After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 368 The rules of deduction

It turns out that looking at Panlong City from a third party’s perspective, this is what it looks like?

On the plateau, the shadowy ancient city?

But when he observed carefully again, he found that the ancient city actually gathered and dispersed from time to time. Sometimes it was clear, but most of the time it was very blurry, with only a rough outline.

He asked the mirror what was going on.

There is only one explanation for the mirror: "It is too big, and it has big difficulties. It requires an amazing amount of energy, so it is difficult to manifest. Furthermore, although this city of the undead is spectacular, it must not be perfect yet."


"Each soul town has its own rules to abide by. The more complete the rules, the more successful the soul town will be."

law? He Lingchuan recited these two words silently in his heart, and then asked it: "How can we complete the Soul Country?"

"Either it evolves slowly on its own or with the help of some external forces." Mirror said, "Like me, I want to learn from and learn from this city of the undead; then it must have a way to evolve itself."

Speaking of using external forces, He Lingchuan immediately thought of the sacred bone necklace that had been swallowed several times.

Either it is the cornerstone of the ancient immortal cave, it is the mysterious medicine, or it is the remnant of an ancient demon like Zhu Erniang.

In other words, the illusion of Panlong City in the square pot is also trying to improve the rules and evolve itself?

The mirror asked him again: "Do you often enter the City of the Dead?"

He Lingchuan nodded: "When you go to bed at night, you will enter the dreamland of the City of the Dead every now and then."

"Dream? Hahahahaha - I told you it was the land of souls, the land of souls!" The mirror couldn't stop laughing. If it could grow two hands, it would be pounding the table with laughter now. The countryside is like a dream! Ouch, do you want to laugh me to death?"

He Lingchuan grinned at it and cracked his knuckles twice.

After a few breaths.

"Normally, your dreams will have you as the main subject." Jing Jing said dullly, "You have been in the City of the Undead for so long, have you ever felt that it has you as the main subject?"

He Lingchuan thought for a while and shook his head.

I am just a part of it.

"But I can only go in when I'm asleep, why?"

"This is the law set by Soul Township. Usually, it wants to prevent other people from entering or snooping."

There are indeed many people who covet large square pots.

He Lingchuan had long wanted to ask: "Where is the Soul Country?"

"You know it from the name, right? The Soul Country is the habitat of those dead souls who are unwilling to die. Most of them are natural. Most of the dead souls living in the Soul Country do not know that they are dead and will continue to live as they did before they were alive. and doing things.”

It paused for a moment: "The soul land does not exist in reality, nor does it belong to Qingming. It is its own entity and can be regarded as a refuge for the dead. But in any case, it is not a dream! It has nothing to do with your absurd and stupid dream!"

He Lingchuan remembered that he had read a journal of strange things in Wenxuan Pavilion, which contained a story:

The traveler encounters a vicious wolf in the wilderness and escapes into a small town in the valley, escaping from the light. Life here is peaceful and peaceful, and everyone has a smile on their face. The enthusiastic townspeople not only helped him fight off the wolves, but also provided him with food and accommodation, and even a beautiful girl to talk to him.

The man fell asleep in a sweet dream. When he woke up the next day, he found that he was sleeping on a big rock. If he turned over twice more, he would fall into a crack in the ground. Surrounded by weeds and wild trees, how could there be any human habitation?

He quickly left the valley.

Later he learned that the volcano erupted there ten years ago, swallowing up the town at the foot of the mountain and killing more than a thousand people.

He didn't know what he had encountered, and no one would believe him if he told him.

Someone heard his story and went to the valley to look for him, but to no avail.

The "ghost town" never appeared again.

Now listening to what the mirror said, this person may have entered the natural soul land.

"The Soul Country is also divided into nature and acquired nature?"

"Occasionally, soul towns are formed between heaven and earth. It's mostly because too many people died in a short period of time, and resentment filled the sky; but this kind of soul towns are very unstable, and they might disappear silently one day." Mirror explained, " The soul town that appears the day after tomorrow will be different and more stable, but it needs a carrier."

The carrier of the mirror world is undoubtedly the mirror; so what about the carrier of Panlong City?

It should be a large square pot?

"Because of this, once the normalcy there is broken, the resentment of the undead will suddenly burst out."

The mirror then asked him, "Hey wait a minute, you also changed the cause and effect there?"

Of course He Lingchuan nodded. Reality and dreams have been split by him. Can the cause and effect remain unchanged?

Mirror exclaimed: "So how messed up are the laws of the City of the Undead, and why doesn't it collapse?"

"It's orderly inside, so it's okay." He Lingchuan said angrily, "It's almost the same as the real world. It's not like your mirror world, which is so awkward."

The mirror hummed twice: "The fact that it can be messed with by you without collapsing shows that it has a powerful source of energy. Oh, I'm so jealous. But at the same time, it also needs a stronger power of cause and effect. Otherwise, once it collapses, Even your soul is buried inside and you can’t get out, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He Lingchuan took its warning very seriously: "In other words, the greater my influence on the City of the Undead, the more powerful the power of cause and effect I need to find for it?"

"It's not accurate, but it's okay."

He Lingchuan nodded.

No wonder.

No wonder he stopped dreaming after the first two times, and had no dreams for a long time. It was not until the sacred bone necklace swallowed the cornerstone of the Immortal Cave that the real Panlong City was opened to him.

Alas, even though he knew the concept of Soul Country, he was still used to the name "Coiling Dragon Dreamland".

It turns out that Dafang Hu gained the power of cause and effect from the outside world, which helped Panlong Dreamland perfect more laws so that it could withstand the changes that He Lingchuan brought to the entire dream world.

The deeper he is embedded in the dream, the more activities he has, and of course the greater the impact on the dream. According to the mirror, the Soul Country should have remained unchanged, but because of him, Panlong's dream took on another dimension, which began to run counter to the real history.

This requires more and more powerful evolutionary power, otherwise it will not be able to run anymore, ranging from getting stuck to even crashing.

The warning from the mirror is no joke.

It seems that from now on, he will have to think carefully about what he likes about the divine bone necklace and do everything possible to get it.

In addition, the mirror also mentioned that the Panlong Illusion is likely to have a powerful energy source.

What's going on?

Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question.

He could only return to reality and look at the mirror: "Then besides fulfilling your duty of protecting the heart, what else do you do?"

It was not easy for him to deal with this mirror. Why didn't he find it useful after conquering it?

"I can also grow in size and use it as a shield, just like General You did in the past!" Mirror promoted himself, "After being damaged, as long as it is replenished in time, it can slowly repair itself."

"By the way, I also have mirror reflection. If other people's attacks fall on the mirror or shield, as long as they are not magical, I can counterattack some of the force."

"The effects of force are reciprocal, why do we need to mention it specifically? That's all, you are somewhat useful." He Lingchuan asked it, "Where did those evil ghosts who obeyed the instructions come from?"

"They are the lonely ghosts that I took in after I woke up. There are still three left." Mirror said, "This world is not much better than it was two hundred years ago. There are new dead ghosts wandering everywhere. If I don't take them in, They will disappear in a few days.”

He Lingchuan hummed.

"By the way, even if I turn into a shield, my ability to capture souls is still there." Mirror added, "If my opponent stares at me, he might become confused."

"Okay." He Lingchuan picked it up in his hand and tried it. As expected, the thing had grown bigger, from a round mirror to a round shield with a diameter of three feet. The surface was still bright enough to detect people, which made it easier to activate the soul-capturing ability. .

In fact, the volume becomes proportionally larger.

He Lingchuan waved it twice and felt that the quality and feel were quite satisfactory, and it was suitable for use as a one-handed shield. Now that his attack methods are becoming more and more abundant, he really needs one or two pieces of defensive equipment.

I have already purchased a shield in Panlong City, and now I have filled this gap in reality.

The only flaw is that there is an unsightly gap in the shield, which is the masterpiece of the Fusheng Sword.

"How can we mend this hole?"

"The more resentful souls I eat, the faster I can recover. Otherwise, I have to wait and repair it slowly." Jing Jing said, "If not, Xuan Jing will do, or Nightmare Qi will do."

"Nightmare Qi?" He Lingchuan heard a familiar term, as if he had heard it somewhere before?

Looking at his expression in the mirror, one knew that he knew nothing: "The spiritual energy of heaven and earth nourishes all things. Once it enters the body of a living being, it turns into nightmare energy, or nightmare force, which supports life, old age, illness, and death."

This statement is very simple, and He Lingchuan understands it instantly. For example, in his original world, everything needed sunlight to grow. Plants grew when exposed to sunlight. Cattle and sheep chewed plants to grow meat, which was eventually ingested by humans.

No matter how many circulation links and names there are, in the final analysis, it is "energy".

"Huh?" He finally remembered where he had heard this term: he and his father captured the enemy Xi Zuo in Xinhuang. The opponent claimed to be the disciple of the Shuangye Kingdom Master of the Bejia Kingdom, and was ordered to use the Dragon Punishment Pillar on the battlefield to collect Nightmare!

The nightmare energy collected by the Dragon Punishment Pillar was very strong, but the light it emitted could only be seen by the attendants and He Lingchuan.

The servant claimed to have had the "eyes of heaven" opened, and also said that the national master asked them to collect the nightmare energy and take it back in order to give him a good salvation and appease him.

"How did I hear that nightmare energy is the resentment, unwillingness and anger of the souls of the dead?"

The mirror chuckled: "Aha?"

"Hahahaha!" It laughed uncontrollably again, "Who the hell said that? It's really off the mark, it's so off the mark!"

He Lingchuan did not interrupt. Just when it was laughing vigorously, he said softly: "Shuangye National Master of Bejia Kingdom."

The mirror's laughter stopped abruptly.

"Is he the national advisor of Bega?"

It was silent for a moment and said weakly: "Maybe he has other intentions."

How could the dignified Imperial Master Bejia make such a low-level mistake?

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