After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 357 Grasshopper after Autumn

Songyang Mansion sells weapons, and they always come and go on the shelves, whether they want to buy or not.

What is style? This is called style.

The style is to show off elegantly.

What matters is inadvertence.

The second master immediately stood up and bowed to him: "I have lost my sight. I wonder where Mr. He is from a noble family?" Speaking of which, this young man was able to escape from the Demon Nest Swamp safely, and the Spider Queen gave him the order of passage, and she This matter is not simple.

"I am a visitor from afar. I happened to be washed into the Devil's Nest Swamp by the flood of Han River." He Lingchuan waved his hand, "I have no basis here and no one recognizes me."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. In the next few months, Shimen Caravan will be your home." The second master smiled broadly, "We will definitely send you to Lingxu City safely."

"Then there's another problem." He Lingchuan glanced in the direction of Gan's house. "I lost my luggage after falling into the water. I have nothing, and I can't even prove my identity."

"It's easy to say, you can just apply for it at the government office." The second master clapped his hands, "How about I take Mr. He to the government office now and get the identity done directly?"

"That's good. But Mr. Gan just came here a quarter of an hour ago. If he doesn't nod, I won't be able to leave Wuze County."

"Master Gan? A quarter of an hour ago?" The second master seemed startled, waved his hands and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, let's go."

Mr. Gan San has already come and threatened Mr. He?

This was truly a divine assist. The second master was so elated that it took a lot of effort not to laugh wildly.

He Lingchuan stood up with a smile.

Before he fell out with Mr. Gan, he decided to find another caravan to enter Bejia. Otherwise, the journey would be long. Who knows if the Gan family would take the opportunity to retaliate?

As soon as they came downstairs, the carriage stopped at the door of the restaurant.

Wuze is a county town after all, and it only takes a quarter of an hour from Yuanzhi Restaurant to the government office.

With the help of the second boss of the Shimen Chamber of Commerce, He Lingchuan's status was very easy. In fact, these chambers of commerce often use manpower, cart drivers, clerks or warriors from other places, and they have to help people handle these things, and they already have a complete set of procedures.

He Lingchuan talked with the second boss in the car and learned that the Shimen Chamber of Commerce was founded thirty years ago. The current boss Shi Congshan and the second boss Shi Congshui are brothers. They took over the chamber of commerce from their father seven years ago and continue to work hard. .

This time, Shi Congshui arranged for He Lingchuan to be a distant relative of the Shi family, He Xiao, who came to Wuze County from his hometown to work for the Shi family chamber of commerce. There were three people from the Shi Chamber of Commerce who wanted to process materials. They all came to the scene, and He Lingchuan was among them.

He Xiao was He Lingchuan's last name when he was a child, and he didn't change it until he was three years old.

A quarter of an hour later, He Lingchuan walked out of the office with his newly revealed identity.

The second master smiled and said: "We have booked a soup room in Zizhuyuan. Brother He has come all the way to wash away his fatigue. How about we hold a candle and talk at night in the evening?"

As cold as the Gan family was towards He Lingchuan, the Shimen Chamber of Commerce was just as enthusiastic.

"It's disrespectful and it costs the second master a lot of money." He Lingchuan didn't show any pretense and laughed.

Zhu Erniang gave him the pass, giving him the power to choose the chamber of commerce. He deserves all of this now, but the Gan family's reaction is abnormal.

Less than two-quarters of an hour after they left, someone entered the official office, handed a red envelope to the clerk in charge of the accounts, and said at the same time:

If a tall, handsome boy of seventeen or eighteen years old comes to apply for a certificate in the past few days, he will not be approved!

The origin of that young man is unknown, he is probably a bandit or something like that.

The clerk weighed the red envelope and found that there was probably one tael of silver in it, so he agreed happily:

"Don't worry, I'll keep it with you!"

If you don't do it, there can be a hundred reasons.

When the carriage arrived at Zizhuyuan, He Lingchuan realized that this was the most beautiful hot spring house in Wuze County. When he walked in, it was surrounded by bamboos, the mountains were quiet, the birds were singing, the smell of sulfur was everywhere, and people's voices were often heard but no one was seen.

There are public hot spring pools and private hot spring rooms. The Shimen Chamber of Commerce reserved a private hot spring room for him, where he could enjoy the steaming hot springs all to himself. When he was thirsty or hungry, he could ring the bell and a big-eyed maid would come in to deliver food.

In a busy place for business and commerce, this kind of soup house is most popular among officials and businessmen, both for relaxation and for private negotiations.

He Lingchuan slept rough in the Devil's Nest Swamp for more than ten days, took at least two cold baths, and was always on guard against sneak attacks by eels and crocodiles. How could he be happy? As soon as I entered Zizhuyuan, I felt itchy all over. I quickly soaked in the soup pool to soften my bones and muscles, and then rubbed out the old ashes.

The maid was also very active. She brought some fruits and stayed away to loosen his bones.

She was used to seeing middle-aged and elderly men with fat heads, big ears, greasy bellies, and occasionally she wanted to wash her eyes with handsome guys with great bodies.

Don't tell me, the technique is really good.

The strength is moderate and the acupoints are accurately identified.

He Lingchuan chatted with her for a while, so he asked the Shimen Chamber of Commerce.

The maid is enthusiastic and answers all questions. The former president of the Shimen Chamber of Commerce was outspoken and not as smooth as ordinary businessmen. Until his death, the chamber of commerce was unknown in the local area. It gradually improved after the Shimen brothers took over.

Currently, the largest chamber of commerce in Wuze County is the Gan Chamber of Commerce. When Gan Qing was alive, he was tough and occupied all the resources. The Shimen Chamber of Commerce is less than a quarter of its size and does not rank among the top five in Wuze County, but its business is still complete. The Shi brothers are engaged in lumber and miscellaneous business, which is quite impressive.

But with the Gan family here, the Shimen Chamber of Commerce would not have enough to eat.

"I heard from their guys that the best thing about this chamber of commerce is that it doesn't default on wages and settles when it's time to settle." The maid said, "Other chambers of commerce take a little longer or settle in installments."

"Is the Gan Chamber of Commerce like this too?"

"That's right, this is the norm." The maid sighed, "Just like us, sometimes we are delayed for ten days and a half."

Reputation is more important than gold, and the brothers cherish their brand.

After the maid finished her work and left, the surroundings were steaming with heat. He Lingchuan felt that his body bones were becoming more and more relaxed, but fatigue came over him, and he didn't even dream after falling asleep.

This was the most comfortable sleep he had had since he was washed away by the flood of Han River.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door.

The second master came, and the eldest master also appeared together.

The three of them ordered a table full of food and drinks and started chatting in the soup room.

The Shi brothers have traveled all over the country and seen all kinds of strange things, which are all good to drink with. He Lingchuan has experienced many thrilling experiences, and just one or two to mention them will be equally exciting.

He Lingchuan didn't mention it, and the Shi brothers didn't ask him about his intention to go to Lingxu City, nor did they inquire about his origins. They only said that they would deliver him safely.

In fact, they already knew from Manager Zhao that He Lingchuan was from the Yuan Kingdom.

These two people talked very skillfully, making people feel comfortable, and their intention to make friends was very obvious. For example, the second master proposed in person that Songyang Mansion had a branch in Lingxu City and hoped that He Lingchuan could introduce and bridge the gap between the two parties after arriving.

He Lingchuan, of course, agreed to the favor even with a little effort. But the Shimen Chamber of Commerce in Fu Country wants to be linked to Songyang Mansion?

The Shi brothers introduced that Fu Country actually has some special products that Songyang Mansion needs, such as gold mud...

"Fu Country also produces gold mud?" The Fusheng Sword was grown from gold mud, and He Lingchuan still had some of it in his hand.

"No, no, gold mud is made from a variety of materials, and each sect has its own unique formula. The two basic materials of gold mud produced in Fu country are used by every sect." Shi Congshan, the eldest master, said with a smile, "If we can supply goods to Songyang Mansion, the reputation of Shimen Chamber of Commerce will naturally increase."

Since they wanted something from the young man in front of them, they would not plot against him on the road. He Lingchuan knew that they were giving him a reassurance.

Both the Shi brothers and the head of Songyang Palace, Li Qingge, seem to like investing in potential stocks that they like. In the future, when the wind and rain turn into a dragon, you can help them.

Businessmen all hope to form good relationships, but the current Gan family is obviously an exception.

He Lingchuan asked about Mr. Gan. The second master, who had already drank wine, had sex with him, and talked about mountains and rivers with him, blushed and waved his hands:

"That's a prodigal thing! A loving mother often has a prodigal son. No one in the Gan family can take care of him, and no one in Wuze County can take care of him!"

"He has a group of bad friends around him, who have crooked ways, three religions and nine schools. They even win over many officials in the government office, and they are like a tyrant in Wuze County. Anyone who goes against him and the Gan family will always be punished by him. Gan Qing Because of this, I don't want to discipline him. Anyway, for the sake of Gan Qing's face, the upper-class officials will not be as knowledgeable as him."

He Lingchuan felt a little ashamed when he heard this. In the past...he seemed to be like this too.

He was afraid that there were some things that Gan Qing couldn't handle, so he asked his third brother to do it for him.

He Lingchuan knew this kind of knowledge very well.

The headmaster stroked his chin and said: "In the past, when Gan Qing was here, he had endless money to spend; now that the backbone of the family has fallen, I don't think he will be prosperous for a few more days. Brother He will go west to Lingxu with his second brother in a few days. We are in the city, so we don’t need to be disturbed by him.”

"Why are you mentioning this autumn grasshopper?" Shi Congshui raised his glass, "Come on, let's drink!"

If this trip goes well, the Demon Nest Pass will soon belong to the Shimen Chamber of Commerce, and it will be a good thing for them to make friends with such a number one person as He Lingchuan!

The Shimen Chamber of Commerce needs a chance to be proud.


The next day, news of the death of Gan Qing, the leader of the Gan Family Chamber of Commerce, spread in Wuze County, and people were talking in the streets.

Mrs. Mao and Mr. Gan were immersed in sadness and were unaware of it.

On the other hand, Mr. Gan's face became increasingly ugly as he listened to the increasingly outrageous rumors spread outside.

This group of untouchables actually spread rumors that he hired bandits to kill his eldest brother! The reason was that the eldest brother had a quarrel with him before setting off, and the servants heard him.

Why didn't they say that it was the kid who killed someone and took the money yesterday because he saw it?

Whether at home or on the street, everyone seems to be pointing fingers behind your back.

Gan Sanye had already been holding back his anger until his entourage revealed the new bad news:

The boy who followed Zhao Fu out of the Devil's Nest Swamp, the boy who embarrassed him for a while yesterday, successfully got his certificate yesterday!

Gan Sanye slammed the table and stood up: "What's going on? Didn't you say that kid can't hold it?"

The strength is too strong and my hands hurt.

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