After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 399 The disappearing divine wind

After entering, the cliffs on both sides cut off the direction of the mountain wind, and the wind force dropped sharply.

Then Master Shi Er gasped and said: "Outside, that platform outside is the wind channel of the divine wind. It's not that big now. Every time at midnight or noon, the strong wind is better than a bone-scraping steel knife, directly harvesting human lives."

He Lingchuan wondered: "But I see that there is a stone wall foundation left on the platform, which should be the remains of the building."

When building a building at a high place, you must first build a base as a fixed support. He Lingchuan didn't have time to take a closer look, but he only knew that the stone bases were very large, which showed that most of the buildings here were magnificent in the past.

"Isn't the Feng Mo the monster they raised?" Master Shi Er explained, "With the help of the Feng Mo, what's the big deal about them building a building here? I was here when Feng Mo was young, and there were several monuments erected on the platform. . It’s a pity that the inscriptions have been smoothed by the wind and snow, making it difficult to see clearly. By the way, there are also two sculptures of the Wind Lion God. They are carved directly on the stone mountain and will not be blown down."

When the wind is weak, standing on that platform overlooking the snowy field, you must have the pride of seeing all the small mountains, right?

Others see the sun shining on the Golden Summit, but you are on the Golden Summit.

He Lingchuan followed Master Shi Er into the mountain road, only to find that the huge mountain wall blocked all the wind and snow, so there was only a small breeze blowing on his face behind the wall, which was as soft as a finger compared to the violent and cold weather outside.

When he got here, He Lingchuan couldn't help but let out an ooh.

This Feng Mo Mountain really should be renamed Lotus Peak. In fact, the top of the mountain is basically in the shape of a lotus bud. A dozen huge rock walls like lotus petals block the hollow mountain belly, and there are very few snowflakes falling from above.

This huge mountain belly may have been half-empty to begin with, but the ancient immortals must have used their hands and feet to carve it out according to the situation, and dug it down more than 200 feet. It looks like layers of terraces.

Well, maybe they did open up terraces here, because He Lingchuan also saw traces of winding waterways, which were all dug manually, with ditches and canals.

I think back then, this place might have been green with clear springs surrounding the fields.

The mountain road winds on the strange rock cliffs, and there are foundations left by buildings everywhere. He Lingchuan saw that the largest white jade beam was seven feet long (twenty-one meters) long. Even several people could not surround it. It rolled down from nowhere and got stuck on the rocks.

It should have been installed on the roof of some palace. But with today's manpower, it is simply impossible to hoist it to such a steep mountain.

It can be seen that there were once buildings built here according to the mountains, some high on the cliffs, some located in the countryside, and they were well-proportioned and unique.

In their heyday, they may truly be regarded as beautiful buildings and castles in the air.

But now, not even a single piece of wood is left.

He Lingchuan stroked the mountain wall and suddenly said: "There were plants here. It should have been a warm place."

Where moss has grown over the years, it will leave traces of pale white and green dots, which are difficult to remove unless they are shaved off. This mountain wall has such traces.

The Heart Guard also said: "There must have been a barrier in this place!"

Even if the Piaomiao Sect tamed the wind demon for its own use, it would still have to use a barrier to withstand the cold and wind and snow, and prop up a greenhouse so that plants can grow freely here. Who doesn't yearn for warmth? Even an immortal would not like to stay in a place with severe cold all year round.

There are mountains, water, houses and fields, and the Taoyuan in the heart of the mountains is isolated from the world.

Conquering the heavens with human power can only be achieved by the immortals in the ancient times. Standing here today, people can only daydream about the grandeur of the Immortal Family and lament the vicissitudes of life.

Head Shi Er shrugged: "After the spiritual energy weakened, the sect also moved to the plains. Some people came to see it and said that these are relics from before the middle Middle Ages."

If you want to live somewhere otherworldly, you have to pay the price.

When you can't afford it, you have to move out.

He Lingchuan couldn't help but ask: "Why do they have to live in a lonely place and endure the wind, snow and cold?"

"See those terraced fields? Do you think they will grow wheat and beans like ordinary people?" Gu Xinjing is a good teacher, "They are planting spiritual fields, and what grows in the fields are all natural materials and treasures! In ancient times, most of the caves were blessed places. It is located on a high mountain. The richer and purer the spiritual energy is, the better the elixir you can grow."

"So that's it." The custom of relying on the people and taking advantage of them has not changed since ancient times. "Then the children of the Immortal family are just more advanced farmers, aren't they?"

Farmers grow crops and immortals cultivate spiritual fields. Is there any difference?

The mirror couldn't refute for a moment: "You can do it, you're right."

He Lingchuan encountered something at his feet and squatted down to look at it: "There is another sculpture here."

The sculpture, which rolled down from nowhere, is four feet high and has a broken bottom. He Lingchuan turned it over and cleaned off the sand and snow on it.

The sculpture is of a lion's head and body, but not in a lying position, but in a standing position.

From top to bottom, the whole body is a cylinder, with both hands placed neatly beside the body, which actually looks a bit cute.

"This is the Wind Lion God, a custom passed down from the Miao Miao Sect. To this day, villages and towns on the Gale Tundra often place Wind Lion Gods to drive away wind and calm evil spirits." Master Shi Er pointed to the terraces and said, "Look, Often seen around fields and buildings.”

This is indeed the case. There are always sculptures of the Wind Lion God in the fields and near the base of buildings, some standing upright and some squatting. Some of them were placed on the ground at first glance, and some should have been originally sitting on the roof.

And they usually come in pairs, one big and one small.

"After the demise of the Piaomiao Sect, there were still people who came here specifically to steal the Wind Lions and put them back for display, and sometimes sold them for high prices. I've seen them in the market before, and they were only as big as a palm." Master Shi Er patted the snow on his hat. , "Oh, all the little ones have been carried away, leaving only the big ones who can't be carried."

He Lingchuan focused on the large hole in the mountain. As mentioned before, there is a gap in this mountain. There is a huge stone crevice that seems to run from the belly of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. The widest opening is up to one foot, like a monster's mouth. It is enough to stuff a few He Lingchuan into it. .

"Look at this." Master Shi Er grabbed a stone larger than his fist and threw it towards the crack in the stone.

Click, click, click, the stone rolled into the crack, making no sound.

There was not even a sound of landing, which showed how deep the cracks in the stone were.

"Huh?" Master Shi Er was a little surprised and threw another stone down, but it was still the same. "How is this going?"

"What are you performing?"

"It stands to reason that if the stone falls right above the crack, it will stop falling down. The wind blowing from below will hold it up and make it roll in place.

He pointed to the crack in the ground and said: "This is where the Ziwu Divine Wind comes from. Every hour, the wind coming out of the crack will increase, reaching its peak at Zi and Wu respectively, and then blowing outside through the holes in the stone wall. , and did not stay at the heart of the mountain."

"I don't know why, but there was no wind this time when the rocks were thrown. I've thrown them twice before, and it was clear that there was wind."

He Lingchuan raised his head and looked at the entire mountain peak. It seemed that the wind path had been planned from the beginning.

"It is said that the founder of Piaomiao Peak established a sect here only after he tamed the wind demon. With the wind demon protecting him, it is difficult for others to attack."

He Lingchuan nodded: "The Treasure Tree King must defeat the Wind Demon before he can capture the entire tundra."

He felt a little disappointed. It seems that this ruins has survived the wind and snow for hundreds of years, received countless tourists, and left nothing useful.

As soon as this thought came to my mind, my chest felt warm.

He couldn't help but be overjoyed:

Did you find the treasure of the divine bone necklace here?

He Lingchuan walked around the ruins, judging the location of the so-called "treasure" based on the heat of the necklace.

From the perspective of Master Shi Er, he was just wandering around. Most people who come to the Piaomiao Sect ruins for the first time are like this.

However, He Lingchuan's face became more and more serious, because he had discovered that the closer to the wide crack in the ground, the lower the heat of the necklace.

It wasn't until he went down and stood on the edge of the crack in the ground that his divine bones became closer to normal.

Isn't this a scam?

He Lingchuan kicked a few more stones into the cracks in the ground, but still didn't hear any echo for a long time.


And does the divine bone necklace require him to jump in like this?

Does this guy want to change its owner?

When Master Shi Er saw him standing on the edge of the crack in the ground, he quickly reminded him: "Brother He, be careful. If you fall in, you will lose your body."

He Lingchuan reached out and brushed the seams in the ground a few times, then suddenly said: "You said, it's usually windy here?"

"Yes." Master Shi Er grunted, "The closer to midnight, the stronger the wind. You see, it is almost noon, and the entire ruins and the entire mountain should have strong winds." Not like now, just a breeze.

But He Lingchuan couldn't feel the wind coming from the cracks in the ground.

The air here seems to be frozen.

Where has the perennial wind gone?

Something is very wrong. Even if there is no Ziwu Kamikaze here, due to the temperature difference, wind should normally come out of the cracks in the ground.

Even if it is an underground cave, it is a summer resort with cool breeze blowing all year round.

He just suspected that someone was plotting against the escort team here. Was the entrance and exit of Ziwu Kamikaze unusual?

Is it just a coincidence, or does it fit the old saying:

If something goes wrong, there must be...a demon?

He originally thought that if the people behind the scenes launched an attack on the escort team, they might find a way to knock down the rocks above the official road, causing the rocks to collapse. After all, this is the most effective way to win more with less, not to mention those people have already used it once in Pingshan, so they should be familiar with it again this time.

As for Feng Mo Mountain, He Lingchuan originally thought it was just an observation base.

After all, this dangerous peak is not connected to the winding mountain official road opposite, and there is a bottomless abyss between them. The people behind the scenes should not be able to launch an attack from here.

But after seeing the abnormality in the cracks in the ground, he felt that his estimate seemed to be wrong.

The excessively calm cracks in the ground, the traceless wind, the former habitat of the wind demon, the heated divine bones...

An impossible answer emerged from the bottom of He Lingchuan's heart.

Is there something down here that sucks the wind away?

He ignored the heating reminder of the divine bone necklace and suddenly said to Master Shi Er: "Go to the sheep!"

"Ah? Oh." Master Shi Er had just stretched out his hand when He Lingchuan lifted him into the back seat, and the blue sheep spread its hooves and ran to higher ground.

Happy New Year! I received messages from everyone backstage, it was the first time there were so many.

Very touched.

Vision for 2023: Live well and write books well.

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