilitated the exchange of purple gold pestles for gold. He Lingchuan did not expect that Marquis Songyang would bring him to the north, and he did not see him along the way.

Probably he was too obsessed with spiritual practice and ignored foreign affairs.

Manager Zhao's signature squinting smile appeared again: "You are here. Master Li and the Duke were still talking about it just now."

He Lingchuan scratched his head: "My family has already been here, right?"

"Yes, yes. Manager He and Second Young Master He have just left. They are just the front and back of you."

I don’t know if this is a figure of speech.

Manager Zhao continued: "My lordship will be very happy to see you. Please come here."

He Lingchuan followed him to the back room, looking left and right along the way, and found that the layout of the new branch helm was similar to that of the main helm in Shihuan City. There were a dazzling array of goods, and many curious items were placed in the front hall to attract guests' interest.

Only then did he discover that the Songyang Mansion had actually made certain toys into magic weapons. Young masters aged seven or eight couldn't take their eyes away when they walked in. They had to be bought by adults.

As soon as the father inquired about the price, his heart was racing with ten thousand grass and mud horses, but he still had to take out his money bag under his son's earnest gaze.

The back halls are all single rooms, used exclusively for discussing business and appraising treasures.

He Lingchuan passed by the house and found that most of the seven or eight single rooms here were occupied.

Manager Zhao took him further back and climbed the stairs to the attic.

There were traces of new renovations everywhere, and He Lingchuan could smell the smell of pine wood.

The attic was small and quiet, and there was a piano by the window.

As soon as He Lingchuan came in, Marquis Songyang curled out from behind the curtain and said with a smile: "Young Master He is here."

The room was as warm as spring, and she came out dressed in white. Only the collar and sleeves were sprinkled with gold, and a palm-wide gold belt with dark patterns was tied around her waist, making her waist as thin as a willow.

The gold belt was such a tacky decoration, and it was only flattering when worn on her, not vulgar.

"I'm very sorry." He Lingchuan handed over the wrapped gift and lied with his eyes open, "I had something to do and I was late."

"It doesn't matter, just come and it will shine on me." Li Qingge took the gift and handed it to the maid behind him to put it away without opening it on the spot.

Both of them understood that this was just a gift and not important.

"You opened the business very quickly. I thought it would take more than half a month from the time the store was built to the time it was renovated and opened."

Li Qingge led him to sit by the window: "I thought so too, but when I walked into this store, I saw that it has everything. You don't have to think about it. Wouldn't it save trouble?"

The maid served the tea, and He Lingchuan took a sip. The aroma was fragrant in his mouth. The hot tea was very smooth after he drank it, and then it tasted sweet in the throat and tasted a light floral fragrance.

He couldn't help but praise: "Good tea!"

"Your Majesty just praised me in the same way." Li Qingge smiled and waved, and another maid presented an exquisite box, "This is the Jasmine Dragon Ball. I have prepared a copy for you."

"Who is giving this gift to whom?" He Lingchuan said this and accepted it without ceremony.

The two chatted for a while, and Li Qingge talked about the process of repairing the broken knife: "Li Fubo told me that the speed of repairing the broken knife was slower than expected."

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