After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 382 Imperial Liquid Ointment

At this time, the wind direction changed, and he swung the bamboo tube in his hand, releasing large plumes of yellow smoke.

This is a poisonous smoke specially made from wicker. It is very effective in repelling insects, birds and people. He Lingchuan had already obtained the formula, and he had made several copies in the past few days.

The purity of the formula he prepared is definitely not as good as others, but as long as it is 70% powerful, it can achieve the effect of paralyzing and injuring groups.

When the smoke is released, large pieces of birds and bats wilt on the net, unable to move even if they want to.

This speed and efficiency are much faster than throwing bamboo chops.

He Lingchuan and the three-headed mandrill picked them up and threw them away one by one.

After another hour, the first bucket of Emperor Ooze was finally full. He Lingchuan happily poured it into the container in the storage ring, emptying the bucket before filling it again.

In the second half of the night, the flow rate of Emperor's slurry increased significantly, and some of the slurry even had a little red thread.

He Lingchuan was tired, but just one lick would make him energized again.

He recalled Tianyan Sect Tian Shengzi's inference and realized that the mirror had not made any sound for a long time. As soon as I lowered my head, I saw that the cracks on the mirror surface had basically disappeared, and only the last thin crack was left to be as smooth as new.

A broken mirror can be reunited, and the efficacy of the Emperor's Liquid is evident.

"I want it!" The mirror screamed from the bottom of his soul, "I want more!"

He Lingchuan didn't bother to pay attention to its strange tune. In fact, he was so busy that he found that the number of invading birds and beasts had decreased. Probably because there were only so many inhabiting this area, and ordinary beasts couldn't get up, so he had to deal with it. The net howled.

Tonight, He Lingchuan actually dealt with seventeen or eight bird demons. These creatures were aroused by the emperor's liquid and became extremely manic. Their attacks were unorganized, making them easier to shoot down.

The sky in the east began to turn white, and the rainfall decreased significantly.

The restlessness in the mountains and forests has basically subsided.

After a night of rioting, everyone could no longer make a fuss.

This crazy, fulfilling and fruitful night is finally coming to an end.

He Lingchuan stretched his body and said, "Close the stall!"

Jing Jing asked curiously: "The emperor's liquid flow hasn't ended yet. Are you going to close the net now?"

The spiritual rain didn't stop, it just weakened. This guy made a lot of money tonight, how dare he not take Yu Yu seriously?

The total amount of imperial ooze from that episode half a year ago may not be equal to the spiritual rain in the next half hour.

He Lingchuan was very calm: "If I don't leave now, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave later."

The cultivators and monsters all collected the Emperor's Liquid for one night, and those who could bear not to swallow it would take it back for refining.

If we wait until the spiritual rain ends, there will definitely be many red-eyed robbers. After all, it may not be as convenient as grabbing something ready-made after working hard all night.

He Lingchuan was very sober: the monsters he dealt with tonight were all at the level of miscellaneous fish, and no big monsters appeared. The reason is probably that the big demons are also busy collecting spiritual rain on their own territory and have no time to plunder for the time being.

After the spiritual rain is over, it will be hard to say.

The Heart Guard also said: "The morning after the former emperor's liquid erupted was the beginning of the war."

He Lingchuan hummed and ordered the mandrills and eyeball spiders to take action and tighten their webs.

Sugarcane is not as sweet as both ends. He will have a good harvest tonight, so he should not think about earning the last drop of spiritual rain.

People who think they can make their last copper before leaving often lose all their coffins.

Of course it was best to run away now, but there were still a lot of emperor's dewdrops hanging on the cobwebs. He had to take back the storage ring before the sun came up, otherwise it would all be in vain.

He Lingchuan did not notice his progress.

He would never have thought this way before. Being able to resist all kinds of temptations, even the gift that all living beings desire, such as Emperor Liujian, is a manifestation of the strong Taoist heart. (confused)

Only by knowing how to choose and how to advance and retreat can one live a long life.

The net was only halfway closed, when suddenly something fell from a high altitude and landed on Xiapei, causing the spider web to sway.

He Lingchuan looked up and saw that it was a whole piece of natural Imperial Liquid Ointment, as big as a baby's fist!

After watching all night, I never saw such a giant thing. He was so happy that he went to pick it up.

However, there was a chaotic sound of breaking through the air immediately above.

The opponent also came.

He Lingchuan had been fighting on the spider web all night, and he had already gained some experience. At this time, he grabbed the mandrill beside him and threw it up. Without raising his head, he was like a hungry tiger pouncing on the piece of Emperor's Ointment.

With the green rabbit jade pendant he got from Tu Zhongli, his Swallow Turning Technique was faster than before, and he also relied on the elasticity of the spider web. The enemy in the sky only saw an afterimage flash by, and the piece of Imperial Liquid Ointment was picked up.

They squealed in anger.

He Lingchuan turned around during his busy schedule and saw a large group of white-fronted crows.

This crow has a white spot in the middle of its forehead that looks like a third eye. Three or four of them are obviously two times larger than their companions, and they are obviously monsters.

When they pounced down, they were blocked by the mandrill and circled around to continue attacking He Lingchuan. The protruding claw tip has a hook that is more than an inch long, which is enough to disembowel someone.

He Lingchuan's sharp eyes saw clearly that there were blood stains on the hook tips of several crow demons, and he didn't know what he had just caught.

But this kind of creature likes to plunder by nature, and when it saw the emperor's liquid, it pounced desperately, and two of them pecked He Lingchuan's eyes directly.

He Lingchuan laughed angrily at these things and cut off three crows with a backhand slash.

The farthest end, which was still four feet away from him, was also split in half by the air, and the cobwebs were covered in blood.

"Bah." The imperial slurry on the net has been polluted, and it will take a lot of work to separate it out.

The death of their companion did not scare off the group of crows. In the blink of an eye, four or five more crows attacked. They even knew how to divide their labors. Some crows pecked He Lingchuan's face, while the other crows grabbed his fingers and tried to snatch the ring away.

These things are quite intelligent.

The wind direction is just right. He Lingchuan casually took out a pot of strong wine, took a big sip, took out the fire stick and pointed it at the crowd of crows, and blew out a puff of fire!

At this moment, six or seven crows were on fire, flying around in fear.

He Lingchuan killed them calmly, with feathers flying, and the number of crows was reduced to only four or five.

Only then did they wake up and quickly fly high. One of them uttered human words: "You dare to steal my things and kill my people! Just wait, we will make you cramp and eat your flesh!"

He Lingchuan raised his hand and struck with bamboo chopsticks.

The monster quickly got out of the way and flew into the sky with the rest of the crowd, screaming and flying away.

It turns out that monsters also know how to shout a few words before leaving? He Lingchuan shook his head. However, the appearance of these things also shows that his idea is correct and it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

The trophy he just received gave him an unexpected surprise.

This was the first time for He Lingchuan to see lumpy imperial liquid. This thing is in the shape of jelly, and it can tremble when shaken, but the texture is opaque and the color is uneven. It is light yellow with wisps of dark red, just like blood stains.

It also exuded a strange fragrance that was several times stronger than the ordinary Emperor's liquid. He Lingchuan did not dare to get close to smell it, lest he lose his mind and swallow it in one gulp.

He didn't want to think about his endurance and quickly put it in the storage ring.

There are more than ten people guarding the valley ten miles away. The trees here have been cut down, and a large open space has been temporarily opened up, which is covered with palm leaves.

This kind of blade is like a pleated fan that is magnified seven or eight times. It can be placed on the open ground to contain the emperor's slurry. Finally, it is very easy to collect and bottle it. You only need to fold the blade and the slurry will naturally flow into the bottle.

Everyone stood around the clearing and waited. The leader was a young man in black, sitting on a tree with one leg straight and one leg dangling, very leisurely.

In half an hour at most, the rain of liquid should stop, right?

Just as he stretched, several crows suddenly flew above him, shouting as they flew:

"There is still a lot of Emperor Ouyang in Sanxin Lake!"

"A large piece of Imperial Liquid Ointment appeared in Sanxin Lake!"

Everyone moved their hands, but the crow did not stop and flew away with a loud cry.

The young man in black looked at their backs and said, "It seems that these ghosts were destroyed in Sanxin Lake."

Otherwise, why don't the crows just keep it to themselves, instead of spreading the word?

Of course, he also saw that two of the wings were charred black, as if they had been roasted by fire.

"Young Master, shall we go to Sanxin Lake?"

"Why are you so anxious?" The young man in black looked east. "The crow is howling so loudly. We must not be the only ones hearing it. Let others go and find out first."

In fact, they are not too close to Sanxin Lake. Even if they rush there at this time, they may be ranked first. So it is better to take the last drop of Emperor's Ouyang here and then go over to join in the fun and see if they can catch the autumn breeze. .

Once everyone heard this, they guarded the open space with peace of mind.

Three miles east of Sanxin Lake, two tigers were lying on a boulder licking the dew on their fur. Suddenly they heard a crow shouting above them.

The two tigers moved their ears, looked at each other, climbed up and jumped off the boulder, disappearing into the jungle in an instant.

As the crow flies farther and farther, more and more humans/monsters receive this message.

He Lingchuan was winding up the big net when the protective mirror suddenly said:

"There is a crow sitting on the treetops in the west, always staring at you."

He glanced in that direction, and sure enough he saw a white-fronted crow sitting on an old pine fifteen feet away, silent and silent, like a statue, just staring straight at him.

This is a stalker.

He made a gesture to get the bow and arrow, and the thing immediately got into the canopy of the tree.

"This thing is very vengeful and won't let it go." He Lingchuan thought of the group of crows that were slaughtering villages and eating people when the troops were marching north to Xiazhou. If he wanted to return to Fu Feng City safely, he had to find a way to get rid of these things.

They had just put away the Xiapei big net when the cry of a mandrill suddenly came from not far away.

The voice was shrill and ghostly, and it was still scary to listen to during the day.

He Lingchuan's heart tightened. The mandrill sent to the outskirts called the police, indicating that a creature was approaching quickly!

He flew down from the big tree, mounted his horse and walked back. But the crow on the pine tree flapped its wings and flew up, shouting as it flew:

"Here, ah, Emperor Liujian is here!"

The voice was thick and loud, but it still carried far.

He Lingchuan really wanted to shoot it down with one arrow.

But this thing is very clever. It is dozens of feet above the ground and always hovers behind the treetops, making it difficult to shoot down.

The relatives and friends around me and the book fans in the group all became positive one after another.

I'm still hanging on.

It looks like we are about to enter the finals, and I hope I can make it to the end.

Everyone, take precautions, especially if you have children and young people at home, and don’t expect to be “asymptomatic”.

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