After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 273 Hong Chenglue’s Inference

Don't look at the old woman's house, which is as messy as a garbage heap. Her memory is astonishingly good. Only she can pull out whatever items are stuffed in which nooks and crannies.

After a while, large black and white jars were found, and there were actually eight of them. He Lingchuan carefully opened it for inspection, and then showed a comfortable smile:

"Great, no moisture." Then he put it into the storage ring.

This is where the benefits of huge storage space come into play.

Shan Youjun took out a piece of silver and handed it to the old man: "Let's go."


To the northeast of Bailu Town, there is an abandoned mine.

This is a poor mine with a small scale and an excavation period of only more than ten years. The mine has long since become a large puddle with green water and fish, and the dilapidated house where the miners live has a new owner.

A large group of war horses were grazing in the woodland, and there were sentries guarding the mines. In the dilapidated house, the military doctor was giving Baili Qing first aid.

After his arm was cut off by He Lingchuan, he directed the battle and the withdrawal. When he was snatched back by reinforcements, he lost too much blood and his consciousness was blurred.

Lieutenant Xu Yingxian, who was sent by Hong Chenglue for reinforcements, was reporting that his troops had returned from crossing the river and had used the river water to get rid of the "tail" that had been following behind.

Three other generals were also in the room, one of whom was named Tao Ze. At this time, he asked Hong Chenglue: "General, what are our plans next?"

Hong Chenglue's face was heavy.

Originally, the number of rangers was not large, so he divided them into two teams and moved dangerously with the intention of making a surprise attack. He personally led the team in Bailu Town and succeeded, but Xinhuang failed, with 200 people attached.

This was a heavy loss for the Xunzhou Rangers behind enemy lines. In particular, there are many injured people, and the medicines and manpower for care are far from enough. Two of the people Bailiqing brought back had died of serious injuries just now.

"What else are we planning? Naturally, we are taking advantage of Xiazhou's army's instability to burn the remaining half of the food and grass, and let Zhao Pan's army drink from the northwest wind!" Another general slapped his thigh hard, "I didn't expect Xiazhou The governors of the state are all here, behead snakes and capture thieves and kings...eight!"

"Yes, as long as the general manager of Xiazhou is killed, the whole Yuanbei will be in chaos. Maybe Zhao Pan's army will collapse without a fight! General Hong, you are going to lead us to make great achievements!"

Although Bai Liqing was unconscious, the soldiers around him told him everything about the Xinhuang ambush.

Tao Ze immediately poured cold water on the two of them: "We just lost two hundred people! With these few men left, do you want to kill the manager of Xiazhou? General Baili set up an ambush in Xinhuang Town, but he was seriously injured and defeated. You and I are better than How about General Baili?"

The other two people choked, but looked unconvinced: "Isn't there also General Hong?"

Can a little-known general manager of Xiazhou compete with the famous General Hong?

"Shut up." Hong Chenglue frowned when he saw that Bai Liqing was in a coma, and asked the people to turn down the volume, "The manager of Xiazhou was not killed by the bomb. I don't know whether it was luck or carefulness." He had set up this trap himself. He Chunhua dodged away, "The one who was killed in the restaurant was one of his men, which means that the person named He probably didn't show his sign publicly."

Otherwise, why would He Chunhua not go to the county magistrate's normal entertainment?

The general asked curiously: "The governor of a state, do you want to secretly follow the grain transport team north?"

"This man has some tricks up his sleeve. He has been very high-profile since he took office in Xiazhou Prefecture. I heard that he has taken care of Dunyu's four family members. If he wants money, he will give him money. If he wants food, he will give him food. Otherwise, Zhao Pan will also be in trouble recently. I can't afford to win those two battles." When Hong Chenglue was a civilian in Bailu Town, he was also collecting intelligence instinctively. "I heard that he was originally a minor official in Yuanxi Border, and he had many military exploits later. If we don't find out about this person, If you have a bad temper, the subsequent battle will be difficult to fight."

Just then, the sentry outside rushed in and reported:

"Report, there is something happening in the sky!"

Everyone went out to take a look and saw a black spot in the sky getting bigger and bigger, heading towards the mine.

Hong Chenglue took one look and said, "Dong Rui is back."

The generals around him couldn't help but ridicule: "Look at this man who is coaxing all day long and has eyes on the top of his head. General Hong sent him to help General Baili, but he also came back defeated!"

The strange bird quickly landed on the edge of the mine, and the man fell silent.

Dong Rui jumped off the bird's back. Everyone saw that his palms were wrapped with cloth strips and he was holding a monkey in his arms. His clothes were covered with blood. The monkey had its eyes closed and was dying.

He looked very embarrassed, as if he was no better than Baili Qing.

This is a wanted criminal who was pardoned by Shuangye Imperial Master and served as a guest during the Xunzhou Cavalry Operation. Hong Chenglue remained polite to him. He stepped forward and asked, "The injury is serious. Do you want to call a military doctor?"

He heard from Baili Qing's men who had escaped that the monkey Dong Rui brought with him could transform into a giant ape, was extremely powerful, and was even fearless of the army.

As soon as Hong Chenglue heard this, he understood the value of this "guest guest".

"You can't cure its injury." Dong Rui's face turned livid, "The life-saving elixir has been stolen. Where is the ghost ginseng you promised me? Bring it quickly!"

He spoke without politeness, and Hong Chenglue didn't care about him. He hesitated before walking into the room and said to the military doctor who was taking care of Bai Liqing: "Bring the remaining ginseng."

The military doctor was startled, then found a jade box among the medicines on the table and handed it over.

Hong Chenglue opened the box and found half a green-skinned ginseng lying inside. The entire ginseng head looked like a howling ghost, and even its expression was lifelike and finely detailed.

However, although this thing is named "ginseng", it is not actually ginseng, but a mutant species of Aconitum, which can change its toxicity according to the nutrients ingested and the surrounding environment.

Only half of the ginseng root is left in the box, that is, only above the "mouth" part. So his expression is far less ferocious.

Dong Rui followed up and took a look, and was displeased: "Half a stick? This is not in line with our agreement!"

"Human life is at stake. Just now, many soldiers came back from Xinhuang and were seriously injured and dying. I authorized the military doctors to use it to save people first." Hong Chenglue also knew that he was in the wrong and said warmly, "Take this half of the gun first. After returning to Xunzhou, I will apply to the higher authorities for one more to be given to you."

"One more?" Dong Rui smiled instead of getting angry, "Are you kidding me? Do you know how difficult it is to get ginseng?"

To cultivate ghost ginseng, the refined aconitum must be planted into the belly of a powerful monster or Taoist person. This step must be done alive.

The aconitum that becomes fine must be old; but the aconitum that is old may not become fine. This is the first threshold.

The essence of Aconitum can not only draw nutrients from the soil, but also draw essence from flesh and blood.

After seven months of planting in this way, it may take one or two petri dishes to be changed before the "ghost head" is completed. At this time, it has the effect of "big poison and big tonic", which is equivalent to a strong heart shot + a big tonic pill. If done well, the injured can be dragged directly back from the brink of death.

Hong Chenglue smiled: "Marshal Nian or the Bejia Kingdom will find a solution."

In the past, Dong Rui would have walked away without even saying a word.

But now Gui Yuan's injury was really critical, and Dong Rui had no time to argue with him. He snatched the precious ginseng, chose another dilapidated house, and made medicine on the spot.

Guitou Shen cannot be taken directly. He has to wear off most of the poison first.

Hong Chenglue followed in and saw the puppet master's smooth operations. Although he was busy and unhurried, it seemed that his medical skills were much better than those of the military doctors in their team.

When refining demon puppets, you will inevitably have to deal with biological bodies, use medicine and use knives. It would be strange if you are not proficient.

"Who seriously injured the ghost ape?" Hong Chenglue wanted to hear first-hand battle information.

Dong Rui didn't even raise his head, and just squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "He family father and son!" Then he recounted the previous battle process. "I have a feud with them."

Hong Chenglue immediately became interested: "What's going on?"

Dong Rui then briefly described the failed ambush at Lumingyuan in Shihuan City, and then said bitterly: "If they hadn't interfered, Ke Jihai would have died long ago."

Once Ke Jihai died, there was one less general of the Yuan Kingdom who could stop Da Sima.

Hong Chenglue asked him: "Did you make a special trip to kill Ke Jihai?"

"...and He Chunhua." Dong Rui glanced at him, "Anyway, they are on the two carriages in front and behind, so I thought we would do it together."

He made the big mistake of biting off more than he could chew.

"It sounds like they have a lot of useful magic weapons and some people around them." Hong Chenglue asked him, "Is there any more information about this father and son?"

"Yes. Sun Fuping died in his hands."

Hong Cheng was slightly moved: "What, Sun Guoshi of Yuan Kingdom was killed by him?"

"Yes, I heard that this accident happened in the Panlong Desert. No one knows the real details. Anyway, Sun Fuping and Nian Zanli's son Nian Songyu tricked him and his son into sending troops into Panlong Ancient City to hunt for treasure, but the treasure was not found. Even then, these two people didn't come out. Only the He family and his son came back alive - in the windy season of the Panlong Desert. It is said that in that season, no living creature can leave the Panlong Desert."

Hong Chenglue frowned: "How could you despise such a person?"

Dong Rui coughed lightly: "He Chunhua's cultivation is not very good. I think that such a person can defeat the national master Sun Fuping mostly through luck and carelessness."

"By the way, his whole family was killed by the old emperor."

"Which old emperor?" This information was too important to Hong Chenglue.

"The father of the current emperor of the Yuan Kingdom." Dong Rui wiped the blood on his hands with a towel, "He said that he mistakenly believed in the greedy words and executed the entire He family. Even the six-year-old boy was not spared. Only He Chunhua escaped alone. Once dead. The old emperor did not pursue him anymore and sent him to a small border town."

"If you cut the grass without removing the roots, you probably feel guilty." Hong Cheng smiled slightly, "Just like this, He Chunhua is still willing to serve as an official in the Kite Kingdom?"

"What if that's not the case?" Dong Rui disagreed, "What other good ideas can he have?"

Hong Chenglue shook his head: "The Yuan Kingdom has only been established for sixty years, and its people's hearts and traditions cannot be compared with those of a long-standing ancient country like Bejia. How can they have much loyalty to the emperor here? Well -"

He fell into deep thought: "He Chunhua carries the hatred of his family and is willing to sacrifice his life for the Yuan Kingdom. This person should be a scheming character who values ​​profit and fame."

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