After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 35 High Walls and Deep Canyons

"Did I mention that it was built artificially?" Sun Fuping snorted, "It is solid and seamless. It was built during war. It has to withstand the trampling of thousands of people and siege vehicles. Only magical powers can do it."

Is this bridge formed by supernatural powers? Everyone looked down at the road and felt shocked.

"There are many earth magical powers. This may be a variant of the mountain-moving technique, and it is performed by at least fifty magicians." Sun Fuping kicked the bridge and made a sound of metal and stone, "Well, the price is not small."

The quality is also very good and will last for hundreds of years.

Situ Han asked in a low voice: "Didn't you say that magical powers are ineffective in wartime?"

Before anyone else could speak, He Lingchuan had already hissed at him: "I don't know much! My magical power is only weakly effective on the army, but no one said it can't be used in war. What's the problem with paving roads and building bridges?"

He pinched his chin and said: "It seems that the bridge in front of the south gate of Panlong City has actually been destroyed, built and destroyed again. It has been repeated countless times, right? The reason why this bridge is still alive today is probably because Did the coalition achieve final victory?"

"It should be so." Sun Fuping agreed with his point of view, "Panlong City usually needs this bridge to connect with the south, but when the war comes, it must be cut off first to block the incoming enemy."

Nian Songyu kicked the watermelon-sized stone at his feet into the deep ravine. It took a while before everyone heard the echo of the heavy object falling to the ground.

"It's very deep. I'm afraid we won't survive if we fall." He looked down at the bottom of the ravine from the bridge. "This was originally a moat, right? I can see that there are traces of repairs and chisels on the bottom of the ravine. It must have been deepened."

Panlong City was originally guarding the natural moat, and the moat in front of the gate was also refined to make the water flow deeper and more rapid. It became more difficult for the enemy to climb up the Chipa Plateau.

At least, the army can't go up.

Over the past thirty-two years, Panlong City has put a lot of effort into city defense and security.

There was a little commotion in the back.

After getting on the bridge, the possessed puppet struggled more violently, trying to run back, and even opened its mouth to bite someone. One guard's left hand was bleeding profusely.

The consequence of doing so is that they will be suppressed even more strongly. Finally, they were almost carried across the bridge.

Everyone came to the south gate of Panlong Ancient City.

In fact, the outer wall of this legendary city is not as grand as He Lingchuan imagined. It is only five feet high and in the shape of a barrel. The outer wall cannot be called smooth, and there are patches of different brick colors everywhere. It has obviously been repaired countless times. times.

The wasteland is too dry, and moss does not grow under the walls, but they are stained like the bridge deck, and have not been blown away by more than a hundred years of wind and sand.

Those are traces of war.

There are many small holes lined up on the wall, a little bigger than a grapefruit, and no one can get through. He Lingchuan knew at a glance that there were caves and passages inside the city wall for hiding soldiers. These small holes could not only allow ventilation and observe the enemy's situation, but also be used to project arrows and spears and poke enemies who climbed onto the city.

But these are all normal city wall operations, and the outer wall of Panlong City is gray and plain, nothing special.

But looking further up, everyone discovered its ferocious side——

The outside of the wall stacks is also covered with black wooden vertebrae of different lengths, in a staggered shape, facing in all directions.

Zeng Feixiong whispered: "Hemlock, crocodile tooth vertebra!"

He also participated in the defense of Blackwater. As this important border city is the vanguard of the Yuan Kingdom to the west, of course the city walls have a lot of fortifications. However, the method of using crocodile teeth and vertebrae to attack the city gate has been extinct in the past hundred years, and this was the first time he had seen it.

In siege warfare, ladders are often used to transport ground troops to the enemy's walls. However, there were crocodile teeth blocking the way, so the ladder head of the siege ladder could only be placed on the vertebrae. The soldiers had to climb over the crocodile teeth to jump to the top of the city.

Needless to say, these "crocodile teeth" are all round and must be greased before fighting to ensure that they are not slippery and that a person cannot stand at all. If that wasn't enough, the defenders would throw in a few torches and roast the human flesh.

The long-vertebral hemlock wood is resistant to fire, but humans are not.

There seems to be nothing wrong with describing this city wall as "armed to the teeth."

Situ Han also straightened his eyes and murmured: "Guo, it really is like this!"

"Go in." Sun Fuping was the first to retract his gaze and led everyone through the outer wall.

One of the outermost hemlock doors was half open and the other was lying on the ground. It was obvious that it had been treated roughly back then. There are traces of fire burned by knives and axes on the door.

He Lingchuan felt that hemlock, which was harder than steel, could be scarred like this. He felt that his eyes had been opened.

But after walking through the door, he still said "oh" in shock.

There is only two hundred feet of open space behind the outer wall, and then...

The second high wall!

He Chunhua couldn't help but said: "This is the first time I've seen such a tall Wengcheng."

The second city wall is five feet higher than the outer wall! And there are also some defensive fortifications on the outer wall, and there is also a set of them here.

He Lingchuan also saw several catapults on the city gate.

Sun Fuping shook his head: "Who said this is Wengcheng?"

Everyone walked through the second city gate again, took a closer look, and couldn't help but become speechless.

They saw the third wall!

This wall is five feet higher than the second wall, so it is already fifteen feet (more than forty meters) high!

With three gates and three walls, Panlong City is armed to the teeth.

"This is Wengcheng!" Situ Han gasped, "The enemy who attacked here must be very unhappy." After all the hard work, he flew across the chasm and broke through two more walls. The intruder tore through the hard skin of the prey. It's time to feast on the fresh and tender meat, but unexpectedly, I'm going to grit my teeth again after taking one mouthful - there's still a layer of thick scales underneath.

When we hit here, we have to face a high wall again, and the tenacity that we had been working hard for was completely exhausted, which is not a good feeling for anyone.

He Lingchuan felt that the people who built this city were quite vicious.

However, he also found traces of fire near the vents of the third high wall, which showed that the coalition forces had indeed attacked here.

Needless to say, that battle was dangerous.

After crossing the triple gate, the team finally entered Panlong City.

What you can see is a huge square, or flat ground, which can accommodate at least two thousand people. Now that the team of two hundred people had moved in, it was still quite empty.

Turning around, there is a huge relief sculpture of a long insect embedded in the wall of the urn.

This long insect sculpture looks like a snake or a python, with scales, but it has horns on its head, a beard under its jaw, and protruding eyes and protruding mouth.

He Lingchuan realized that this was the origin of the city's name: Panlong.

But this is actually not a real dragon, but a dragon.

There is also a long stone tribute table under the black dragon totem for residents to offer offerings. The tribute tower and incense burner on the side are nearly ten feet high and very impressive. Of course, there is no incense now.

There was a large pool at the end of the square, but of course it was now dry and empty of water. It's been over a hundred years, and it's still very complete, with only a few holes missing. Situ Han knocked on the edge of the pool: "What is this pool used for?"

Sun Fuping said: "The ancient cities in Panlong Wasteland all have the tradition of drinking water and swearing an oath before sending out troops."

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