After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 245 The state capital is borrowing money to survive

Although Meng Shan needs to recuperate, He Lingchuan has no shortage of opponents in the martial arts hall. Huan is fat, Yan is thin... No, there are all types of players, tall, short, fat, thin, smart and cunning.

When others see him coming here every day, those who are interested in skills will come to him to learn from each other. He also met two Sergeants Gale.

Fortunately, no one else was as deadly as Meng Shan, so whether He Lingchuan lost or won, he could fight six or seven people in one dream.

His strength, skills, and agility all improved rapidly in actual combat.

Another person who benefits greatly is the skinny guy. Since He Lingchuan came to Yuewu Hall, his income has skyrocketed. It is said that in just a few days, he has almost saved enough to pay for his nephew to attend the school.

Won Ma.

Three poles in the sun.

He Chunhua passed by the house and went back to pick up something. As soon as he entered the side hall, he saw his wife and eldest son sitting at the table eating snacks.

A sip of snacks and a sip of tea, chatting and laughing.

Since when did the relationship between these two people become so harmonious?

Mrs. Ying also saw her husband, stood up and said in surprise: "Ah, why are you back?"

"Take two documents. They were left in the study last night." He Chunhua looked at the table and saw a small snack with a cute shape. "What is this?"

"Lotus cakes, mint cakes, and this pretzel are the best." Mrs. Ying was in a good mood, "They are all signatures your son brought from his restaurant."

He Lingchuan handed a pretzel to his father: "Otherwise, why would it be called 'Hesulou'?"

He Chunhua swallowed it casually. Well, it tasted good. Seeing whether his son was sitting or not, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you still free today?" He and He Yue were so busy that they hit the back of their heads with their heels.

In the past, the eldest son would be scolded by his wife for being so lazy, instead of just sitting aside with a smile like this.

"Ah, I'm waiting for someone."

He Chunhua didn't bother to ask him who he was waiting for. There were many people around this kid recently, coming and going.

"You haven't finished the matter I assigned you the day before yesterday?" he reminded his son. "Book Cao Zong reminded me today that the stingy husband in Xinxiang, whose surname is Zhou, has been waiting for your visit."

"Will go."

He Chunhua is not that easy to fool: "When?"

If all his subordinates weren't so busy and couldn't spare any manpower, he wouldn't have ordered this kid to work.

"Dad, he couldn't solve the trouble caused by your officials, so he asked me to do it." He Lingchuan said lazily, "Shouldn't I make some preparations?"

"Control the situation and don't make a big fuss." He Chunhua told him, "Xinxiang's soldiers are of the best quality around Dunyu, and there are many meritorious families in the township. We are recruiting troops, don't get into a stalemate with them."

He Lingchuan frowned: "In that case, why don't we put aside the dispute first and wait until the war is over?"

"This battle cannot be finished in a short time."

When He Chunhua said these words, Mrs. Ying couldn't help but sigh. Yes, Xiazhou is still far from peace.

"Spring is about to begin. If the ownership of those fields is uncertain, it will be even more difficult to plant crops." He Chunhua said seriously, "Xinxiang is not an exception. Others should keep their eyes open to see how we deal with it."

He Lingchuan took a sip of tea and said, "I understand. I'll do it as soon as possible."

Mrs. Ying asked on the side: "I heard that before we arrived, the treasury was so poor that we couldn't even find two strings of copper coins. How come so much food and military supplies have been transported to the front line recently?"

She admired her husband for taking over a dilapidated state capital and managing it so well.

He Chunhua smiled: "Thanks to the nobles from all over the country."

He Lingchuan answered on his behalf: "When the rumors were at their peak a few days ago, even the four major families were wavering, thinking that the Xunzhou army was invincible and would soon attack Dunyu. Dad must have taken advantage of that time to do something. Son."

In fact, Ding Zuodong had already informed him of the abnormal situation in the city.

"At that time, the wind was raging. I persuaded these noble squires that we are all grasshoppers on a rope. If Xiazhou runs out of food and equipment, they will be slaughtered like fat pigs when the New Year's Ceremony comes, so don't take any chances." He Chunhua smiled slightly, "They felt that they were justified, so they voluntarily lent money to replenish food supplies to the state capital to defend themselves against the enemy."

The word "bu" has an accent.

Although he spoke in an understatement, Mrs. Ying knew that her husband had been going out early and coming back late recently, and he had lost weight due to fatigue. These things must be very difficult to handle, and there was a lot of wrangling, buck-passing, tug-of-war, and wrangling involved.

He Lingchuan was also surprised: "What does supplement mean?"

"Remember the bad debts accumulated in the state capital's granary before I took office?"

"The leaders of the four major families went to the granary to exchange grains for nothing, remember."

"I asked Yue'er to sort out the accounts roughly, and then asked these wealthy gentry to send grain to the warehouse to fill in the accounts." He Chunhua explained, "The deficit in the accounts is huge and cannot be filled up at the moment, but the grain sent will be enough in a short time. ”

He Lingchuan patted the table: "Dad, you are really awesome. You can also make them spit out everything they eat."

This description was so bad that He Chunhua and his wife looked contemptuous.

"Why don't they move?"

"Without the official seal on the account books, civilians moving without permission is considered fleeing and is a serious crime." Household registration management is in principle very strict, and civilians need to issue a certificate from their original place of residence when moving.

However, in today's Yuan Kingdom, household registration management is chaotic in some places, and the permanent population is not so tightly controlled.

A wealthy family like the Zhan family had obtained the state's approval long before He Chunhua took office, allowing them to move elsewhere. The other civilians who fled were unlikely to be prosecuted. They were considered the backbone of the Zhan family's team, hoping that the Zhan family would be kind enough to accommodate them when they arrived at the new location.

"Besides, the foundation is here. If they move, their muscles and bones will be injured. They can't leave unless they have to." He Chunhua said, "You see, the Zhan family left early and in the wrong place. The industry they have been operating for thirty or forty years can only Sold at a low price and changed hands. This time has greatly damaged our vitality. If there is no opportunity in the next ten years, the Zhan family may not be able to get up."

Speaking of this, He Lingchuan was also satisfied. Through Ding Zuodong's operation, he also reaped the dividends of the Zhan family's wealth.

And what he got was only a small portion, and the one who made the most profit should be the state capital!

Yes, He Chunhua used the money from the treasury, that is, the money he borrowed from the nobles, big and small. When the whole city was in panic and the Zhan family retreated hastily the day before yesterday, he personally went out to sweep the goods and purchased products at extremely low prices!

These immediately changed from private ownership to state-owned, or state-owned assets.

One of the Zhans lost blood and fell down, while the other players were half full.

He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Is it because the state government issued a lot of IOUs again?"

"Yes, what can be done?" He Chunhua scratched his head in an unusual way, "Finally, the Li family was able to get rid of the debt of 150,000 taels, and the Shu family was also exempted from 30,000 taels. The others followed suit. As a result, this I turned around and borrowed more.”

Xiazhou Mansion has been unable to make ends meet for many years and has borrowed money to survive. It has borrowed money and issued IOUs from Dunyu, big and small nobles, with the total amount exceeding more than 900,000 taels.

To put it simply, the four major families are all his creditors, He Chunhua!

If the war hadn't been imminent and if he hadn't still been able to control the Li family, it would have been difficult to get money out of the fingers of these misers.

Alas, it is like borrowing new debts to repay old debts.

He Lingchuan knew him well and knew that since he said "more", the amount of money lent should be quite astonishing. But He Chunhua didn't give specific figures, and it was difficult for him to ask further questions.

"Dad, you disbanded all their private soldiers, and they are still willing to lend money. How generous."

After the Li family sent troops to beat the Zhan family, He Chunhua took the opportunity to issue an order strictly prohibiting private militia and disbanding those who had already supported the army. Each family could only hire a maximum of a hundred people to guard the hospital. Violators were severely punished.

As one of the four major families, the Zhan family was beaten to the ground by the Li family's private soldiers. If this unhealthy trend is not stopped in time, everyone in Dunyu will be in danger. Coupled with the dark clouds of war, I am afraid that the trend of raising private soldiers will become more and more popular.

The young and middle-aged people have been gathered away by the nobles. Who will join the army and fight?

Obviously, this goes against He Chunhua's goal.

"The Li family is very cooperative." He Chunhua said lightly, "With this example, other families will not be stubborn."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but laugh and said: "Old man Li Zhao, the timing of his death was really good."

If Li Zhao is not dead, he must be the toughest obstacle in front of He Chunhua.

The Li family without Li Zhao was as soft as a sponge cake to He Chunhua, unable to withstand his hands at all.

Mrs. Ying pointed at his forehead: "You kid."

He Chunhua couldn't take a break from his busy schedule for long. He just sat down to drink his second cup of tea and eat his second shortbread when the state government sent someone to remind him:

"My lord, the master of Chuanyun Pavilion is in the state capital asking for an audience."

"Chuanyun Pavilion?" He Chunhua was slightly stunned. He threw down the tea cake, patted his clothes and stood up, "I went to do some work and will go home for dinner tonight."

Mrs. Ying agreed with a smile and sent her husband out.

He Lingchuan scratched his head, the name "Chuanyun Pavilion" sounded so familiar.

Thinking about it more carefully, it seems to be the name of a certain Taoist sect, which is quite powerful in Xiazhou. At that time, He Yue also suggested that he become a disciple of Chuanyun Pavilion, but his father used a trick to dissuade him in disguise.

Since it is a local business, He Chunhua, the newly appointed general manager, must have more contact with others, and future contacts will be inevitable.

At this time, the housekeeper Lao Mo informed that Ding Zuodong was here, but he used the back door.

This person has been in and out of He's house frequently recently, and everyone in He's house is used to it. As soon as he arrived, He Lingchuan took them behind closed doors.

Mrs. Ying shook her head when she saw it. She closed the door every day and didn't know what to say. I looked like my son.

As a result, half an hour later, someone came from the state capital again. As soon as they came in, they hurriedly sent a message:

"The manager wants Mr. He to rush to Xinxiang to handle the matter immediately! It must be done before the sun sets, no delay!"

Convey the original words, word for word.

He Lingchuan was also blown out: "What happened?"

"The villain doesn't know."

How could He Lingchuan be fooled so easily: "What was the scene like at that time?"

"Your Excellency was having a heart-to-heart talk with Elder Liang of Chuanyun Pavilion. He came out to change his clothes in the middle of the night, so he asked the villain to rush over to deliver the message. Your Excellency also said that he would hold a grand luncheon for Elder Liang to buy you some more time."

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