After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 305 Fierce Fighting

He Lingchuan spotted the half-slope on the side of the highland, shaped like a terraced field, where scrapped carriages and various sundries were piled up. The most important thing is that the weapons of the Yuan people are all placed here!

Ordnance must be one of the first targets an opponent wants to destroy.

As soon as He Lingchuan led his men to make arrangements here, the enemy troops arrived.

Zhao Pan's main tent is pitched on the high ground. There are several roads leading from the river bank to the high ground. Of course, the main force of the Xunzhou army will choose the shortest main road to attack. The remaining troops will spread out in all directions and attack from all directions. Finally, they will attack. The highlands form an encirclement.

The Banpo that He Lingchuan chose was on the side, and there were not many incoming enemies, which was good for them to fight steadily.

You mean the main force in Xunzhou?

Oh, the main force of the Yuan Army will also be guarding in front of Zhao Pan's big tent. Those are elites who are not given in vain. Just let them deal with K.

The more you have the ability, the more you can do. He, He Lingchuan, would never be greedy for credit at a time like this.

Don't look at the chaos and complexity of the battle between the two armies, and in the end it was broken down into small teams fighting each other.

As long as He Lingchuan leads the team in battle, he is contributing to his own camp. Not to mention, what he wants to stop is the enemy who is coming straight towards the ordnance.

As for dad——

He glanced back at the main camp. He Chunhua was beside Zhao Pan. He was at the core of the team's protection. It could be said that he was quite safe.

A herald rushed out of the main camp, rushed to He Lingchuan and shouted: "The general manager has an order, He Lingchuan holds fast to the ordnance area!"

Although he was half a beat slower, He Chunhua quickly realized the importance of this position.

He Lingchuan turned around and pointed to the woods, and said to the medicine ape: "Go to the tree." In the battle, it has no eyesight, so as a non-combatant, it is better to stay away from the battlefield.

Lingguang didn't show any pretense. He jumped up the tree in two steps and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As soon as everyone was ready, the enemy came screaming and killing.

The two big horses rushed forward and hit each other like the wind. The cavalryman on the horse smiled ferociously and waved his spear, aiming at the center of He Lingchuan's eyebrows.

This kid looks like the leader at first glance. He is a weakling who is easy to kill, so he can grab the top spot.

He Lingchuan's reaction to this kind of enemy who had no vision or value was to raise his middle finger and make a universal gesture.

Seeing this, his subordinates pulled hard on the horse rope.

With a crash, the front hooves of the two war horses were tripped, and even the horses and their men fell several feet.

The two cavalrymen were knocked to pieces, and before they had time to get up, they became the victims of Shan Youjun and others.

The remaining infantrymen were surprised and rushed forward with roars.

The archer hiding in the big tree behind started firing. In this dim environment, he could shoot two or three arrows each, very quickly.

The rest of the infantry rushed forward a few steps against the arrows, then suddenly screamed in pain and bent down.

It turned out that poisonous tribulus was sprinkled on the ground. These three-dimensional small triangular thorns are known as the nemesis of the soles of the feet. Not to mention humans, even if the bear monster steps on them, they will burst into tears, and after a while, the soles of the feet will swell like buckets.

When He Lingchuan led his men to hunt the troublesome monsters, the poisonous terrestris had repeatedly performed miraculous feats, and now it is equally effective against people.

How could He Lingchuan be polite to them? He took advantage of their illness to kill them.

The remaining lucky ones who didn't step on the poisoned terrestris can finally fight with them openly.

Although the people from Xunzhou took advantage of the night rain to sneak up to the south bank, their boats were limited after all. In order to transport as many troops as possible in a short period of time, they could only bring fewer horses and more men. This resulted in a far insufficient number of cavalry and the incoming team was dominated by infantry.

Fortunately, in this kind of mountain warfare, the role of infantry has not been forgotten.

But obviously, the impact is less.

He Lingchuan chopped down one with his sword, thrust another with his shoulder, and easily knocked another one away. He was stunned:

Are Xunzhou soldiers so weak?

He is obviously not small and looks quite strong.

Shan Youjun and others in that compartment were also fighting vigorously. If arrows and bullets were not flying from behind from time to time, they would have been able to defeat three or four with one.

Not to mention that the rock wolf is so powerful that it can kill one in four or five bites. These Xun people under its mouth seem to be thin-skinned and big-stuffed.

On the contrary, their attacks were weak. Rock Wolf was chopped with two axes, leaving only a white mark on his fur and no blood.

Although its defensive power is inherently high, it was not like this in battles in the past.

According to this situation, not only can they hold the slope, but they may also have the opportunity to organize a counterattack.

How is this going?

Jiao Tai kept his head down and slashed at people. After slashing three people, he suddenly turned to He Lingchuan and said, "My boss, Xun people are very weak. Look at them!"

He Lingchuan was puzzled at first, but after some advice from him, he took a closer look:

When the Xunzhou soldiers fought, there was no glimmer of light on their bodies.

What is in front of us is the same, and what is far away is also the same.

Previously, when the Xun people were lurking under the bank, it was normal for them to be dark. Now that it is like this in close combat, there is only one explanation -

He Lingchuan turned his head, summoned his true strength and shouted at the slope: "The Xunzhou army has no vitality!"

The roar was like thunder, covering up the roar of wind and rain, and spread far away.

Unexpectedly, he yelled three times, and almost the entire battlefield heard him.

The same army, with or without Yuanli, has vastly different combat capabilities.

That's not just a matter of strength and flexibility bonuses, Yuanli even affects damage reduction, saving throws, and hit rate. Therefore, it has always been easier for officers and soldiers to fight bandits, so the Yuan army fought against the Xun people——

There is no need to be afraid at all!

At this time, the battlefield was chaotic, and the Yuan army was caught off guard. Facing the enemy troops rushing up with weapons brandishing, some people were not even fully clothed in armor, and were even knocked to the ground by their hurried companions or horses. How much fighting spirit can be mustered up?

At this time, the morale of the Yuan Army was very low. If Xunren is strong, he can break up the entire team in just a few rounds.

Ultimately, battle is a test of strength and confidence. A successful steal camp can often lay a solid foundation for final victory.

At this time, He Lingchuan's words were timely, and he woke up the dreamer with one word!

Zhao Pan couldn't hold himself back any longer and rushed out in person to cut down two or three enemy soldiers. He also felt that his opponents were weak. Hearing He Lingchuan's words, he suddenly came to his senses:

The Xunren army could not cross the river with wings, and the Han River suddenly became so calm. It was probably the old thieves who had done something.

He alone cannot resist the power of Hanhe, and 90% of that force is diverted from the entire team's energy!

No wonder, no wonder they were able to cross the river.

No wonder Xunren are so weak, they have no energy at all at the moment!

"Xun people have no strength, they can be chopped like vegetables!" Zhao Pan shouted, "Kill them! Kill them and throw them into the river!"

The fear of being bullied is an instinct engraved in one's bones. When Yuan Bing heard that his opponent had no Yuan power, he was hesitant at first, and after a few moments of blocking, he realized:

Oh, really!

So he became bold and started to fight back.

In fact, Xunren was really in trouble at this time, because the green bottle continuously drained away the energy, so that all the flood water washed down from the upstream could be sucked into the bottle, giving the fleet behind him more time to rush across. Therefore, after every Xun soldier came ashore, he actually felt sleepy, physically exhausted, depressed, afraid of the enemy and war-weary, and other negative states. It was like running thirty miles with a heavy load on a rainy night, wishing he could fall over and fall into a long sleep. .

It can be said that their morale is already negative.

Although the Yuanren who were attacked were panicked, they still had Yuan Power to protect them.

If this tug of war continues, the victorious Libra will probably return to Yuanren sooner or later.

Going against fate, the price paid is indeed heavy.

Fortunately, Nian Zanli had foreseen it and went through two or three rounds of mobilization before setting off, clearly telling all the soldiers that "as long as they persist for half an hour, they will win." At this time, the supervising team shouted "Go forward to live, retreat to die" and forced all People rush forward desperately.

Both sides are trying to find ways to inject blood and boost morale.

Whoever's confidence collapses first loses.

At the Nian Zan's command, the twelve cannons on the river bank were loaded and started a new round of anti-aircraft fire!

If force is not enough, firepower is needed.

At this time, the elite Yuan people were guarding Zhao Pan and He Chunhua, fighting with the main force of the Xunzhou Army. Once the crowd gathers, it is the best target. At least nine of the twelve cannons aim at this place and fire.

With a few rumbles, four or five artillery shells landed on the high ground one after another, and the sub-munition shells knocked down a large number of people.

The personal guards behind Zhao Pan fell down in response, and he himself was almost shot. He shouted angrily: "Scatter them, scatter them all!"

A shell also landed near He Lingchuan. He felt a warning sign in his heart and ordered everyone to avoid it. However, two personal guards stood too close and did not rush to avoid it. They were killed on the spot.

Even Jiao Tai was hit in the left arm by the shot put, but luckily it was not interrupted.

He Lingchuan cursed and looked back at He Chunhua. He was relieved when he saw that he had a heavy face and was giving orders, but he didn't seem to be injured.

In the sky above the main camp of the Yuan Army, a thin light green light shield suddenly appeared. If there was a base, it would be inconspicuous in the darkness.

However, the shells fired from the coast hit the photomask before they hit the ground, causing a series of explosions.

The mask flashed a few times, but it actually held up.

Then the lead ball in the cluster bomb fell down. Since there was no superimposed explosion power, the threat to people was very limited.

Wave after wave of arrow rain was also intercepted, and only a few could find a gap to shoot in——

The battle formation was finally opened, and Yuan Ren's pressure was greatly reduced in a short period of time.

In fact, this battle formation is not very tight. It cannot be said to be all-round and without blind spots. There will be gaps randomly on the mask. This is a coordination problem of the formation master - after all, this formation requires the cooperation of more than 20 people - or The Xuanjing energy supply is insufficient.

Both of these are almost unavoidable. Things happen in a hurry, and Zhao Pan doesn't have many requirements for the battle method. He can try his best to withstand a large-scale attack, and the longer the delay, the better.

In the eager anticipation of Yuanren, the ordnance area behind He Lingchuan's team finally started construction. A dozen trebuchets threw stones that were as big as a millstone, all aimed at the artillery on the shore and the ships near the shore.

Due to heavy rain, several artillery pieces were unable to operate. The Yuanren were not equipped with water repelling charms like their opponents, so their long-range power was greatly reduced.

However, the huge rocks thrown also destroyed three artillery pieces and two ferries, and the rest fell among the enemy troops, causing large pieces of flesh and blood to fly everywhere.

Kite cheered.

As time goes by, the scale of victory is tilting towards them. After withstanding the most ferocious first few waves of attacks, the Xunren army clearly showed the shortcoming of being unable to succeed.

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