After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 313 Hidden Prey

Far away from the city, the weather is cold and freezing, and it is unknown how dangerous it is to give birth.

"Where did she come from?"

"They say they are asking about Zexiang, but I don't think so."

At this time, Liu Tiao ran back and said to everyone: "Come and take a look, I found something."

He Lingchuan strode with her to Lao Ding's house. This guy was a miner. He had been single for almost thirty years and still lived in a mud house. The things inside were in a mess, with wine vessels everywhere, jars and jars all empty, and the smelliest thing was a chicken feather quilt. Fortunately, the door was open, which blew away some of the pickled smell.

However, Willow jumped onto the roof of Lao Ding's house and started pulling away the thatch: "Look."

The wind and snow in the northwest have always been more severe than in Panlong City, so the roofs here are pointed and covered with thick bamboo tiles and thatch. It was woven layer by layer, and now it was piled with thick snow, like a person wearing a tall hat.

Just looking at the snow on these roofs, it seems like it could collapse the house.

Snow and thatch had already been torn open by willow sticks, and now she pulled off more thatch to reveal what was inside, and everyone screamed in surprise.

There is actually someone hiding here.

A frozen dead man.

The thin man lifted Hu Lichang onto the roof, pointed at the dead man's face exposed in the straw and said, "Is this someone named Ding?"

The dead man's eyes were still very round. Hu Li Chang looked into his eyes and said, "It's really Old Ding, he... vomit!"

He glanced around and accidentally caught sight of Old Ding's upper body, and couldn't help but lower his head and retching.

The deceased was disemboweled, with all his heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys left, leaving only a few pieces of intestines. The murderer probably thought it tasted bad.

Then the facts are very clear. That night, Old Ding was lifted up to the roof by the murderer just a few feet out of the house. No wonder there was only a line of footprints in the snow. The man-eating monster was originally lying on the roof and did not get off the ground.

Liu Tiao suddenly said again: "The man named Ding died with a trace of death. Looking at his throat, he should have been eaten alive."

There was a circle of black and blue around Lao Ding's neck, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. The pain before his death was all condensed on his face. The monster held down his neck to prevent him from screaming while it was feasting.

In other words, he watched the monster eat him alive.

Hu Li Chang straightened up and vomited again after hearing these words.

It was too cold, and Lao Ding's body quickly froze and was hidden in the thatch without attracting attention, so he "missed".

He Lingchuan asked Liu Tiao: "How did you find out?"

"It smells." Willow sniffed, "I have a good nose."


"You have to bury this thing after you eat it." Xu Chun asked Hu Lichang, "Did you find any other strange footprints in the snow near your town that morning?"

"Uh... I didn't see it, and no one else came to report it." Hu Lichang hesitated, "We often have grouse, deer, etc. pass by here."

"Lao Ding died after the pregnant woman from outside left?"

"Oh, the other way around. When Old Ding died, the pregnant woman turned pale with fear, packed up her bags and left." Hu Li Chang smiled bitterly, "She was pregnant and clumsy, how could we expect that she was related to the murder? "

“Where do pregnant women live?”

Hu Lichang led everyone to the last hut at the end of the street: "She has lived here for several days, and I even asked people to bring her charcoal and food."

There was no one in the house, the charcoal basin had long been covered with frost, and the thin quilt on the kang looked like iron. He Lingchuan entered the room and took a look around, as if he didn't see anything strange. After all, the furnishings here were as simple as his wooden house. However, when he lifted the quilt on the kang, he found a blood mark on the mattress.

"It looks like a claw mark." Willow sticks to his palm and gestures, "It's only half the size of my hand."

The paw print was only half the size of a woman's hand, and everyone looked at each other in shock. The broken-mouthed woman sneaked in to take a look, and couldn't help but said: "Is it a kid?"

"That's right." Another team member nodded, "This is a ghost fetus."

As soon as the last two words came out, the mother-in-law suddenly felt cold all over her body: "Could it be that the man-eating monster crawled out of her belly?"

All the patrolmen nodded together. Panlong City has been offering a bounty to the Jindu Ghost Cub for quite some time.

The mother-in-law was frightened and muttered: "I just said she is weird. Whenever I get close to her, I feel disgusting."

Hu Lichang was about to speak again, but Liu Tiao made a silencing gesture towards him, asking the mother-in-law to continue: "She has a grudge against Old Ding?"

"Old Ding is an alcoholic. He likes to go crazy when he drinks too much." The woman said, "On the third night when the woman came to town, Old Ding went to smash the door of the house and said that he would be responsible for the child in her belly. Dad. The woman didn't dare to open the door, so he vomited all over the floor at the door. When he woke up the next day, he didn't say a word, and was said a few words by the chief."

"Oh, I'm telling you, I'm telling you -" the mother-in-law remembered something again, "A few days ago, the hen that laid eggs at Azhen's house was lost, and the six-year-old kid from the next door family identified it as the woman who stole it. We Looking at her big belly, I thought it was impossible to bend down. Now think about it, why is it impossible? She is pregnant with a ghost fetus!"

Another patrolman touched the corner of the table and suddenly said: "There are a few handfuls of ashes on top...maybe they are incense ashes."

"She lit incense here. If she stole chickens, she might have rewarded the gods." Duan Xinyu said with a smile, "It's getting late. Hurry up the mountain. If we hurry up, we can go home for dinner."

At that moment, everyone took away the mine map from the leader's hand, left the town, and headed for the mine.

The sand leopard Shanze was still lying on the rock and said to the guards: "The evil things in the mine also attack the monsters. Now no monsters are willing to come close. I still want to supervise the work, so I won't accompany you in."

At this time, the mountain road has been cleared for half a mile, and gravel slides down the mountain from time to time. Cars and horses could not pass, so everyone had to go on foot.

The obstacles formed by snow and rocks could not stop these agile patrols at all, let alone the mountains and rivers.

Therefore, everyone quickly climbed over the blocked road and headed towards the mine.

Three miles later, the mine arrived.

The entrance is very narrow, only as wide as two gates. It is hidden under the mountain wall and covered by several old pines.

There is a row of low houses next to the mine. Miners don't sleep in caves, these houses are where they usually rest.

But now the bungalows are empty, and there are still some blood stains on the ground.

He Lingchuan noticed that there were bloody claw marks left on a low wall, an inch into the wall - the monster seemed to have only three toes.

"This thing's claws are very sharp." Duan Xinyu also saw it. The bungalows are all built with local materials and stone. This bluestone is quite hard. He drew his sword and made a slash, sparks bursting out. "Cut it off and see if it can be made into a magic weapon, preferably a hook."

Seeing his relaxed expression, He Lingchuan reminded: "Don't take it lightly. The later the Jindu ghost cub is born, the stronger it will be."

Six ghost cubs have been arrested and killed in Panlong City, and only three are still at large. According to Dong Rui, these ones are more powerful.

Duan Xinyu looked at him and smiled and said: "You are quite stable. It's okay. I'll lead the way for you." He turned around and greeted his teammates, "Let's go into the hole."

What's going on with this guy? He Lingchuan felt hostility.

Duan Xinyu's vice-captain Wang Xuliu, on the other hand, took a few steps back and whispered to He Lingchuan: "I'm sorry, please don't pay attention. Our captain is in a bad mood recently, and everyone seems to get angry with him."

His tone was very friendly, and He Lingchuan smiled back: "It doesn't matter."

Wang Xu smiled, nodded, and trotted away.

Xu Chun also smiled and waved to He Lingchuan, ordering his team to enter the cave.

Door Panel rubbed his chin and said, "You have been so popular recently, no wonder that guy doesn't like you."

He Lingchuan has not yet taken off his No. 7 Challenger sign, so there is a high chance that people will look back at him while walking on the street, especially little girls who always like to rub against him.

Some people revere him, others are jealous of him, and others despise him.

He Lingchuan asked his team members to make some preparations before following him.

The three teams entered the cave, all holding high bundles of fluorescent grass. This kind of light is more stable and brighter than a torch, and is often used by patrols to perform tasks.

The construction of mines is very labor-intensive, and they are usually narrow and short. A tall man like He Lingchuan can only bend down to move forward, and in some places he even has to bend his knees.

What He Lingchuan was thinking about was how he would be able to use his weapon in such a short and narrow place if he encountered an enemy.

I saw two mine carts on the road, both of which were empty, and one of them had blood on the handlebars.

As they walked in, they saw two pools of blood, which they identified as human blood, but they didn't see a single corpse.

Instead, everyone became more vigilant. Even Duan Xinyu, who had been careless before, had two poison darts in his hands - in the Panlong Wasteland, careless warriors would not survive long.

Fortunately, not long after walking, the road opened up, as if we had entered a natural cave tunnel, and water began to seep from the surrounding rock walls.

There is a lot of water seeping in the tunnel, and sometimes you even encounter underground lakes. Everyone doesn't pay much attention to it. They make sure that the water drops are non-toxic and move on.

Not long after, Willow covered his nose and said, "This cave smells a bit stinky."

Xu Chun also said: "The intersection ahead is not marked on the map at all."

There was a three-way intersection ahead. The size and width looked the same, and the depths were completely dark.

"Do we advance together and retreat together, or do we each choose a different path?"

The thin man immediately said: "The other party most wants us to separate and defeat each other. I feel that we cannot let them get their way."

He Lingchuan shook his head secretly. Isn't this guy very good at observing faces? Why can't he be useful at critical moments?

Sure enough, Duan Xinyu pointed to the leftmost passage: "I'll choose the west route, you can do it yourself."

Xu Chun frowned: "Do you really want to split the operation?"

"It wouldn't be good if the opponent takes over." Duan Xinyu said sternly, "Look at how narrow the passage is. More than 20 of us are all walking on the same path. How will we perform when we encounter the enemy?"

This made sense. He Lingchuan raised his chin to his teammates and walked into the middle passage first without saying much to the others.

Xu Chun watched the fluorescence of their team disappear at the end of the passage, shook his head and said, "Has he offended you?"

Duan Xinyu chuckled and led the team to the left.

He Lingchuan and others walked deeper and deeper, and soon there was no movement behind them.

The thin man whispered: "How could Chang Hu give a wrong map?"

The Chifeng Mine has been under development for some time, and there are many roads in it. If you are not an experienced person, it is easy to get lost, so I drew a map.

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