After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 341 Zhu Erniang’s net worth

People set up campfires and roasted meat, and the Jana tribe became popular again on their territory.

At this time, Dong Rui walked out of the Devil's Nest with a mess of hair following the sound, sat down by the fire and rubbed his hands.

He put on the straw mask again, and his face did not scare anyone else, but Tu Zhongli still saw someone else beside the fire, frowned and asked, "Who is this again?"

He Lingchuan thought to himself that you are impatient, this is not your home territory: "The pharmacist who was rushed into the swamp with me, Zhu Erniang asked him to make some medicine."

"Where do you come from?"

"Kite Kingdom."

Tu Zhongli was surprised: "So far?"

One of his men was sitting close to him. He was eating fish and meat and said with a smile: "I heard that the people of Yuan Kingdom are almost out of food. Is it true?"

He Lingchuan glanced sideways: "Where did you hear about this?"

"Ah, my relative lives in Xunzhou. He said that people are starving to death and Wang Ting is trying his best to raise taxes. He wants to dig up the ground to search for copper coins. There is no way, Xunzhou Mu rebelled."

He Lingchuan said coldly: "Xunzhou Mu rebelled for more than a simple reason."

"Oh?" Everyone was interested. Tu Zhongli took a sip of wine and said, "Tell us about it."

"Where are you from?"

"Xing Guo."

He Lingchuan calculated in his mind that the Xing State was a small country flowing through the lower reaches of the Han River, and its territory was less than one-tenth the size of the Kite State. The point is, it is east of the Demon Nest Swamp, at least several hundred miles away from the border of the Kite Kingdom.

I heard that the mountains along the way are so high that it would be difficult to return the same way.

Tu Zhongli and others urged, and He Lingchuan also picked up some current affairs in Yuan's country.

For people in Xing, this is first-hand news, which sounds fresh and exciting. Tu Zhongli clicked his tongue and said, "It sounds like a really good time to make achievements."

While observing, He Lingchuan discovered that these business travelers were actually divided into two distinct groups. One group, headed by Tu Zhongli, ate meat, drank wine, and talked and laughed freely; the other group sat silently by the fire, not eating much, and their eyes wandered as if they did not dare to look at others.

Among such people, there is Manager Zhao.

At this time, a snack was handed over, which was grubs dug out from the rotten wood by the hospitable spiders.

This kind of fat and white bug is a pure natural green food. Throw it into your mouth and knock it with your upper and lower teeth, and it will explode in one mouthful. It is extremely nutritious and is a gift sought after by people seeking survival in the wilderness.

These grubs also twist their bodies in the round leaves to show that they are very fresh. He Lingchuan and Dong Rui had lived here for more than half a month and had long been accustomed to eating. However, Manager Zhao turned pale and waved his hand in refusal.

Tu Zhongli and others actually picked it up and ate it, one bite at a time, praising the taste.

He Lingchuan looked at this scene thoughtfully.

Dong Rui sat by the fire and yawned, grabbing a few grubs to eat. He Lingchuan approached him and asked, "What's the progress?"

"There's no progress, I just found that the toxins in Zhu Erniang's body are quite useful..." Dong Rui lowered his voice, "Are these bandits working with Zhu Erniang?"

He Lingchuan's eyes changed: "Can you tell they are bandits?"

"The number of bandits and bandits I have dealt with in my life is not even 10,000, but 8,000. These people all have a smell, and you can smell it right away."

Yes, this guy has an unusual identity. In addition to being a scientific research madman, he is also a wanted criminal who has been on the run for many years. He has dealt with countless low-level people.

At this time, Manager Zhao got up holding his stomach and went to the depths of the grass to get some relief. Tonight's food was a little burnt, a little raw, a little undercooked, and his stomach couldn't stand it.

He Lingchuan said, "Let me verify it." He patted his buttocks, stood up, and followed.

Manager Zhao had just found a place that was close to the water and dark. He was about to unbutton his pants and squat down when he heard He Lingchuan say from behind: "It's not a good place here. There are many crocodiles by the water. Be careful, half of your buttocks will be taken away."

Manager Zhao was startled and said oh oh twice, move to another place.

Seeing that He Lingchuan was still following him, he couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter with Mr. He?"

Before He Lingchuan could answer, Tu Zhongli's men had already followed him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Squat in the pit." He Lingchuan answered quickly, "There is still a place here, do you want it?"

"We have to squat together, aren't we afraid of the smell?"

He Lingchuan pointed to him: "There is a nest of fire ants there, do you dare to squat down?"

The man quickly got out of the way.

He Lingchuan wandered elsewhere and then went back to look at the big cars.

There were a large number of fluorescent spores illuminating the entire clearing as bright as day. The spiders were moving things out from the Devil's Nest one by one and putting them on the cart.

The caravans deliver salty clay and groceries here, and of course they have to be loaded with specialties from the Demon Nest Swamp on their way back to sell them at a high price.

The goods are not empty.

He Lingchuan was dazzled when he saw the specialties brought out by the burrowing spider.

First of all, those pieces of spider silk are the popular hard currency outside.

There are three or four kinds of silk produced by the crypt spider demon. The most common ones are also surprisingly sticky. They are many times more useful than ordinary nets when used to make traps or fish. The more high-end ones are less sticky but more elastic. , good toughness, used to make gloves and soft armor, light and strong, invulnerable to water and fire.

Of course, the smallest quantity of high-end goods can be used to refine magic weapons. Especially the Yun brocade woven by Zhu Erniang herself could not be blasted away by powerful fire bullets. He Lingchuan tried it himself.

The spiders also brought out various dried herbs and dried insects. The swamps that are not touched by humans are a natural treasure house. The medicinal materials are old and effective. Even the egg shells of aphid cows are used as medicinal materials after being dried. Women can decoct them after giving birth to promote milk production.

The fungus carpet in the Demon's Nest is also accompanied by various fungi, among which the colorful mushrooms have always been the focus of acquisitions by Tu Zhongli's uncle.

This kind of mushroom is slightly toxic. If you take a few bites of it, you will feel like a fairy. You may have various hallucinations and see things that you should or shouldn't see floating in front of your eyes.

The most important thing is that there are no other side effects, and it is not addictive. At most, if you cook a big pot and eat it, you will have diarrhea, or you will feel a little dizzy the next day, like a hangover.

Needless to say, this kind of thing is very popular when taken outside, and both humans and monsters are willing to spend money to enjoy it.

He Lingchuan did not expect that even fluorescent spores could be sold.

This round spore looks only slightly smaller than a steamed bun, but after dehydration, its volume will shrink to one-third of its original size and it will no longer glow, making it very convenient to transport.

After being soaked in water, it will swell back and continue to glow for about four months without the bacteria blanket.

This is much better than candles and oil lamps, and as a stable cool white light, it is an excellent light source for uninterrupted lighting at night.

People will definitely like it, it just depends on how the caravan will price it when they take it back.

In less than an hour, forty carts were fully loaded.

He Lingchuan also understood when he saw this: Zhu Erniang's net worth is truly the only one in the Demon Nest Swamp!

It is so conscientious in its management that it makes other wild indigenous monsters in the swamp look like they are in ruins. No wonder they are jealous. It's like you are a poor man in the village and can't afford to eat one meal after another, but the rich family in the village eats big fish and meat every day, and the oily aroma wafts to your house, so they ask you if you can think of anything else?

He Lingchuan knew that Tu Zhongli had made a fortune without having to settle accounts.

Of course, the premise is that he is really a businessman.

Dong Rui came over from behind and said: "Clay is exchanged for specialties. This caravan is really good at doing business."

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Where is the caravan?" They all believed that this guy was a bandit. The owner of the caravan and Tu Zhongli's "uncle" might have met with something unexpected.

Watching the spider next to him walk away, Dong Rui lowered his voice: "What are you going to do? Which side do you want to help?"

The bandits pretended to be a caravan and entered the swamp, looking for cave spiders to continue trading, just to make some money for the goods? Even if I think about it with No. 34’s head, I know it’s impossible.

When the time limit is up, he will probably die if he can't get the potion Zhu Erniang wants. In the past few days, his own research direction has made new progress, and Dong Rui's mind has also sobered up, and he has begun to make plans for the future.

He Lingchuan smiled: "What about you?"

"These bandits may not have any tokens in their hands to leave the swamp."

"You have to think about why they came in?" He Lingchuan said, "Are they trying to take advantage of big monsters like Zhu Erniang?"

This is still the territory of the burrowing spider, so it's not easy to take advantage of Zhu Erniang. Besides, they had just talked with everyone, and they also knew that the reputation of the Devil's Nest Swamp was not very good outside, it was not much worse than the Dragon Pond and the Tiger's Den. People who strayed into it almost never went out, and it was also called the "Devil's Den".

These bandits dare to come in and plot against local snakes. They must be crazy, right?

"They should have figured out a way."

Before the two of them could say a few words, Tu Zhongli's men left the bonfire and walked toward them. He Lingchuan had just heard Tu Zhongli call him Huang Mao, probably because his hair was sparse and yellowish.

Huang Mao stood next to the two of them: "The boss asked me to ask you if you want to leave the swamp with us?"

Throwing bait as soon as you arrive?

Dong Rui said: "Yes."

"Then just stay by the fire, don't say anything and don't cause trouble." Tu Zhongli also heard that He Lingchuan intended to approach Manager Zhao.

Their original plan did not include the fact that the cave spider's lair would suddenly have two more living people, and neither of them seemed honest.

At this juncture, they don't like variables.

He Lingchuan asked: "When can I leave?"

"Soon, uh, it should be tomorrow morning." Huang Mao pointed to the bonfire, "Go and sit down."

He Lingchuan glanced at him and suddenly pointed to the bamboo tube on his waist and said, "I seem to have seen this kind of blow dart somewhere."

Half an arm long, colorful bamboo, tied with small strands of hemp rope.

By the way, some of the corpses that drifted into the swamp a few days ago were wearing blowguns like this.

Huang Mao's expression changed.

At this time, a spider guard ran over and said to Dong Rui: "You have been out for too long. Our ancestors told you to go back to the nest to work!"

Obviously Zhu Erniang is also worried that these cunning humans will get together and give Dong Rui an opportunity to take advantage of.

As for He Lingchuan, he didn't care too much about the idle man who had to work hard.

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