Everyone who heard it laughed, and He Lingchuan could feel his morale boosting slightly, because the already thin Yuanli in his body became a little stronger.

Although Yuanli has limited impact on these monsters, improving morale is a good thing after all.

He pretended to be relaxed: "If you keep at it, reinforcements will come."

The team member whose eyes were injured couldn't help but ask: "Do we really have reinforcements?"

"Of course." The door panel said solemnly, "We are just the first batch. If we are delayed, Shanze will also report to the military and send reinforcements. This is all over..."

"Two hours!" He Lingchuan said firmly, "Reinforcements will arrive. We must not be discouraged or give this monster more opportunities to take advantage of!"

Facing an enemy they seemed unable to defeat, they needed a chance, and they also needed——

Hope is also needed!

She was immersed in a sweet dream.

The sky here is still blue, the grass is still green, and the cherry tree in the yard has just been planted. As the daughter of a wealthy family, she could wash her face with fresh spring water and moisturize her skin with rose essential oil mixed with milk.

Her personal maid would comb her hair. The biggest worry in life was that her cousin said some unpleasant words behind her back.

In the year when the cherries were ripe and produced bright red fruits, she fell in love with a well-matched match, and the cherry tree was also used as a dowry. She found a gentle husband and lived a happy life.

after that……

Later, the cherry tree looked like it had just been planted, and she became a bright-eyed little girl again, growing up carefree.

Then get married and live a happy and harmonious life.

Then repeat, repeat, repeat.

But she didn't think there was anything wrong, everything was so natural.

Happiness is always the same, isn't it?

All she had to do was immerse herself in it.

Finally one day, when she went to pick cherries, she found a bloody stain on the leaves, which was shocking.

Who accidentally scratched his hand?

Then she turned around the cherry tree and saw her gentle and considerate husband lying in a pool of blood, his eyes staring at her, condensing the last fear of his life.

She covered her eyes and fell to her knees.

From the moment she put down her hands, the world changed.

The city was captured by the enemy, the home was destroyed by the war, the relatives were disintegrated, and the family members were scattered and scattered.

She couldn't even save the cherry tree. Watching it turn into charcoal in the fire gave her a ray of warmth in the cold winter.

The days that followed were bitter and dark.

In order to have a bite to eat, she fought with wild dogs for food; in order to have a place to live, she slept with three men in the family.

Later, she became a concubine to a businessman, but he used her to entertain his business partners, one of whom got drunk and beat the child out of her belly.

She cried all day long, asking for spiritual sustenance.

Fortunately, God was merciful and sent her a lovely child.

A good boy who is fat and white, doesn't cry or make trouble, and always grins at her.

There was comfort in her life again.

At this moment, red rain began to fall from the sky, and it stung all over his face.

She spread her hands and saw that they were covered in bright red.

The children next to her started crying and wanted to pull her away. But suddenly a person walked out of the darkness. Regardless of the children's obstruction, he pushed her into the rain and ordered her to open her eyes with a cold voice:

"Wash your eyes and see clearly what you have given birth to!"

The red rain hit her eyes, and the sting increased tenfold. The pain made her orbital nerves throb, but her vision suddenly became clear.

Washed by the rain, the child's image changed in her eyes.

The fat and white milk baby turned into a grotesque evil spirit.

A ghost that only appears in the deepest nightmares.

They surrounded her and called her mother, sucked her blood, and gnawed her flesh. Every bite was heartbreaking.

They dug into her belly and ate one human after another.

Everyone cried at her, everyone cursed at her.

But she had previously felt that she was enjoying the food?

So, is this the truth?

One after another, unbearable horror hit her face. She couldn't bear it anymore and screamed loudly!

Deep in the mine, there is a secret stone room.

There is nothing else here. There is only a woman lying on the natural stone platform. Her eyes are closed and her expression is peaceful. However, there are thick and long straight things like tendons extending out of her limbs and temples on both sides, connected to the four corners of the stone room.

In other words, they grow together.

Occasionally she would tremble, and the whole mine would tremble.

It is also extremely quiet here, with dry air and no noise.

But the next second, she suddenly opened her eyes and screamed!

She woke up and saw her situation clearly in an instant. Not only did her fear not subside, but it only grew stronger.

What I saw and heard in the red rain were all true?

Where is she, where is she trapped, and why is her body so painful inside and out?

Of course she noticed the abnormalities in her temples and limbs, and struggled hard. These flesh and blood tendons were peeled off from an unknown creature and were extremely sticky.

It felt like a new layer of skin had grown on my body.

Fortunately, she was able to tear it off even if she tried to tear it hard.

As she pulled the last three tendons, she seemed to hear a terrifying roar coming from deep in the mine.

What's even scarier is that she can understand it.

The creature was shouting at her: "Mother, no!"

The woman shuddered and tore at the tendons faster.

The red rain came quickly and went away quickly. It only lasted for half a quarter of an hour before the rain dispersed and the clouds stopped.

If the place hadn't been desolate, it would have been as if nothing had happened.

But at this moment, it was also dark.

"Don't touch objects that have been exposed to red rain." General Red told his men, "Follow me."

The power of this red rain is comparable to that of poison. The Gale Guards saw it and of course stayed away from it.

But the red general was so fast that he entered the hole in a flash. When everyone rushed over, they saw his cloak disappearing around the corner.


"Crack", a crisp and piercing sound of fracture, the Jindu cub broke Xu Chun's neck.

He missed a swing and was caught by his opponent, but his companions were unable to rescue him in time.

Normally, He Lingchuan, Liu Tiao and others would probably be able to come to their aid. However, now that everyone's physical strength has been exhausted, it is difficult to even swing a decent sword.

Instead, Jindu Ghost's speed is getting faster and faster, making it difficult for the human eye to keep up.

He Lingchuan's knife and Duan Xinyu's gun both pierced the Jindu cub's body, especially the former who cut open its hard plastron, causing bleeding and exposing its internal organs.

But Xu Chun could no longer be saved.

He Lingchuan closed his eyes, his heart sinking to the bottom.

All the medicines and food I had brought with me were gone. What they need most is to sit down, meditate, adjust their breath, and rejuvenate themselves.

But no, this monster can emerge from any corner of the rock wall to attack. If you dare to meditate, you are afraid of being fried.

He couldn't even lean against the wall to rest for a while.

Now that Xu Chun dies, the slowness technique will immediately become ineffective. The originally staggering skeletal figurines changed to walking as fast as flying, bypassing the tied companions, and rushed towards everyone with shouts.

The next moment, the Jindu cub locked its target on Duan Xinyu and rushed towards him.

It has known Duan Xinyu for a long time, and due to its richer combat experience, it has long recognized that the man-eating vine was thrown by this guy. As long as he is killed, we can call it a day.

Duan Xinyu's face turned to earth color and he gritted his teeth. His sword skills are so dense that water can't penetrate them, but now he is at the end of his strength, with seven or eight holes all over his body bleeding. The knife is getting heavier and heavier in his hand, and there is a thought echoing in his mind:

Give up and get relief as soon as possible.

If you continue to resist stubbornly, you will eventually die.

As soon as this idea came up, he was too slow. Jindu Ghost seized the opportunity and wiped his neck with his claw, trying to send him to follow Xu Chun's footsteps.

The willow tree stabbed the back of Jindu Ghost and hit Jindu Ghost's back. It did not dodge or dodge, and only took Duan Xinyu with all its heart.

The door panel jumped out from the side, and the man and his shield hit its ribs, knocking it away.

Jindu Ghost rolled into the rock wall.

Duan Xinyu panted: "You..."

With these two words, he didn't know what to say next.

He Lingchuan took a deep breath and tried to recall the feeling of striking a knife in the water of Han River. At that time, with Jilang as the opponent, they also had to face such a war of attrition from all directions.

Preserving physical strength and fighting spirit is the first priority.

He said in a deep voice: "Be careful where you step."

This cub likes to attack from the ground, and poking the soles of people's feet is very effective.

As soon as he finished speaking, it jumped out from the ground and aimed at Duan Xinyu's back, this time with a four-foot-long bone spear. Its sense of smell seems to be very sensitive, and it can accurately determine who has lost the will to fight.

A new batch of bone figurines have also arrived. Without Xu Chun's slowness technique, they are jumping very fast and are about to join their master.

He Lingchuan had already stood behind Duan Xinyu, and when he slashed out with his sword, it was as if Jindu Ghost had come up to chop him into pieces.

The spearhead was cut off immediately, with half of its forepaw still attached, causing the monster to howl in pain.

The "Breaking Army" special effect actually appeared at this time, ignoring the bone armor defense and cutting off the palm with one blow.

Something seems wrong?

He Lingchuan hesitated slightly.

Duan Xinyu also seized the opportunity and counterattacked with his backhand, barely dodging two attacks from the monster.

Everyone still cooperates tenaciously, but their spirits can no longer be lifted.

There is always an upper limit to human resilience.

They have been struggling for so long, but they still can't see the dawn of hope.

How long can this dark battle last?

He Lingchuan suddenly said: "Willow, give it the Ice Arrow!"

Willow was startled: "Only the last one is left."

It's not that she cherishes those few taels of silver, but what's the point of using it at this time?


When the captain spoke, she nocked the arrow and shot it without thinking.

Thanks to her solid basic skills, she still managed to hit the monster running at high speed without missing a beat.

The Jindu cub was hit by an arrow in his left arm, and the ice immediately spread from the wound to his whole body.

It had been shot before and had experience. At this time, it did nothing else and quickly fell towards the rock wall.

With the protection of "mother", it can recover quickly.

Everyone also knows very well that it is useless to cut it into several pieces at this time, and it will eventually recover - although it cannot become several like leeches.

Other cubs would die if their heads were beheaded, but this one was different.

There is indeed something extraordinary about the youngest who is most favored by the ghost mother.

It’s almost the end of the month, please vote~

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