After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 3 The identity of the pursuer

He Lingchuan's face darkened. The He Mansion hid the news that the original body and the leopard fell off the cliff together. The sand leopard was later secretly transported back to the city for autopsy, and it was found that it had been seriously injured before attacking He Lingchuan.

Now these two foreigners suddenly came to inquire about the whereabouts of the sand leopard. They have something to do with the people who hunted down the leopard demon and caused harm to He Lingchuan!

This clue cannot be let go.

"What about those two people?"

"Still in the tavern, our altar master will see what you want."

"Leave them alone."

"Okay." The messenger said with a smile, "Those two guys were dragging them as hard as they could. They wanted to look at people with their nostrils. Sometimes they thought the wine in the country was sour, and sometimes they thought the house was too smelly. Brothers, they thought they were It’s best if you can teach me a lesson when you’re angry.”

He Lingchuan hesitated for a moment, then stood up: "Lead the way."

He knew that when he came to this world, he could not only enjoy blessings but not suffer losses or make contributions.

In this case, he might as well take the initiative.

But Uncle Hao said, "I'll go first. The young master will come back later." After that, he followed this man and left.

As for why Hongbaidao came to tip off the news, Lord Jin Tan had once treated He Lingchuan to a drink and listened to music, and He Lingchuan had also done things for him, so it was considered a bit of a friendship. In a small place, connections are always everywhere, and of course Hongbaidao also wants to sell a favor to Governor He.

When He Chunhua first took office, he found that Blackwater City was a mixed bag, and the most profitable businesses were divided up. As a county governor, he certainly hopes to have long-term peace and stability under his jurisdiction. In addition, Blackwater City's geographical location is critical, and some invisible forces must also be included in the management. Therefore, he did not cut off the livelihood of these people to avoid intensifying conflicts. At the same time, he issued a "drinking order" according to local conditions, and only merchants could sell alcohol with the order.

In other words, from now on, selling alcohol in Blackwater City requires a license.

No matter who it is, they must obtain a drinking order from the government, otherwise they will be punished according to law.

If the people do not fight against the officials, organizations like the Red and White Road cannot openly resist the officials. He Chunhua has the means to fight and fight, and finally uses the "Xujiu Order" to control these rough forces and slowly control Blackwater City. Make it your own territory.

If there is any disturbance in the city, He Mansion will soon know about it.

This is the ability of local snakes.


The two foreigners walked out of a teahouse when a strong wind hit their faces. Before they had time to put on their curtain hats, they were blinded by the sand wrapped in the wind.

The two cursed twice, hurried back to the inn, ordered hot meals and dishes, and then went to the public bath.

They washed for a while, and for some reason they yawned endlessly. They became more and more sleepy, and actually fell asleep in the barrel.

"Wow", cold water hit my face.

The two men woke up immediately and found that they were tied to the chair, facing the gray wall.

When He Lingchuan walked into the backyard of the inn, Uncle Hao also came out, with water in his hand and a serious look on his face: "It's under review. Those two are here."

"Are you still alive?" Uncle Hao was always serious, and with his stern face, He Lingchuan's heart sank.

"...Alive." Didn't the young master first ask about the content of the confession? "They claim to be the second-class guards of Donglai Mansion, and they came to Heishui City on orders from Da Sima."

"Donglai Mansion?" These words sounded familiar to him, so he had to search for them in his original memory.

That guy is very good at eating, drinking, having fun, and practicing martial arts, but he doesn't care much about anything else.

But the three words "Da Sima" that followed immediately shocked He Lingchuan!

I remembered.

How many great commanders can there be in a Yuan Kingdom?

"The residence of General Zhu Guo and Grand Sima Dong Haoming was personally mentioned as the 'Donglai Mansion' by the emperor!" Uncle Hao said word by word, "He is the father of Queen Dong and the father-in-law of the king!"

"Are these two people actually the subordinates of Shangzhu Kingdom?" He Lingchuan's expression changed greatly, but he immediately felt that something was wrong. "In that case, why didn't they say before that they had to be tortured before confessing? Are they born to be cheap?"

They are said to be bodyguards, but they are actually equivalent to the private soldiers of Donglai Mansion. The princes and nobles in the capital cannot maintain an army, but many officials secretly maintain private soldiers under various pretexts.

Nowadays, disciplines are in chaos, and many gaps in policies are getting looser and wider. Everyone knows it, but no one talks about it.

"The errand is confidential. The government has issued a hush-hush order, and they are not allowed to tell outside." Uncle Hao stretched out his hand, and there were two plaques lying on his palms, still stained with blood. "This is the Dongming plaque, which was found from them."

Each tile is only the size of a mahjong tile, even the four corners are rounded and blunt, but its thickness is comparable to that of a leaf. He Lingchuan took it and weighed it. It was very light, with the word "Dongming" engraved on it and a gold seal.

The function of the token is to indicate identity while also preventing counterfeiting. The materials of these two brands are special. They are neither gold nor copper nor iron nor wood. They look like jade, but they don't look like jade when you hold them because they are still elastic when pressed.

"This should be an authentic product." Uncle Hao said in a deep voice, "I have seen Dongming Mansion's token before, and it is exactly the same as this one. The fiefdom of Shangzhu Kingdom produces strange trees. After the bark is cut out, gum will flow out. It has no color and smell. , translucent, and will take shape after baking. Products made from it cannot be imitated anywhere else."

"These two people are really from Donglai Mansion?" In other words, he and Donglai Mansion are at odds?

No, it was Donglai Mansion who was at odds with him.

Thousands of miles apart, he somehow offended the emperor's father-in-law?

Even He Lingchuan's original body should feel something bad at this moment. He Lingchuan was a little confused, "Why does tracking an injured sand leopard become a confidential matter?"

He Lingchuan himself has been rampaging in Blackwater City for sixteen years, and his life has been very nourishing. How could he have such a troublesome thing happen to him less than two months after filling in?

"These two people were assigned to look for clues in Blackwater City, and they don't know anything else. There were more than ten people sent out at the same time, and they went separately to the vicinity of Hongya Commercial Road." Uncle Hao added, "By the way, they I was originally assigned to Wu Zhaoling, so this time I set off from Wu Zhaoling instead of Donglai Mansion."

Wu Zhaoling and Heishui City face each other across the state, less than 200 miles apart, which is much closer than the capital city.

He Lingchuan said "Oh" and didn't pay much attention.

Nowadays, the leader is weak, and Dong Haoming, as a powerful faction, has followers all over the world. Is it strange that he placed some people in Wu Zhaoling?

"Is there anyone else coming to Donglai Mansion later?"

"They don't know either." Uncle Hao glanced into the room, "I've finished asking, what should I do with these two people?"

The best way is to chop it up with a knife and destroy the corpse.

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