After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 347 It’s time to settle the general ledger

When the Han River flooded, a group of bandits headed by Tu Zhongli were boating on the river to avoid being pursued by the government. This was extremely bad luck, and he was washed directly downstream into the Demon Nest Swamp.

When He Lingchuan heard this, he realized that these unlucky people were in the same situation as him, but they capsized several boats and most of them died.

Tu Zhongli and others who survived could not turn around, because they were rushed into Boshanjun's territory.

As before, the snake originally wanted to eat these heaven-given delicacies, but Tu Zhongli begged for his life and said that he was willing to do his best.

No human has set foot in the Demon Nest Swamp for a long time, except for the caravan that always makes deals with Zhu Erniang. Lord Boshan immediately thought of the use of these bandits.

It poured chronic poison into these people, ordered them to come out of the swamp to attack Master Gan's caravan, and sent several snake monsters to assist.

Mr. Gan's Chamber of Commerce has done a lot in Longqiu, especially the transaction with Magic Nest Swamp. It is the basis for his fortune and the talking point for the Gan family to show off. The locals know it well.

After emerging from the swamp, these bandits resumed their old trade. They found out the date and route of the caravan's departure without much effort, used Boshanjun's poison to ambush the caravan, and killed Mr. Gan and the others on the spot. The martial artist hijacked the entire caravan and entered the Demon Nest Swamp.

Tu Zhongli suddenly changed his identity and became Mr. Gan's "nephew". He sent his men into the devil's nest with a wine jar. Lord Boshan persuaded King Siwen, the young man, and the two demons restrained Zhu Erniang, and the bandits began to steal the giant spider's slough.

This plan was quite sophisticated, but the bad thing was He Lingchuan, the variable that muddied the waters.

He coughed twice, and under Starscream's gaze, he asked Lao Liu sternly: "The shed is still lost, who took it?"

Lao Liu looked confused: "I, we don't know either!"

Seeing that he couldn't get any more news out of here, Starscream gave an order, and the spiders swarmed up and ate him up.

The screams made the legs of Manager Zhao and others nearby weaken.

He Lingchuan touched his nose and backed away.

The spiders were still unsatisfied, but they didn't eat them. They just rushed to the ruins to keep a close watch on them.

The main body of Zhu Erniang went after the big snake, and Starscream had no choice but to leave He Lingchuan and jump down to the ground to mobilize his troops. Everyone witnessed one team after another of spiders rushing to Lord Boshan's territory.

It can be seen that the battle at Zhu Erniang's place is fierce, and the young men need to come out in full force to support them.

He Lingchuan had no intention of joining in the fun.

While rummaging through the bandit's belongings, he said to Dong Rui, who was approaching him:

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"The good news comes first."

"We can leave now, the chance is great." Starscream is no longer nearby, and they can talk in low voices, "Thank you Mr. Boshan for creating this good opportunity."

"What were you doing in the showroom just now? Why did Zhu Erniang find that her body was missing after she came out?" Dong Rui also heard Zhu Erniang's angry roar, but had an ominous premonition, "Is this related to bad news?"

"Probably its remains were stolen."

Dong Rui stared at him closely: "Is it you?"

"Why should I steal it?" He Lingchuan spread his hands, "Didn't you and Starscream follow me the whole time?"

Yes, but Dong Rui believes that it still has something to do with this kid.

I can’t explain why, but it’s my gut feeling.

Facing his suspicious gaze, He Lingchuan summed it up: "If Zhu Erniang can't get the remains, she will definitely lose her temper when she comes back, and you and I will be unlucky."

"So where is the opportunity?" Dong Rui has almost figured out Zhu Erniang's temper now. As He Lingchuan said, the two of them were likely to be angered.

"We have a chance to turn defeat into victory and turn against the enemy, but it's only once." He Lingchuan whispered, "It's with your demon puppet."


"After the bandits infiltrated this time, the defense in the underground palace should be stricter. Your demon puppet should not be in the workroom anymore, right?" He Lingchuan knew that Dong Rui relied on demon puppets to fight, and only demon puppets could give him a sense of security. Normally, that's all. In such turbulent times, he would definitely keep the demon puppet as close to him as possible.

Besides, he heard the ringing several times. Could it be that Dong Rui was playing with it?

Has this been discovered? He dispatched them with great care. A chill ran down Dong Rui's back. This kid was really much sharper than he looked on the surface. "Where do you think it is?"

"Inside the entrance to the underground palace. You have to make it obey my orders."

"Then what?"

"Then you can watch the show." He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder, very sincerely, "The next part is my part. If it works, we leave; if it doesn't work, only I will be unlucky."

It sounds nice, but if you can believe it, it’s a ghost! Dong Rui said angrily: "Speak clearly, I should understand even if I die." Once the plan fails, the Spider Queen's anger will not only be directed at He Lingchuan.

"I can't tell, we have to adapt to circumstances." He Lingchuan pointed in the direction of Lord Boshan's territory, "The matter has come to this, even if we do nothing, Zhu Erniang will not let us go. I'll give you five seconds to think about it. Five, four, three …”

This condition was very unfair, but He Lingchuan didn't give him a choice.

You are the leader of the plan.

Dong Rui took a deep look at him and knew that he was afraid that he would be a spoiler and would not tell the whole plan. In the past, this guy was his enemy, which really brought him endless hatred, but looking at it from another angle, it also showed that He Lingchuan was indeed capable.

I just hope that this kid will perform normally this time and let Zhu Erniang experience his anger and helplessness.

"Okay, will you really take me away with you?"

"Of course, I can swear it." He Lingchuan said, "You can also tell the Spider Queen that I want to deal with it. But it can't let you go until it gets the formula it wants."

After all, Dong Rui seemed to have no other choice. He thought for a while and exhaled: "Okay, you can make an oath."

After receiving He Lingchuan's solemn oath, he walked towards the tiankeng and shook the golden bell.

This is making a choice.

After a while, he came back and said, "It's arranged."

At three o'clock in the morning, the captives were so frightened that they dared not close their eyes all night. Zhu Erniang's huge body finally appeared in the forest, along with a large group of spiders.

As soon as it came back, it looked for someone: "Where is He Lingchuan? Where is Dong Rui?"

Dong Rui hid in the ruins and kept silent, while He Lingchuan poked his head out from the crown of the big tree in the sinkhole:

"Here it is." This tree took root on the wall of the tiankeng and grew lush and green. He Lingchuan hid inside and no one was around. "Congratulations to Zhu Erniang on her triumphant return."

Zhu Erniang's fighting power was higher than Boshan Jun. If the latter had won, Zhu Erniang would have come back long ago; but it had been several hours, and Zhu Erniang had probably killed them all.

"How is Mr. Boshan doing?"

"Dead." Zhu Erniang's voice was full of exhaustion, "All the bandits are also dead."

It doesn't have time to chase down bandits, but the little spiders can do it for them.

It was covered with scars, and its strong body had many bloody holes, some of which were still bleeding with black blood. The little spiders crawled on the ancestor's body, constantly sucking away the snake venom and treating its wounds. Zhu Erniang seemed to have lost three of her claws and feet and was unable to reach the ground, making it difficult for her to walk.

Although Boshan Jun was eliminated once and for all, its own vitality was severely damaged.

"The strange thing is that Mr. Boshan denied stealing my body until his death." Zhu Erniang lost two more eyes, and the rest was staring at He Lingchuan on the tree, "I searched its residence and all the magic weapons. I couldn’t find it either. Tell me, where is the slough?”

As the old saying goes, eliminate all impossibilities and the remaining options, no matter how ridiculous, may still be true.

Its remnants will not disappear for no reason. There is only one living person who has ever entered the showroom and performed tricks under its eyes!

Speaking of the last few words, the murderous aura could no longer be concealed.

"It's impossible for you to eliminate every snake demon." He Lingchuan helped her think about it. "Could it be that the descendants of Lord Boshan took them away in order to make a comeback in the future and seek revenge on you?"

"Do you know what I think?" Zhu Erniang said these words slowly, then suddenly lowered her head and pointed at him, and sprayed out a mouthful of white silk.

The spider silk it shoots splashes in the air and forms an umbrella shape, covering an area of ​​at least ten square meters. It spreads and fills half of the tree. Once a living creature is stuck, it is almost impossible to escape.

Not only was the speed extremely fast, but there was no warning.

However, He Lingchuan had already been vigilant and escaped behind the tree earlier. The canopy is dense and not completely covered by spider webs.

"He Lingchuan!" Zhu Erniang shouted angrily, "Give me back my legacy!"

As soon as it gets angry, spiders gather from all directions.

This is when the picture becomes clear!

The tree crown was half covered with spider webs. He Lingchuan appeared from the other side, shot his sleeve arrow into the rock gap on the other side of the sinkhole, and swung directly over.

When the spiders turned to pounce on him, he had already climbed to the edge of the sinkhole, turned around and ran into the dense jungle, leaving only one sentence to the spider queen:

"I really don't have any in my hand. Believe it or not!"

"Chase!" Zhu Erniang's anger echoed in every spider's mind, "You want to live! I want him to live and die!"

The spider army immediately set out to hunt.

Zhu Erniang was seriously injured and moved slower, so she could only follow behind.

But it sends a silent message through its scent, and every spider in the territory will immediately outflank it in this direction. Facing the spider army's sweeping search, where can He Lingchuan escape, and how far can he escape?

Zhu Erniang is very confident. After catching He Lingchuan, it will suck him dry!

With the support of anger, it feels that the pain all over its body is not so painful.

A quarter of an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Two quarters of an hour, three quarters of an hour...

There was a steep slope ahead, and Zhu Erniang felt tired just looking at it, so she simply lay down to rest.

It should have strong self-healing ability, but for some unknown reason, the blood holes on its body are still bleeding. And as soon as it lay down, its body felt extremely heavy, making it difficult to breathe.

In this case, it can only stay where it is and wait for its descendants to come back from all directions to report to it.

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